Mei 2022 - Lowongan Kerja LSM NGO

Selasa, 31 Mei 2022

[newdevjobsindo] Re-Advertise - MONEV Specialist - Legal And Policy Specialist_BioCF ISFL Project

Pengumuman Seleksi Konsultan Individu

Program BioCarbon Fund plus-Initiative for Sustainable Forest Landscape (BioCF ISFL)


Reff P.05/IC/BioCF_ISFL/REDD+/05/2022

Dalam rangka implementasi kegiatan BioCF ISFL pada Jambi Sustainable Landscape Management Project (J-SLMP) di fase Pre-Investment, Direktorat Mitigasi Perubahan Iklim, Ditjen PPI bermaksud mengundang kembali Penyedia Jasa Konsultan Individu, untuk mengisi posisi:



Seleksi akan dilakukan sesuai dengan prosedur yang ditetapkan dalam Bank Procurement Regulation for Investment Project Financing for Borrowers of July 2016, revised November 2017 and August 2018.

Penyedia Jasa Konsultan Individual yang berminat harus menyampaikan Cover Letter dengan disertai informasi pendukung berupa :

  1. Curriculum Vitae
  2. Salinan Ijazah terakhir dan dokumen pendukung relevan lainnya
  3. Nama dan refrensi minimal dari dua klien sebelumnya 


Seleksi akan dilakukan sesuai dengan prosedur yang ditetapkan dalam Bank Procurement Regulation for Investment Project Financing for Borrowers of July 2016, revised November 2017 and August 2018.

Konsultan yang berminat dapat memperoleh informasi lebih lanjut mengenai Kerangka Acuan Kerja (Term of Reference)  dengan mengunduhnya dalam link berikut :

Cover Letter ditujukan kepada :

Pokja Pemilihan Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa

Direktorat Jenderal Pengendalian Perubahan Iklim

Gedung Manggala Wanabakti, Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup

Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto, Senayan, Jakarta

Semua dokumen bentuk softcopy   dikirimkan ke alamat email :  dengan subject Email : BioCF_<kodeposisi>_<nama pelamar>.

Lamaran diterima oleh Panitia seleksi paling lambat  12 Juni  2022 . Kandidat yang terpilih untuk tahap selanjutnya akan dihubungi panitia melalui email/telepon.




Jakarta, 30 Mei 2022

Pokja Pemilihan Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa

[newdevjobsindo] Konsultan Advokasi_Yayasan Keadilan dan Perdamaian Indonesia

Yayasan Keadilan dan Perdamaian Indonesia (YKPI) adalah sebuah organisasi Nirlaba yang lahir atas dasar semangat menciptakan perdamaian dan keadilan di seluruh dunia, semangat tersebut muncul dari beberapa orang penggiat perdamaian dari lintas keberagamanan, dan kemudian bersepakat untuk melembagakannya dalam satu organisasi Nirlaba, yang didirikan pada 22 Desember 2020. Orang – orang yang terlibat dalam Lembaga ini sebelumnya sudah menjadi bagian dari pergerakan organisasi masyarakat sipil di Indonesia untuk keadilan dan perdamaian. YKPI memperjuangkan keadilan dan perdamaian sosial, melawan ketidakadilan, ketidaksetaraan, intoleransi, kekerasan, radikalisme, konflik dan rasisme, serta mendorong perubahan kebijakan yang mendukung keadilan, toleransi dan keberagaman.


