[newdevjobsindo] [Urgent] Call for consultant(s) to conduct a baseline study for Generation G Indonesia - Lowongan Kerja LSM NGO

Selasa, 27 April 2021

[newdevjobsindo] [Urgent] Call for consultant(s) to conduct a baseline study for Generation G Indonesia

Call for consultant(s) to conduct a baseline study for Generation G Indonesia



Location: Indonesia (implemented in Palu, Bandung, DKI Jakarta) 

Application deadline: 17 May 2021                                       

Category: Gender Justice / Gender-based Violence

Type of contract: Consultancy contract

Languages required: English / Bahasa Indonesia

Start date: May 2021 (start date can be discussed, but ideally as soon as possible)

Expected duration of assignment: May – 31 August 2021


1.     Introduction

The Generation G partnership strives towards the creation of gender-just and violence-free societies with and for young people in their full diversity. We aim to contribute to this change in Indonesia, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Rwanda, South Africa and Uganda with regional and global-level support for these in-country changes. The Generation G partnership is a collaboration of partners in the seven countries with a global consortium consisting of Rutgers (lead), ABAAD, Promundo and Sonke Gender Justice, and runs until 2025. Generation G Indonesia will be implemented by a coalition of 4 organizations: Rutgers Indonesia, Koalisi Perempuan Indonesia (KPI), Lembaga Bantuan Hukum APIK (LBH APIK), and Think Policy Society (TPS).


The Generation G partnership raises public support, advocates for improved policies and laws, and strengthens civil society as a way to contribute to gender justice. The partnership addresses three key interrelated challenges: gender-based violence, the unequal division of care and women's lack of access to civic space. More specifically, this partnership engages an innovative gender-transformative strategy that equips youth leaders and civil society organisations (CSOs) to address the root causes of gender inequality and power imbalances. Engaging (young) men in promoting gender justice is a key component of this strategy. Next to a gender-transformative approach, this partnership has fully embraced the principles of inclusiveness, meaningful and inclusive youth participation, do no harm and accountability. As youth are our key actors and key impact group, they are actively included in decision-making processes, as well as the design and implementation of key strategies.


Violence against women and girls is a significant problem in Indonesia with reports that over 30% of all females experience some form of physical and/or sexual violence in their lifetime. A significant portion of reported cases are gender-based violence or sexual violation of young women and girls. Statistics show a significant increase in reported cases of violence against women over the last 10 years, however this could be due to a raised awareness and improved reporting systems, as well as actual increases in violence, particularly during difficult economic conditions. At the same time, Indonesian youth, particularly young women and other youth from marginalized groups (e.g. LGBTIQ), lack the civic space and economic means to raise awareness, change attitudes and behaviours, and influence the government to act and implement policies that will protect them, give them equal opportunity, and support an independent future.


As youth (15-32) are our key actors and key impact group, they are actively included in decision-making processes, as well as the design and implementation of key strategies. Youth are at the heart of this partnership, as catalysts for systemic change and a key target group. Youth make up a considerable proportion of the world's population but tend to be excluded from policymaking and the legislative processes that significantly impact their lives and futures. Investing in youth is central to achieving sustainable, inclusive and stable societies. We make a special effort to amplify voices of youth, particularly those who are often excluded because of their age, gender, gender identity/expression, sexual orientation, ethnicity, or socioeconomic status.


Generation G Indonesia expects to see: A gender-just and violence-free Indonesian society that is inclusive and supportive to youth (men, women and other groups). The long-term objectives of the programme are:

·        A growing number of young men and women are mobilised to promote gender justice and prevent GBV on and offline

·        Decision-makers increasingly adopt, adapt, implement and are accountable for gender- transformative and youth-inclusive policies and laws

·        Civil society for gender justice is increasingly resilient, effective, gender-transformative and youth-inclusive


Responding to the above, Rutgers Indonesia seeks (a) consultant(s) to conduct the baseline study for Generation G Indonesia.

At the start of the programme, the Generation G coalition in Indonesia will undertake a baseline study with the selected consultant(s) that will conduct the study – amongst others – in the 3 intervention areas (DKI Jakarta, Bandung and Palu). The consultancy will be contracted for the period of May – August 2021 for a maximum of 60 billable days. Core deliverables are a) inception report, b) collecting data and analysis, and c) final reporting. All work needs to be conducted in very close collaboration and together with the Generation G coalition members.

