Maret 2023 - Lowongan Kerja LSM NGO

Jumat, 31 Maret 2023

[newdevjobsindo] REPOST Vacancy: Policy Coordinator



Konservasi Indonesia is a national foundation established to support sustainable development in the country. We are the main partner of Conservation International in Indonesia. For more information, please visit:


We envision a healthy and prosperous Indonesia where biodiversity is valued and preserved. With offices and project sites across Indonesia, we promote a sustainable landscape-seascape approach and establish partnerships with multiple stakeholders across sectors and jurisdictions to deliver lasting impacts for people and nature in Indonesia.


As we are constantly expanding, we are currently hiring to fill the following position in Jakarta:


Policy Coordinator 

(Code: PC)



Yayasan Konservasi Indonesia (KI), the main partner of Conservation International (CI) in Indonesia, envisions a healthy and prosperous Indonesia where biodiversity is valued and preserved. With offices and project sites across Indonesia, we promote a sustainable landscape-seascape approach and establish partnerships with multiple stakeholders across sectors and jurisdictions to deliver lasting impacts for people and nature in Indonesia.


In 2020, the Government of Indonesia (GOI) set an ambitious target for protection and effective management of 32.5 million hectares (10%) of its territorial waters by 2030 (MPA Vision 2030). Earlier this year, Indonesia announced plans to increase its marine protection ambitions to 30% of its waters by 2045, representing a total area of 97.5 million hectares. Indonesia's MPA Vision 2030 recognizes the role of marine and coastal ecosystems and biodiversity in supporting local livelihoods and a robust national economy. Maximizing the potential of nature-based solutions to deliver positive, large-scale climate, marine conservation, and sustainable ocean development outcomes in Indonesia will require strategic and appropriately scaled investments and financing. CI, KI, and government partners establish a unique funding mechanism called the Blue Halo S, developed with, and managed by the national agency responsible for Environmental Fund Management (BPDLH). Blue Halo S will simultaneously enhance the blue carbon ecosystem, which has also been the Government of Indonesia's priority in the previous year.


The Government of Indonesia plans on adding the blue carbon in the Indonesia's NDC target. The Coordinating Ministry of Maritime and Investment Affairs (CMMIA) in the 27th Session of the Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC (COP 27) in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, announced at least 5 (five) international cooperation on blue carbon: 3 Forest Programme VI – Protection of Mangrove Forest with Germany, Mangrove Alliance for Climate(MAC) with UAE, the establishment of the MBZInternational Mangrove Research Center, mangrove rehabilitation program encompassing 150.000 Ha area with KSA, blue carbon research with Singapore, and programMangrove for Coastal Resilience (M4CR) with the World Bank.4 Given various roles and blue carbon partnerships across ministries, KI and CMMIA recognize the need to align and consolidate programs to achieve the Indonesia's NDC target, especially that blue carbon is ingrained in the Blue Halo S' design.


The Blue Halo S that links effective marine ecosystem protection with sustainable production, and development of ocean resources (including mangrove and seagrass for blue carbon) and seeks to support advancements of these objectives through the mobilization of funding for critical science and data, sustainable management of critical ecosystems, support to small scale fishers and communities and to increase resilience of these marine areas. As the Blue Halo S was officially announced by the Coordinating Minister of Maritime and Investment Affairs (CMMIA), Ministry of Marine and Fisheries (MMF), Green Climate Fund (GCF), CI, and KI in the G20 side event in Nusa Dua, Bali, Blue Halo S has now entered the Project Preparation Facility (PPF) stage.


The Policy Coordinator will be responsible for day-to-day coordination with the (mainly) and other relevant ministries and institutions for the preparation and acceleration of Blue Halo S. Additionally, the Coordinator will also assist the CMMIA, MMAF, and other government agencies in coordinating existing partnership on blue carbon, support the preparation of research on the incorporation of blue carbon in the Indonesia's NDC, and support other partners on Blue Halo S and blue carbon. He/She will ensure seamless communication and collaboration between KI and the Government of Indonesia to secure the success of Blue Halo S and blue carbon partnerships.  


