Juli 2021 - Lowongan Kerja LSM NGO

Jumat, 30 Juli 2021

[newdevjobsindo] William & Lily Foundation seeks external consultant(s) for Mekarya project final evaluation

Terms of Reference 

Independent External Final Evaluation  


Project Title 

: Business Development Support to Salt Farmers in Amed, Bali 

  (Mekarya Project) 


: William & Lily Foundation 

Project Period 

: 30 October 2019 – 31 December 2021  

Evaluation Period 

: September 2021 – November 2021 


Introduction & Rationale for Evaluation 

The William & Lily Foundation (WLF) is an Indonesian-based philanthropic foundation established in 2009 as an outgrowth of the philanthropic legacy of William and Lily Soeryadjaya. As an active grant-making foundation, WLF works closely with implementation partners on four focus areas: education, health, economic empowerment and enabling environment. WLF is committed to impactful and responsible interventions in its efforts to empower underprivileged communities across Indonesia. Although the scope of WLF philanthropic endeavours is countrywide, its current geographical focus centres on eastern Indonesia, particularly on the island of Sumba and Bali. 

In October 2019, WLF formed a partnership with Platform Usaha Sosial (Plus) in implementing a two-year project entitled Business Development Support to Salt Farmers in Amed, Bali. This project is called Mekarya, which aims to provide capacity building assistance to the salt farmers community ("MPIG") in Amed by achieving the following outcomes: 1) improved MPIG capacity to run better business practices; and 2) MPIG has a stronger pipeline in establishing business partnerships.  

The Mekarya project's interventions include providing one-on-one business coaching assistance to the management team of Amed Salt Farming Cooperative (also called MPIG Garam Amed) to improve their business literacy and skillset, and to design tools for their operations (such as for marketing and business processes) that can be used by the management team moving forward. Project's beneficiaries are mainly members of MPIG Garam Amed. The project also collaborates intensively with key stakeholders, such as village government, civil society organizations and government institutions at district and provincial level (i.e., BPOM, Tourism office, Industry and commerce Office, Cooperative offices, etc).  

As this project is nearing completion, WLF plans to conduct a comprehensive final evaluation that will provide a 360 degree outlook not only on project performance measured against its intended outcomes, but also on the effectiveness of project management and implementation process, the appropriateness of chosen interventions, as well as to evaluate whether this project has applied the value for money principal. As per WLF's policy, this project is subject to external independent evaluation. WLF is therefore seeking individual or a team of evaluators to conduct this evaluation  


Purpose, Scope and Users of Evaluation 

The first objective of this independent evaluation is to provide a comprehensive evaluation on the project management and implementation process performed by the implementing partner, in this case Platform Usaha Sosial (PLUS); particularly on how the project was able to meet the agreed upon project objectives, outcomes and outputs, as well as to evaluate whether the project has been carried out in a cost-efficient manner. The second objective is to analyse and document the challenges faced, lessons learned and, if any, best practices produced. Last but not least, this evaluation also aims to understand the efficiency and effectiveness of the grants and technical support WLF provided to the implementing partner during the lifetime of the project.  

The evaluation will cover the project's various components (such as the expected outcomes, outputs, and activities) as reflected in the project document as well as subsequent modification and alterations made during its implementation. As a key objective of this project has been to build sustainability for MPIG's business operations, this evaluation is also expected to cover the effectiveness of MPIG's marketing strategies and partnerships with other parties as well as the strengthened institutional legal aspects. The main user of findings and recommendations from this evaluation will be the William and Lily Foundation. Other potential users may include but not limited to the Foundation's implementing partners and relevant stakeholders as necessary. 



The evaluation will be based on a participatory approach, involving a wide range of selected key stakeholders. The evaluation will use both primary and secondary data sources for probing the progress and for generating evidence in support of the findings. Overall, the evaluation approach should refer to OECD-DAC criteria (considering factors such as relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability and impact). To the extent possible, quantitative and qualitative data will be collected, validated, triangulated and analysed. The evaluation process will include desk reviews, interviews and observation. The proposed methodology is not fixed, however, and can be adjusted by the Evaluator if considered necessary, in accordance with the scope and purpose of the evaluation and in consultation with the WLF team.  


