Juli 2023 - Lowongan Kerja LSM NGO

Senin, 31 Juli 2023

[newdevjobsindo] Call for Consultant: Penyusunan Modul Penguatan Kapasitas Forum Pengada Layanan untuk Implementasi UU TPKS Dalam Proyek Generation-Gender- Rutgers Indonesia

Call for Consultant

Penyusunan Modul Penguatan Kapasitas Forum Pengada Layanan

 untuk Implementasi UU TPKS

Dalam Proyek Generation-Gender | Rutgers Indonesia



Nama Proyek

Generation Gender (Gen-G)


DKI Jakarta, Jawa Barat, dan Kota Palu


Kekerasan Berbasis Gender dan Seksual (KBGS)


Bahasa Indonesia


Agustus – November 2023 (4 bulan)

Tenggat Waktu Pendaftaran

7 Agustus 2023




  1. Tentang Rutgers Indonesia


Rutgers Indonesia (Ruang Temu Generasi Sehat Indonesia) adalah organisasi nirlaba yang merupakan pusat keahlian dalam bidang pemenuhan hak kesehatan seksual dan reproduksi (HKSR) dan pencegahan kekerasan berbasis gender dan seksual (KBGS). Rutgers Indonesia bekerja untuk meningkatkan kualitas HKSR di Indonesia bersama dengan organisasi mitra di berbagai daerah di Indonesia selama bertahun-tahun. Rutgers Indonesia bekerja untuk menjawab berbagai tantangan dan masalah yang dihadapi orang muda terkait kesehatan dan kesejahteraan seksual dan reproduksi mereka. Hal ini kami lakukan antara lain melalui pendidikan seksualitas yang komprehensif. Seksualitas tidak selalu tentang seks, tetapi juga terkait dengan kesehatan, merasa nyaman dengan tubuhnya, serta menghormati hak orang lain. Komprehensif mengacu pada penyediaan informasi yang akurat dan lengkap serta membangun keterampilan yang membantu orang muda untuk mengembangkan pengetahuan dan perilaku mereka sehingga mereka sadar akan kesehatan dan perkembangan seksual mereka sendiri, dan menghormati hak orang lain. Pendekatan Rutgers Indonesia terhadap proyek mencakup penelitian, monitoring dan evaluasi, advokasi dan manajemen pengetahuan.


  1. Proyek dan Ketentuan Umum


Untuk mencapai misi di atas, Rutgers Indonesia memiliki beberapa proyek dan mengajak Anda untuk dapat berkontribusi positif dalam mewujudkan kesehatan dan kesejahteraan seksual dan reproduksi serta dalam pencegahan dan penanganan KBGS. Salah satu proyek yang sedang berjalan saat ini adalah: Generation-Gender (Gen-G).


Proyek Generation-Gender (Gen-G) merupakan program pencegahan kekerasan berbasis gender dan seksual yang ingin berkontribusi dalam terwujudnya masyarakat yang adil gender dan bebas dari kekerasan. Program ini dilaksanakan oleh Rutgers Indonesia bersama dengan Koalisi Perempuan Indonesia (KPI), Lembaga Bantuan Hukum Asosiasi Perempuan Indonesia untuk Keadilan (LBH APIK Jakarta), dan Rahima (yang bergerak dengan isu utama penegakan hak-hak perempuan dengan perspektif Islam), bersama orang muda usia 18-30 tahun dengan segala keragaman mereka di tiga wilayah utama, yakni Jabodetabek, Provinsi Jawa Barat dan Kota Palu. 


Saat ini Gen G sedang mencari konsultan penyusun modul penguatan kapasitas Forum Pengada Layanan untuk implementasi UU TPKS.


Kami membuka kesempatan kepada lembaga/organisasi yang memenuhi kriteria untuk mengirimkan proposal.


