[newdevjobsindo] General Affairs Canada Vacancy: Local Consultant to Monitor and Analyze the Progress of the Sustainable Development of Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining (ASGM) Project - Lowongan Kerja LSM NGO

Senin, 05 April 2021

[newdevjobsindo] General Affairs Canada Vacancy: Local Consultant to Monitor and Analyze the Progress of the Sustainable Development of Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining (ASGM) Project



Local Consultant to Monitor and Analyze the Progress of

the Sustainable Development of Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining (ASGM) Project




While artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM) is often associated with social and environmental degradation, it is in fact recognized by many countries and multilateral international development agencies, such as the United Nations and World Bank, as a significant poverty relief mechanism and an important opportunity for development. Artisanal and small-scale gold mining is an excellent mechanism for transferring wealth from the urban wealthy to the rural poor where there are few other economic opportunities.


In Indonesia specifically, ASGM is an important income-generating activity that is present in almost all provinces. ASGM is the primary source of livelihoods for approximately one million men and women, while an additional five million people derive livelihoods from secondary activities such as tools manufacturing, agriculture, and merchants. While regulations are in place to establish licensed formal ASGM operations in Indonesia, ASGM activities also occur informally within the country, the sector is still largely informal; Indonesia’s Ministry of Environment and Forestry/MoEF (KLHK) and Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources/MoEMR (ESDM) have reported that there are approximately 300,000 artisanal gold miners working at 1,000 informal sites across the country.


The Indonesian Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources estimates that in 2012, formal industry produced 66 tons of gold while informal ASGM produced between 65 to 135 tons. The informal portion of the sector has tended to thrive due to the challenges of corruption, the underground economy (e.g. illegal mercury trade and gold sales), and decentralized regulation. Formalization efforts face a variety of challenges such as inconsistent regulations, overlapping jurisdictions, corruption and governance issues, an established underground trade of mercury and gold, decentralized regulation, and Indonesia’s diffuse and disconnected island geography.


Throughout Indonesia, mercury amalgamation has been the preferred technology for the primary stages of the gold recovery process because it is fast acting and easily accessible at a relatively low cost. Poor processing practices and challenges to formalization of miners, combined with poor mining infrastructure and technology, have led to dangerous working conditions and discharge of toxic waste into rice paddies, rivers, and oceans in many mining regions. Rice, plants, and fish bio-accumulate the mercury, creating great environmental and health risks for associated communities.


In October 2013, Indonesia, with support from the UN, the World Bank, and other international bodies, joined 146 governments, including Canada, as a signatory to the Minamata Convention on Mercury. In September 2017, Indonesia ratified the Minamata Convention. To achieve the Convention’s commitments on ASGM, signatory countries must conduct research to identify sustainable solutions for how the sector can reduce, and where possible eliminate, mercury use without negatively impacting the livelihoods of people living in ASGM communities. Solutions are then implemented via a combination of the following avenues, customized to the specific context of the country’s ASGM activities and distribution: changes to policy; formalization efforts; regulation measures; delivery of education on best practices, health, and environment; improved health services; introduction of alternative mercury-reduced and/or mercury-free

technology; and provision of alternative livelihoods where necessary.


Prior to ratifying the Convention, Indonesia confirmed the direction of its policy on mercury. On 9 March 2017, President Joko Widodo of Indonesia presided over a special coordinating meeting of the cabinet. A top agenda item was the excessive use of mercury in the ASGM sector. The President was briefed on the impact of mercury use on human health as well as the environment. Considering the global concerns around the safety of mercury, the President issued seven orders as positive steps toward addressing mercury use in the sector:


1.         Improve the management of ASGM located inside and outside of forest areas;

2.         Stop the use of mercury in ASGM;

3.         Closely monitor the use of mercury;

4.         Control mercury supply and distribution in Indonesia, including imports;

5.         Educate people on the dangers of mercury use;

6.         Provide alternative livelihoods to illegal miners whose mines are closed by the government; and

7.         Instruct Ministry of Health on how to provide health care for those who have been exposed to or contaminated by mercury.


