[newdevjobsindo] Save the Children Indonesia Vacancy: Consultant for Social Inclusion Analysis Among OOSC in 63 villages of West and Central Sumba - Lowongan Kerja LSM NGO

Selasa, 27 April 2021

[newdevjobsindo] Save the Children Indonesia Vacancy: Consultant for Social Inclusion Analysis Among OOSC in 63 villages of West and Central Sumba


Social Inclusion Analysis Among OOSC

in 63 villages of West and Central Sumba





In every country, some groups confront barriers that prevent them from fully participating in political, economic, and social life. These groups may be excluded through legal systems, land, and labor markets and discriminatory or stigmatizing attitudes, beliefs, or perceptions. The disadvantage is often based on social identity, which may be across dimensions of gender, age, location, occupation, race, ethnicity, religion, citizenship status, disability, and sexual orientation and gender identity, among other factors. This kind of social exclusion robs individuals of dignity, security, and the opportunity to lead a better life. Unless the root causes of structural exclusion and discrimination are addressed, it will be challenging to support sustainable, inclusive growth and rapid poverty reduction. 

Over the past decades, strong economic growth has reduced income poverty incidence in Indonesia from over 50% of the population in the mid-1970s to 24% in 1999 and 9,4% in 2019 (Asian Development Bank 2019). However, this reduction's benefits have not reached all members of society equally, and socially excluded groups, in particular, have found themselves disadvantaged. Recognizing that social exclusion is multidimensional and has causes and effects that vary significantly across the excluded groups.

NTT has a low Human Development Index (HDI) and was ranked 32 out of 34 provinces in Indonesia in 2018. The average HDI in NTT Province is 64,39 compared to the national average of 71,39. Both Sumba Barat and Sumba Tengah ranked lower than the average HDI Province with 62,91% and 60,07%[1]. The poverty rate is another challenging situation in the Impact Area. Statistically, the poverty rate for Sumba Barat was 28.51%, while Sumba Tengah was 34.85%, compared to the average NTT Province poverty rate of 9.66%[2]. Health and nutrition status for children is another problematic situation. In 2018, the Ministry of Health released the Basic Health Survey (Riset Kesehatan Dasar / RISKESDAS), which indicated that Indonesia's average stunting prevalence was 30.8 %. That means 1 out of 3 children was stunted due to chronic malnutrition. Among 34 Provinces in Indonesia, NTT Province had the highest stunting prevalence in Indonesia, which sat at 42,6%[3]. Among the district in NTT, West Sumba and Central Sumba have a high percentage of stunting cases. The nutrition Surveillance Report issued by Provincial Health Office indicated that there were 40.6% of cases in 2016 and 38% in 2017 at the same time frame in West Sumba. Low nutrition intake, food insecurity, limited access to clean water, poor hygiene practice, and poor parenting contribute to stunted children.  Stunting indicates that a child fails to thrive, with impaired brain development, lower IQ, weakened immune systems and greater risk of serious diseases.

The current COVID-19 pandemic has put the spotlight on deep-rooted systemic inequalities. As COVID-19 continues to have wide-reaching impacts across the globe, the differentiated and intensified impact the pandemic has on the most marginalized, including persons with disabilities, women, unemployed youth, sexual and gender minorities, the elderly, Indigenous Peoples, and ethnic and racial minorities. For example, many persons with disabilities have underlying health conditions that may make them particularly vulnerable to severe symptoms of COVID-19, if they contract it. Women and children are affected by increasing rates of domestic violence as a result of social restrictions.

According to Central Agency on Statistics NTT Province (BPS 2019), there are 1,742 children in PS and 2,390 children in JHS who drop out of school. These children dropped out for various reasons, like girls were pregnant while in school and got expelled from schools, while boys work in the economic sector to fulfill domestic needs and other social problems. As a result, only some children became students and succeeded in completing their compulsory Education, and these numbers managed to enter the University.

Save the Children through Sponsorship program already identified the most deprived groups in Sponsorship CO including Indonesia, such as Rural/pastoral poor, Children with disabilities, The Poorest, Refugees, migrants, displaced, girls, including those in early marriage, those affected by disaster or living in disaster-prone areas, ethnic or religious minorities. Save the Children Indonesia’s Country Strategic Plan Year 2022-2024 is in the development process, and will prioritize those groups in order to ensure that our projects / programs could reach the most needed. This strategy aligns with Save the Children’s 2030 Strategy commits to doing whatever it takes to reach the most deprived and excluded children. 



