[newdevjobsindo] RWI seek Consultant for Review of RWI RAPP Learning and Development Model - Lowongan Kerja LSM NGO

Jumat, 04 September 2020

[newdevjobsindo] RWI seek Consultant for Review of RWI RAPP Learning and Development Model

Consultant for Review of RWI RAPP Learning and Development Model

1. Background

The Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law is an independent academic institution, founded in 1984 and affiliated with Lund University in Sweden. The Institute contributes to a wider understanding of and respect for human rights and international humanitarian law. The vision of the Institute is just and inclusive societies with effective realisation of human rights for all. In light of this, the Institute contributes to strengthening structures, systems and mechanisms for the promotion and protection of human rights at all levels in society. RWI has since 1990 been implementing a wide range of human rights capacity development programmes for institutions in developing countries, mainly with the support of Swedish Development Cooperation (Sida). These programmes and projects have primarily targeted state agencies in the field of administration of justice, academic institutions and National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs). RWI's global thematic focus areas are economic globalisation, inclusive societies, people on the move and fair and efficient justice. For more info, please visit: (www.rwi.lu.se).

 RWI has supported actors in the field of human rights in Asia since the mid-1990s through both bilateral and regional programmes. RWI's regional cooperation in Asia focused for a long time on strengthening institutional capacities of academic institutions to carry out human rights education and research, and of NHRIs to fulfil their protection and promotion mandates. In recent years, RWI has increasingly focused cooperation in Asia on the field of human rights and the environment, linked to the sustainable development goals.


RWI launched a new regional programme for the Asia Pacific in 2017, entitled "RWI Regional Asia Programme on Human Rights and Sustainable Development 2017-2021" (hereinafter "the programme") funded by Sida. The programme started with a pilot phase during 2017, aimed to validate and consolidate strategies and partnerships for the implementation phase 2018-2021. The overall programme objective is to contribute to a just, inclusive and sustainable development in the region through mutually reinforcing protection of human rights, gender equality and the environment. The 2020 programming focuses on thematically underpinning activities and promotion and dissemination of interlinkages on human rights, gender equality and the environment, which include

1)    Increased capacities among targeted academic institutions in the Asia Pacific region to mainstream human rights and gender-based approaches to displacement in the context of disasters and climate change

2)    Improved local stakeholders' capacities for effective realization and fulfilment of environment-related human rights, gender equality, and SDGs.

3)    Relevant coalitions, networks and collaborations have their knowledge bases strengthened and expanded on human rights, gender equality, and environment.

4)    Increased public awareness and discourse of the interlinkages between human rights, gender equality and environment.

 1.1      RWI's Theory of Change and Intervention Logic

Fundamental to RWI's RAPP is its reliance on evidence-based persuasion and discursive influence to reach its aims and objectives. The programme's theory of change can be summarised as:

IF the capacities among academic institutions in the region to mainstream human rights and gender-based approaches to displacement in the context of disasters and climate change are increased AND local stakeholders' capacities and collaborations to promote environment-related human rights, gender equality, and SDGs are improved AND relevant coalitions, networks and collaborations have their knowledge bases strengthened and expanded on human rights, gender equality, and environment AND the public discourse about the interlinkages between human rights, gender equality and the environment is improved THEN this will contribute to just, inclusive and sustainable development in the region BECAUSE relevant actors and networks at regional, national, and local levels will more effectively promote, and appropriately respond to, the interlinkages between human rights, gender equality, and environment.

This presumes that strategically-designed and research-based capacity development can be provided to the relevant actors to promote, and appropriately respond to, the interlinkages between human rights, gender equality and environment, and that neutral and constructive fora can be provided for coordination and collaboration. In turn, this also rests on the assumption that targeted actors are willing to partner with RWI. Moreover, this presumes society at large and strategic stakeholders have the freedom to stimulate debate, make requests, and/or accept change.  There are also pre-conditions for achieving higher-level change relating to political will and provision of financial resources that the programme does not address directly. However, the programme approaches are considered likely to foster more conducive conditions towards overcoming obstacles of political nature through increased public awareness, which in the long run could catalyse political will.

RWI's intervention logic is aimed at connecting with the four stratified development locations commonly known as the local, national, regional and global.  These levels hold varying degrees of influence, coordination and governance, but all hold a responsibility to human rights, gender and the environment.  Enabling a proportional and graded connection with them all,promotes the best chance of the programme reaching its outcomes and achieving impact.

RWI's intervention logic incorporates its strengths of carrying out action-oriented research, transferring it into practical application through direct engagement with stakeholders and sharing it in public and strategic fora that contribute to discourse and awareness on the interlinkages of human rights, gender and environment.  This logic is represented in the RAPP's theory of change and the revised programme in general. 

