April 2021 - Lowongan Kerja LSM NGO

Jumat, 30 April 2021

[newdevjobsindo] Revised: Consultant for Developing Policy and Planning Guidance for Government and Business to Scale CSS_Closing 21 May 2021

Working in 30+ countries globally, Conservation International (CI) Foundation is a non-profit organization committed to empowering societies to responsibly and sustainably care for nature for the good of humanity. We are constantly growing and expanding into areas new and old. We are currently looking to fill the following work:

CONSULTANT (Institution)

Developing Policy and Planning Guidance for Government and Business to Scale Climate Smart Shrimp in Indonesia

(code: CSS Policy Analysis)



We propose to understand in detail the policy landscape within Indonesia with regard to the adoption of the Climate Smart Shrimp (CSS) approach. This assessment will provide guidance for governmental agencies in policy reform as well as for engagement with businesses to accelerate adoption of Climate Smart Shrimp.


Background on Climate Smart Shrimp:


Years of inadequate management of the aquaculture sector have degraded the coastline and left communities vulnerable to climate impacts such as coastal storm surge and sea level rise. Accessing shrimp aquaculture as a sustained partner in mangrove restoration will increase funding for restoration, make parcels for coastal restoration available, while also expanding the number and diversity of stakeholders conserving, protecting, and rebuilding natural infrastructure at scale. 

CSS is a novel approach that incentivizes mangrove restoration while also increasing the amount of shrimp a farm can produce. By applying this model, shrimp farmers, government agencies, local communities, and other stakeholders work together to sustainably intensify production in a portion of a farm's ponds in exchange for restoring mangroves on the remaining ponds. Starting in 2021, CI and partners are piloting this approach at a site in Indonesia


Why a legal and policy analysis is required:


In Indonesia, aquaculture sector planning and management are decentralized activities, legislated through the Indonesian Law No. 22/1999 & Law No. 32/2004 ('Decentralization Law'). The Decentralization Law devolves near-shore management of marine and coastal resources to provincial and district governments. This means that provincial governments promote, support and control aquaculture in a variety of ways, often with little use of detailed scientific evidence and without the tools to deliver their role effectively.

At the same time, there are national decrees that drive how the aquaculture sector and mangrove restoration are regulated.

·       Increasing shrimp production: The national government, c/q Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, has prioritized increasing shrimp production and export value by 250 percent by 2024 in the national strategic plan. 

·       Increasing mangrove restoration: Indonesia has a targeted to rehabilitate 600,000 Ha of degraded mangrove area in nine (9) provinces by 2024, as stated in Regulation No. 120/2020.  The activities will be conducted by new agency that was established by the President, namely the Peat and Mangrove Restoration Agency (BRGM).  Accelerating mangrove rehabilitation during and post pandemic of Covid-19 is essentially an effort to create new job opportunities at the community level while restoring degraded mangroves.

·       Increasing mangrove restoration: The Minister of Coordinating Ministry of Maritime and Investment planned to rehabilitate 150,000 Ha in critical mangrove area, including areas prone to tsunamis and abrasion and areas near ports. 

·       Stopping deforestation: Mangrove deforestation was restricted with Regulation No. 41/1999 on Forestry, which prohibits to cutting mangroves in the area between highest and lowest tide.

·       Shrimp farming without deforestation: The government, c/q Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, orders that shrimp programs will continue in existing ponds without development in new areas and deforestation of mangroves.

There are a number of opportunity windows that make the next 6 months to 2 years of engagement in Indonesia timely.  A detailed review of the current policy landscape and regulatory structures (both governmental and non-governmental) that shape aquaculture management and governance in Indonesia is critical.  This assessment will help identify systemic challenges and upcoming opportunities for the implementation of Climate Smart Shrimp across Indonesia.



A thorough policy and regulatory environment analysis will be conducted to develop a baseline understanding of aquaculture and mangrove governance in Indonesia including a historical perspective, current status, and future goals for the industry. Specifically, we propose the review address the following:

·       Aquaculture

o    Governance structure in Indonesia as it relates to aquaculture management; specifically, as it relates to planning and the roles of national, provincial, and district governments.

o    Benchmark the success of Climate Smart Shrimp (CSS) or green, gray infrastructure applications from other countries

o    Identify current national policy goals for shrimp culture (farming) (e.g. growth, sustainable intensification)

o    Highlight non-governmental regulatory structures relevant to shrimp culture planning and management (e.g. traditional land tenure, producer associations and/or cooperatives, import/export laws)

o    Permitting compliance and enforcement as it relates to environmental performance, land use, etc.