Evaluation Criteria and Suggested Questions 

The Project will be evaluated against criteria such as its relevance to organization mission and objectives of organization, the validity of project design, project effectiveness, the efficiency of resource use, the impact orientation and sustainability. To summarize, the external independent evaluation should address the following key questions:  

    1. Relevance and value to organization strategy and mission statement 
  • To what extent does the project design take into account the needs of beneficiaries and stakeholders? 
  • To what extent does the project design align with WLF's mission and objectives?  

2.          Validity and relevance of design 

  • Are the planned project objective, outcomes, outputs and activities aligned? 

3.          Project achievements and effectiveness 

  • To what extent has the project achieved their stated objectives? 
  • What are the main factors – internal to the project and external – that have hindered the project's ability to reach the desired results thus far?  

4.          Efficiency of resource use 

  • To what extent have technical and administrative support been sufficient and adequate to meet project objectives? 

5.          Effectiveness of grant management; and 

  • To what extent have the WLF grant management support been adequate to meet project objectives? 

6.          Impact orientation and sustainability in relevance to the target community 

  • To what extent are planned results of the project likely to be sustained and/or scaled up and replicated by stakeholders? 
  • What further concrete steps could be taken to increase the sustainability of the results? 


Evaluator's Responsibilities and Deliverables 

1.     Key Responsibilities 

  • The design, planning and implementation of the evaluation and the write-up of the evaluation report, using an approach agreed by WLF and for delivering in accordance with the WLF's specifications and timeline 
  • Consulting and liaising, as required, with WLF, stakeholders and partners to ensure satisfactory delivery of all deliverables 
  • Making herself/himself available, if required, to take part in briefings and discussions, online or other venue, on dates to be agreed 


2.     Key Deliverables 

  • Inception Report with Methodology  

    The inception report should detail the evaluator's understanding of what is being evaluated and why, showing how each evaluation question will be answered by way of: proposed methods; proposed sources of data; and data collection procedures. The inception report should also include an evaluation framework matrix, a stakeholder list, proposed interview tools/guides, proposed schedule of tasks, activities, deliverables, and outline of final report. 
  • Draft of Evaluation Report 

    The Evaluator will submit draft of evaluation report to WLF. The recommendations, lessons learned, and emerging good practices should be documented in the draft evaluation report. 
  • Presentation of Draft Report  

A presentation should be prepared for the WLF on the draft report, to be used during the debriefing. 

  • Final Evaluation Report 

    To be submitted to WLF as per report outline and timeline. The quality of the report will be determined based on quality standards defined by WLF. The report should also, as appropriate, include specific and detailed recommendations by the Evaluator based on the analysis of information obtained. The report should also include a specific section on lessons learned and good practices that are relevant for better performance and delivery for future project or could be replicated or those that should be avoided. 


Team Composition 

The evaluation will be conducted by a team comprised by a team leader and a team member. 


Proposed Time Line 

The evaluation is foreseen to be undertaken in the time period of September 2021 to November 2021 with the aim to submit the final evaluation report to WLF no later than end of November 2021. The actual implementation of this evaluation will depend on the pandemic situation where movements are restricted 


Proposal Submission Criteria 

The proposed evaluation design must take into account Covid-19 health protocol and alternative methods of data collection during the period of restricted movement. The proposal should at least contain the following information:   

  1. Proposed methodology and approaches for the evaluation design  
  2. Proposed team composition (clearly stating roles and responsibilities of each team member) 
  3. Financial proposal to conduct the evaluation, complete with breakdown of man-hours or days required to conduct each stage of the preparation, data collection tools development, data collection and analysis, field visit/travel, report writing, and presentation 
  4. Most current Curriculum Vitae, highlighting related experiences and skills to the required scope of work 
  5. Sample of previous evaluation reports     


