[newdevjobsindo] Request for Proposal (RFP No 83362943) - Consultant for Supporting the Implementation of AKSARA Development and Processes - Lowongan Kerja LSM NGO

Minggu, 20 September 2020

[newdevjobsindo] Request for Proposal (RFP No 83362943) - Consultant for Supporting the Implementation of AKSARA Development and Processes

Request for Proposal

Tender No       : 83362943
Project Name
: GIZ MRV-MMI (Monitoring, Reporting and Verification for Mitigation Measures in Indonesia)
Project Title
  : Consultant for Supporting the Implementation of AKSARA Development and  Processes

The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH is a German implementing organization which provides services worldwide in the field of international cooperation for sustainable development. GIZ promotes complex reforms and change processes. Its corporate objective is to improve people's living conditions on a sustainable basis. GIZ has been working in Indonesia since 1975 on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). Other parties that commission GIZ to carry out projects include the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU), the German Federal Foreign Office and the European Union.

One of the GIZ projects implemented in Indonesia is Monitoring, Reporting and Verification for Mitigation Measures in Indonesia (MRV-MMI). Currently MRV-MMI project is seeking a consultant for "Supporting the Implementation of AKSARA Development and Processes". The detail service is set forth in the attached Terms of Reference. Should you be interested to provide this service, please submit your Technical Proposal and Financial Proposal in two files (separate files-PDF format). Price information shall not appear in any part of technical proposal.

Technical Proposal should be consisting of:
    - Narrative description of the relevant experience and capacity 
    - Interpretations of the objectives in the TOR
    - Curriculum Vitae

Financial Proposal should be consisting of:
    - Financial offer (based on daily rates and days of input as per deliverable, all figures in IDR)
    - Taxpayer Registration Number (NPWP)
    - All prices/rates must be inclusive of income tax (PPh 21) as GIZ obliged to withhold the income tax.

The proposal will be evaluated considering weightage of 70:30 between technical and financial proposal. The technical proposals will be evaluated based on the criteria and weighting.

The subject line of the email shall include the reference RFP No. 83362943 Consultant for Supporting the Implementation of AKSARA Development and Processes - and the name of the submitting bidder.

Proposals must be in English and sent to vera.agnosti@giz.de, cc to swesty.haryanty@giz.de, on Wednesday, 30 September 2020 at the latest.

Terms of Reference 

Consultant for Supporting the Implementation of AKSARA Development and Processes 

A. Background

Government of Indonesia has committed to tackle climate change post-2020 by reducing emission by 29% (fair scenario/through domestic efforts) and 41% (ambitious scenario/conditional on international support). The commitment is known as Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC). INDC was created based on RAN GRK review document. The commitment is a continuation of Indonesia's initial commitment to reduce emission by 26% or 41% (conditional on international support) by 2020 below Business as Usual (BAU) projections.

The Government of Indonesia has been consistently striving to shift towards sustainable development patterns. On the 25 October 2017, the Minister of National Development Planning (BAPPENAS), announced Low Carbon Development Planning (LCDP) – Perencanaan Pembangunan Rendah Karbon (PPRK) in Jakarta. The LCDP/PPRK is seen as an approach to mainstreaming the climate change issue into The National/ Regional Development Plan (RPJMN/D), which tries to balance economic growth, poverty alleviation, social stability, environmental quality, ecosystems, biodiversity, and Greenhouse Gas emission reduction.

The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH is an international cooperation enterprise for sustainable development with worldwide operations. GIZ promotes complex reforms and change processes. Its corporate objective is to improve people's living conditions on a sustainable basis. The Indonesian – German joint project on Monitoring, Reporting and Verification for Mitigation Measures in Indonesia (MRV-MMI), a project implemented by GIZ, aims to establish a system that supports Indonesia to reliably evaluate its performance and identify changes to meet the target of climate change mitigation and sustainable development.

To achieve the objective, the MRV-MMI supports the GoI by enhancing the monitoring system and enriching the data source. The monitoring system (AKSARA https://pprk.bappenas.go.id/aksara/) will be integrated with the Mid Term National Development Plan (RPJMN) and the Low Carbon Development (LCD).

