[newdevjobsindo] Provision of services related to Resource Efficiency Demonstration Programme in Fertilizer Industry in Indonesia - Lowongan Kerja LSM NGO

Kamis, 11 Maret 2021

[newdevjobsindo] Provision of services related to Resource Efficiency Demonstration Programme in Fertilizer Industry in Indonesia

Dear Colleagues,

Please kindly find below the request for the provision of services related to the Resource Efficiency Demonstration Programme in the Fertilizer Industry in Indonesia.
For more info, please click the below link to follow the UNIDO's procurement process
Event number: 7000004720

1. Organizational Context 
The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) is the specialized agency of the United Nations that promotes industrial development for poverty reduction, inclusive globalization and environmental sustainability. The mandate of UNIDO is to promote and accelerate inclusive and sustainable industrial development in developing countries and economies in transition. The Directorate of Environment and Energy (EAE) of UNIDO is responsible for integrating and scaling-up the energy and environmental activities focusing on supporting governments and industries to provide sustainable and resilient soft and hard infrastructure for industrial development, supporting industries to contribute to a climate-neutral circular economy, and supporting governments and industries in fulfilling national commitments under multinational climate and environmental agreements. The Department of Environment (EAE/ENV), being one of the structural units of EAE, contributes to ISID (Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development) and the implementation of the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), contributes to ISID and the implementation of SDGs, in particular SDG 9, by greening existing industries and products, as well as by facilitating the creation of new green industries and products, and by minimizing resource use along value chains and during the lifetime of products, facilitating the uptake of circular economy practices. Within the EAE/ENV, the Materials and Chemicals Management Division (EAE/ENV/MCM) is responsible for supporting developing countries and countries with economies in transition in the implementation of existing or emerging compliance regimes not covered by other divisions. With novel approaches to materials and chemicals management and innovation, with training and education, and with implementing circular economy approaches in particular related to the extension of product life by maintenance, the division is to leverage its experience to facilitate responsible materials sourcing and to support smaller enterprises and entrepreneurs in greening their businesses. The contractor is expected to report directly to the UNIDO HQ project manager and liaise with the UNIDO country office in Indonesia. 

2. Project Background 
The Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE) has emerged as one of the United Nations Systems' principal responses to the call at Rio+20call for the international community to assist interested countries in developing, adopting, and implementing inclusive green economy (IGE) policies and strategies. PAGE deploys the expertise and broad convening power of five UN agencies – International Labour Organization (ILO), United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) – to offer coordinated and complementary support to countries as they prepare for the challenges of the 21st century. The primary goal of PAGE is to assist countries in creating enabling policy conditions, incentives, business models, and partnerships to catalyze greater action and investment in green technologies and natural, human, and social capital. Countries join PAGE through a demand-driven and criteria-based selection process. The aim for each PAGE country is to closely link with existing structures and processes in the countries, bringing in the expertise of relevant government ministries and other public and private sector actors to create the basis for long-term sustainability. PAGE strengthens national institutional capacities by developing tailored training that responds to national priorities identified in the policy reform process. The country-level work is complemented with a set of targeted global and regional activities that aim to increase general knowledge and understanding of the inclusive green economy, enhance peer-to-peer learning and knowledge exchange, and fill existing knowledge gaps. Indonesia became a PAGE member in 2018; since its inception, the country has demonstrated high-level support for transitioning towards a green economy. Under the PAGE framework, UNIDO has developed the Green Industry and Trade Assessment (GITA) report in 2019 to strengthen the implementation of the low carbon development initiative (LCDI). It measures the country's industrial environmental performance in terms of air, water pollution, industrial waste, resource efficiency in the form of energy, water, and material efficiency, and clean technology application in Industrial production. GITA finds that the Industry is the topmost energy consumer in Indonesia. Within the industrial sector, Non-metallic mineral products (cement, ceramics, glass, and lime), chemical and petrochemical, and non-ferrous metals are the largest energy consumers. 80% of the energy losses of the largest energy users come from the heating system and on-site power plants except for pulp and paper, textile, and basic chemical industries. The country is more resource-efficient in terms of usage of material resources and less water-efficient compared to the Asia-Pacific regional average. GITA also conducts case studies on Cement, Fertilizer, Pulp and Paper, and Food and beverage sector and recommends doing resource efficiency demonstrations in those sectors to identify the cost savings potential of introducing resource efficiency measures. In the above context, UNIDO and PAGE government focal ministry BAPPENAS (Ministry of National Development Planning) agree to demonstrate the potential benefits of a well-designed and implemented resource efficiency strategy by undertaking a demonstration project in the fertilizer industry in Indonesia. The initial plan focuses on the energy efficiency component to allow going deep and maximizing energy performance improvement potential in the fertilizer sector. A high-level resource efficiency questionnaire survey will be conducted in 6 selected fertilizer plants to shortlist 3 candidate plants, to which a more detailed questionnaire will be sent to guide the final selection of a pilot plant for conducting a resource efficiency demonstration. Experienced experts will be visiting the pilot plant to conduct a resource efficiency scoping review through a scientific-based energy, material, and water systems optimization assessment that serves to yield compelling improvement opportunities of the plant that elicits management support in implementing no-cost savings projects, in funding low-cost CAPEX investment projects and to some extent capital intensive measures. Setting the benchmark to encourage widespread uptake, UNIDO will share the results and lessons learned with all concerned stakeholders in Indonesia. The outcome of the demonstration will be documented in the final report. A specific action plan will be outlined to facilitate the implementation of government's low carbon development initiatives (LCDI). 

3. Scope of Contacted Services 
The service provider hereinafter referred to as the "contractor" will be responsible for providing the following services: a. Carry out a preparatory desktop market review and develop a survey questionnaire; b. Perform documentary review and analysis of completed questionnaires and information on energy consumption at baselines and EnPIs (Energy Performance Indicator). Prepare scoping methodology and related software tools; c. Conduct a high-level scoping assessment of pilot plant energy, material, and water usage, field measurements, interview key plant management, collect relevant data and information; d. Draft assessment report highlighting findings, and develop recommendations to be implemented in the selected plant and present to pilot plant management; e. Conduct post-retrofit evaluation and performance measurement; f. Visit the companies comprising: (1) Scoping assessment and (2) Pilot plant feedback, and post-retrofit evaluation of plant changes; g. Analyze the incentives mechanism to encourage companies to invest in energy efficiency measures; h. Organize stakeholder workshop to present findings and report to government, plant management, and related stakeholders; i. Develop a final report documenting key outcomes of demonstration, collected data, and analysis. The report should outline a specific action plan to facilitate the implementation of LCDI in the fertilizer sector.


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