Essential Requirements: 

  1. A bachelor's degree in political sciences, international relations, development economics or any relevant social sciences (Master's degree is preferred) 
  2. A minimum of 5 years of experience conducting monitoring and evaluation of development programs in impoverished regions in Indonesia, particularly in carrying rigorous evaluation methodology 
  3. Demonstrable research and strong analytical skills 
  4. Demonstrable strong knowledge on farming (salt farming specifically is preferred), business development and community empowerment 
  5. Experience in workshop facilitation 
  6. Strong interpersonal skills in a multicultural setting, experienced in engaging community leaders and key government officials at subnational levels 


How to Apply 

Interested organizations/consultants are invited to send a proposal (including most updated CVs of team members, budget, and samples of previous evaluation reports) through the following link, https://tinyurl.com/mekarya-eval before 6 August 2021 at 23:58 Jakarta time. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. 







[newdevjobsindo] EoI: Consultant of Evaluator for Civil Society and Governance in Timor-Leste

Yayasan Humanis dan Inovasi Sosial is an Indonesian organization affiliated with Hivos, born out of an active collaboration between Netherlands based Hivos and several like-minded Indonesian academics and civil society leaders who subscribe to the values and mission of Hivos. The purpose is to promote humanist values in the social, health, and cultural fields which is defined in terms of the ability for each individual to assess and decide independently and responsibly, the right to freedom, dignity and a passion to create a just and tolerant society.
Yayasan Humanis seeks qualified candidates for the position of:

Title :  Consultant of Evaluator for Civil Society and Governance in Timor-Leste
Duty Station :  Remote
Report to :  Project Manager
Duration :  15 (fifteen) working days between August to Mid October 2021

About the Project
The Civil Society and Governance in Timor-Leste project is a project supported by the Royal Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It is a continuation of a previous Hivos initiative which supported gender based violence (GBV) victims and governance issues in Timor-Leste from 2014-2016, and 2017-2021. This project aims to strengthen the capacity of local CSOs in Timor-Leste to better and effectively advocate for the rights of its citizens. The project has two expected results:
1. Increased awareness of and commitment to the gender based violence survivors groups and the promotions of women leadership and good governance among communities and key stakeholders.
2. Improved the capability of four CSOs in the area of public outreach and organizational sustainability. In regards to the project above, Yayasan wishes to assign a consultant to conduct an end-evaluation of the current phase of the project using a participatory process that will help realize the impact of the project to the community and beneficiaries, the achievement of project objectives and results, gather lessons learned, and provide possible recommendations for future phases.

The final evaluation has the following objectives:
General objective: 
To evaluate the performance of the Civil Society and Governance program using a standard evaluation criterion, such as its overall effectiveness and efficiency, its relevance and appropriateness to current context, impacts (the changes at personal, relational, structural and cultural), and sustainability of the intervention. Lastly, it should also include external factors that might contribute or impede the program. The assessment will only cover the current phase of the project from 2020-2021 (one year). 

Specific Objectives:
a. Gather information from the beneficiaries on the impact of the activities that were conducted and whether or not project outcomes and outputs were met. It will be important to include what could be done better in order to make a bigger impact to the beneficiaries. 
b. Gather information from staff of partner organizations about organizational and program management, efficiency and effectiveness of activity implementation, problems and difficulties encountered during the implementation of the project and how they dealt with it (especially during the Covid-19 pandemic). 
c. Identify and provide recommendations based on the findings of the evaluation, achievements, lessons learned, gaps and challenges for future projects within the same scope.

Important note: Please note that due to the Covid-19 pandemic, it is possible to conduct this assignment remotely, as there may be restrictions for any travel or offline/face-to-face meetings. If this is the case, this should be reflected in the proposal and in the proposed budget. 

