[newdevjobsindo] Re-Advertised : National Consultant for Ministry of Education – UN fellowship programme formulation - Lowongan Kerja LSM NGO

Senin, 01 Februari 2021

[newdevjobsindo] Re-Advertised : National Consultant for Ministry of Education – UN fellowship programme formulation

Location :Home based
Application Deadline :06-Feb-21 (Midnight New York, USA)
Type of Contract :Individual Contract
Post Level :National Consultant
Languages Required :English  

We encourage you to submit your application through un-indonesia@un.or.id by submitting complete documents (Technical Proposal contain approach and methodology, financial proposal which available at the bottom of this page, P11/CV, latest education certificate and 3 detail information of your referees). Only application with the complete supporting document received before or at the closing date will be proceed.


The Minister of Education and Culture, in his press statement on 2020 Achievements and 2021 Targets of January 5, 2021 conveyed the four main strategies of the Ministry of Education and Culture to achieve for 2021:

  • Firstly, infrastructure and technology development;
  • Secondly, strengthening policies, procedures and funding;
  • Thirdly, strengthening leadership, society and culture;
  • Fourthly, strengthening curriculum, pedagogy, and assessment.

The Minister emphasized that all ministry policies culminate in an effort to bring about meaningful transformation and bring this nation to progress.

In December 2020, the Minister of Education and the UN Resident Coordinator (RC) met for the first time in light of a series of courtesy calls of the RC to introduce herself after assuming her new assignment in Indonesia. The Minister of Education invited the RC for a partnership between his Ministry and the United Nations to set up a fellowship programme for promising youth  in Indonesia to become the next generation of inspiring leaders in the public and the private sector. The diversity of UN agencies and their mandates in Indonesia will allow for the participation of students from different academic backgrounds and aspiring to different career paths: this can include but is not limited to agriculture, finance, health, nutrition, education, innovative financing, communication, law, human rights.

The partnership aims to give the students with strong potential for personal and professional growth the opportunity to complete  a university semester with serving as a fellow with a UN agency for the same duration. During the assignment period, those students will earn equivalent credits. UN agencies are expected to provide mentoring and stimulating assignments with clear learning objectives. The UN Resident Coordinator has positively responded to the Minister of Education to operationalize this initiative through a partnership between both entities. The UN expects that this initiative includes students from all backgrounds (50-50 gender balance, geographic, disability, social classes etc.) to ensure it is inclusive to all. The RC has clearly positioned this initiative in the context of Leaving No-One Behind in identifying the young women and men who will participate in fellowship programme.

The Minister aims to launch the initiative by August 2021. It is important to clearly distinguish this initiative from  any ongoing UN internship programme, as the aim is for the fellows to obtain 'credentials' in a specific area of expertise relevant to the broader blobal 2030 Agenda on sustainable development, with a strong focus on learning, coaching and mentorship.

The purpose of this home-based consultancy is to formulate the concept note for this partnership between the Ministry of Education and the UN. It is expected that this concept note describes the mechanism through which this fellowship will be implemented including the costing structure.

The stakeholders of this initiative are the Ministry of Education and the UN agencies present in Indonesia as well as students, universities, alumni associations and student organizations.  Some UN agencies do have prior experience in integrating students into their operations. Drawing lessons learned from those experiences will feed into the formulation of the concept note.

Scope of Work, Activities and Deliverables

Scope of Work

Under the direct supervision of Head of RC Office, the consultant will contribute to develop the UN Fellowship Mechanism and its costing structure for the initiative for further discussion with the Ministry.

  • Collect documents and information to serve as data sources for the Fellowship Mechanism and its Budget formulation taken from existing initiatives at UN Agencies. This can include desk research as well as interviews with relevant representatives of the UN (including the Office of the UN Youth Envoy) and the Ministry of Education, Foreign Affairs and Bappenas and not excluding other Ministries.
  • Conduct a costing exercise on what it would require from the Ministry and UN agencies financially and through in-kind contributions.
  • Formulate a draft concept note which will include the Mechanism (including modalities and ToRs for the recruitment / identification of students) and its Costing Structure. This will be reviewed by an ad-hoc committee and the Resident Coordinator.
  • Submit the final draft of the UN Fellowship Assignment and budget formulation to RCO

Expected Outputs and deliverables

The expected output is a concept note that operationalizes the partnership between the UN and the Ministry of Education to integrate students into the UN projects and programmes for the duration of one semester in return of credits. The concept note should include:

  • the cost to set it up
  • eligibility and targeting criteria
  • application process
  • assessment/selection criteria of the students that will join the fellowship programme
  • sample ToRs for the fellowship assignments
  • a breakdown of the requirements the UN agencies need to have in place for an assignment through which a student can accrue credits.  

Three weeks will be made available to realize this output.

The deadline for submission of this output is 19 February 2021.

The output will be reviewed by an ad-hoc committee established especially for this output and which will include 3 UN agencies and the RC Office.

The final version of the concept note will be discussed with the Ministry of Education.

Deliverables/ Outputs

Number of working days

Completion deadline

Review and Approvals Required (Indicate designation of person who will review output and confirm acceptance)

1. annotated outline of the concept note


03 Feb 2021

The output will be reviewed by the committee established especially for this output and which will include 3 UN agencies and the RC Office.

2. Draft 1 of the concept note


16 Feb 2021

3. Final draft concept that takes input account the feedback from the UN committee

concept note that operationalizes the partnership between the UN and the Ministry of Education to integrate students into the UN projects and programmes for the duration of one semester in return of credits.


19 Feb 2021

Total Working Days


Working Arrangements

Institutional Arrangement

The consultant will be supervised by the Head of the RC Office to whom he/she will be directly responsible to, reporting to, seeking approval/acceptance of output from.

Given that the consultancy is only for three weeks, it is expected that the consultant will work closely with the established committee to guide the consultant. This committee is composed of 3 UN agencies and the RCO Office. The consultant will be given the freedom to decide on the format of the final report, however it is understood that the consultant will present an annotated outline (deliverable 1) which includes a proposal on the format.

The consultant is expected to liaise with representatives of the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and BAPPENAS, the UN, universities and relevant youth groups representing the students.

Since this concerns a home based consultancy, the UN will not make any support resources available to the consultant. 

Duration of the Work

This consultancy is expected to take 15 working days with a start date as soon as possible. The objective is for this initiative to be launched in August. To accommodate enough time to identify qualified students that meet the aforementioned criteria, the finalization of the partnerships proposal between the Ministry of education and the United nations is a priority and should be finalized by mid-Febuary 2021.

Duty Station

It concerns a home-based consultancy

Travel Plan

not applicable

Requirement for Experience and Qualifications

Academic Qualifications:

  • Masters or Bachelors in development studies, peace education, citizenship education, education for sustainable development, comparative education preferred

Years of experience:

  • Minimum 7 years of relevant experience for Master Degree and minimum 9 years of experience for Bachelor Degree in the areas of education, social science, youth engagement, programme  management;
  • Minimum 2 years of relevant international experience is an asset;
  • A solid experience in the areas of economic/rural development, poverty analysis, development and planning
  • A solid experience in the national education system in Indonesia is a requirement
  • Experience in formulating development strategies and policies;
  • Experience with UN agencies and their mandates is an asset.

III. Competencies and special skills requirement:

  • Strong affiliation with youth in Indonesia including an in-depth understanding of their context.
  • Excellent public speaking and presentation skills
  • Proven analytical skills
  • Fluency in English with excellent written communication skills, and strong experience writing reports.
  • Proficiency in Bahasa is a strong advantage


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