Visi Yayasan        : Menciptakan tatanan sosial yang berkeadilan, damai, harmonis, yang berlandaskan pada prinsip kesetaraan, menghargai kemajemukan, anti kekerasan, anti penindasan dan kesadaran terhadap keseimbangan lingkungan


Dalam rangka peningkatan pelayanan dalam pendampingan advokasi di wilayah program, YKPI membutuhkan kandidat untuk posisi Konsultan Advokasi


Konsultan Advokasi memiliki tugas dan tanggungjawab untuk membantu serta mendampingi mitra dalam bidang advokasi, membantu mitra dalam menyusun materi dan skema advokasi baik di lingkup daerah maupun nasional, menjembatani mitra dengan para pihak yang berpotensi mendukung advokasi mitra, menyusun rencana kerja dan menyampaikan laporan perkembangan secara berkala kepada Koordinator Program Yayasan Keadilan dan Perdamaian Indonesia


Tanggung Jawab Utama :


  • Membantu mitra merancang dan mempertajam rencana/agenda advokasi di wilayah kerja YKPI.
  • Membantu dan menjembatani mitra untuk mendapatkan dukungan advokasi dari para pihak yang potensial dan memanfaatkan peluang advokasi di daerah dan Nasional.
  • Measistensi mitra dalam hal menyusun dan mempersiapkan bahan-bahan pendukung untuk advokasi baik di daerah maupun nasional.
  • Menyampaikan laporan perkembangan secara berkala (per dua bulan).
  • Menyusun rencana kerja advokasi.



Kualifikasi :


  • Memahami dan mempunyai komitmen terhadap penghormatan serta upaya memajukan nilai-nilai Hak Asasi Manusia, kebhinekaan/pluralisme, keadilan gender, Kebebasan Beragama dan Berkeyakinan (KBB), kesetaraan dan inklusifitas dalam keberagaman.
  • Memiliki komitmen nir kekerasan, aktivisme, dan keadilan sosial.
  • Memiliki pengalaman dalam bidang advokasi, pendampingan dan perencanaan.
  • Menunjukkan pemahaman yang baik dalam konteks advokasi daerah maupun nasional.
  • Memiliki ketrampilan analisa yang tajam dan kompeten.
  • Memiliki kemampuan dalam pengembangan jaringan pendukung serta mampu membangun komunikasi yang efektif dan efisien dengan mitra/jaringan.
  • Memiliki pemahaman tentang peran voluntirisme dan partisipasi dalam membangun gerakan sosial.
  • Memiliki kemampuan dan kapasitas dalam penyusunan rencana kerja, laporan dan presentasi.
  • Teliti dan efisien dalam memenuhi komitmen dan tenggat waktu
  • Mampu menunjukkan kemampuan interpersonal, kemampuan untuk beradaptasi serta mampu menjalin komunikasi yang baik di dalam tim.


Untuk melamar posisi ini, silakan melihat ToR terlampir dan mengirimkan:


  1.  CV Anda

 2.  Cover Letter yang menyatakan minat dan kapasitas yang dimiliki di bidang advokasi.


ke selambat-lambatnya 05 Juni 2022 pukul 17.00.


Hanya kandidat terpilih yang akan dihubungi.



HR- Yayasan Keadilan dan Perdamaian Indonesia

[newdevjobsindo] GIZ Indonesia for the "1,000 Islands - Renewable Energy for Electrification Programme Phase 2" (REEP2): Advisor

The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH is an international cooperation enterprise for sustainable development with worldwide operations. Its corporate objective is to improve people's living conditions on a sustainable basis. GIZ has been working in Indonesia since 1975 on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). 

The bilateral project "1,000 Islands - Renewable Energy for Electrification Programme Phase 2" (REEP2) has been commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) in July 2020 and will be implemented between January 2021 and December 2023. The project builds upon the ongoing project REEP, which will phase out on 31st December 2020. 