The Presidential Orders provided more direction for various ministries, including MoEMR, MoEF, and Ministry of Health/MoH, to focus on efforts that can be translated into legal or formal regulations for addressing both mercury use and ASGM. On 22 April 2019, President-elect Joko Widodo elaborated on the Presidential Orders by signing the Presidential Regulation Number 21 of 2019 on the National Action Plan for Reduction and Abolishment of Mercury Use (PR NAP).


The PR NAP covers strategies, activities, and targets for reducing and eliminating mercury use in key areas, one of which is on ASGM. The new regulation also functions as clear orders for the various Ministries to meet reduction targets and strengthen coordination between related ministries and between national and local governments towards abolishing mercury use in Indonesia. The PR NAP will be carried out within the period of 2018-2030 and constitute as basic data to measure the success of Indonesia’s National Action Plan on Mercury.


The Presidential Orders and PR NAP taken collectively reflects a substantial improvement over the earlier efforts of the GoI on mercury.


To support the Government of Indonesia in addressing the challenges described above, Global Affairs Canada is supporting a development project called Sustainable Development of Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining (ASGM) in Indonesia.  This CDN$7,377,602 million project is implemented by the Canadian NGO Artisanal Gold Council (AGC) for six years, from 2015 until 2021.


The Project adopts a three pronged approach, presented as three supporting conceptual pillars:

Pillar 1: aims to improve mining practices carried out by men and women in three ASGM communities in the selected project areas in the provinces of North Sulawesi and Central Kalimantan. Improvements are targeted at technical, environmental, health, gender-sensitive, and business management aspects of the artisanal mining process. The activities of this Pillar are centered on installing three pilot mercury-free processing plants in three different ASGM communities, along with associated training centres, which offer a concrete convening point, a demonstration site, and a hands-on learning opportunity for ASGM stakeholders to learn about improved practices.

Pillar 2: aims to enhance policy and strengthen government support to the ASGM sector in Indonesia. The objectives are to increase the capacity of the district, provincial, and central governments to implement policies related to ASGM and to improve access of ASGM stakeholders to pre-existing government support services in their communities.

Pillar 3: is a logical and concrete complement to the first two pillars of the Project. It helps to better understand and then works to build legal and transparent supply chains that bring responsible artisanal gold from the community to the national market.


The activities of the three pillars are carried out within three Project Areas (PAs): Tatelu Village (PA-1) in North Minahasa District (MINUT), North Sulawesi Province (SULUT); Tobongon Village (PA-2) in East Bolaang Mongondow District (BOLMONGTIM), North Sulawesi Province (SULUT); and Parenggean Village (PA-3) in East Kotawaringin District (Kotawaringin Timur), Central Kalimantan Province (KALTENG).


Project Expected Outcomes:

The Project seeks to develop models of responsible artisanal and small-scale gold supply in three diverse mining and cultural ASGM sector settings (project areas) in target provinces of Indonesia to demonstrate that gold can be mined profitably and in accordance with good practices relating to legality, environment, gender equality, and health and safety. It seeks to embed the model institutionally by enhancing the government’s ability to design a road map for formalization of the ASGM sector at a national level and in the provinces that are home to pilot sites. The Project also identifies the marketing channel that would welcome the ‘responsible gold’ increasingly produced through the improvement of practices. At project end, Indonesian actors (principally mining communities and their representatives, local NGO partners, and subnational governments) will have the capacity needed to accelerate the formalization of the ASGM sector in the provinces of North Sulawesi and Central Kalimantan where the project is operating.


The Project Logic Model could be found in Annex 1 of this TOR.




Global Affairs Canada (GAC)/Indonesia Development Program requires the services of a Consultant to monitor and analyze the progress of the project against the project plan and targets.  The objective of the monitoring is to inform the Program on the progress of the project by assessing its result achievements to date, analyzing them and offering relevant recommendations to ensure the project is meeting its intended goals and objectives.


An assessment needs to be done in accordance to the three pillars of the project to see the detail progress of the project compared to the intended targets by the end of the project.  The Project Performance Management Framework (Annex 2) provide a tool to structure the monitoring.  A particular interest to GAC is to see the evidence that the business model in the three sites are viable i.e. if the artisanal and small miners using the facilities would generate enough profit to cover their operational, production and marketing costs.  As the increase of profit is considered one of the main incentives for miners to shift toward mercury-free practices and it is key to ensure the continuity of the use of the facilities after the end of the project and to ensure the sustainability of GAC’s investment.