The objectives of this research are:

  1. To identify the most marginalized and deprived community in Sponsorship impact area and include them in Sponsorship program services and spaces
  2. To understand the determinant factors of marginalized and deprived community in the impact area based on the Out of School Children’s mapping
  3. To identify the actionable recommendations and solutions that can be addressed by Save the Children team in West Sumba and Central Sumba districts



  1. How to identify and who are the most marginalized and deprived people in West and Central Sumbaour target community that socially excluded?
  2. What are determinants  those contribute for  marginalization and deprivation of people in our target community in the impact area and to identify the boosters   for their inclusion in Sponsorship program?
  3. What are the inclusion strategies and enabling factors to support the out of school children in central and west Sumba to continue their education in  Sponsorship impact area?



The research study location will focus on current 63 Villages of Sponsorship program intervention in West Sumba and Central Sumba districts and focusing in the community with high number of out of school children.



The consultant is expected to propose study design that are able to answer research questions with following several steps:

  1. Review Secondary Sources

This step assembles existing data on the most excluded groups in West and Central Sumba districts, starting with SC sources such as the Country Office’s Child Right Situation Analysis (CRSA); List of Out of School Children and Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI analysis, to identify 1) the main data sources and stakeholders for each priority group; 2) characteristics of the priority groups, including the barriers they face; 3) their prevalence in the country and particularly in the impact area; and 4) any standardized tools or approaches for inquiry related to these groups.

  1. Collect the Primary Data

This step comprises the research design process, training and orienting the data collection team, and following inclusive data collection practices and behaviors with focusing in finding relevant data through Focus Group Discussion (FGD) and Key Informant Interview (KII)by using stakeholder analysis mapping from main stakeholders of the research study including the out of school children.

  1. Analyze the Result

The analytical process progresses through three stages, from the primarily descriptive creation of excluded group “snapshots” to the analytical stage of examining the barriers each group faces to full participation in society, towards a decisional and design stage of identifying opportunities for bringing about change for each of the groups. 

  1. Report findings and recommendation

The report is prepared in the format set by Save The Children that could describe the process of research study, the secondary and primary data collection, the findings presented, the analysis of the findings and its relevance to answer the research questions, and the recommendation sought for priority items and how this could feed in the strategy and plan development for Sponsorship Project beyond 2021. All the process will be refer to SCs Social Inlusion Analys Tools.



The study will take place from May to July 2021. The research activities and the number of expected days are:

  1. Develop research design and methodology together with Save the Children team, developing research tools for this study, including consent forms and quantitative and qualitative research tools (15 Days).
  2. Submit and obtain the approval for the research ethics clearance (35 Days).
  3. Field Data Collection (15 Days).
  4. Conduct data analysis process and providing a high-quality report (30 Days).



We are interested in bids from qualified evaluators working as individuals or small teams, with a particular preference for those located in NTT Areas (Kupang or Sumba). The combined qualities of the evaluator team should include:

  1. Five years' experience in development and humanitarian projects.
  2. Have proper understanding and knowledge on social inclusion methodology.
  3. Understanding of the civil society and the marginalized and the most deprived situation in Sumba districts  and East Nusa Tenggara province in particular.
  4. Knowledge of programming and project cycle management.
  5. Experience as an evaluator of projects; experience in evaluation of projects undertaken in partnership with various organizations desirable.
  6. Excellent written and verbal communication skills both in Bahasa Indonesia and English, ability to speak in Local Sumba language desirable.
  7. Experience in producing high quality written reports in English.
  8. Ability to adhere to deadlines and work under pressures
  9. Authorization to work in West Sumba and Central Sumba districts during Covid-19 pandemic.