REEP2's aims to support Indonesia to improve the institutional, regulatory and technical conditions for achieving the policy target of 23% of renewable energy in the energy mix in 2025 at the national and regional level." This objective is to be achieved through three areas of intervention, clustered in three outputs:

  • Output 1 aims to improve the regulatory framework for promoting decentralized RE by means of adapted or new regulations.
  • Output 2 pursues the goal of introducing decentralized RE technologies in PLN-internal planning processes as alternatives to conventional power generation technologies.
  • Output 3 aims to promote the expansion of RE by introducing the previously unused concept of load shifting, especially in small island grids, through private sector participation 

REEP2 is implemented jointly with the political partner, the Directorate General for New and Renewable Energies and Energy Conservation (Direktorat Jenderal Energi Baru Terbarukan dan Konservasi Energi, DJ EBTKE) under the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral, KESDM). It further works closely with KESDM's Directorate General for Electricity (Direktorat Jenderal Ketenagalistrikan, DJ Gatrik) as well as the state-owned utility PLN, in particular on Output 2. Within Output 3, the project will work with the private sector to develop and apply innovative RE  technology and business models. 

REEP2 will be implemented by GIZ with a team consisting of several Output advisors, a Project Lead, and the Senior Liaison Officer of the Energy Programme. REEP2 will be embedded in the larger GIZ Energy Programme, and work in synergy with other existing energy projects, in particular the "Clean, Affordable and Secure Energy for South East Asia Programme" (CASE) and the project "Strategic Exploration of Economic Mitigation Potentials through Renewables" (ExploRE). 

To support implementation of REEP2, we seek one (1) motivated and qualified Indonesian candidate for: 


(for Power System Planning with High Shares of Renewable Energy) 


A.    Responsibilities

    • Support the implementation of activities under Component 2 "Power System Planning, System Operation and RE Project Engineering" of REEP2
    • Provide technical supports in the subject of power system planning, operation and RE engineering to other activities under REEP 2
    • Support management of international and local consultants
    • Contribute to capacity development activities on subjects related to REEP2 project objective and indicators, working closely with the Capacity Development Coordinator
    • Monitor project progress, assess and review technical reports and documents concerning project progress, determine bottlenecks and recommend alternative courses of management action to the Component 2 Lead and/or Renewable Energy Advisor
    • Prepare reports, power-point presentations and brochures as outputs from pilot project results or other related activities
    • Support communication and cooperation exchange between the Project and key implementing partners, in particular PLN HQ and Wilayahs, PLN Pusdiklat as well as technical sub-directorates of DJ Gatrik, DJ EBTKE, and provincial government units, in close cooperation with the Component 2 Lead and/or Renewable Energy Advisor
    • Assist in the development of capacity building curricula and facilitate training activities in close collaboration with key implementing partners and other related international projects/programs
    • Provide inputs to project management and activity planning tasks related to component 2  

B.    Tasks

1)    Technical Advice

In close cooperation and coordination with the Component 2 Lead, Capacity Development Lead, and technical advisors and in coordination with the local and international consultants, help drive the implementation of technical advisory under component 2 of REEP2 with the aim to strengthen the capacities of the national electricity supply company PLN at national and regional   level in three target regions (Sulawesi, Bangka-Belitung, and NTT). This entails:

a)    Implementation of variable Renewables (vRE) power system planning activities

      • Support the implementation of vRE power system planning activities in large grids (Sulawesi       grids) and their interconnection, including grid optimization and RE utilization
      • Support the implementation of vRE power system planning activities in small grids (Sumba, Timor, and Flores grids), including demonstration of least-cost system planning.

b)    Implementation of power operation and vRE integration activities

  • Support technical studies on vRE system operation, including operational procedure, vRE Forecasting, and SCADA infrastructure
  • In close coordination with component 3 advisors, provide advice for load-shifting opportunities utilizing dispatchable RE and productive use

c)    Implementation of vRE project engineering activities

  • Support the development of guidelines, including on vRE project  feasibility study, vRE testing and commissioning, and vRE O&M for island grids, aimed to improve the capacity of PLN, as well as local project developers in developing vRE projects.
  • In close coordination with component 3 advisors, support the implementation of technical study on the optimization of operation strategy for PV hybrid system. 