The scope of work will include:


  1. Preparing a Work Plan for the duration of the contract to be reviewed and approved by GAC/Canadian Embassy in Jakarta.
  2. Reviewing selected relevant project materials, including but not limited to: Project Implementation Plan, Annual Work Plans, Semi-Annual, Annual Reports and Project Sustainability Milestones, as well as other relevant Global Affairs Canada programming policies, including but not limited to: Feminist International Assistance Policy and Gender Equality Policy.
  3. Collecting relevant data from project beneficiaries and stakeholders in order to validate the progress of the project.
  4. Identifying problems and constraints hampering the effective implementation of the project and provide recommendations for improvement.
  5. Providing recommendations to improve the performance of the project, proposing adjustments and corrective action, as required.
  6. Preparing three draft monitoring reports, which will include the results of the monitoring and validation on the progress of the project and recommendations for the actions to be taken. It is envisaged that there will be three monitoring activities to be conducted. After each monitoring activity, a report will be submitted to GAC and it is not to exceed 15-20 pages.
  7. Revising draft reports based on comments from GAC/Indonesia Development Program.
  8. Submit Monitoring Reports to the GAC/Indonesia Development Program.
  9. Ad hoc requests that could include participation in meetings, where a read out of these meetings will be required.




The Consultant must provide GAC/Canadian Embassy in Indonesia with the deliverables within the timeline established in the section 9 - Deliverables.





GAC Indonesia Development Program needs a consultant/expert in project monitoring, a good knowledge of Indonesia context and ASGM sector, general knowledge of official development assistance principles, and a knowledge of the Feminist International Assistance Policy.


The consultant/expert is responsible for the quality of the three monitoring reports.





The work will be performed primarily from the Consultant’s office but the Consultant will be required to travel to project sites/regions in Central Kalimantan and North Sulawesi, as well as meeting with Global Affairs Canada/Canadian Embassy in Jakarta.





All Individuals provided by the Consultant must possess the following levels in English:

Oral = 4 – Advanced Professional Proficiency

Reading = 4 – Advanced Professional Proficiency

Writing = 4 – Advanced Professional Proficiency





The total expected duration of the assignment is up to 120 days.  The Consultant is expected to start on or around April 2021 and the contract will be completed before October 31, 2021.  All reports must be finalized and submitted within this period. The total value of the contract is up to CAD$75,000. This includes all fees and travel costs.





List of deliverables


Due Date

  1. Work Plan (for the duration of the contract) including timeline and proposition of additional meeting/sessions if required.

1 week after contract signature

  1. Presentation in Jakarta of the Work Plan, align expectations and refine the Work Plan

2 weeks after the Work Plan received by GAC

  1. First Monitoring Report and Presentation of the Findings and Results of the Assessment and Analysis

Last week of May 2021

  1. Second Monitoring Report and Presentation of the Findings and Results of the Assessment and Analysis

Last week of July 2021

  1. Third Monitoring Report and Presentation of the Findings and Results of the Assessment and Analysis

First week of October 2021

  1. Ad hoc requests, including participation in meetings

To be discussed


Unless otherwise stated, the Consultant will, to the extent possible:

  1. use both sides of the page when producing printed documents, reports, etc.;
  2. use recycled paper to print and produce reports and other documents;
  3. given the current restrictions due to COVID-19 pandemic, electronic copy of the reports (in Word and PDF) is recommended.


How to apply:


Interested individual consultants must include the following documents when submitting the applications to admin@fssproject.com latest by 20 April 2021:


1.     CV indicating all past experience from similar projects, as well as the contact details (email and telephone number) of the Candidate and at least three (3) professional references.

2.     Brief statement as to why the individual considers him/herself as the most suitable for the assignment.

3.     Financial Proposal shall be submitted in the following format:

  • The financial proposal should specify an all-inclusive daily rate for up to 120 working days;
  • The financial proposal must be all-inclusive and take into account various      expenses that will be incurred during the contract, including: the daily             professional fee and when applicable any other relevant expenses related to the performance of services under the contract, including travel                expenses.


Qualified women are encouraged to apply.


