[newdevjobsindo] Consultancy Opportunity with the AHA Centre: ACE Programme Humanitarian Diplomacy Course - Lowongan Kerja LSM NGO

Rabu, 19 Agustus 2020

[newdevjobsindo] Consultancy Opportunity with the AHA Centre: ACE Programme Humanitarian Diplomacy Course



Consultancy    :    Trainer-Facilitator for Humanitarian Diplomacy Course under AHA Centre Executive (ACE) Programme Batch 7

Reporting to    :    ACE & DELSA Programme Coordinator

Duration          :    1 May – 31 July 2021




The AHA Centre Executive (ACE) Programme is an intensive five-month training to prepare future leaders in disaster management as part of the AHA Centre's ambition to build a disaster-resilient region.  Since it was launched in 2014, 97 officers (35 females and 62 males) from the ten ASEAN Member States have undergone intense training facilitated by acclaimed trainers in relation to disaster management. Upon graduation, these officers are expected to enhance their technical knowledge, master procedures for coordinated and timely response, manage logistics planning for emergency response, and form lasting bond among fellow disaster management professionals in the region.

The continuation of the ACE Programme has been possible through the support from partners. The Government of Japan through the Japan-ASEAN Integration Fund (JAIF) provides the main funding for the programme from 2018 to 2020. In addition, the programme has also received support from the New Zealand Government, United States Government, the UN partners (UNOCHA, WFP, UNHRD, UNDP, UN Women, UN-FPA, UNICEF, IOM), Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, and academic institutions, such as Asia Pacific Centre for Security Studies and University of Canterbury. The seventh batch of ACE Programme will be conducted from February to July 2021 at the AHA Centre Office in Jakarta, Indonesia, with visits to several countries including Japan, New Zealand, and other ASEAN Member States, in order to expose participants to different disaster management strategies and country contexts. Up to 25 National Disaster Management Officers from the ASEAN Member States will participate in the full 1000 hours training over a period of five months.

The ACE Programme Framework

The ACE Programme framework recognises success to be measured at several stages. It defines changes expected to occur after each course/session (Learning Objectives), at the end of a module (Change in Capacity) and contribute to enhance the four aspects of ACE Core Competencies. The training development continuum design requires the participants' capabilities for ongoing learning in order to attain the ACE Programme professional qualities.  Eventually, the ACE programme will contribute to the goal of developing the future ASEAN leaders and impact on the operationalisation of One ASEAN One Response while also reflecting on how as leaders, they can contribute to the strengthening of the national or local disaster preparedness and response systems.

The framework presents how, through the 23 courses, the ACE Programme contributes to their professional development in disaster management—through the changes in their capacity (at the end of each module). There will be several courses delivered under each module. Together, these modules are expected to improve their competencies (knowledge, behaviour and practice) and eventually, their Professional Qualities.

  Figure 1. ACE Programme Competency Framework

Professional Qualities





Humanitarian expert

Collaboration builder


Effective Leader


Contributing to the improvements in Disaster Management at the national and regional level

Building collaborative relationships to operationalise One ASEAN One Response

Managing and communicating results suited to different stakeholders

Leading and inspiring change amidst volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous situations

of Change in Capacity
after the


C1.1 Demonstrating understanding of the International Humanitarian System, Principles, and Standards (apply)


C1.2 Evaluating tools, methodologies, and standard practices to proactively respond to the needs in disaster management in the NDMO and ASEAN context


C1.3 Proposing solutions in the various Humanitarian Technical Sectors (create)



C2.1 Designing plans to collaborate with institutions needed in supporting the ASEAN joint response (create)


C2.2 Optimising opportunities to promote interoperability between ASEAN and the international humanitarian system (evaluate)


C2.3 Proposing strategies to improve the NDMO and ASEAN humanitarian assistance operations (create)




C3.1 Communicating ideas and outcomes in disaster management using English (apply)


C3.2 Developing ideas into result-oriented project proposals (create)


C3.3 Organising the process to carry out an initiative or project, from needs identification to planning, monitoring and evaluation (create)


C3.4 Facilitating group decision-making and chairing official meetings (apply)