2)    Capacity Development for PLN

In close cooperation with the Capacity Development Coordinator and technical advisors:

  • Support the development of a capacity development strategy for component 2 (as part of the project wide capacity development strategy)
  • Support coordination with PLN and regulators in identifying additional capacity development needs with regards to power system planning and operation as well as reviewing and assessing the RUPTL
  • Contribute to the development of curricula and syllabus in areas of grid integration, power system planning and power system operation and support the coordination between the external consultants and PLN Pusdiklat.
  • Contribute to the development of curricula and syllabus in areas of RE project engineering and design, support the coordination between the external consultants and PLN Enjiniring.
  • Provide technical inputs to further develop and implement capacity development measures in the area of grid integration, system planning and operation for PLN and regulators (DJ Gatrik and DJ EBTKE).
  • Support the dissemination and development of trainings materials to introduce developed planning guidelines to the target group (PLN Wilayahs, local project developers), to conduct training and peer learning on island planning and hybrid design
  • Support development of information and training materials for the grid operator for pilot grids on the integration of vRE 

3)    Support to Component 1 "Policy Advice": Technical advice for Regulatory Framework

In close cooperation with the policy advisors under REEP2:

  • Support policy advisors in component 1 by providing technical advice with regards to the  development of regulation or technical code regarding power system planning, RUPTL assessment and review, grid operation and vRE grid integration.
  • Link power system planning with policy advocacy, e.g. by supporting the development of policy input papers aiming to increase the utilization of RE, which can feed into provincial and national planning documents and energy development plans (RPJMN, RUKN, RUKD, RUED, RUEN, RPJMD), and can further be used for policy dialogue purposes 

4)    Management and Coordination

In close cooperation with the Component Lead 2 and/or Renewable Energy Advisor,

  • Support annual operational planning for REEP2 by preparing inputs for activities, and contribute to budget planning for these activities
  • Develop technical Terms of References (ToR) for contracted third parties (e.g. external consultants and/or service providers)
  • Support supervision and management of contracted third parties according to agreed deliverables as stated in ToR
  • Monitor project progress, assess and review technical reports and documents concerning project progress, determine bottlenecks and recommend alternative courses of management action to the Component 2 Lead and/or Renewable Energy Advisor
  • Support conceptualization, preparation and implementation of workshops, trainings, and study tours on subjects that are related to REEP2 project's key performance indicators
  • Assist in developing and submitting proposals for further development initiatives
  • Contribute to the result-based monitoring system for REEP2 by collecting data and reporting against project indicators (progress reporting), as input for annual reporting towards the partner and the donor 

5)    Networking and Cooperation

In close coordination with the Component 2 Lead and/or Renewable Energy Advisor

  • Develop and maintain close contacts with PLN Pusat and PLN Wilayah
  • Develop and maintain contacts with other relevant stakeholders such as education and training institutions (PLN Pusdiklat, UPDL Semarang, etc), R&D institutions, finance institutions, associations, NGOs and donors that are working in the same target regions and possibly also with PLN on power system planning and operation
  • Develop and maintain information exchange between REEP2 project and other international projects and/or working groups related to power system planning and RE grid integration, in the target regions 

6)    Knowledge management and dissemination

  • Stay abreast of developments in global and Indonesian approaches for renewable energies (including hybrid) and grid integration
  • Prepare presentation materials such as brochures and power-point presentations as outputs from pilot project results or other related activities
  • Provide inputs to and develop ideas for knowledge products to be developed jointly with the communications unit of the energy programme / the Senior Liaison Officer 

7)    Other duties / additional tasks

  • Subject to discussions with the Component 2 Lead and/or Renewable Energy Advisor, the Advisor may be allocated additional tasks and other duties for shorter periods.
  • The Advisor shall be prepared to work in different GIZ offices in Jakarta or in regions on regular schedule and to work on REEP2 project related issues as well as cross-program topics 