Ketentuan umum mengenai proses ini adalah sebagai berikut:

  1. Konsultan yang dimaksud adalah organisasi/kelompok/jaringan yang memiliki fokus/nilai/misi/visi yang sama dengan proyek yang sedang dijalankan dalam Generation Gender. Lebih disukai dan memiliki nilai tambah, jika:

a.    Fokus pada isu penanganan KBGS;

b.    Memiliki pengalaman sebagai pendamping korban kekerasan;

c.    Memiliki pengalaman menyusun modul terkait;

d.    Menguasai UU TPKS dan UU/peraturan terkait lainnya dalam pendampingan korban kekerasan;

  1. Rutgers Indonesia akan melakukan penilaian dan verifikasi terhadap eligibilitas dan akuntabilitas calon konsultan yang mencakup dan tidak terbatas pada; kapasitas dan kemampuan pengelolaan keuangan, bebas dari kecurangan dan kekerasan seksual berbasis gender.
  2. Rutgers Indonesia mensyaratkan calon konsultan taat terhadap standar etika yang tinggi terhadap nilai-nilai yang diusung Rutgers Indonesia dan tidak terlibat dalam korupsi, kecurangan, kolusi, penipuan dan praktek-praktek serupa lainnya.
  3. Pengiriman proposal paling lambat pada tanggal 7 Agustus 2023 pukul 23.59 WIB dan ditujukan kepada: riki@rutgers.id dengan menuliskan subjek email yaitu Proposal_Penyusunan Modul Pendamping KBGS_GenG2023_Nama organisasi/ komunitas.
  4. Untuk keterangan lebih lanjut terkait konsultan ini, silakan merujuk pada kerangka acuan kegiatan pada tautan ini: Unduh disini


Pengumuman Konsultan Terpilih

Lembaga/organisasi/komunitas yang terpilih untuk menjadi konsultan akan diberitahukan melalui surat elektronik paling lambat tanggal 14 Agustus 2023.



Rutgers Indonesia adalah organisasi yang menegakkan kode etik untuk mencegah kecurangan dan kekerasan terhadap perempuan dan anak. Penelusuran catatan pelanggaran akan dilakukan secara hati-hati.


Rutgers Indonesia memberikan kesempatan kerja yang sama tanpa membedakan jenis kelamin, gender, orientasi seksual dan agama, 

[newdevjobsindo] GIZ Indonesia for the Sustainable Energy Transition in Indonesia (SETI) project: Monitoring & Evaluation Specialist

The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH is an international cooperation enterprise for sustainable development with worldwide operations. Its corporate objective is to improve people's living conditions on a sustainable basis. GIZ has been working in Indonesia since 1975 on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

In Indonesia, GIZ is implementing various energy projects under the umbrella of the Energy Programme Indonesia/ASEAN / Energy Transition Cluster. These projects are commissioned by mainly the German government, represented by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK).

The Energy Programme seeks to deliver impacts for a successful transition towards a sustainable energy system in Indonesia. Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) and related knowledge management tasks play an important role in managing the projects under the Energy Programme and making sure that such impacts are identified, assessed and reported. This relates to ensuring M&E uniform approaches within the Programme, and also project specific set-up and running of monitoring and reporting systems.

To bring M&E expertise to the Energy Programme, GIZ seeks one (1) motivated and qualified Indonesian candidate to join as a:

Monitoring & Evaluation Specialist

 Besides functioning as advisor to all projects on M&E and making sure the M&E support is streamlined across the Programme, the specialist will further support selected projects in setting up and running their M&E and related knowledge management structure. One of these projects include the Sustainable Energy Transition Indonesia (SETI) but the support could also expand to our projects within the portfolio.

