[newdevjobsindo] Consultant position for Mangrove and Blue Carbon Analysis - Lowongan Kerja LSM NGO

Selasa, 20 April 2021

[newdevjobsindo] Consultant position for Mangrove and Blue Carbon Analysis


Working in 30+ countries globally, Conservation International (CI) Foundation is a non-profit organization committed to empowering societies to responsibly and sustainably care for nature for the good of humanity. We are constantly growing and expanding into areas new and old. We are currently looking for a Consultant to fill the following work:

CONSULTANT (Individual/Team/Institution)

Mangrove and Blue Carbon Analysis




Conservation International (CI) is working with the Global Fund for Coral Reefs to assess the viability of blue carbon finance as a possible incentive for mangrove conservation and restoration in West Papua – specifically to ensure the health and permeance of mangroves for the role they play in healthy coral reefs.  The consultant will support CI's efforts to protect West Papua's critical mangrove ecosystems, through the development of a future-threat-focused baseline assessment to capture anticipated deforestation increases, unlocking blue carbon finance opportunities.

The specific objective of this consultancy is to produce a high-level analysis of blue carbon potential, using internationally respected methodologies, to build a case for blue carbon finance as a means to support mangrove conservation initiatives.



West Papua is the most important mangrove area in the world. With some of the largest contiguous mangrove forests, deep carbon rich soils, and spanning an estimated 482,000 ha, these forests' carbon storage capacity is immense. Conservative estimates of their carbon stock are 327.5 million Mg C, equivalent to 1.2 billion Mg of CO2. West Papua's mangroves are critical nursery grounds for local fisheries and for the Arafura Sea's highly productive and lucrative fisheries. The Bird's Head Seascape (BHS) is the home to resident whale shark populations attracted by schools of small bait fish from the mangroves and to blue water mangrove ecosystems, where mangroves blend directly into coral reefs. Both offer globally unique tourism attractions.

With extensive paper and pulp concessions granted (but not yet executed) over a large swath of West Papua's mangroves, the threat is now imminent with a short time window to fully secure their protection. The ability to utilize carbon finance for their protection is hampered by low historic loss rates–which make proving future threat more difficult—and by everchanging national politics regarding voluntary market access and availability. Yet, CI has a strong track record and relationships in the country to address these challenges. Specifically, close partnerships with University of Papua, CIFOR, BAPPENAS, and IMRO MMAF ensure scientific credibility, as well as being GOI's trusted technical advisors on blue carbon issues and leading mangrove carbon projects in Kaimana, West Papua.

CI is supporting efforts to protect West Papua's critical mangrove ecosystems and deliverables outlined here will be combined with carbon policy and investment opportunity assessments to determine opportunities to generate economic value for local communities resulting from the conservation of these high carbon areas.



CI is proposing to contract with a suitably qualified and experienced consultant to provide technical support in producing a report assessing the blue carbon potential in West Papua.

Specific activities and deliverables include:

1) An inception report, to be produced upon contracting, that outlines the assessment design, methods and approach, and a detailed work plan.


Deliverable: An inception report within 2 weeks of contracting


2) A report on potential sites in West Papua, including, but not limited to:

a)    consultation with CI staff to narrow in on site specific locations (we will focus on mangrove areas with high impact on neighboring coral reefs);

b)    identification of potential or existing project proponents and key partners;

c)    a review of available data and other literature about the potential site(s), including project value (biodiversity, water, climate resilience), habitat condition, biomass and soil carbon stocks, as well as current and future agents and drivers of deforestation; and

d)    analysis of readily available spatial data to help identify potential reference regions and estimate baseline rates of deforestation and emission reductions /removals and the potential of conservation and restoration activities.


Deliverable: A report reviewing possible sites, key findings, future threats, and any identified informational gaps or challenges determined from the initial review. Due no later than July 30th, 2021. 


D.  Competencies and skills of the Consultant

1.           Proven track record of performing blue carbon feasibility studies

2.           Familiarity with the VCS tidal wetlands modules (VCS VM0007)

3.           Ability to proactively engage with a range of relevant stakeholders to ensure inclusion of all necessary partners

4.           Availability to meet deliverable due dates as stated here

5.           Fluency in English (Bahasa preferred).




Interested consultant/s must submit the following documents/information to demonstrate their qualifications, experience and skills:

  • CV of each member of the team (if more than one);
  • Evidence of the organization's and/or individual competencies and experience with similar projects;
  • A narrative proposal for delivering the services noted above including (1) a

draft workplan/timeline for completion of the scope of work; (2) a detailed budget and accompanying budget narrative. The budget should include an overall summary by cost category as well as an activity-based budget for each of the deliverables stated in this TOR.

Applications will be evaluated against the following criteria:

  • Personal qualifications (20 points)
  • Experience with similar assignments (20 points)
  • Proposal, timeline, and cost (60 points)


Any resultant contract will be subject to the terms and conditions of Conservation International, including the CI Code of Ethics. This is a request for proposal only and does not obligate CI to execute a contract, nor does it commit CI to pay any costs incurred in the preparation and submission of the proposals.


All applications must be prepared in English and be submitted by close of business on 30 April 2021. Proposals must be submitted in an electronic format to Jennifer Howard (jhoward@conservation.org) and Susan Vulpas (svulpas@conservation.org). Interested applicants are encouraged to raise any questions of clarification on the proposed scope of work prior to submission of their proposal.


 (Only short-listed candidates wilbe notified).


For more information about CI, please visiour web:

Indonesia.conservation.org // www.conservation.org


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