C.    Required qualifications, competences and experience 


  • Bachelor's degree in electrical engineering, with good understanding of technical and economic aspects of renewable energy grid integration. Master's degree in electrical engineering is an advantage.
  • The ideal candidate preferably has the following knowledge/skills in:
    • Technical evaluation of electric power systems including power transmission, distribution and generator management
    • General understanding of grid-impact of variable RE systems to the grid
    • General understanding of economic feasibility calculations in renewable energies (including hybrid) and grid integration applications
    • General understanding of energy modelling and optimization software (preferable for power electric) as well as grid simulation software is desirable
    • Knowledge in electrical measurements / electrical installation
  • Good working knowledge of IT, communication technologies (related software, phone, fax, email, internet) and computer applications (e.g., MS Office)
  • Very good communication skills in English and Bahasa Indonesia, including speaking and writing 

Professional experience

  • Interest and sufficient knowledge in major issues of renewable energy and grid integration in Indonesia and international
  • Three years prior working experience in energy-related private sector and/or PLN is advantageous. For master graduate, one year working experience is advantageous. 
  • Good network across renewable energy sphere in Indonesia, in particular for PLN & PLN Wilayahs but also project developers, EPCs, etc is a plus
  • Insight into the International Development Cooperation work
  • Some experience in events preparation, coordination and organization 

Other knowledge, additional competences

  • Focused, proactive and positive working attitude
  • Demonstrated ability to work effectively in a fast-paced office environment, both independently and as part of a global team
  • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills
  • Aware of social and intercultural sensitivities, flexible and possess a sense of diplomacy
  • Adaptable to rapidly changing priorities and able to manage multiple deadlines and deliver high quality work products
  • Willingness to upskill as required by the tasks to be performed – corresponding measures are agreed with management
  • Availability to travel within Indonesia for short-term project visits on short notice
 Duty Station: Jakarta
Joining Date: ASAP
Direct Supervisor: Component Lead 2 

Please submit your motivation letter and comprehensive resume (including training and list of references) to by 14 June 2022 with subject line REEP2 – PSP HSRE 

Please name your file as follow format:

[Your Complete Name]_[Motivation Letter/CV/Latest Education Certificate] (i.e: Nakula Sadewa_CV or Nakula Sadewa_Motivation Letter or Nakula Sadewa_Reference)



Only short-listed candidates will be notified.

[newdevjobsindo] Re-Posting Job Vacancy: Innovative Financing Specialist







1.     Summary of the Project


Field Support Services Project (FSSP) Indonesia is a five-year project (October 2019 – October 2024) funded by Global Affairs Canada (GAC) and managed by Cowater International. FSSP provides administrative, financial, procurement, and logistical services, as well as support to the in-country development programming for the Government of Canada through the provision of technical specialists in gender equality, governance and human rights, and environment and climate action and assisting GAC in procuring and managing local development initiatives. These programs take place in Indonesia and the ASEAN regions.


2.     Background


The achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will require new investment across areas such as social sectors, sustainable infrastructure, rural development, and adaptation to climate change to ensure that the central SDG promise – to leave no-one behind – is met. All sources of financing – public and private, domestic, and international – have an important role to play in financing the SDGs. Increasingly, the international community is seeking 'innovative' ways to finance them, and, in particular, develop financing schemes that combine the resources and technical expertise of both the public and private sectors. Recent examples include blended finance models. The OECD defines blended finance as the strategic use of development finance for the mobilization of additional finance towards sustainable development in developing countries.

Most fast-growing middle-income countries now realize that the private sector has capability to provide resources for economic and social development. Moreover, international organizations such as the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank emphasize that looking ahead Asian countries will have to have ongoing recourse to private markets to meet their long-term development objectives. One of the key mechanisms that can be used to mobilize private resources for development is blended finance. In blended finance funds are provided both by official suppliers of development funding and private investors, sometimes with the presence of non-profit institutions such as foundations and endowments. Funds are provided for specific projects and the risks and rewards of projects financed by blended finance are shared by all parties according to pre--agreed contracts.  The use of blended finance in the national planning process requires a new perspective on the role that private capital has traditionally played in mobilizing the funding needed to implement provide resources for priority public sector projects.