A. Responsibilities


  • Under the Programme Director and Energy Programme Management Team, develop an uniform M&E system for joint indicators of projects under the Energy Programme (e.g. GHG emissions reduced, Megawatt of Renewable Energy installed, etc), socialize the system within all projects of the Energy Programme and ensure application of the system
  • Support overall project coordination of SETI with a focus on M&E and progress tracking, related reporting of results, evaluation, as well as knowledge management and project documentation
  • Under the SETI Coordinator, develop and maintain a result-based monitoring system (website, others) for the SETI Consortium ensuring project progress is tracked and recorded
  • Support maintenance and controlling of project planning, monitoring and reporting tools and make sure indicator tracking is up to date.
  • Act as M&E Specialist for the larger SETI Consortium consisting of GIZ Indonesia, WRI, Cerah and IESR, to ensure Consortium partners are well trained on the monitoring system and its use, and that monitoring is applied continuously
  • Facilitate internal meetings for project monitoring and reporting
  • Facilitate and prepare annual monitoring and reporting updates towards the donor and political partner, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, by collecting inputs from advisors and consortium partners
  • Develop a knowledge management strategy for projects (SETI, others) and ensure consistency of knowledge product formats and proper documentation in related filing system, in line with the Energy Programme's KM and communications approach
  • Work closely with the Energy Programme's Management Support structure (communications team, knowledge management team, IT, etc) as well as the Energy Hub, to make sure experiences are shared and uniform approaches are applied
  • Act as Interface for M&E topics towards the GIZ Country Office
  • Perform editorial work on reports (e.g., annual/quarterly/bi-monthly/post-event/evaluation reports) and knowledge products in both English and Bahasa Indonesia to ensure high linguistic quality
B. Tasks

 1.     Monitoring and Evaluation

  • Develop a uniform approach to key indicators of projects under the Energy Programme, define the methodology for data collection and calculation of contributions to overarching project goals (calculation of GHG emission reductions, installed capacity of renewable energy, etc.)
  • Monitor the application of this system through regular meetings with relevant team members within the Programme and/or Projects
  • Collect and synthesize the inputs to internal monitoring systems, e.g. on GIZ corporate level as well as towards donors
  • Prepare annual / regular monitoring updates for the donor and partners in different formats and collect information from various stakeholders
  • Develop a comprehensive result based monitoring system (e.g. website) to operationalize the result based matrix for selected projects (SETI, others)
  • Train and support project staff on the implementation of the monitoring system and lead evaluation of results
  • Prepare templates for impact monitoring of activities (events, trainings etc) such as participant questionnaires, etc. to be used by advisors 
  • Support evaluation of collected data and presenting them in a cohesive fashion
  • Lead the progress tracking for selected projects (SETI, others) for impact indicators
  • Evaluate the alignment of activities carried out by SETI with SETI programme's indicators and support input provisions to SETI's Result-Based Monitoring (RBM) tool.
  • Support coordination between the SETI Consortium team's monitoring and evaluation focal points and SETI advisors.

 2. Reporting

  • Be responsible for project reporting in close consultation, both for the Indonesian and German donors, with other advisors, project partners, and/or implementing agencies.
  • Provide report editing and design of the Energy Hub annual activity reports drafted by the technical advisors
  • Support coordination between the SETI Consortium team to streamline reporting
  • Ensure quality control measures are undertaken to optimize reporting
  • Lead Programme wide reporting on key indicators for GIZs contribution to Indonesia's energy transition
3. Knowledge products & management

