[newdevjobsindo] Re-advertise: Consultant for Technical Assistance - Supporting Wetlands Management Roadmap - Lowongan Kerja LSM NGO

Senin, 12 April 2021

[newdevjobsindo] Re-advertise: Consultant for Technical Assistance - Supporting Wetlands Management Roadmap



Working in 30+ countries globally, Conservation International (CI) Foundation is a non-profit organization committed to empowering societies to responsibly and sustainably care for nature for the good of humanity. We are constantly growing and expanding into areas new and old. We are currently looking for a Consultant to fill the following work:

CONSULTANT (Individual)

Short Term Technical Assistance - Supporting Wetlands Management Roadmap

(code: TA Wetlands)



In October 2020, the Minister of National Planning Agency (Bappenas) signed Decree No. 89/M.PPN/HK/10/2020 on the Establishment of The Strategic Coordination Team for Wetlands Management (including peatland & mangrove) to support Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Low Carbon Development in Indonesia.


The Strategic Coordination Team established to manage wetlands ecosystems (including mangrove and peatland) to achieve emission reduction and SDGs no 13 (climate action), 14 (life below water), and 15 (life on land) that requires synergy, synchronization, and coordination among other Ministries/institutions for effective management. The Team will be responsible for developing strategy and roadmap, planning, synchronizing policies, data, and information, and implementing monitoring, evaluation, and reporting. There are three Task Forces as part of the Coordination Team with specific tasks for each, including the development of roadmap for peat and mangrove ecosystems (PME), policy synchronization with Provincial level, education, monitoring & evaluation.  


The establishment of this Strategic Coordination Team was initiated and supported by the project: "Mitigation, Adaptation through Conservation and Sustainable Livelihoods on Indonesia's Peat and Mangrove Ecosystems" which is implemented by Conservation International in collaboration with the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) and Wetlands International Indonesia, a part of the International Climate Initiative (IKI). As part of support to the national government, the project provided technical assistance to the Bappenas in the establishment of a coordination unit for peatland and mangrove management in Indonesia. The Project has supported the initiation of establishing this Coordination Team since March 2020 through a series of multi-stakeholder consultations led by Bappenas.


The kick-off meeting of this Team was in February, and will be followed by series of consultation to developing strategy and roadmap for wetlands management in Indonesia until 2045, supporting the country's vision to become a developed country by 2045. An individual consultant is required to assists and support Bappenas in the development of wetlands management roadmap, in close collaboration with the Strategic Coordination Team and its working groups, inter-ministries, and other non-state actors. 



The individual consultant will be working closely with the Strategic Coordination Team in formulating the roadmap for wetlands management in Indonesia under technical direction of the Head of the Strategic Coordination Team and Working Groups. A baseline assessment, policy analysis, and studies, as well as data collection may needed as reference in formulating the strategy and roadmap for wetlands management.

The consultant will develop the roadmap through series of multi stakeholder consultations with support from representatives from Conservation International, CIFOR, and Wetlands International Indonesia are part of the Strategic Coordination Team Working Group. A supporting team unit will also be working with the Consultant and the Team in the development process. The Strategic Coordination Team and supporting team unit will provide all necessary resources of information and references, as well as administration and logistic support during the process.






Milestone 1: Baseline of wetlands management in Indonesia


·   Analyse for institutional aspect and management in wetlands, SDGs, LCDI, and alignment with the long-term vision of Indonesia in 2045

·   Identify and analyse the key stakeholders and its role in wetlands management, particularly peatland and mangrove ecosystems (PME)

·   Identify and analyse the government policy, regulation, guideline, standard, criteria, etc regarding regarding wetlands management (PME) including national and international best practices.

·   Analyse economic, social and ecological benefits of peatland and mangrove ecosystems.

·   Formulate strategies, action plans, and policies of mangrove and peatland management 2021-2045 based on input from stakeholders.

·   Analyse the potency of peatland and mangrove ecosystems for reducing emissions and achieving SDGs.

·   Data Collection

4th week

of April -July 2021

Draft of baseline report and technical material which consist of:

·  Identification of existing wetlands (PME) management including issues, challenges, and institutional arrangement.

·  Stakeholders mapping and gap analysis (including gap in capacity and knowledge) for the short and long-term roadmap implementation.

·  High-level policy analysis: list of government policy, regulation, guideline, standard, criteria, etc regarding water management in peatland area, both in local and national level. Lesson learned from the international best practices.

·   Economic, social and ecological benefits of peatland and mangrove ecosystems.

·   Strategies, action plans, and policies of mangrove and peatland management 2021-2045 based on input from stakeholders.

·  Potency of peatland and mangrove ecosystems for reducing emissions and achieving SDGs.



Milestone 2: Inputs compilation and finalization of the roadmap

2nd week of August 2021

Final draft and technical material which consist of:

·  Inputs from stakeholders

·  Matrix of the implementation plan (short-term, medium-term, and long-term)


Milestone 3: Inputs for Legal basis, Implementation, and monitoring and evaluation of the roadmap

2nd week of December 2021

·   Final draft for legal basis needed for PME Roadmap Implementation

·   Dissemination plan for implementing the PME Roadmap

·   Workshop/seminar for dissemination of the PME Roadmap

·   Final draft for criteria and framework for monitoring and evaluation of the PME Roadmap


As required by the Decree, the roadmap should be finalized and implemented maximum 12 (twelve) months after the official enactment. The Team is expecting the Roadmap to be finalized and ready for implementation by August 2021, in parallel with the process of socialization, education, and advocacy related to wetlands management in Indonesia.

The period of works will be on 4th week of April to 4th week of December 2021.


1.    Solid experience and expertise in wetlands management and environmental issues in Indonesia/global (mainly related to forestry and climate change) with strong analytical skills and technical analysis, including the political situation related to wetlands management

2.    Ability to work under pressure with limited deadline, ability to manage priorities

3.    Master's degree in natural resources management/coastal management, environmental science/forestry/biology, and minimum of ten years of experience on wetlands management

4.    Strong communications and facilitation skills with great writing portfolio in wetlands management and environmental issues (both in Bahasa Indonesia and English) 

5.    High-level portfolio and experiences of providing technical assistance in developing strategic document (such as roadmap, high-level report, strategy document, etc) with the government of Indonesia



Please send your Application Letter and CV (in one pdf file) to:


 Please fill the "subject" column of the e-mail with this format:

< TA Wetlands > - <Your Name>

 Closing date for the Quotation/application is April 26 , 2021

 (Only short-listed candidates wilbe notified) 

For more information about CI, please visiour web:

Indonesia.conservation.org // www.conservation.org





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