C3.5 Tailor-fitting communications to different stakeholders (strategic, operational and tactical) (evaluate)



C4.1 Reflecting upon personal strengths, weaknesses and values (evaluate)


C4.2 Defining the problem based on causal relationships (analysis)


C4.3 Using different communication strategies to inform, inspire and influence people, policies, and systems




Humanitarian Diplomacy Course

This course introduces the 25 ACE Programme participants to the concept of diplomatic leadership. It present case studies that exemplifies difficult leadership decisions and debate on matters that transcends boundaries. The overall aim is to enhance the skills of participants to critically analyse, negotiate, and advocate across sectors and borders in order to mobilize and coordinate relevant actors and resources.


Timing and Duration of Work Assignment

The duration of the consultancy starts from 1 May - 31 July 2021. The course is tentatively scheduled for three days on 21-23 June 2021 in Jakarta. The course starts from 9:00 until 17:00 with a 30 minutes break and a 90-minute lunch break.

Communications and Reporting Relationship

The Consultant will work in close consultation and under the supervision of the ACE PMT. The ACE PMT will be responsible for answering queries related to the project information.


The ACE Programme Coordinator is in close consultation with the Executive Director of the AHA Centre will assess the services and outputs of the Consultant.



Expected Deliverables


The expected deliverables from the Consultant are:


1.     Prior to the delivery of the course, complete the course plan with details of topics, essential pre-reading references, training methods and activities, time allocation, and performance assessment methods, in consultation the ACE PMT.

2.     Develop 1 to 2-page case studies as materials for the course prior to the trainings; the case studies should focus on ASEAN issues related to humanitarian diplomacy as well as relevant issues in other regions related to humanitarian diplomacy.

3.     Facilitate the 3-day training on Humanitarian Diplomacy.

4.     Conduct in-class group and individual activities related to the course.

5.     Submit a written evaluation of participants' performance including numerical and letter grades one week after the end of the course.

6.     Ensure that participants develop and apply new skills in team management by the end of the course through thorough evaluations and reports.

7.     Complete all activities of the course within the stated duration with evidence of completion.

8.     Deliver related technical and practical concepts about the course with appropriate and effective visuals i.e. presentations and/or handouts.

9.     Conduct after-class evaluation session with participants which can take form in a question and answer session to obtain lessons-learned.


Qualifications and Experience

Consultants may be an individual or team. The Consultants need to have the following skills:

       Minimum of 3 years direct work experience in humanitarian diplomacy, international negotiations related to disasters and humanitarian work

       Experience working in a multi-cultural context is preferred

       Effective and learner-oriented facilitation skills utilising adult education approaches.

       Understanding of the international and ASEAN humanitarian mechanisms and architecture is an advantage.

       Experience in working with various humanitarian organisations, including government, UN agencies, and/or civil society organisations is an advantage;

       Excellent English speaking and writing skills.

       Demonstrated ability to work independently with minimum supervision.

       Ability to be flexible and respond to changes as part of the review and feedback process.

       Ability to meet deadlines and work in a dynamic environment.


Application Process


Interested organisations will need to submit a proposal consisting of:

1.       Description on the course and objectives;

2.       Course design (content, facilitation methodology, material requirements, and time allocation);

3.       Participant assessment plan;

4.       Risk and mitigation plan;

5.       Proposed budget with a breakdown detailed costs;

6.       Company/organisation's portfolio demonstrating experience in facilitating similar training;

7.       CV or resume of facilitators/trainers who will deliver the course;

8.       Proof of the interested organisation's historical experience and/or description of capacity in meeting the requirements; and

9.       List of reference (previous clients).


You may apply by sending your application to:


admin@ahacentre.org and cc: ferosa.arsadita@ahacentre.org before 30 August 2020.


The Selection Panel's decision is final and only shortlisted candidates will be notified.


For more information on AHA Centre, please visit www.ahacentre.org.




Best Regards,


HR & Administration Unit

The AHA Centre                                          
Graha BNPB, 13th Floor   
Jl. Raya Pramuka Kav. 38                                    
East Jakarta 13120, Indonesia                        
Phone: (62-21) 2101-2278
Email: admin@ahacentre.org


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