  • Coordinate closely with projects under the GIZ Energy Programme, to develop ideas for knowledge products, and realize their implementation
  • Distribute such products to the appropriate channels,
  • Develop creative content and knowledge products about project issue, aiming at increasing the knowledge and awareness of stakeholder in Indonesia 
  • Prepare fact sheets, presentations, flyers, posters and other knowledge products for SETI
  • Support the identification of success stories / achievements of the GIZ Energy Programme and SETI through results identified from the monitoring system.
  • Cooperate with the Energy Hub and Energy Programme Communications coordinator in distilling major impacts and stories to prepare communication material.
  • Ensure filing of project documents within in- and external channels (DMS, IDA, website, etc)
  • Maintaining the relevant information into clear structure of sharing folder and MS teams filing system.
  • Maintain the project knowledge management system (SharePoint) and ensure that all relevant documents are available and uploaded to DMS (Data-Management System of GIZ).
  • Compile the relevant information needed for activities and assignments, such as for reports, studies and knowledge tools.
  • Ensure format consistency in knowledge products and coordinate with the communications team for the development of publicly accessible products.
  • Prepare templates for event evaluation reports and post-event analysis.
  • Assist technical advisors in utilizing data and information in the context of activity implementation and policy recommendations to project's counterparts.
  • Maintaining well the GIZ informal knowledge management platform IDA system and manage the digital platform "onsite operations"
4. Project Management Support
  • Support annual operational planning, developing a system to work with the team to allow good management of progress
  • Prepare, moderate, and document regular SETI Consortium team meetings on regional level, as well as country steering meetings on national level.
  • Develop and update the relevant templates for project planning and monitoring.
  • Maintain documentation of project results by reviewing other documents concerning the progress of collaborative programs
  • Support contract and tender preparation, in close tandem with advisors and administrative specialists, and manage large framework contracts through close monitoring, documenting and consultant follow-up
5. Other duties / additional tasks
  • Subject to discussions with the Energy Programme Director and the Project Directors, the Specialist may be allocated additional tasks and other duties for shorter periods
  • Contribute to regular meetings of the Management Support structure of the GIZ Energy Programme, the Energy Hub, and support synergies and aligned planning of events, media approaches and knowledge products

C. Required qualifications, competences and experience



  • Master's degree in relevant field of work, e.g., Project Management, or related field
  • Very good working knowledge of IT, communication technologies (social media, related software, website) and newest communication methods
  • Very good communication skills in English and Bahasa Indonesia, including speaking and writing


Professional experience

  • At least 5 years professional experience in the field of project management (monitoring & evaluation, reporting, knowledge management)
  • Experience in developing networks with multiple stakeholder groups (e.g. donors, projects, etc.) is a strong asset
  • Proven success and creativity in developing and maintain knowledge management strategies as well as result-based monitoring systems.
  • Prior working experience in energy, environment, climate change-related sector is advantageous.
  • Regional experience or prior work in a global organization/event is preferred.
  • Insight into the International Development Cooperation work


Other knowledge, additional competences

  • Able to think conceptually, creatively and collaboratively on all elements of communications work
  • Focused, proactive and positive working attitude
  • Demonstrated ability to work effectively in a fast-paced office environment, both independently and as part of a global team
  • Excellent interpersonal communication skills, including the ability to encourage collaboration with other programs, international offices, and partners
  • Aware of social and intercultural sensitivities, flexible and possess a sense of diplomacy
  • Adaptable to rapidly changing priorities and able to manage multiple deadlines and deliver high quality work products
  • Willingness to up skill as required by the tasks to be performed – corresponding measures are agreed with management
  • Availability to travel within Indonesia for short-term project visits on short notice

Duty Station: Jakarta
Joining Date: a.s.a.p.
Direct Supervisor:  SETI Coordinator 

Please submit your motivation letter and comprehensive resume (including training and list of references) to recruitment-indo@giz.de by 13 August 2023 with subject line Energy Programme – M&E
Please name your file as follow format:
[Your Complete Name]_[Motivation Letter/CV/Latest Education Certificate] (i.e: Nakula Sadewa_CV or Nakula Sadewa_Motivation Letter or Nakula Sadewa_Reference)


Only short-listed candidates will be notified.

[newdevjobsindo] WRI Indonesia is looking for Urban Development Senior Project Lead

Program Overview
WRI Cities program is a global initiative dedicated to shape a future where cities work better for everyone. Our practices area span variously in Buildings, Health, Road Safety, Urban Mobility, Urban Development, Urban Government and Water. Through innovative research, deep engagement, and global partnerships, our network of local and international experts puts cities on a trajectory of more sustainable and equitable development. We catalyze and accelerate transformative initiatives that turn cities into resilient, inclusive, low-carbon places that are good for people and the planet. Placed in seven countries, made the WRI Cities program the second biggest portfolio after climate.