Indonesia has been described as having the "perfect" profile for using blended finance mechanisms: as a middle-income country, it has an emerging economy with a large sized market; it also has many resources available, both domestic public resources as well as domestic private finance (which has outpaced public finance). In 2018, Indonesia was among the top ten issuers of sovereign green bonds (Climate Bonds Initiative, 2018). According to the latest SDG Voluntary National Review (BAPPENAS, 2019), innovative financing is already being developed to finance SDGs in Indonesia. For example, through PINA (Non-Government Budget Investment Financing), PPP (Public Private Partnerships), capital market (i.e., Kehati Index), money market instruments (green bonds), Financial Institutions (Banks, MFIs, venture capital, etc.), debt swap mechanisms, impact investing mechanisms, crowd finance, and blended finance (Government, Private, and Philanthropy). Some examples of blended finance initiatives in Indonesia include:


1.   The Government of Indonesia through the Ministry of Finance and PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (SMI) seeks to achieve the SDGs through the establishment of an integrated platform called "SDG Indonesia One" which combines public and private funds through blended finance schemes to be channeled into infrastructure projects related to the achievement of SDGs. SDG Indonesia One is a platform that includes 4 (four) types of pillars that are tailored to the appetite of donors and investors, namely: Development Facilities, De-Risking Facilities, Financing Facilities, and Equity Fund. The platform aims to raise funding from investors, donors, and philanthropist to be channeled to projects in Indonesia that support the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

2.   The Tri Hita Karana Forum acts as a platform to celebrate major SDG related commitments, announcements and milestones in the region to drive sustainable development. Key themes for the THK Forum include oceans, food and sustainable land use, women, sustainable infrastructure (including energy), innovation, resilient cities (including transport, water and connectivity), green finance and better policy to mobilise large scale capital for the SDGs. The Forum demonstrated Indonesia's leadership in the Global SDG Agenda and innovative financing solutions to achieve SDGs. It launched over 30 high-impact initiatives and was estimated to have mobilized close to $10 billion for priority SDGs sectors including green infrastructure, sustainable land use, oceans, ecotourism, health, women and innovation; and

3.   The Tropical Landscapes Finance Facility, launched in Jakarta in October 2016, brings long-term finance to projects and companies that stimulate green growth and improve rural livelihoods. Consisting of a loan fund and a grant fund, the facility help Indonesia promote economic development while contributing to hitting its climate targets under the Paris Agreement. The facility uses public funding to unlock private finance in renewable energy production, and sustainable landscape management that reduces deforestation and forest degradation and restores degraded lands.


Despite the creation of platforms and mechanisms, OECD's data (Convergence, 2018) show that Indonesia is not in the top 10 list for blended financing. BAPPENAS has expressed the need to consider what kind of policies, regulatory changes and positive support can incentivize private finance to contribute more to SDGs. Furthermore, there is also a need for at-scale demonstration projects and a sector-wise approach and tailoring blended finance strategies according to the needs of the sector (OECD, 2019)


In line with the experience of development institutions in other countries, BAPPENAS sees its role in blended finance as one of acting as a "catalyst." There will be Indonesian entities that are seeking finance that will interact with BAPPENAS and other public sector agencies as well as with domestic and international suppliers of capital. BAPPENAS role as a catalyst will be to create the enabling environment in which providers of capital and entities seeking capital interact productively.

Certain preconditions must be met for blended finance to function. Private investors only invest in "bankable" projects offering competitive risk-adjusted returns. BAPPENAS will need to understand how to structure deals so as to appeal to investors while creating a "pipeline" of bankable deals. Legal provisions for the necessary instruments through which providers of capital will invest (such as Investment funds and Collective Investment Vehicles) must be established. (See OECD 2019.)