       Represent KI and ensure effective communications and information sharing between CMMIA, MMAF, and other relevant government stakeholders and partners;

       Work closely with KI's Senior Management Team, advisors, program staffs, and field teams in the eco regions

       Ensure CMMIA, MMAF, and other relevant government partners are engaged, coordinated, and consulted on the Blue Halo S and blue carbon policy development;

       Support CMMIA, MMAF, partners, and KI program staffs and consultants in the implementation of Blue Halo S and blue carbon policy development;

       Develop relevant documents and provide technical assistance needed by the CMMIA, MMAF, and other key relevant governments pertaining to Blue Halo S and blue carbon policy;

       Assists in organizing and implementing events, meetings, seminars, and workshops targeting key government partners pertaining to Blue Halo S and blue carbon policy;

       Work with KI's communication team on Blue Halo S communication materials and plans.

       Perform related duties as assigned.



·       Bachelor's Degree and 3 years or more related experience. Advanced degree preferred.

·       Work experience in government liaison, conservation, fisheries, climate change, and/or relevant topics.

·       Excellent technical and analytical skills.

·       Strong written communication skills in both Bahasa Indonesia and English.

·       Strong multi-stakeholder communication and networking skills.

·       Ability to work well under pressure both individually and as a team, multitask, set priorities, and deliver quality results.




       To be posted mainly at the Coordinating Minister of Maritime and Investment Affairs (CMMIA)

       Possibility of working out of doors.

       Ability to work outside the normal work schedule to meet project deadlines.




Please send your current resume, cover letter and portfolio to:



Please fill the "subject" column of the e-mail with this format:

< PC > - < your name >


Closing date for the application is April 10, 2023

 (Only short-listed candidates wilbe notified).


[newdevjobsindo] Repost : Community Facilitator

Community Facilitator/Education Facilitator

Reports to: Project Coordinator

Lokasi: Deli Serdang




Di bawah supervisi Project Coordinator, Community Education Facilitator bekerjasama dengan   Education Officer bertugas untuk memfasilitasi dan memobilisasi anggota masyarakat dan pemangku kepentingan lain untuk terlibat dalam Project Creation guna memastikan target capaian program. Bekerja sama dengan Education Officer memastikan aktivitas dan capaian program bidang Pendidikan yang berfokus kepada peningkatan kemampuan literasi siswa dapat tercapai sesuai standar proyek di 3 Sekolah Dasar dampingan di Desa Kelambir, Desa Rantau Panjang, dan Desa Bagan Serdang.




A.     Kualitas Program

·        Mempersiapkan dan memastikan kegiatan perencanaan dan pengkajian program bidang pendidikan dijalankan sesuai dengan framework CREATION, akuntabel dan transparan untuk mencapaian tujuan program.

·        Bersama dengan Education Officer dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan dan penguatan kepada kelompok guru, orangtua dan kelompok belajar siswa sesuai dengan rancangan program CREATION dan terintegrasi dengan kurikulum pendidikan di Indonesia .

·        Membantu Education Officer dan kelompok guru dalam merancang dan mempraktekkan model pembelajaran AJEL di lingkungan sekolah, serta menyusun feedback dan lesson learn dari hasil praktek.

·        Mematuhi nilai – nilai yang berlaku di yayasan  dan menerapkan di masyarakat

·        Bersikap Proaktif, dan sensitif terhadap budaya, gender, lingkungan serta permasalahan antar bidang

·        Berkontribusi membantu tugas lainnya diluar program pendidikan jika diperlukan untuk mendukung Program


B.     Mobilisasi Masyarakat

·        Mewakili YNLM di masyarakat

·        Bekejasama dengan Dinas Pendidikan/Kepala Sekolah/Guru/Komite Sekolah /Pemerintah Desa/Pemimpin masyarakat / suku/ agama dalam memobilisasi kelompok sasaran pendidikan untuk berpatisipasi dalam program peningkatan litarsi di sekolah.

·        Mengorganisasikan dan menghadiri pertemuan dengan kelompok sasaran dan stakeholder terkait

·        Memberikan dukungan teknis yang berkaitan dengan model pembelajaran yang partisipastif, aktif, kreatif, efektif dan menyenangkan di lingkingan sekolah sesuai dengan sumber daya yang tersedia.              