In the context described above, the MRV-MMI project seeks a consultant for supporting the implementation of AKSARA development and processes.

B. Objective
  1. To document AKSARA Development (in form functional specification design or FSD) including testing result
  2. To develop SOP / mechanism process of AKSARA on national and sub national level
  3. To support development of AKSARA e-learning modules including update training materials such as user guidelines or manual AKSARA
  4. To deliver training to user or Training for Trainer
  5. To design AKSARA crowd-based validation tool 

C. Scope of Work 

The consultant shall support the MRV-MMI project to carry out the following tasks, which are not limited to:

    - The consultant shall document AKSARA development process, The FSD shall consist of: 
        a. Planning 
                I. Integration process AKSARA – SRN (and KRISNA/1DJA)
                ii. Integration schema for AKSARA – REDCLUWE
        b. Monitoring 
                i. Calculation sectoral methodology 
                ii. AKSARA automatic spatial module
                iii. New monitoring module structure and mechanism for district level
        c. Reporting and Evaluation 
                i. Auto-reporting module structure, report design and function
        d. E-learning 
                i. Integration schema for CDNA Tool - AKSARA – Moodle
                ii. Moodle structure 

    - The consultant shall support development of AKSARA e-learning modules including update training material
        a. Support the development of AKSARA modules with MRV team and related consultants
        b. Supporting business process design and integration between AKSARA and new e-learning platform (include on FSD)
        c. Develop / Update user guidelines/manual AKSARA for 
                i. Technical contributor (KL/ province) 
                ii. Admin (KL/ province)
                iii. Editor
    - The Consultant shall design and development on AKSARA crowd-based validation including: 
        a. Design integration schema for AKSARA – crowd-based validation  
        b. Working together with MRV team, LCDI, and ICRAF 
        c. The consultant shall deliver training to AKSARA user as below: 
                i. AKSARA Training in two pilot provinces (South Sulawesi and South Sumatera)
                ii. National Workshop in Bali or Java

D. Institutional Arrangement:

The consultant will directly be under the close supervision of the MRV-MMI Project Principal Advisor. The consultant shall closely work with GIZ MRV-MMI team and other national consultants.

E. Task, Deliverables, Timeline and Location

The consultant will conduct the assignment from October 2020 until 31 March 2021. The following table gives an overview of the envisioned tasks, deliverables, and timeline.

Jadikan gambar sebaris

F. Travel:

South Sulawesi
    - Accommodation up to 10 nights
    - Flight up to 2 trips and return
    - Local transportation 

South Sumatera
    - Accommodation up to 6 nights
    - Flight up to 1 trip and return
    - Local transportation 

National Workshop (Bali or Java)
    - Accommodation up to 5 nights
    - Flight up to 1 trip and return or land transportation
    - Local transportation

Bogor up to 5 (five) times

The travel costs (air ticket, transportation & accommodation) will be borne by GIZ (follow the GIZ Travel Regulation).

Due to COVID 19 pandemic, MRV-MMI suggests that all observations on activities will be done remotely, following the new normal approach. Physical visits and face-to-face coordination are only reserved for highest priorities based on urgency consideration.

G. Qualifications:
  1. Min University Degree in environmental and climate science, IT or related degree (10%)
  2. Minimum 10 years of experience working on environment and climate change mitigation issues (10%)
  3. Understanding of fundamental concepts of Low Carbon Development and NDC related issues (e.g., mitigation, MRV, etc.) (15%)
  4. Understanding of procedure of government planning, monitoring and evaluation process and development of planning and reporting documents (e.g. RPJMN, RENSTRA K/L, Rencana Kerja Pemerintah, and Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran K/L, LAKIP, LPJ) (15%)
  5. Understanding issues related to evaluation and reporting of climate change mitigation actions (10%)
  6. Having knowledge in database system and developing functional Specification Design in Software Development (15%)
  7. Excellent communication, analysis and writing skills (10%

GIZ Office Indonesia – Contract and Procurement Unit
Menara BCA, 46th Floor, Jl. MH Thamrin No. 1, Jakarta 10310, Indonesia



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