·       Mangrove restoration

o    Governance structure in Indonesia as it relates to mangrove restoration and management; specifically, as it relates to planning and the roles of national, provincial, and district governments

o    Identify current national policy goals for restoration (e.g. mangrove restoration, zero deforestation)

o    Identify land tenure options for restored mangroves (e.g. conservation easements, land transfer, essential ecosystem areas)

o    Highlight non-governmental regulatory structures relevant to restoration (e.g. carbon credits, payment for ecosystem services schemes)

·       Governance

o    Identify where and how agencies that govern shrimp culture and mangrove restoration interact, especially when priorities conflict with one another (e.g. who gets priority, which locations, etc.)

o    Assess target and non-target restoration areas that can be potentially used for CSS (e.g. potential CSS in 9 target provinces, roles of private companies, roles of communities (shrimp farmers), types of land tenures, obstacles, required policy framework, business opportunity).



The assessment will be written as a report to CI, including specific policy memos targeted to the Coordinating ministries of Maritime and Investment, Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, and National Planning Agency.

The report will be delivered in several steps, including an interim report for CI review, a draft final report for CI review, and a final report.


Conservation International seeks for this work to be completed by August 31st, 2021.  The timeline of the works as follow:


June 15th         : signing the contract

June 21-24th    : organize Focus Group Discussion (FGD) at national level with related ministries

June 29-30the   : FGD at region level, including representative office from provincial level

July 5   : preliminary report due to CI

July 5-8th         : preliminary report meeting

July 19-21st      : national workshop with related ministries and representative's region and provincial officers

August 15th      : draft final report due to CI

August 23rd      : final report meeting

August 27th      : final report due to CI

August 31st      : handover assessment result to CI Indonesia


The minimum requirement of the consultant to organize this activity are:

·       Expert  in policy and regulatory environment analysis, especially aquaculture, and mangrove restoration and governance, and familiarity with the issues of climate change adaption.

·       Experience leading policy and program analysis/evaluation techniques to assess the effectiveness of new/changed policies and program, and to provide recommendations on policy and program change.

·       Experience to design and conducting primary research including survey, interviews, focus group discussion, and another research methods.

·        Experience working with local and national policy makers on fisheries.  Expert to identify the gaps and opportunity for development of new policies on fisheries, specifically on aquaculture.

·       The team members minimum consists of:

-          advance degreed on marine and fisheries policy/public policy/related field study advance degree on aquaculture or fisheries




Terms of payment

Payment will be based on service provision and is subject to the prior production of an original invoice; advance payment can generally not be granted. We reserve the right to not accept expenditure beyond the agreed budget or whose supporting documentation is not in accordance with our procedures, and to suspend payments in the absence of appropriate deliverables.



Potential candidates should submit a proposal in PDF file with the following details:

1.    Submittal Cover - with title, submittal date, name, address, telephone numbers, and email address of the principal contact;

2.    Statement of Understanding and Methodology - that demonstrates the respondents understanding of the services required, including a preliminary outline/table of contents of the final report;

3.    Experience with Policy Analysis – describe relevant project experience in region, as related to the scope of work. Provide a list of successfully completed projects that are underway by the respondent and that are closely related to the scope of work.  Project examples shall include the name(s), email(s), and telephone number(s) of the respondent's project manager and the client's project manager.

4.    Project Personnel – identify the contact person with primary responsibility for the analysis.  The persons listed will be considered committed to the project with no substitutions without prior agreement with CI.  A resume for each professional person assigned to the project shall be submitted.

5.    Organization Chart – with the names of all key personnel with titles and their specific task assignment for this contract.

6.    Fee Schedule – list the firm's standard charges for personnel and design services provided in a separate PDF document.


Please send your documents required on Point G in .PDF to:



And also, please send your Sealed Envelope contain documents required on Point G to :

Human Resources Department

Up. Ibu Aminah Sadio

Conservation International Indonesia

Jl. Pejaten Barat Raya No.16A, RT.1/RW.10,

Ragunan, Kec. Ps. Minggu, Jakarta Selatan, 12550



Please fill the "subject" column of the e-mail with this format:

< CSS Policy Analysis > - < Name >

 Your sealed envelope must be received by us by May 21, 2021 at 17.00WIB

 (Only short-listed candidates wilbe notified).


For more information about CI, please visiour web:

Indonesia.conservation.org // www.conservation.org

[newdevjobsindo] HSI: Consultant for Facilitating and Coordinating Local Multi-Stakeholder Forum on Food System in Makassar City, South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia

Yayasan Humanis dan Inovasi Sosial is an Indonesian organization affiliated with Hivos, born out of an active collaboration between Netherlands based Hivos and several like-minded Indonesian academics and civil society leaders who subscribe to the values and mission of Hivos. The purpose is to promote humanist values in the social, health, and cultural fields which is defined in terms of the ability for each individual to assess and decide independently and responsibly, the right to freedom, dignity and a passion to create a just and tolerant society.