C.     Pelaporan dan Manajemen Data

  • Bekerjasama dengan Education Officer dalam mengumpulkan data dan informasi untuk kepentingan survey, monitoring, evaluasi dan  pelaporan program
  • Bekerjasama dengan  Monev Officer dalam melakukan kajian kuantitatif dan kualitatif untuk keperluan database program dan peningkatan kualitas kegiatan program.
  • Laporan bulanan kepada Project Coordinator yang tepat waktu. Koordinasi dan feedback kepada Project Coordinator dalam proses monitoring kegiatan dan perencanaan project di Pantai Labu
  • Memberikan infomasi perkembangan program berkaitan dengan target dan capaian sasaran, sesuai dengan Pengukuran Target Capaian
  • Memberikan umpan balik dan saran berkaitan dengan capaian  program dan  tantangan serta pembelajaran sebagai input dalam implementasi prgram


  1. Networking

·       Membangun dan memelihara hubungan baik dan koordinasi dengan pemangku kepentingan pemerintah maupun non pemerintah setempat

·       Bekerjasama  dan berkoordinasi dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan sesuai dengan standar, petunjuk dan umpan balik dari pemerintah

·       Mewakili YNLM  dalam pertemuan terkait.




Minimal Sarjana di bidang Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar, Bidang Pendidikan, dan bidang social yang relevan.


Memahami prinsip pemberdayaan masyarakat.


Memiliki pengalaman mengajar atau bekerja di program pendidikan sekolah dasar


Mengetahui dan familiar dengan system dan kurikulum pendidikan yang diterapkan di Indonesia.


Literasi komputer (Microsoft Office, Word dan Excel)


Lancar menulis dan berbicara dalam Bahasa Indonesia dan akrab dengan bahasa Inggris


Memiliki SIM C dan atau SIM A lebih diutamakan


Keterampilan berorganisasi, perencanaan, dan manajemen waktu yang kuat,

serta kemampuan untuk mengatur dan memprioritaskan pekerjaan



Fleksibilitas, kapasitas untuk bekerja di bawah tekanan dan tenggat waktu

yang ketat



Keterampilan interpersonal yang baik dan pengalaman bekerja dalam tim



Kemampuan untuk bekerja secara mandiri, dengan rasa tanggung jawab,

inisiatif dan pengawasan minimum


Submission of Interest

Kandidat yang berminat diminta untuk mengirimkan lamaran dan riwayat hidup update dengan referensi yang ditujukan kepada Yayasan Nurani Luhur Masyarakat (YNLM) CC selambat-lambatnya 11 April 2023 dengan subject "CF_Nama"


Hanya kandidat yang memenuhi kualifikasi yang akan diproses.




HR Yayasan Nurani Luhur Masyarakat


[newdevjobsindo] Vacancy of Save the Children Indonesia: Programme Director - Health and Nutrition

To apply for this position, please click and go to our career site on

Closing date for application is up to 13 April 2023

(Only short-listed candidates will be notified)
Please visit our website for more info

Save the Children has a zero-tolerance policy towards child abuse, sexual exploitation and abuse, harassment, intimidation, and bullying.
All selected candidates will be expected to adhere to
safer recruitment practices and procedures which reflect Save the Children’s commitment to protecting children, adults, and our employees.

[newdevjobsindo] RFP 2057-10 Piloting of Digital AHN Program Recording and Reporting

Dear Potential Bidders,


Nutrition International (NI) has been supporting the Ministry of Health (MoH), Government of Indonesia in implementing Weekly Iron and Folic Acid (WIFA) supplementation and adolescent nutrition interventions for school-going adolescent girls since 2015. The WIFAS program in Indonesia is a multisectoral intervention through the School Health Program (UKS/M), involving four ministries: Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education and Culture, Ministry of Religious Affairs and Ministry of Home Affairs.  MoH has developed recording and reporting formats (R/R formats) to record the distribution of WIFA supplements to school going girls.


Lack of timely and complete submission of data through HMIS remain one of the challenges for AHN programming in Indonesia. NI identified the gap in digitalization of this process at the school/teacher level. In order to overcome this challenge, NI has developed a digital data collection & reporting platform using a mobile based application for the AHN program at the teacher level and Indonesia is one of country that has been selected to pilot the roll out of this mobile based application to minimize the manual data collection and data entry at school/teacher level. 


To organize the training and meetings of piloting AHN program recording and reporting mobile application in Purwakarta district, West Java, NI seeks a suitable agency to organize this event.