In Indonesia, the WRI cities program also supports numerous initiatives. The "Clean Air Catalyst" initiative is one of a cities programs that seeks to improve air quality in Jakarta through source awareness and narrowing framework. We also help cities in Indonesia to invest in their inner, nearby, and faraway forests to provide tremendous benefits in human health and well-being through the "Cities for Forest" program. Conjointly with the Jakarta provincial government, WRI Indonesia assists the development Low Emission Zone (LEZ) program to greatly reduce the emission in Jakarta Old Town. WRI also supports urban mobility improvement program where we empower city leaders, youth, communities and provide technical solution in reducing negative externalities of mobility system through E-Mobility and Sustainable Transport Development. Lastly, WRI also facilitates any Indonesian city governments that intend and/or have committed to, ideally, net-zero–where WRI supports in ensuring the targets follow the highly accountable international scientific standard, including emission reduction from the shift in the cities value chain and carbon neutralization through nature-based solutions, e.g., tree restoration.

As an archipelago country, the rapid development of the coastal area attracted many people to come and seek a livelihood, which lead to the emergence of the coastal metropolitan area. Rising sea level is an imminent risk throughout coastal metropolitan, and it is getting worse with the occurrence of climate change. The cities are also hit by unpredicted cycles of coastal flooding and job losses caused by Covid-19, disproportionately impacting the urban poor and exacerbating existing social-economic inequality. The urban poor living in risk-prone areas are frequently excluded from the development process and have limited access to basic infrastructure (including transportation) and jobs, making them more vulnerable to extreme climate-related events. Given the current scenario, WRI Indonesia aims to assist cities in their post-covid recovery plans by developing a more sustainable mobility strategy that is lower in emissions, safer, more inclusive, and resilient.

Job Highlight
As the Senior Program Lead, this position will lead and work with the team to implement strategy and deliver the project on a daily basis. He/She is required to oversee the project's financial and administrative process within WRI Indonesia. The Senior Program Lead is expected to monitor, evaluate and review the project's life-cycle based on project documents. He/She needs to coordinate with key stakeholders and partners in targeted cities. In fulfilling the responsibilities, the senior program lead is required to collaborate with colleagues across WRI, both local and international offices.

What You Will Do
Project Management (70%)
  • Provide strategy on project implementation and spending to ensure all activities within projects are aligned according to the project documents (deliverables, milestones, workplan) and adhering to WRI Indonesia operations policy.
  • Coordinate with cities leadership and other cities project leads within WRI Indonesia office to ensure cross-project initiatives are linked
  • Lead the team in delivering the projects on a daily basis and ensure effective quality assurance is applied throughout the project lifecycle
  • Identify and address opportunities and challenges within the project that arises internally and externally, including adjustment of programmatic strategies, approaches, and budgets, with communications to cities leadership within WRI Indonesia.
  • Manage engagement in building coalition among government agencies, donors, NGO's, private sector, universities, and other key stakeholders to support project delivery

Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (15%)
  • Provide inputs on research, technical, and policy documentation, including analysis, studies, and reports;
  • Contribute to the development of blogs and/or knowledge products

Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (15%)
  • Develop a mechanism with the team to track the implementation of the project implementation.
  • Ensure that data and information required for demonstrating program impact and lessons learned are collected, analyzed, and integrated into program monitoring and evaluation systems/tools
  • Collaborate and coordinate with staff across WRI Indonesia, WRI Global, and other international organizations

What You Will Need
  • Master's degree in management/International Relations/ International Development/ Environmental Science/ Environmental Engineering/ Civil Engineering/ Transport Planning/ Urban Planning/ Architecture or Public Policy. (Or bachelor's degree with additional 6 years of relevant experiences);
  • 6 years of working experience in cities / transport or climate change related works and able to demonstrate at least 2 years of project management experience in project monitoring, project evaluation, capacity building, and leading a team.
  • Strong familiarity in sustainable mobility, urban-rural interaction and interlinkages between climate, energy, and landscape issues in cities context would be a plus.
  • Having strong project management skills. Experience in managing projects funded by international entities is a plus.
  • Demonstrated project financial planning, management, and evaluation in administering program budget.
  • Strong monitoring and evaluation skills, or having experience in Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning is a plus.
  • Excellent communication skills with fluency in both Bahasa and English for speaking and writing.
  • Able to formulate ideas into communicable presentations and/or writings.
  • Willingness to travel frequently to project cities in Surabaya, Makassar, etc. if required.