Due to the large number of applications we receive, we are able to inform only the successful candidate(s) about the outcome or status of the selection process.


ANNEX 1 – Sustainable Development of Artisanal and Small Gold Mining (SD-ASGM) Project Logic Model

ANNEX 2 – Sustainable Development of Artisanal and Small Gold Mining (SD-ASGM) Project Performance Management Framework

Ultimate Outcome An environmentally sound, socially responsible, and profitable artisanal and small-scale gold mining sector for women and men, in project areas in Indonesia.

•Number of women and men miners practicing mercury-free ASGM processing in project areas. Total – 76 of 605 miners; 9 F, 67 M

PA1 - 36 of 274; 4 F, 32 M 13; PA2 – 25 of 195; 2 F, 23 M 14; PA3 – 15 of 136; 3 F, 12 M 15

• Number of women and men miners directly involved in Responsible Artisanal Gold16 trade in project areas. Total - 38 of 605 miners; 4 F, 34 M

PA1 – 20 of 274; 2 F, 18 M; PA2 – 10 of 195; 1 F, 9 M; PA3 – 8 of 136; 1 F, 7 M

1100: Improved mining, environmental, health, and gender equitable practices adopted and implemented by men and women in the ASGM community in the project areas in Indonesia.

•Hg-to-Au ratio in pilot areas17 (units of mercury used to process one unit of gold).

A 0/1 ratio is maintained for the Project processing systems, and a reduction in surrounding processing systems that are transitioning to zero mercury.

•Level of exposure to mercury of men and women.

Male and Female: Peak as per ACGIH guidelines

ðPA1 – < 10 μg/m3

PA2 – < 10 μg/m3

PA3 – < 10 μg/m3

•Extent of women’s participation in decision-making in project facilities measured as a % of women in management group.

% women sitting in management group of project facility:

ðPA1 – 2/5, 40%

PA2 – 2/5, 40%

PA3 – 2/5, 40%

1200 Enhanced policy and government support for ASGM activities in project area provinces and at the national level in Indonesia

•Number of draft policies

or strategies developed

supporting women and men miners.

National Formalization Strategy – 1

•Number of PTSP with functioning Standard Operating Procedures on ASGM

North Sulawesi - 1

Central Kalimantan - 1



1300 Increased trade of and resources for social investment in responsible ASGM gold in Indonesia

Volume of responsible ASGM gold moving through domestic

markets coming from project areas

PA1: 2 kg Au; 5 kg Ag

PA2: 2 kg Au; 5 kg Ag

PA3: 2 kg Au; 5 kg Ag

1110: Enhanced awareness and capacity of women and men in the project areas. (Enhanced awareness and capacity cover: better mining, environmental, health and occupational safety, business management, gender equitable practices and children’s rights)

•Viable operation of gravimetric processing plants exhibiting better practices.

ðPA1 – 1; PA2 – 1;

PA3 – 1

No. of women and men miners who achieve an awareness level of “Good” on mercury-free systems, tailings management, mercury poisoning, gender equality and occupational safety.

ðTotal – 152 of 605; 16 F, 136 M

PA1 – 68 of 274;

6 F, 62 M

PA2 – 50 of 195; 3 F, 47 M

PA3 – 34 of 136; 7 F, 27 M

No. of women and men from the ASGM Community who achieve an awareness level of “Good” on better mining, environmental, health and occupational safety, gender-sensitive

ðTotal – 278 of 1,114 139 F, 139 M;

PA1 – 125 of 516

62 F, 63 M;

PA2 – 90 of 382

45 F, 45 M;

PA3 – 63 of 216

32 F, 31 M

1120: Strengthened management of and operations capacity on pilot mercury-free facilities miners and ASGM organizations in project areas.

•Improved operational capacity of miners and cooperative members sitting in the management of the facilities

PA1 – 5 trainings

PA2 – 5 trainings

PA3 – 5 trainings

•Number of ASGM cooperatives or SME organizations in pilot areas that are legal

PA1 – 1

PA2 – 1

PA3 – 1

•Number of women groups or SMEs with improved capacity in

operations management

PA1 – 1

PA2 – 1

PA3 – 1

Number of environmental reports filed

PA1 – 3

PA2 – 3

PA3 – 3

1210: Increased awareness to apply the rules of the Minamata Convention on Mercury, related to ASGM, for relevant government agencies, national and local, in project areas.