Scope of Work
The consultant will be expected to:
1. Prepare evaluation criteria based on initial meeting with Yayasan.
2. Conduct a group meeting with representatives from all four partner organizations to discuss the evaluation procedure, expectations, and requirements partners need to fulfill. 
3. Conduct individual meetings with each partner organization. Namely, the director and program staff must be present at this meeting. The purpose of this meeting is to gather information about the implementation of the project during the one year. 
4. Hear from several beneficiaries to see impact of the work. This may include government officials, if possible. 
5. Produce an evaluation assessment based on the consultant's findings. 

Qualification & Experience: 
Minimum of 4 years of professional experience in conducting baseline or end-evaluation types of assignments;
Proven experience with logical frameworks and other strategic planning and M&E methods and approaches (including quantitative, qualitative and participatory);
Experience in gender and human rights issues, especially working with communities in rural areas or settings. 
Good program design skills, including capacity to prepare logical, coherent and consistent documents;
Ability to work rapidly, both in person and remotely, with team members in various locations;
Fluent in Tetum and English.

Format of Evaluation Assessment 
The report should be written in English. The sections found in the assessment should not exceed the following:
Executive summary (1/2 page)
Introduction (1 page)
Objectives and Methodology (1 page)
Findings (5 pages)
Conclusion and Recommendations (2 pages)
Any photos or documentation

The consultant should not exceed 15 working days to conduct the entire evaluation. The final version of the report must be approved by Yayasan before the 17th of October to ensure timely submission to the donor. The consultant will be required to submit a timesheet to validate the number of working days. 

The consultant should propose a budget for a maximum of 15 working days to conduct the entire evaluation. This budget should include honor fees and/or any logistical expenses to conduct meetings with implementing partners. The gross amount is subject to deduction of withholding tax article 21 to be paid to the Indonesian tax authority.  

How to apply?
Interested applicants should send a CV/resume, proposed budget, and a writing sample (in English) to hr@hsi.foundation by August 9, 2021 with "Civil Society and Governance TL Evaluation" as the subject of the email. An application with a missing component will not be reviewed. Only short listed candidates will be contacted and interviewed. 
For more information about Yayasan Humanis please visit https://hsi.foundation/

[newdevjobsindo] TOR for the National Auditor

Transition Audit for NLR Indonesia

Terms of Reference for the national auditor


  1. Introduction

NLR is an international organization working on leprosy[1] with branch offices in Indonesia, India, Brazil, Mozambique and Nepal. Theis is the Term of Reference for an audit that will assess whether NLR Indonesia national NGO (Yayasan NLR Indonesia) is ready for the final transition from an NLR country office to an independent national NGO within the NLR Alliance. This so-called transition audit will consist of a pre-audit and a final audit; it will provide a first critical and objective assessment of the readiness of the organisation by means of a pre-audit, resulting in advice on steps that still need to be taken.


The outcome of the pre-audit will be discussed in NLR International’s Supervisory Board. The final audit determines whether these steps have been completed sufficiently and is the basis for the final decision on the timing of the transition.


This document provides the background to the process in section 2, followed by the objectives (section 3), methodology (4), audit instrument (5), audit team (6) reporting (7), planning (8) and profile of the international auditor (9).


  1. Background and rationale

In 2011 NLR formulated its Dream 2030, in which Leprosy would be under control in many of the countries where we work:

  • Quality Leprosy Services are available and integrated into the Public Health Care system.
  • Development of Grade 2 disabilities during or after care is exceptional due to good early diagnosis and good care during treatment and after cure.
  • People affected by leprosy are considered regular members of society.


To reach this, NLR’s mission is to prevent, detect and treat leprosy and support health, ability and full inclusion in society for persons affected by leprosy


In 2015, NLR decided to embark on a process of decentralisation and alliance building (called NLR2020), because we considered the NLR model that had worked well for 50 years not the best fit with future realities to fulfill our mission.


With this process, NLR is evolving from one NLR organisation working with NLR country offices in five countries, governed by the NLR board from the Netherlands, into an Alliance which operates on the basis of multi-faceted collaboration between its members, constituting of NLR in the Netherlands and the NLR national NGOs in the five countries. NLR Indonesia, India and Nepal are the first three former country offices that have embarked on the transition process.