Contract Arrangement
Full-time with fixed-term employment agreement for 1 (one) year period with 3 (three) months of consultancy contract apply before the fixed-term employment agreement started.

What we offer
  • Salary that is commensurate with experience and skills
  • Competitive and comprehensive benefit package
  • Access to the WRI global network
  • Opportunity to join and/or get involved in different working groups
  • A workplace that strives to put diversity and inclusion at the heart of our work
  • A chance to have an impact and to develop your career within a mission driven organization

Must have authorization to work in Indonesia to be eligible for this position.

Final candidates might be required to take a writing test and to produce two writing samples when needed.

How to apply: In order to be formally considered, please submit an updated resume and cover letter through WRI career portal World Resources Institute Careers - Urban Development Senior Program Lead (jobvite.com)

Application close: 17.00 (DKI Jakarta local time), 6 August 2023. We will close the advert earlier when the best candidates are identified at earlier dates. 

This is a locally engaged position; Indonesian nationals are encouraged to apply.


About Us

Founded in 1982, World Resources Institute (WRI) is an independent, nonprofit global research organization that turns big ideas into action at the nexus of environment, economic opportunity, and human well-being. We are working to address seven critical challenges that the world must overcome this decade to secure a sustainable future for people and the planet: climate change, energy, food, forests, water, sustainable cities, and the ocean. WRI has a global staff of over 1,800 people with work spanning 60 countries. We have offices in Africa, Brazil, China, Europe, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Colombia and the United States, as well as a growing presence in other countries and regions.  


The foundation of our work is delivering high-quality research, data, maps, and analysis to solve the world's greatest environment and international development challenges and improve people's lives. We work with leaders in government, business, and civil society to drive ambitious action and create change on the ground. Equally important, we bring together partners to develop breakthrough ideas and scale-up solutions for far-reaching, enduring impact.


Our mission and values:

WRI's mission is to move human society to live in ways that protect Earth's environment and its capacity to provide for the needs and aspirations of current and future generations.


Our values are shared ideals that bind us together: Integrity, Innovation, Urgency, Independence, Respect. 


Our culture:

WRI is committed to advancing gender and social equity for human well-being in our mission and applies this principle to our organizational and programmatic practices. We are committed to providing equal opportunities in employment, we embrace all diversity and encourage women, gender diverse communities, persons with disabilities, Afro-descendants, and Indigenous people to apply. Recognizing our strong commitment to gender equality, WRI has also been awarded EDGE certification.


WRI Indonesia is national entity (Yayasan) associated with the World Resources Institute (WRI), a global environmental research organization that turns big ideas into action at the nexus of environment, economic opportunity, and human well-being. WRI work with various stakeholders in the natural resources sector to support policy and management that are both profitable and sustainable. WRI work with leaders in more than 50 countries for more than 30 years, with offices in Brazil, China, Europe, India, Indonesia, Mexico, and the United States.


Launched in early 2014, WRI Indonesia builds on WRI's 10-year history in the country, and strengthens our impact on the ground. In the short-to-medium term, WRI Indonesia aims to expand its presence and portfolio to include projects in the climate, energy, as well as city and transportation programs.

[newdevjobsindo] WRI Indonesia is looking for Urban Mobility Engagement Specialist

Program Overview
WRI Cities program is a global initiative dedicated to shaping a future where cities work better for everyone. Our practice area spans variously in Buildings, Health, Road Safety, Urban Mobility, Urban Development, Urban Government, and Water. Through innovative research, deep engagement, and global partnerships, our network of local and international experts puts cities on a trajectory of more sustainable and equitable development. We catalyze and accelerate transformative initiatives that turn cities into resilient, inclusive, low-carbon places that are good for people and the planet. Placed in seven countries, made the WRI Cities program the second biggest portfolio after climate.