The RAPP's primary connection points are networks and stakeholders at the regional level across the Asia Pacific, who either hold direct responsibilities or are influential in shaping human rights, gender and environment discourses or responses.  Strategically, RWI incorporates and utilises research findings and case examples drawn from the lived experiences of local communities and governments at the national level to provide a persuasive argument for the inclusion of a human rights perspective by regional networks and stakeholders.  Importantly, RWI uses its leverage at the global level to 'push up' the experiences elucidated at the local, national and regional levels into global fora and decision-makers' considerations, to reiterate the connectivity of global and regional governance in the lived experiences of people at national and community levels.  This stratified model of intervention promotes and articulates a holistic consideration and incorporation of how universal human rights principles are linked and realised at the various levels of sustainable development.

 1.2      RWI's Learning and Development Method

The RAPP's learning and development methods are heavily influenced by RWI's expertise as a research and teaching institute that is closely associated with the Lund University and its Human Rights Law faculty.  Furthermore, RWI's historical profile across Asia has been as a development partner for academia.  However, the RAPP represents a different type of programme, intervention logic and stakeholder engagement for RWI.  A significant function of the RAPP is to generate research findings and share it with human rights and environment stakeholders who are relevant to the programme and its outcomes. 

The RAPP's dominant learning and development method is a blended learning activity.  The activity incorporates and coalesces online self-discovery courses and expert facilitated face-to-face workshops, with a diversity of cohorts and stakeholders, over a six to eight months period.  Building networks and connections between participants is a desired output of the method, along with retention incentives such as travel to regional locations for the workshops.  The course material and curricula present a human rights perspective and promote its inclusion in participant's decision-making and considerations post-course.   Over the past three years there have been challenges with the blended learning activity, such as: a lack of diversity among participants, limitations with the online platform, retention of participants and full completion of the online course.    

 In 2019, RWI carried out a participant's review of the blended learning course.  The review adopted a tracer study method with the findings being mostly positive about their experience.  However, due to staffing constraints, the second phase of the study, which involved follow-up interviews with a sample of previous participants did not happen.  The positive results are based on a questionnaire, which is acknowledged as problematic to best inform a learning and development review.


 1.3      Relevant Activities

RWI is funding concurrent consultancies whose findings will overlap with the results expected from this engagement.  These consultancies involve RWI strengthening its online communications presence and reviewing the online learning platform (Canvass) and scoping the marketplace for alternate options.  RWI and course participants have found the existing platform has limitations and can be problematic for Asia Pacific based participants, who might not have reliable and dependable connectivity.  RWI understands how critical the links between communications, connectivity and innovation are to the future of online learning and development.

 2.  Brief Purpose and Description of the Activity

By incorporating RWI's theory of change and intervention logic, RWI is seeking the services of a learning and development specialist to critically review and examine its learning and development activities for efficiency, relevance, and effectiveness. RWI seeks guidance on contemporary and trending methods to engage and promote human rights with programme stakeholders and beneficiaries in the Asia Pacific region, through training and development activities.

Some critical questions RWI is seeking for answers are :

 §  Is the blending learning model relevant, efficient, and effective to achieving our programme outcomes in the Asia Pacific region?

§  What else works in the Asia Pacific? What is common model use in the Asia Pacific?

§  How do we diversify our learning and development method to successfully engage our range of stakeholders?

§  What are the current and future trends in learning and development methods in the Asia Pacific?

§  How is online method able to make the learning process running effectively?

 3. Deliverables

 The consultant is expected to :

  • Assess and analyse RWI's existing learning and development activities.
  • Provide a consultancy report (maximum 25 pages, excluding annexes) which details and describes the consultant's method, findings, and recommendations.

4. Assignment Coordination

The consultant reports to the RWI MEAL Officer in the Jakarta office.  Where necessary, the consultant will also communicate with other relevant RWI staff that will be involved in the consultancy, including those at RWI's headquarters in Lund, Sweden. 

Given the current Covid19 restrictions and risks in Jakarta, the consultancy will be remotely coordinated or facilitated via communication technologies, such as zoom.  Zoom is RWI's preferred communications tool.

5. Qualifications

Consultant/s must have:

  • Extensive knowledge and practical experience of learning and development theory.
  • Proven experience of applying learning and development models in the Asia Pacific.
  • Proven experience of working with and guiding international non-government organisations regarding the learning and development models.
  • Proven analytical and systems review experience.
  • Experiences on the human right and environment thematic program would be an advantage.
  • Fluency in English, particularly in written expression and descriptive nuance.