Kindly find detailed RFP along with TOR and Budget Template in the link as follows:


The submission deadline for proposals is Wednesday, April 05, 2023, by 23:59 HRS. West Indonesia Standard Time.


The Technical and Financial Proposal in two separate files put into a covering email specifically indicating the subject line "RFP 2057-10 Piloting of Digital AHN Program Recording and Reporting" and should be sent by email to:





Nutrition International


[newdevjobsindo] CRS Indonesia is seeking a Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL) Project Officer - Reposting

About CRS

Catholic Relief Services is the official international humanitarian agency of the Catholic community in the United States. CRS works to save, protect, and transform lives in need in more than 100 countries, without regard to race, religion or nationality. CRS' relief and development work is accomplished through programs of emergency response, HIV, health, agriculture, education, microfinance and peacebuilding.

CRS programs in Indonesia, Timor Leste, the Philippines, Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) and the Pacific constitute the East Asia and the Pacific sub-regional hub with overall leadership from the Sub-regional Country Representative (CR). The Sub-region encompasses some of the most disaster-prone countries in the world.


CRS Indonesia is seeking a Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL) Project Officer (Job Code: MEAL KUAT) for the Urban Communities for Resilient Action (Komunitas Perkotaan Untuk Aksi Tangguh - KUAT) funded by USAID/Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (BHA) and implemented by a consortium comprising Miyamoto International, Inc, CRS Indonesia and Wahana Visi Indonesia. The project seeks to reduce the lives lost, people injured, property damaged, and overall social and economic disruption from natural disasters in Greater Jakarta, by increasing the DRR and resilience awareness and preparedness of households and communities in high-risk urban and peri-urban villages, while boosting the capacity and coordinated engagement of public and private sector actors as key partners in DRR and resilience in Indonesia.


Job Summary:

You will be responsible for implementing MEAL activities for the Urban Communities for Resilient Action (Komunitas Perkotaan Untuk Aksi Tangguh - KUAT). The MEAL Officer will be work with the project team and MEAL staff/advisors to develop the project MEAL plan and is responsible for the day-to-day implementation of the MEAL plan for the project. The project is designed to leverage existing CRS and partner programming and approaches to expand interventions in the sectors disaster risk reduction policy and practice, shelter and settlements, and economic recovery and market systems. The MEAL Officer's role includes but is not limited to:  the development standardized data collection tools and database systems, frequent data collection, verification of results reported, analysis and presentation of findings and project progress, implementation of project accountability strategies, and the provision of feedback to partners. The MEAL Officer will ensure that systems are in place to measure programs' impact and progress, and that data is readily available to be used as a foundation for programmatic adjustments and evidence-based decision-making.


Roles and Key Responsibilities:

Tool and System Development and Implementation

1.      With guidance from Program Manager and MEAL Senior Project Officer, participate in the development and standardization of DRR/livelihood, gender and protection-sensitive forms and tools to collect data on project indicators, results, effects and impacts (Simple Measurement of Indicators for Learning and Evidence-based Reporting, also known as SMILER).

2.      Develop data flows, reporting maps and templates to ensure the appropriate information arrives to the right program staff in a timely and efficient manner.

3.      Assist in developing digital data collection systems, where appropriate.

4.      Manage project r feedback and complaint response mechanism (FCRM), including logging and recording the feedback and referring the feedback to implementing partners as appropriate, and tracking the feedback status for record closure or follow up if any required.

5.      Train and support relevant partner staff on the use of MEAL tools and management of data flow.

6.      Ensure that all project monitoring arrangements comply with CRS MEAL Policies and Procedures, project and donor requirements.

Collection, Review and Analysis of Monitoring Data

1.       Conduct regular field visits to monitor the implementation of program activities.

2.       Systematically collect data or support data collection from this program activities, including feedback from communities.

3.       Validate all collected data, to ensure it is accurate and of the highest quality.

4.       Analyze data collected.

5.       Ensure all data is recorded in relevant project databases in a timely and accurate manner.


1.       Produce timely MEAL reports and updates, as required.

2.       Write success stories and lessons learned, as required.


Evaluation and Accountability

1.       Participate in all aspects of evaluations, which includes but is not limited to: planning and arranging logistical arrangements for data collection, leading the selection of sites to be visited, attending tool training workshops, leading quantitative, qualitative and participatory data collection efforts in the field, supervising the execution of field studies and ensuring the reliability and validity of data collected therein.