•Number of policy dialogue actions (forum, workshops, and document reviews) where ASGM policy reform is discussed (with gender perspective)

National – 5

Provincial - 4

•Level of awareness of the government officials about Minimata Convention related to ASGM

North Sulawesi – Good

Central Kalimantan - Good

•Level of intention of the local government officials to apply the rules required by the Minamata convention.

North Sulawesi - Improved

Central Kalimantan - Improved

•Number of PTSP with Standard Operating Procedure on ASGM.

North Sulawesi - 1

Central Kalimantan -1

1220: Improved awareness of ASGM communities on government services through strengthened community resources and buy-in from relevant government agencies.

•Number of women and men, community members who are aware that they have rights to support services and information regarding the ASGM sector.

Total - 768 people

144 F and 624 M

PA1 – 300

56 F, 244 M

PA2 – 300

50 F, 250 M

PA3 – 168

38 F and 130 M

•Increased number of miner groups who have completed and submitted IPR applications.

North Sulawesi - 2

Central Kalimantan - 1

•Level of understanding of PTSP about the SOP

North Sulawesi - Good

Central Kalimantan - Good

•Level of understanding of relevant government agencies of services needed by ASGM communities in project areas

North Sulawesi - Good

Central Kalimantan - Good


1310: Increased number of participants in the legal ASGM gold supply chain.

•Number of downstream businesses involved in the responsible gold supply chain.

North Sulawesi - 2

Central Kalimantan - 1


1320: Enhanced awareness of socially responsible and ASGM gold as a viable sector to be supported by government, financial sector, and relevant stakeholders.

•Level of awareness of socially responsible and gender equitable practices investment opportunities offered by ASGM in the financial sector.

PA1, PA2, and PA3 - Good


1111: Baseline reports completed. (Baseline report includes: mercury use, mining practices, environmental, socio-economic, health conditions, legal and the formalization process, child labour, and gold market and livelihood analysis)

Baseline study produced.

PA1 – 1

PA2 – 1

PA3 – 1


1121: Community-based ASGM organizations in the project areas strengthened or established, with special focus on formalization and women’s issues related to ASGM.

Number of women’s organizations strengthened or established.

For ASGM - 1

For Health - 1

For Gender and Children’s rights - 1

1211  Training completed on Minamata Convention on Mercury, including baseline methodologies, strategies and solutions for mercury reduction, and opportunities for government officials.

Number of sessions or trainings on Minamata provided to National Government

National – 5

Number of participants (men and women) attending sessions on Minamata

National level – 50

25 F and 25 M

1221  Forums on developing the ASGM sector conducted with government officials, miners, industry, and other relevant ASGM stakeholders, in Jakarta and in project area provinces.

Number of ASGM and community development forums held.

Central Kalimantan - 10

North Sulawesi – 10

Jakarta - 2

1311 Training delivered on OECD Due Diligence and certification systems to provincial government and miners in project areas

Number of training on OECD Due Diligence conducted






Number of government officials and miners who attended the training on OECD Due Diligence


30 F and 30 M



10 F and 10 M



10 F and 10 M



10 F and 10 M

1321  ASGM impact investment prospectus developed session for project areas. (Prospectus covers the valuation of the gold deposit in a given ASGM concession and risk assessment of a potential investment)

Number of social investment prospectus created

PA1 – 1

PA2 – 1

PA3 – 1

Number of social investors or financial institutions who received the investment prospectus and found it informative.

PA1 – 3

PA2 – 3

PA3 – 3


1112: Mercury-free processing systems and training centres for women installed.

Number of mercury free processing systems installed.

PA1 – 1

PA2 – 1

PA3 – 1

1122  Partnerships established with relevant institutions which result in training modules developed and applied by the institutions. (Relevant institutions include: Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources/tekMIRA, BPPT, Ministry of Health, and Ministry of Women Empowerment and Child Protection) (Modules covered: health, mercury-free processing, gender equality and children’s rights, business management, and formalization)

Number of partnerships established with government frontline service units, educational or professional association(s).