1)    A complete draft of research protocol and tools, including a detailed plan on sampling, specifics on the design, methodology, calculation, and data analysis plan approved by Save the Children ethics board

2)    Field implementation plan with the protocol for enumerators & supervisors

3)    Data entry and analysis plan

4)    Training on the required number of enumerators, supervisors, and data entry person

5)    Final data collection report

6)    Clean and valid database (i.e., SPSS) and other relevant soft copy of documents such as interview transcript, photo, interview record, and reference documents

7)    Results/ Key findings presentation to SCI & Stakeholders

8)    Two printed and electronic copies (on flash disc) of the final report based on SC template both in Bahasa Indonesia and English, to include:

a)     Executive summary

b)    Abbreviation and acknowledgment

c)     Introduction

d)    Project background

e)    Key Evaluation Questions

f)      Methodology

g)     Result

h)    Summary/ conclusion

i)      Recommendations

j)      Appendices (such as data set, photo, interview transcript, reference documents, relevant documents, results-indicator matrix, and critical finding presentation PowerPoint document)



Applicants must provide a detailed financial proposal that covers the following items and includes a narrative on the assumptions behind their estimates:

a)     Salaries. Includes personnel for technical assistance, data collection, data entry, data transcribe, translation and analysis (e.g. staff, interviewers, data entry personnel, supervisors and drivers).

b)    Daily costs for lodging, meals, and incidental expenses during training and during fieldwork; mode of transportation; vehicle rental; gasoline (breakdown items)

c)     Printing. Includes survey questionnaires, interview guides, and final reports.

d)    Supplies. Includes paper, pens, and other logistics/supplies for fieldwork.

e)    Training costs.

f)      Airfare



Period of Validity

The proposal shall be valid for a period of 50 days, starting from the submission date.

Notice of Non-Binding Solicitation

Save the Children reserves the right to reject any and all bids received in response to this solicitation and is in no way bound to accept any proposal. Additionally, we reserve the right to negotiate the substance of the finalists’ proposals, as well as the option of accepting partial components of a proposal if appropriate. Quantities provided are estimates only at this time and will be subject to change.



All information provided as part of this solicitation is considered confidential. In the event that any information is inappropriately released, Save the Children will seek appropriate remedies as allowed. Proposals, discussions, and all information received in response to this solicitation will be held as strictly confidential, except where noted otherwise.


Prior to the expiration of the validity of the proposal, Save the Children shall notify in writing the successful company that submitted the highest-scoring proposal and will invite them for contract negotiations. Save the Children reserves the right to invite the second ranking company for parallel negotiations.


Right to Final Negotiations

Save The Children reserves the option to negotiate final costs and final scope of work, as well as reserves the option to limit or include third parties at Save the Children’s sole and full discretion in such negotiations.  Upon failure to reach agreement on the contents of the contract as stipulated in this document, Save the Children has the right to terminate the negotiations and invite the next best-rated company for negotiations.


All communication regarding this solicitation shall be directed to appropriate parties at Save the Children. Contacting third parties involved in the project, the review panel, or any other party may be considered a conflict of interest and could result in proposal disqualification.


Award of a proposal does not imply acceptance of its terms and conditions. Save the Children reserves the option to negotiate on the final terms and conditions



Tax will be charged to the consultant



All the materials the consultant develops, prepares and delivers to Save the Children shall belong exclusively to Save the Children. Raw and cleaned datasets should be handed over to Save the Children at the end of the evaluation and will also be considered property of Save the Children. The consultant shall not use any product or material from this evaluation for any other purpose outside of the evaluation unless they receive written consent from SC management in the Indonesia Country Office.




Save the Children International is committed to safeguarding children with maximum possible extent from any deliberate or inadvertent actions that come into contact and our contractual agreement reflects our commitment to ensuring that only those who are suited to work with children and to apply strict child safe recruitment practice are considered for this consultancy. Thus, the selected consulting firm is required to receive orientation on our Child Safeguarding Policy, must sign on it and comply with the standards stated in the policy.



Note: Demographic data; list of villages, intervention schools in both districts; list of children that are out of school and geographic data are all available upon request from the consultant. These can be supplied if they are needed for the creation of the proposal, please contact:










Application Information:


Please apply using an up-to-date CV as a single document. Please also include details of your current remuneration and salary expectations.  A copy of the full role profile can be found at



We need to keep children safe so our selection process, which includes rigorous background checks, reflects our commitment to the protection of children from abuse.


To apply for this position, please click and go to our career site on


External applicant:


Click Here to Apply


Closing date for application is up to 10 May , 2021.

(Only short-listed candidates will be notified)


Please visit our website for more info https://www.stc.or.id/join-us/karir


Save the Children encourages qualified candidates to apply regardless of religion, race, gender, sexual orientation or disability

All recruitment practices and procedures reflect Save the Children’s commitment to protecting children from abuse



[1] NTT Dalam Angka 2018 (NTT in Figure 2018) update per September 2019.

[2] Ibid

[3] Laporan Riskesdas 2018



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