WRI Indonesia seeks to assist the Government of Indonesia in enhancing and mainstreaming innovative low-carbon development approaches to transform the transportation sector in addressing urban mobility issues in the coastal metropolitan of Indonesia that would pave the way for sustainable development and help achieve the government's bold climate target ie. Net zero-emission.

WRI Indonesia in collaboration with the UK Government through its Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (UK FCDO) has initiated partnering cooperation under the UK Partnering for Accelerating Climate Transitions (UK PACT) to provide programmatic and technical advisory support to address the twin challenges posed by Covid-19 recovery and the risk of natural disaster and climate change to the urban mobility infrastructure and services. The project, which holds the title "Enhancing sustainable urban mobility of coastal metropolitan towards low carbon development", recognizes the role of WRI Indonesia to lead policy advocacy, technical support, and analytics to subnational governments to design strategies and prepare for the transition towards a low-carbon, inclusive, and safe urban mobility system.

The technical assistance will enable support in two coastal cities i.e. Makassar and Surabaya, which are projected to implement a mass rapid transit program by 2024 and yet are known for their vulnerability to sea-level rise and flooding. Some of the activities to be conducted include policy dialogue with the subnational governments, capacity building for stakeholders, the development of a platform to monitor the impact on emission reduction in the specified area, assessment of spatial plans and infrastructure to design a sustainable urban mobility action plan, develop conceptual design and feasibility study of an urban mobility policy, and knowledge management. The project will benefit from WRI's Indonesia portfolio on e-mobility through lessons on developing policy with subnational governments on promoting the utilization of Electric vehicles.

Job Highlight
As the lead organization for the project, WRI Indonesia has established cooperation with partners i.e. Vital Strategies and Arup. The main role of the Urban Mobility Engagement Specialist is to represent WRI Indonesia in leading local partners and maintain day-to-day engagement with key stakeholders after first approach by Urban Mobility Manager and Senior Program Lead. This position will be supported by two regional coordinator: Makassar and Surabaya and requires to apply a strategic approach to provide an evidence-based insight related to sustainable transport and ensure partners delivery are executed timely with high quality control. This position will report to Urban Development Senior Program Lead while also working collaboratively Urban Mobility Manager and Senior Program Lead for Urban Transport Planning, and share lessons gained from the project with colleagues across WRI, both local and international offices. This position will be based in Jakarta and require a frequent travel to Surabaya and Makassar, or other cities as assigned.

What You Will Do
Project Management and Engagement (50%)
  • Assist Urban Development Senior Program Lead to implement activities within WRI's responsibility in the project
  • Support Urban Sustainability Senior Program Lead to supervise the work of WRI's partners
  • Undertake quality control of deliverables prepared by WRI's partners
  • Liaise with the city's officials and key stakeholders in Surabaya and Makassar to build awareness and political support for the project and the overall WRI-led activities
  • Facilitate project's operation including procurement, contract award, hiring consultants, and keep updated on the project's disbursement rate
  • Participate in meetings, discussions, site visits, and policy dialogue and prepare the minutes for project documentation

Data support and Technical review (30%)
  • Provide inputs on technical and policy discussion through the preparation of a quick summary of regulations, sectoral reports, and official publications, to name a few,
  • Collect data and information in Makassar and Surabaya to assist in undertaking WRI-led project activities, UCRA and Mobility Improvement.
  • Hold independent analytics on urban mobility issues that combines the perspective of transportation engineering, renewable energy, and green building infrastructure, and information technology to enhance project implementation
  • Provide a review of the draft of a technical guideline, conceptual design, or feasibility study of selected urban mobility policy in Surabaya and Makassar
  • Maintain updating of data and information

Monitoring, evaluation and learning (20%)
  • Assist Urban Sustainability Senior Program Lead to track progress, identifying implementation challenges, and suggesting solutions to avoid delays,
  • Facilitate harvesting lessons learned through various means of knowledge exchange convened by WRI
  • Collaborate and coordinate with staff across WRI Indonesia, WRI Global, and other international organizations
  • Contribute to the dissemination of information on WRI project to key stakeholders and the general public