For ASGM - 1

For Health - 1

For Gender and Children’s rights - 1

1212 Technical support provided to provincial government officials towards developing draft provincial plans aligned with the Minamata Convention on Mercury, including formalisation of the ASGM sector.

Number of sessions or trainings on Minamata provided to Local Governments.

Central Kalimantan - 5

North Sulawesi – 5


1222 Standard Operating Procedure developed for securing IPR permits in project area provinces.

Number of meetings or workshops on developing the Standard Operating Procedures for securing small scale mining permits (IPR)

Number of meetings

– 15

PA1- 5

PA2- 5

PA3- 5


Number of participants

- 60


10 F and 10 M



10 F and 10 M



10 F and 10 M

Number of Standard Operating Procedures for securing small scale mining permits (IPR) approved and published by PTSP

North Sulawesi - 1

Central Kalimantan – 1

Number of small miners who received and understood the Standard Operating Procedures for securing small scale mining permits (IPR)

Total – 171

50 F and 121 M


PA1 – 40

15 F and 25 M


PA2 – 71

5 F and 66 M


PA3 – 60

30 F and 30 M

1312 Meetings held to facilitate partnerships between PT ANTAM and project beneficiaries.

•Number of meetings held to facilitate partnership between PT. ANTAM and project beneficiaries

Total number of meetings-3

PA1 – 1

PA2 – 1

PA3 – 1

•Number of Procurement Agreement between PT. ANTAM and project area miner’s organization

PA1 – 1

PA2 – 1

PA3 – 1

1322 Workshops raising awareness about the ASGM prospectus and Responsible Gold delivered in project area provinces and in Jakarta.

•Number of workshops delivered in project area provinces and Jakarta.


Jakarta – 2

North Sulawesi – 2

Central Kalimantan – 2

Number of participants attended workshops about the ASGM prospectus.


30 F and 30 M


10 F and 10 M

North Sulawesi=20

10 F and 1 M

Central Kalimantan=20

10 F and 10 M

1113: Trainings provided to men and women miners in the project areas.

•Number of women and men miners attending trainings.

Total – 595 of 595

63 F and 532 M

PA1 – 249

15 F and 234 M

PA2 – 210

5 F and 205 M

PA3 – 136

43 F and 93 M


1123  ASGM in project areas are capacitated on environmental monitoring and reporting in relation to applicable Indonesian regulations and Minamata Convention requirements.

Number of meetings or workshops on environmental monitoring and reporting.

PA1 – 3

PA2 – 3

PA3 – 3

1213 Draft strategies or plan developed by the Project Advisory Committee and local government to inform Indonesia’s National Action Plan on ASGM

Number of draft strategies developed by PAC

1 – Draft National Strategy developed and submitted to GOI

2 – Draft Provincial or District policies developed

1223  ASGM and women’s cooperatives and government agencies capacitated to connect ASGM communities to pre-existing government services.

Number of trainings or sessions with cooperatives about the available pre-existing government services




Number of women’s cooperative leaders who attended the trainings or sessions about the available pre-existing government services





Number of miners and ASGM community members who know that they have rights to pre-existing government services

Total - 768 people 144 F and 624 M


PA1 – 300

56 F and 244 M


PA2 – 300

50 F and 250 M


PA3 – 168

38 F and 130 M

Number of miners who know of government duties to mining permit services.

Total – 171

50 F and 121 M


PA1 – 40

15 F and 25 M


PA2 – 71

5 F and 66 M


PA3 – 60

30 F and 30 M

1313  Collaborations established between the project and other Responsible Gold initiatives.

Number of Memorandum of Understanding between the Project and other Responsible Gold Initiatives.

PA1 – 1

PA2 – 1

PA3 – 1


1114: Increased knowledge of the ASGM community of the project area. (Knowledge covers: better mining, environmental, health and occupational safety, business management, gender-equitable practices and, children’s rights)

•Number of women and men from ASGM communities who use the training centres.

Total - 1,114

557 F and 557 M

PA1 – 666

333 F and 333 M

PA2 – 282

141 F and 141 M

PA3 – 166

83 F and 83 M

1124 Entity established to manage the operation of mercury-free facilities in project areas, ensuring women’s participation.

Number of operational entities to manage the operation of mercury-free facilities

PA1 – 1

PA2 – 1

PA3 – 1







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