In 2019, it was foreseen that it would take at least two years for each NLR country office to develop into an independent national NGO. This means a minimum of two years from the starting date of their Transition Agreement with NLR and their formal NLR Alliance membership, to entering into a Collaboration Agreement with NLR, as national NGO to which all responsibilities, power and assets have been transferred. The respective governance boards of the NLR national NGOs will need to have the confidence that they are supervising a healthy and professional NGO, and the supervisory board of NLR wants to hand over the organisations to the national boards with confidence for a successful future of the NGOs and the Alliance.


For this aim, a transition audit will be carried out, consisting of a pre-audit and a final audit.

The transition period of the audited country may take longer if NLR and/or NLR Indonesia after two transition years conclude that NLR Indonesia does not yet fulfil the requirements, (ref. the Admission Requirements mentioned in the Transition Agreement). These requirements are all the elements that need to be in order before the final handover can take place. If not yet fulfilled, the outcomes of the audit will indicate the period and under which conditions the final transition steps can take place.


Requirements and obligations: a self-sufficient and self-operating NLR Alliance member

The NLR Alliance Manual provides the shared quality standards for NLR Alliance members in various domains of their work, and the Transition Agreement mentions additional specific requirements. Summarised, these standards and requirements are the following:


  1. Internal organisation: systems and procedures:
  • good internal systems and procedures, verified by an Operational Audit and confirmed by ISO 9001 Certification and its annual renewal, or a comparable independent NGO quality standard or a common standard in Indonesia and agreed between Parties.


  1. Organisational performance and sustainability:
  • is a relevant in-country actor for the achievement of sustainable effects in the fight against leprosy
  • is able to develop, implement and report on projects and programmes in an effective and transparent manner
  • has sustained staff capacity to implement and develop good quality programmes
  • aims and does its utmost efforts to obtain a secured, sizeable and diversified annual funding portfolio
  • has a good local network with national and local authorities and other stakeholders
  • uses the NLR brand in its communication and works, and applies the brand manual correctly


  1. Governance
  • complies with all national and local laws and regulations, and obtains timely any and all permits, certificates or licenses necessary for the full and proper conduct of its business.
  • has governing documents that comply with the guidelines, principles and governance requirements compiled in the NLR Alliance manual
  • has a well-functioning board, with appropriate number of members and appointment duration, assigned with clear roles and responsibilities regarding specific tasks as defined in the Transition Agreement
  • has a director effectively leading and managing the organisation


  1. Participation in the NLR Alliance and cooperation with NLR
  • participates actively in the NLR Council of Chairs and Round Table:
  • engages in joint knowledge and programme development, including research for innovative approaches;
  • engages in joint resource mobilization;
  • provides input for and implements international lobby coordinated by NLR and its international partnerships;
  • provides information to NLR and commits to an audit mechanism as agreed in the Transition Agreement
  • gives due consideration to questions and concerns raised by NLR, as described in the Transition Agreement


  1. Objectives

The transition audit consists of a pre-audit and a final audit.




  • To gain in-depth insight in the qualities of NLR Indonesia as a self-sufficient and self-operating NLR Alliance member
  • To give recommendations on elements that need to be improved before a “go”-decision for a Collaboration Agreement can be made


Final audit:

  • To give final recommendations for a “go” / “no-go” decision for a Collaboration Agreement to the NLR Supervisory Board


  1. Methodology


NLR favours a combination of an external objective assessment of the organisation (elements a, b, c, d), and a qualitative workshop with the board on aspects of the governance of the organisation in particular (element c).


These instruments have been developed with input and commitment of all internal stakeholders.


For the external assessment, operational audit methods (such as checking evidence) as well as qualitative methods (such as interviews) will be used. Internal stakeholders from across NLR Indonesia and NLR will be interviewed on topics related to their role within the organisation. In the workshop with the board, the auditor(s) will use a participatory approach to assess and discuss together with the board members their views on the governance of NLR Indonesia during the transition period.