What You Will Need
  • Master's degree in Urban and Regional Planning/ Civil Engineering/ Environmental science/ Public Policy, preferably have experience working in the public sector,
  •  Minimum three years of experience in project implementation related to city development and climate change mitigation,
  • Proven application of expertise within a specific area or breadth across multiple areas with in-depth knowledge within some areas
  • Strong analytical skills and knowledge to carry out technical reviews of various project deliverables such as technical guidelines, basic or detailed construction design, and feasibility studies.
  • Clear understanding of urban mobility issues and the interrelated linkage they have with climate change, energy, air quality, and built environment
  • Familiar with project operation activities such as budgeting, procurement, contracting, and spot checks of project expenditure as applied in multinational organization settings
  • Excellent written and verbal skills in Bahasa Indonesia and English are required
  • Willingness to travel frequently to project cities in Surabaya, Makassar, or as assigned

Contract Arrangement
Full-time with fixed-term employment agreement for 1 (one) year period with 3 (three) months of consultancy contract apply before the fixed-term employment agreement started.

What we offer
  • Salary that is commensurate with experience and skills
  • Competitive and comprehensive benefit package
  • Access to the WRI global network
  • Opportunity to join and/or get involved in different working groups
  • A workplace that strives to put diversity and inclusion at the heart of our work
  • A chance to have an impact and to develop your career within a mission driven organization

Must have authorization to work in Indonesia to be eligible for this position.

Final candidates might be required to take a writing test and to produce two writing samples when needed.

How to apply: In order to be formally considered, please submit an updated resume and cover letter through WRI career portal World Resources Institute Careers - Urban Mobility Engagement Specialist (jobvite.com)

Application close: 17.00 (DKI Jakarta local time), 6 August 2023. We will close the advert earlier when the best candidates are identified at earlier dates. 

This is a locally engaged position; Indonesian nationals are encouraged to apply.



About Us

Founded in 1982, World Resources Institute (WRI) is an independent, nonprofit global research organization that turns big ideas into action at the nexus of environment, economic opportunity, and human well-being. We are working to address seven critical challenges that the world must overcome this decade to secure a sustainable future for people and the planet: climate change, energy, food, forests, water, sustainable cities, and the ocean. WRI has a global staff of over 1,800 people with work spanning 60 countries. We have offices in Africa, Brazil, China, Europe, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Colombia and the United States, as well as a growing presence in other countries and regions.  


The foundation of our work is delivering high-quality research, data, maps, and analysis to solve the world's greatest environment and international development challenges and improve people's lives. We work with leaders in government, business, and civil society to drive ambitious action and create change on the ground. Equally important, we bring together partners to develop breakthrough ideas and scale-up solutions for far-reaching, enduring impact.


Our mission and values:

WRI's mission is to move human society to live in ways that protect Earth's environment and its capacity to provide for the needs and aspirations of current and future generations.


Our values are shared ideals that bind us together: Integrity, Innovation, Urgency, Independence, Respect. 


Our culture:

WRI is committed to advancing gender and social equity for human well-being in our mission and applies this principle to our organizational and programmatic practices. We are committed to providing equal opportunities in employment, we embrace all diversity and encourage women, gender diverse communities, persons with disabilities, Afro-descendants, and Indigenous people to apply. Recognizing our strong commitment to gender equality, WRI has also been awarded EDGE certification.


WRI Indonesia is national entity (Yayasan) associated with the World Resources Institute (WRI), a global environmental research organization that turns big ideas into action at the nexus of environment, economic opportunity, and human well-being. WRI work with various stakeholders in the natural resources sector to support policy and management that are both profitable and sustainable. WRI work with leaders in more than 50 countries for more than 30 years, with offices in Brazil, China, Europe, India, Indonesia, Mexico, and the United States.


Launched in early 2014, WRI Indonesia builds on WRI's 10-year history in the country, and strengthens our impact on the ground. In the short-to-medium term, WRI Indonesia aims to expand its presence and portfolio to include projects in the climate, energy, as well as city and transportation programs.

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