3.   Objective


Global Affairs Canada requires the services of an Innovative Financing Specialist (The Consultant) to work with BAPPENAS in exploring different innovative financing instruments in Indonesia, lessons learned and best practices of different existing models implemented in Middle Income Countries. The objective of the consultancy is to produce a Report specifying how BAPPENAS can create an enabling environment in which providers of capital and entities seeking capital can interact productively in order to use "blended finance" in Indonesia on an expanded scale.


Using international practice and experience, the National Consultant will advise BAPPENAS on how develop a strategy to create institutional mechanisms and procedures to enable to use blended finance on a significant scale. The findings will be summarized in a Report for final presentation to BAPPENAS in December 2022.


The Consultant will report to Director of Bilateral Funding, Ministry of National Development Planning/National Development Planning Agency (BAPPENAS), Jakarta.


4.   Description of Services


The expected services of the Innovative Financing Specialist will include, but not be limited to:

  • Work closely with:
  • International Consultant
  • GAC and Cowater
  • International Experts and Practitioners MDBs (IFC, ADB etc.)
  • Non-governmental suppliers of funds

·         Develop strategy to create institutional mechanisms to enable BAPPENAS to act as a catalyst in using blended finance on a significant scale;

·         Develop capacity building plan necessary to operate blended finance program;

·         Incorporate findings into document for final presentation to BAPPENAS in December 2022;

·         Establish a timetable for intermediate reports and consultations;

·         Meet deadlines for the preparation of all other work before the final report; and

·         Perform other relevant tasks as assigned by GAC or BAPPENAS.


5.   Deliverables/Outputs


The Innovative Financing Specialist is expected to work in close cooperation with BAPPENAS and International Consultant on Innovative Finance to produce deliverables as follows:

  1. Work Plan for the duration of the contract to be reviewed and approved by BAPPENAS.
  2. Draft a scoping study report, with the format to be agreed in consultation with BAPPENAS. The scoping study report will be based on desk studies (study results, reports, gap analysis, needs assessment, stocktaking of data sets, lessons learned from BAPPENAS and other related projects) as well as consultations with key stakeholders such as, but not limited to, other donors, national and sub-national governments, civil society organizations, international and local NGOs and private investors.
  3. Final Report.


6.   Description of the Consultant's Profile


GAC requires the services of a national expert with solid knowledge of blended finance, private public partnership (PPP), a good knowledge of Indonesia context and experience working with international development partners.



  • Capacity to identify and analyze data on development funding and able to grasp data pattern and implement it on writing the report;
  • A drive for results, including a proven track record of high standards/accountability for work products, meeting deadlines, an ability to prioritize tasks within his/her work program and strategies for working collectively with others on the team to deliver products;
  • Ability to deliver quality reports/analysis/assessments within a stipulated time frame;
  • Good facilitation skills and ability to generate ideas from, and build consensus among, a wide variety of stakeholders; and
  • Excellent English and Indonesian writing skills.

Required skills and experience


The Consultant is expected to possess skills and experience in the following areas:

  • Familiarity with blended finance and/or similar techniques for providing private capital for projects in emerging markets, such as project finance and private public partnerships (PPPs);
  • Knowledge of the institutional structure and operational techniques of BAPPENAS and other Indonesian institutions that are likely to be involved in constructing a blended finance infrastructure;
  • Experience on conducting scoping study on finance related areas;
  • Experience and understanding of policy, advocacy, evaluation, business, and finance;
  • At least 3 years of relevant experience in writing and researching on public and or/private finance;
  • Demonstrated experience in developing reports on desk review and gap analysis; and

        Experience working with Government partners as well as other stakeholders (private sectors, development partners, and NGOs).


Experience considered as an asset:

  • Experienced in the fields of business and economic research environment and an understanding of the issues and challenges in Indonesia;
  • Experience having developed and/or facilitated complex partnerships, ideally including between public and private parties; strong relationship builder with excellent interpersonal skills is essential for this position;
  • Establishment and operations of investment funds, including sovereign investment funds, and including legal, regulatory, institutional and governance aspects.



