[newdevjobsindo] SNV is looking for an Installation & Commissioning Engineer (ICE) for Composting Machine in Tasikmalaya - Lowongan Kerja LSM NGO

Kamis, 12 November 2020

[newdevjobsindo] SNV is looking for an Installation & Commissioning Engineer (ICE) for Composting Machine in Tasikmalaya

Dear Admin Devjobsindo,


Mohon bantuan untuk meneruskan informasi berikut ini dan terima kasih atas bantuannya.




Dear Bapak/ Ibu,


SNV is looking for an Installation & Commissioning Engineer (IEC) for Composting Machine in Tasikmalaya. Please find detail information in the following TOR.

Thank you.



WASH SDGs SNV Indonesia





Installation & Commissioning Engineer (ICE):

Five days assignment for Installation, Test and Commissioning of Composting Machine in Tasikmalaya, West Java




SNV is an international not-for-profit development organisation that focuses on increasing people’s incomes and access to basic services in Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), Agriculture, and Renewable Energy. By connecting our global expertise with longstanding in-country presence, we help realise locally-owned solutions in more than 25 countries in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Established in 1965 in the Netherlands, our projects directly benefit millions of people (4.4M in 2018). SNV specializes in supporting the resourcefulness of development actors by developing local capacities, improving performance and services, strengthening governance systems, helping to create access for excluded groups and by making markets work for the poor.




SNV understands safe sanitation and hygiene services as a pre-condition for health and economic development in cities. With Indonesia’s urbanization rate at 2.3% (World Bank, 2018), a failure to invest in urban sanitation will become a barrier for almost any development in the country. Access to sanitation is a human right and governments are the duty bearers of progressive realisation of this right. With the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), notably SDG 6 and the 2020-2024 RPJMN, Indonesia is committed to work towards universal access to safely managed sanitation services, this means services for all and addressing the safety of the entire sanitation chain from access to safe disposal or re-use.

Through the Dutch Government funded WASH SDGs programme, SNV supports local governments of Tasikmalaya City in West Java Province in achieving sustainable and inclusive city-wide sanitation services, in line with national programmes and targets. Together, we change the way human waste is managed by addressing different needs among the population, different parts of the sanitation service chain, and different geographical areas with appropriate service delivery models.



Faecal sludge (FS) is a mixture of solids and liquids, containing mostly excreta (faeces and urine) and water, in combination with sand, grit, metals, trash and/or various chemical compounds (Tilley, et al., 2014). It comes from onsite sanitation technologies, i.e., it has not been transported through a sewer. It needs to be safely contained onsite, and then the accumulated sludge needs to be safely emptied, transported to a treatment plant, treated, disposed safely and/or used for resource recovery. However, in many cities in Indonesia, in which onsite sanitation is the most commonly applied treatment technology, most FS is not properly managed. Some is penetrating the soil and polluting groundwater from improperly designed septic tanks or illegally dumped directly into the environment, thereby causing waterborne diseases and water pollution; other is left accumulating in the open at local FS treatment plants (FSTPs),

releasing greenhouse gases into the environment, as well as giving storage accumulation problem for the FTSP operators. This situation has serious public health impacts and heavy socio-environmental costs.

Given the nutrients value of FS waste (richness in organic matter and inorganic plant nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium), there are significant opportunities for recovery and re-use and thus pave the way for a more circular economy for sustainable growth and urban resilience. Dried FS can be co- composted together with Municipal Solid Waste (MSW), such as market waste, to create soil conditioner.

To support the reuse research in the production of co-compost (mixture of treated faecal sludge and market waste), SNV has purchased a 24-hours Composting Machine from a technology provider in Malaysia. The machine will be installed in Tasikmalaya city and will be tested and used for pilot research.

Upon the arrival of the composting machine in the end of November 2020, the machine needs to be installed and tested. For this purpose, we are looking to hire a local electrical/mechanical engineer for an approximately 5 days assignment.



Through this research, SNV’s WASH SDGs programme aims to find a solution for the management of fecal sludge within the principle of circular economy, that is technically sound, feasible, financially and environmentally sustainable and suitable to the local contexts and existing regulatory frameworks. The local electrical/mechanical engineer is hired to support the installation, testing, and commissioning of the machine.



The selected mechanical/electrical engineer is responsible to:

1.        Provide technical support in the mobilization, installation, testing, and commissioning of the composting machine

2.        Prepare the mobilization, installation, testing, and commissioning report

3.        Coordinate with the head of UPTD SPALD of IPLT Singkup in Tasikmalaya as well as related operators assigned by the head of UPTD SPALD in the process

4.        Assist in the process of procurement and installation of minor parts/ accessories (e.g. hose) needed to run the machine

5.        Ensure the safety of the machine and work environment at all stages of the process

6.        Coordinate closely and report to SNV’s Senior WASH Specialist in the processes







·       Mobilisation: from Dinas Perawaskim’s office in Tasikmalaya city to IPLT Singkup in Tasikmalaya city

·       Installation, test and comm.: at IPLT Singkup, Kota Tasikmalaya



Upon the arrival of the composting machine in Tasikmalaya city, estimated to be the end of November 2020.



3-5 days (2 days preparation and 3 days main work)




·       Providing the machine’s manual (as prepared by the technology provider)

·       Assist in the coordination with the city’s lead agency (UPTD SPALD IPLT Singkup and Dinas Perawaskim)

·       Advise on the machine operation and provide technical feedback (not related to electrical and mechanical aspect) as required;

·       Pay the fee and costs related to the installation, test and commissioning;


IC Engineer

·       Perform the duty detailed in the Scope of Work (Section 5)

·       Coordinate with SNV’s City Coordinator in arranging contact with the city’s lead agency and relevant stakeholder



The applicants are requested to submit a financial proposal which covers daily fee (incl. meal, transportation, communication, work insurance, etc.) as lump sum.

SNV will cover all other relevant activity costs, i.e. purchase of electrical accessories and other relevant costs as needed according to SNV’s internal policy.




Consultants will report to SNV’s Senior WASH specialist and will work closely with SNV’s city coordinator when contacting the city’s lead agency (government official).

Payment will be made in IDR to the agreed account with lump sum package.



1.        Bachelor’s degree (or relevant) in electrical/mechanical engineering

2.        A minimum 2 years relevant engineering work experience

3.        Local (a resident of Tasikmalaya’s city); a non-resident is also welcome to apply, however accommodation, relocation, free COVID-19 test certificate costs are to be covered by the selected applicant him/herself

4.        Preferably has a good command in English to support the understanding of the machine manual



Please send the application documents as follow:

·       CV (max 2 pages)

·       Motivation letter (max 1 page), mentioning the expected daily rate

·       Recommendation letters and/or 2 contacts (email/phones) or 2 most recent employers


to cherisatsiwi@snv.org and cc lsaptalena@snv.org by the latest on November 22nd, 2020 with the subject “ICE Composting Machine”.




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