The audit findings and recommendations will be discussed with the board and director of NLR Indonesia and with NLR for possible follow-up action and decision on the status of the transition.


Final audit

The final audit will consist of an external assessment of remaining issues from the pre-audit. Methods used will depend on the nature of the issues


  1. Audit instrument

NLR has developed a specific transition audit instrument which needs to be used for the audit. It consists of three tools:

  • One tool consisting of excel sheets on all topics to be audited, including recommended means of verification and scoring method
  • An agenda for the workshops with the national boards
  • A list of decisive elements for a go/no-go decision


  1. Audit team

NLR will commission the audit to a team of three auditors:

  • Two external auditors, one international and one Indonesian auditor, with different but complementary expertise (such as quality control and organisational development/governance). The international auditor will be responsible to implement and coordinate the audit. The Indonesian auditor, will have specific in-country experience and knowledge on country-specific regulations.
  • The third member of the audit team will be an internal NLR auditor from the Netherlands, most probably from the NLR programme department, with a specific role of backstopping (being a resource person to) the audit team during the audit.

The international auditor will provide a detailed audit plan for Indonesia, in coordination with the other audit team members, to be approved by NLR.

Both NLR and NLR Indonesia will provide the auditors with the documentation and information needed for the audit.


  1. Reporting

The international auditor is responsible for reporting back to NLR Indonesia and NLR, in consultation and coordination with the audit team members: directly after each audit to report the preliminary findings and recommendations, and within two weeks after the audit on their final draft report.


After the pre-audit has been completed, the auditors will present a reflection to the NLR Round Table, on the audit results, and the adequacy of the audit instrument. Audit results will also be shared by the international auditor in a meeting with the NLR Supervisory Board in the Netherlands.


  1. Planning

The pre-audits will take place between July 20th and August 7th, 2021, taking one week per pre-audit. The final report is due no later than 10 days after each pre-audit.

The final audits will take place in September/October 2021, taking maximum 2 days per audit. Please note that during this time of the Covid pandemic with fluctuating travel restrictions, the auditors will need to be flexible regarding the timing of the audits. Safe travel comes first. NLR and NLR Indonesia will stay in touch with each other and with the auditors to establish and mutually agree on the timing of the audits.


Highly preferably the whole audit team will be physically present in the country and office for which the audit is implemented. This will depend on travel possibilities in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic.


Specific planning of the audit process for each country - will be discussed and detailed with NLR and Indonesia.


Each pre-audit will take:

Preparation:                       3 days

In-country:                         5 days

Reporting:                           2 days

Total:    10 days


The number of days spent on the final audit will depend on the outcomes of the pre-audit.


  1. Profile of the national auditor
  • Experience in auditing financial, legal, administrative processes within organisations or companies (references will be requested)
  • Knowledge of legal and administrative compliance issues for NGOs in Indonesia, and preferably of the local health system
  • Knowledge of /experience in international co-operation / NGO sector
  • Independent (from NLR and the national NGO)
  • Ability to relate to board, director and staff of national NGO
  • Experience in (collaborating within) audit teams
  • Objective, collaborator in teams, thorough, analytical


Kamis, 29 Juli 2021

[newdevjobsindo] Vacancy at Solidar Suisse : Business Coordinator, Central Sulawesi based.





Position                                          :             Business  Coordinator (Consultancy 100%)


Duty station                                  :        Donggala Regency, with frequent travels to Palu,

                                                                       Central Sulawesi


Reporting line                               :        Response Representative






Solidar Suisse is a Swiss NGO established in 1936 (then called Swiss Labor Assistance). Today, the organization is active in development cooperation and humanitarian aid in 16 countries worldwide, fighting for global fairness.


In Indonesia, Solidar Suisse became active following the devastating earthquake and tsunami in Sulawesi and immediately started to collaborate with partner organizations to provide humanitarian assistance.