2.       Identify methods through which beneficiaries can be more involved in defining program success indicators, and monitoring program progress management of collective communication approaches, working with program staff to ensure these are used effectively

Partner Support

1.       Conduct regular visits to project partner offices and sites.

2.       Review data collection systems implemented by partners, to ensure rigor and appropriateness of practices.

3.       Lead formal training events for partner MEAL staff, to enhance their capacity for sound MEAL implementation.

4.       Accompany and mentor partners after MEAL trainings, to ensure knowledge retention and address concerns which may emerge.


Basic Qualifications

·       Bachelor's degree in the social sciences or other related fields required.  A Master's degree in relevant field is an advantage.

·       Minimum of three years' experience in M&E work.

·       Experience with digital data collection preferred.

·       Experience working with affected beneficiaries, local and national government officials.


Required Languages – Proficiency in English and Bahasa Indonesia


Travel – Must be willing and able to travel up to 30% of the time in Greater Jakarta.


Duty Station - This position will be based in Jakarta. However, in the event of a disaster where CRS launches an emergency response, all CRS staff will be required to support the response and may be deployed to the response areas as necessary.


Knowledge, Skills and Abilities

·       Analysis and problem-solving skills with ability to make sound judgment.

·       Good relationship management skills and the ability to work closely with local partners.

·       Proactive, results-oriented and service-oriented.

·       Attention to details, accuracy and timeliness in executing assigned responsibilities.


Preferred Qualifications

·       Excellent understanding of local NGOs and government system, with knowledge and appreciation of the vision and mission of CRS.

·       Knowledgeable in participatory development processes.

·       Acceptance of cultural differences among the target communities.

·       Experience monitoring projects and collecting relevant data.

·       Proficient using MS Windows and MS Office packages (Excel, Word, PowerPoint), understanding of basic statistics preferable.

·       Experience with electronic data collection software and systems.

·       Highly skilled in developing monitoring and evaluation forms.


Agency-wide Competencies (for all CRS Staff)

These are rooted in the mission, values, and guiding principles of CRS and used by each staff member to fulfill his or her responsibilities and achieve the desired results.

  • Integrity
  • Continuous Improvement & Innovation
  • Builds Relationships
  • Develops Talent
  • Strategic Mindset
  • Accountability & Stewardship


Supervisory Responsibilities: None


Key Working Relationships:

Internal: MEAL Senior Project Officer, Program Manager, KUAT Senior Project Officers, KUAT MEAL Project Officer, KUAT DRR Officer, Country Manager, Subregional Head of Programs, and Regional Technical MEAL and program advisors.

External: Project's Prime, Local implementing partners, peer agencies, and local government authorities.


MEAL Competencies (for CRS MEAL Program Staff)


Each staff member in this position is expected to have solid knowledge and ability and can apply the following competencies with minimal or no guidance, in the full range of typical situations, while requiring guidance to handle novel or more complex situations:

·       Monitoring

·       Accountability

·       Learning


In addition, each staff member in this position is expected to have basic knowledge and ability and, with guidance, be able to apply the following competencies in common situations that present limited difficulties:

·       MEAL in Design

·       Evaluation

·       Analysis and Critical Thinking

·       ICT4MEAL

·       Management in MEAL


CRS encourage qualified candidates to apply regardless of religion, race, gender, sexual orientation or disability, all recruitment practice and procedure reflect CRS commitment to protection children and vulnerable adult from abuse.


Only applications that meet the above qualifications will be shortlisted. All applications and CVs should be sent by email to CRS Indonesia at before or by 7 April 2023 with the Job Code and Applicant Name in the subject.   


***Our Catholic identity is at the heart of our mission and operations. Catholic Relief Services carries out the commitment of the Bishops of the United States to assist the poor and vulnerable overseas. We welcome as a part of our staff people of all faiths and secular traditions who share our values and our commitment to serving those in need. CRS' processes and policies reflect our commitment to protecting children and vulnerable adults from abuse and exploitation.


CRS' talent acquisition procedures reflect our commitment to protecting children and vulnerable adults from abuse and exploitation.

CRS is an Equal Opportunity Employer


"Only short-listed candidates will be invited via e-mail/phone for Interview"

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