 6 . Method

The consultancy is expected to be a fully consultative process, which elucidates and accommodates various perspectives and expectations.  The consultants will have facilitated access to various roles and functions across RWI to enable them to fulfil the requirements of the task as it unfolds. 

7.  Timeline

 RWI expects to have the consultancy and all deliverables completed on/by 31 October 2020 (Jakarta time).

8. Quality Assurance Mechanism

RWI has a declared commitment to quality assurance within the organisation and the programmes it delivers as defined in the RWI Statement on Quality Assurance and its Procurement Policy.

For this consultancy RWI will:

§  Adhere to its established policy and practice guidelines

§  Provide a clear and achievable terms of reference

§  Carryout a targeted tender process with a minimum of three consultants

§  Establish a review committee with a minimum of two reviewers, who will independently review each proposal against the ToR, general eligibility criteria and capacities to achieve the deliverables needed

§  Make a fair and reasonable financial commitment to the consultancy

§  Provide a consultancy contract

 §  Establish a clear line of management for the consultant

§  Provide programme and organisational documents to the consultant

§  Provide punctual feedback, document output reviews and/or decisions to the consultant

§  Assume responsibilities for convening workshops and logistics for agreed methods to achieve the deliverables, if necessary.

 9. Cost

As part of the proposal, the consultant/company is required to provide a financial statement which includes their daily rate (IDR)

The maximum number of days should not exceed 25 working days.

10. Proposal Guide

 The consultant is requested to deliver to RWI a proposal, consisting of :

  • A letter of interest that articulates the consultant's interpretation and understanding of the assignment, as well as relevant experience, qualifications and availability (Max. 2 pages);
  • Relevant assessment and consultancy examples, including the deliverables.
  • Assessment method.
  • Financial statement, including staffing and daily rates, etc;
  • A statement of availability and compliance with the 'general eligibility criteria', listed at point 11;
  • A delivery plan;
  • Annexes: CV(s), including referees from a similar consultancy

11. General Eligibility Criteria

 All invited natural and legal persons may submit an offer and are eligible, on equal terms, to be selected to carry out the assignment. However, consultants (both the team leader and possible team members) are excluded from being selected if:

1.       it is bankrupt, subject to insolvency or winding-up procedures, where its assets are being administered by a liquidator or by a court, where it is in an arrangement with creditors, where its     

          business activities are suspended, or where it is in any analogous situation arising from a similar procedure provided for under national laws or regulations;

2.       it has been established by a final judgment or a final administrative decision that the supplier is guilty of grave professional misconduct by having violated applicable laws or regulations or 

        ethical standards of the profession to which the supplier belongs, or by having engaged in any wrongful conduct which has an impact on its professional credibility where such conduct    

        denotes a wrongful intent or gross negligence, including, in particular, any of the following :

i)   fraudulently or negligently misrepresenting information required for the verification of the absence of grounds for exclusion or the fulfilment of selection criteria or in the performance of a contract;

ii)   entering into agreement with other economic operators with the aim of distorting competition.

iii)   violating intellectual property rights;

iv)   attempting to influence the decision-making process during the procurement; or

v)   attempting to obtain confidential information that may confer upon it undue advantages in the procurement process.

3.       it has been established by a final judgment or a final administrative decision that the supplier is in breach of its obligations relating to the payment of taxes or social security contributions in               accordance with the applicable law;

4.     it has been established by a final judgment that it, or persons having powers of representation or decision-making control over it, is guilty of any of the following: fraud; corruption;    

       involvement  in a criminal organisation; money laundering; terrorist financing; child labour (or any other forms of trafficking in human beings); or any other illegal activity detrimental to RWI's  


5.       the supplier has shown significant deficiencies in complying with main obligations in the performance of a contract financed by RWI or any donor to RWI, which has led to the early termination of a legal commitment or to the application of liquidated damages or other contractual penalties or which has been discovered following checks and audits or investigations; or

6.       it, its subsidiary, another company belonging to the same group of companies, a consortium partner or other affiliate, is found on the list of EU restrictive measures (the lists of persons, groups, entities subject to the EU restrictive measures are published on the following website: www.sanctionsmap.eu).

Consultants must certify that they are not in one of the situations listed above. Furthermore, the contract for the assignment will not be awarded to consultants who are:

(a)    subject to a conflict of interest. The consultant/s must be independent and have no stake in the outcome of the consultancy;

(b)    guilty of misrepresentation in supplying the information required by RWI as a condition of participation in the contract procedure or fail to supply this information.

The deadline for submission of applications: 11 September 2020, at 5pm (Jakarta time). All applications, questions about the assignments and bids should be submitted and directed  to Erwien Temasmico, MEAL Officer : erwien.temasmico@rwi.lu.se



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