Yayasan Humanis seeks qualified candidates for the position of:

Title :  Consultant for Facilitating and Coordinating Local Multi-Stakeholder Forum on Food System in Makassar City, South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia
Duty Station :  Makassar, Indonesia
Report to :  Project Manager – Local Harvest
Duration :  8 months (maximum 16 days)

The SWITCH Asia Local Harvest project: Promoting sustainable and equitable consumption and local food systems in Indonesia is supported by the European Union and implemented by  partners:the AMAN (Aliansi Masyarakat Adat Nusantara), ASPPUK (Asosiasi Pendamping Perempuan Usaha Kecil), NTFP-EP (Non Timber Forest Product-Exchange Program) Indonesia and Yayasan WWF Indonesia.  The project is implemented in 8 provinces (14 districts) and 5 cities in Indonesia over a period of four (4) years commencing March 1, 2018.

The specific objective of the project is to stimulate a significant shift in consumption patterns towards sustainable and ethically sourced food products in Indonesia through increased knowledge and awareness of consumers about the impacts of their food choices; increased capacities of food MSMEs and producers - including women and indigenous people - to penetrate markets; and a favourable policy environment for uptake of Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) practices in the food sector. One of the result areas of the project includes support and adoption from national and local governments on policies and guidelines to promote SCP of green, healthy, fair and local food products. 

As part of the project implementation, multi stakeholder forums/platforms on food system will be established in five cities – Jakarta (national level), Bandung, Makassar, Medan and Yogyakarta. The local multi-stakeholder platform will include, but not limited to, government agencies, producer representative, SMEs and retailers, academics, CSOs and consumer representatives, who will share experiences and discuss potential synergy in promoting sustainable consumption and production in the food system.  The local platform will be part of the multi stakeholder platform on food system at thhe national level that initiated by the project in collaboration with BAPPENAS. The key output from the platform is a joint agenda for policies and actions on the promotion of SCP for local food products (strategy paper). 

Scope of work

The consultant is expected to:
1. Organize and facilitate a series of workshop/ discussions with key stakeholders for the establishment of the platform in Makassar 
2. Develop a strategy paper that consisted of issues, strategy and a joint agenda for policy and actions in promoting SCP in local food system based on workshops result and discussion with key stakeholders
3. Review the project documents and other documents related to the relevant local SDGs target (SDGs 2 & 12) and collect relevant information from reliable sources
4. Discuss with Yayasan, implementing partners, allies, consultants, and other relevant stakeholders i.e. government for developing strategy and plan for the establishment of the multi-stakeholder platforms.
5. Provides support on the establishment/formalization of the multi-stakeholder platform, including recommendation on how the platform can be managed effectively through:
a. Collaboration with existing city-level multi-stakeholder platforms/fora/committees on SCP of food and urban food system (if any). This includes any Local Food Security Agency and/or Council (Badan Ketahanan Pangan Daerah atau Dewan Ketahanan Pangan Daerah) or similar institution.
b. Collaboration with existing multi-stakeholder platforms/fora/committees that do not (yet) discuss about SCP of food but could potentially be enriched with SCP agenda, and provide assessment of their members, agenda, processes, functioning and results so far. For example: regional level SDG forums.

The assignment will be completed within 8 months from the date of the signing of the contract with a maximum of 16 working days..

- A concise report on series of workshop (including milestones) for developing a local multi stakeholder platform on food system in Makassar
- A strategy paper (including road map) on food system in Makassar based on the workshops and discussion with the key stakeholders to be distributed to the relevant government agencies and key stakeholders, and recommendation for establishing / formalizing the platform
All reports (in Bahasa Indonesia and English) should be submitted in electronic version in relevant Microsoft Office format.

Key Qualifications

The consultant or team of consultants should:
Have extensive experience in facilitating local multistakeholder platforms/forums
Have experience working with CSOs and local governments
Have familiarity in lobby and advocacy processes and experience and working on lobby and advocacy activities in various levels of policymaking
Have ample knowledge and experience working in the issues related to local food system
Have the ability to draw upon a range of inputs from existing contacts, data and professional experience, and synthesize the findings into a readable and practical narrative.
Preferably based in Makasar and has a relevant and extensive contacts and network

How to apply:
A proposal including the work plan and budget, with CV and cover letter, should be addressed to:
hr@hsi.foundation and jtheresya@hivos.org with email subject "Consultant for Facilitating Local Multi-stakeholder Platform in Makassar"
Deadline for submission of proposal is May 9, 2021. 
Only shortlisted candidates will be notified.

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