Educational background

  • Minimum post-graduate degree from an accredited, recognized institution in a relevant discipline such as business administration, economics, finance, international development, or relevant fields. Additional graduate qualifications will be considered as assets.


7.   Working Arrangements


The Consultant will work from his/her home base with virtual/non virtual meetings/interviews with Ministry of National Development Planning/National Development Planning Agency (BAPPENAS), the FSS International Consultant, GAC colleagues and relevant partners. As necessary, in producing analysis/report/briefs, the Consultant will need to do his/her own literature review and perform triangulation by interviewing experts.

The Consultant will submit deliverables to BAPPENAS in Jakarta. Payment is conditional upon satisfactory delivery of the assignments. In the event that travel to other regions or cities is necessary, all necessary costs will be borne by GAC, through the Field Support Services Project (FSSP).

8.   Duration of the Contract


The total expected duration of the assignment is up to 110 days. All reports must be finalized and submitted within this period. The Consultant is expected to start on May 2022.

Payments will be processed monthly upon the presentation of a timesheet and invoice detailing the level of efforts for each deliverable.

How to apply:


Interested individual consultants must include the following documents when submitting the applications to latest by 11 June 2022:


  1. CV indicating all past experience from similar projects, as well as the contact details (email and telephone number) of the Candidate and at least three (3) professional references.

2.    Brief statement as to why the individual considers him/herself as the most suitable for the assignment.

3.    Financial Proposal shall be submitted in the following format:

-     The financial proposal should specify an all-inclusive daily rate for up to 110 working days;

-     The financial proposal must be all-inclusive and take into account various expenses that will be incurred during the contract, including: the daily professional fee and when applicable any other relevant expenses related to the performance of services under the contract, excluding travel expenses.


Cowater International is an equal opportunity employer, basing employment on merit and qualifications as they relate to professional experience and position expectations. Cowater does not discriminate against any employee or applicant on the basis of race, religion, sex, gender identity, disability, age, or any other basis protected by law.


We thank all applicants, however only those shortlisted will be contacted




The award of the contract shall be made to the individual consultant whose offer has been evaluated and determined as: a) responsive/compliant/acceptable; and b) having received the highest score out of the weighted criteria (70% technical score (comprising of 15% technical qualifications desk review, 30% written test, and 25% interview) and 30% financial score.


The proposals that achieve a minimum of 70% for the technical qualifications desk review shall be further considered for an interview and written test. The financial score shall be      computed as a ratio of the proposal being evaluated and the lowest priced proposal received for the assignment.


Technical Qualifications Desk Review

The evaluation of the technical criteria will be as follows:


St No




Academic qualifications of the Consultant.

10 points


Familiarity with blended finance and/or similar techniques for providing private capital for projects in emerging markets, such as project finance and private public partnerships (PPPs).

30 points


Knowledge of the institutional structure and operational techniques of BAPPENAS and other Indonesian institutions involved in constructing a blended finance infrastructure.

20 points


Experienced in the fields of business and economic research environment and an understanding of the issues and challenges in Indonesia.

20 points


Experience having developed and/or facilitated complex partnerships, ideally including between public and private parties.

20 points


Total points

100 points





With more than 34 years' experience, Cowater International is Canada's global leader in management consulting services specializing in international development and has managed the implementation of over 800 projects in more than 80 countries around the globe. We work with governments, partner organizations, communities and civil society to design and    implement sustainable solutions that generate lasting social, financial and environmental  impacts. Our adaptive approach to management has led to our award-winning work and recognition as one of Canada's Best Managed Companies in 2017 and 2018. Headquartered in Ottawa, Canada, Cowater International also has corporate offices in Montreal, Quebec, Paris, France, Pretoria, South Africa, and London, United Kingdom, Nairobi, Kenya in addition to project offices in a wide variety of other locations across Sub-Saharan Africa and Asia.


We thank you for your interest in building a better tomorrow with Cowater International.






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