For the recovery phase, Solidar Suisse is implementing a comprehensive emergency project with the local partner organization MDMC in the livelihood sector to support affected people mainly in rural areas in Central Sulawesi.

For this purpose, we are seeking a motivated, skilled and experienced Business Coordinator to coordinate and manage the value chain development component of the livelihoods project of this program. The project already started on 1 July 2020 and will end on 30 April 2021 (replacement of previous Business Coordinator).


With the support of external experts and the team, the Business Coordinator will conduct value chain assessments, engage and empower producer organisations, BUMDES and other actors along the value chains of the selected products, manage trainings and provide ToT for the field team.





With support from the Response Representative, the Business Coordinator will coordinate and manage the program activities in the selected villages. Under direct supervision of the Response Representative, s/he will facilitate several value chain assessments, establish or revive and empower local producer organisations and engage other actors along the value chains of the selected products. S/he will also facilitate trainings of trainers for the business facilitators and coordinate other relevant activities for micro-entrepreneurs to recover their livelihoods following the devastated earthquake and tsunami in Central Sulawesi. S/he will support the management of a team of approximately five business facilitators from the local partner organisation. S/he will establish and maintain positive, collaborative and productive relationships with project staff, implementing partner, beneficiaries and relevant stakeholders. S/he will also collaborate with the Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL) Expert to ensure the implementation of the MEAL framework.



The Business Coordinator is entrusted with the following tasks:

·     Coordinate the value chain assessments of the selected products

·     Coordinate and facilitate the process of producer group selection, establishment, engagement and empowerment

·     Develop and/or adapt the training curriculum and training materials

·     Coordinate the schedules of trainings and exposure visits for the target producer organisations, BUMDES and other actors along the value chains of the selected products

·     Develop and produce training curriculum, training material and IEC materials

·     Lead training activities and when relevant facilitate training of the business facilitators and the producer organisations

·     Ensure quality control and management of training, assessment and engagement activities

·     Facilitate data collection for Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL) framework for information to be used for planning, learning and reporting purposes

·     Liaise and coordinate with the implementing partner to ensure effective delivery of value chain development activities

·     Regularly report to the Response Representative (incl. written reports)

·     Perform other duties as assigned by the Response Representative


4.       Required profile and experience

The training coordinator has the following profile and experience:

·       University degree or relevant working experience of at least 7 years

·       Experience in agribusiness and working for private companies

·       Experience in the implementation of value chain development projects

·       At least 5 years of training facilitation, coordination and partner collaboration experience, preferable some experiences in post disasters contexts

·       Understanding of and experience with community facilitation and participatory training techniques

·       Passion for working with micro-entrepreneurs and good understanding of the situation of survivors following the devastated earthquake and tsunami in Central Sulawesi

·       Experience in developing and adaptation of training curriculum, materials and IEC

·       Ability to collaborate with partners and colleagues and establish a constructive working atmosphere

·       Excellent skills in activity planning and coordination

·       Proven ability to develop, coordinate and monitor work plans and training plans

·       Strong interpersonal, time management and communication skills

·       Strong verbal and written English skills would be preferred

·       Ability to work under pressure and willingness to work flexible hours


5.       Duration and starting date


We look for a candidate who is able to start as soon as possible, with contract duration until 30 April 2022.


6.       Monthly Consultation Fee

The consultant monthly fee shall take into account the following information:

           Solidar Suisse will cover the cost for Air Fares to/from Palu (beginning and end of contract – induction and exit interview)

           All Expenses such as accommodation, insurances and taxes are included in the consultancy fee

           Working time: 40 hours per week, from 8 am to 5 pm with 1h of lunch break

           Insurance, Taxes: The consultant is responsible for taxes and any social insurance contributions. The Contractor shall maintain liability insurance at its sole expense covering the performance of the Services by the Contractor.


If you are interested in this assignment and meet the requirements, please send your application in English
including detailed CV, and contact details of 3 referees by e-mail with Subject "Business Coordinator" to recruitment@solidar.ch.  Due to the urgency, the position will be filled on a rolling basis.


Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.





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