2.      Scope of the work

A baseline study needs to be completed to describe the current context and measure the status of the long term objectives in order to better understand the starting point of key elements of the work against which later progress will be measured. The baseline should compile comprehensive information about the project in order to review its design and make it more responsive to the GBV-related needs of the target populations. The baseline should authenticate the efficacy and plausibility of the theory of change, contextualise both the problem and targets, and articulate the feasibility of the goals and long-term objectives. The intent of the baseline is to obtain baseline data relating to the selected indicators; map relevant partners or stakeholders such as institutions (schools, government bodies), CSOs that deal with GBV and Gender Justice issues including women rights organizations, youth groups, women groups in economic empowerment activities, and others to partner with; conduct formative research among the primary and secondary audiences and target groups; and identify country specific needs and entry points for implementation strategies and adaptation of existing interventions and advocacy approaches.


The baseline study has the following objectives:

1.      The baseline study consists of a needs assessment and formative research to reflect on and address knowledge gaps in order to improve the programme design and to inform the strategies related to the pathways on public support, advocacy and capacity strengthening of CSO's;

2.      The baseline study will validate Theory of Change of Generation G;

3.      The baseline study will contextualize the current global indicator framework of Generation G to the Indonesia context;

4.      The baseline study will inform the target setting of output and outcome indicators;

5.      The baseline study will set the baseline values for indicators (if relevant).

The work of the baseline will be divided between an external consultant and the country coalition partners. The external consultant will be responsible for coordinating objectives 3, 4, and 5. This will be done in full collaboration with the country coalition to collect the needed information in order to achieve these objectives. The work under objective 1 and 2 will be divided; some of the identified formative research will be conducted by the external consultant and some will be conducted by the country coalition partners.

3.      Tasks to be performed

·    Develop study design, methodology, sampling methods, planning and quality control procedures;

·   The consultant will go through the TOC together with the country coalition to make sure there is a shared understanding on the already identified knowledge gaps and to identify any (additional) knowledge or evidence gaps;

·    Contextualize the current indicator framework as developed during the second proposal phase at country level (this will be done in continuous liaison with the coalition, including feedback loops based on the formative research part of the baseline study);

·    Inform the target setting of output and outcome indicators. Target setting needs to be done both quantitatively and qualitatively (descriptive);

·    Set the baseline values for indicators (if relevant);

·    Incorporate baseline results derived from formative research conducted by country coalitions partners to (further) contextualize the current indicator framework and inform target setting of outcome and output indicators;

·    Coordinate the development of the data collection tools needed for the formative research;

·    Analyze the data related to all formative research questions - (this also includes the data collected by coalition partners);

·    Write up the results in a draft report (in a coherent way for the full coalition to be able to reflect on);

·    Present the findings to the country coalition;

·    Coordinate and lead the validation workshop;

·    Write the final baseline report;

·    Ensure incorporation of all COVID19 measures and restrictions

4.      Deliverables

1.  Inception Report (To be finalised one week after the commencement of the consultancy) - Analysis of existing situation and plan of work for the assignment. The inception report will include timeline, research questions, methodologies (study design, and suggested instruments and tools) to be applied, and a detailed outline of the report (although an overarching report outline will be provided);

2.  Development of the data collection tools. (To be ready early June, 2021.);

3.  Draft Report (To be ready August 2, 2021) – Description of findings based on the research questions given, and including problems encountered and recommendations for further programme development. The report needs to be written in both English and Indonesian;

4.  Coordination of a validation session with the full Generation G Coalition. (Currently scheduled August 5, 2021). This session also includes a presentation of the findings;

5.  Final Report – (To be ready and sent in on August 25, 2021) – the report will be approved by Rutgers.

5.      Methodology

The consultant is expected to propose specific methodologies they will use in the inception report to be submitted for approval. They should demonstrate the use of mixed methods approach in arriving at findings and ensure data quality. Details on sampling strategy and quality assurance measures should be included in the inception report. In addition, it should elaborate on data collection methods, tools and timetables for the baseline study.

6.      Data Management

Data management will be a crucial part of this baseline study. The selected consultant will be asked to submit their plan that includes a plan for data analysis, quality assurance, analysis, ethical review and research permit, preparation of field sites and personnel (supervisors and interviewers), and report writing.


7.      Qualifications and skills

General competencies  

·    Strong interpersonal and oral communication skills; 

·    Ability to work well in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams; 

·    Strong interpersonal skills, in particular, demonstrated team leadership qualities;        

·    Displays cultural, gender, religion, and age sensitivity and adaptability; 

·    High level planning, organizational and time management skills;

·    Ability to quickly adapt to change, and to remain calm under pressure; 

·    Excellent analytical, communication and report writing skills.

Compliance with core principles

·    A gender-transformative approach (GTA); 

·    Inclusiveness;

·    Meaningful and inclusive youth participation (MIYP); 

·    Do no harm; 

·    Accountability. 


·    In depth knowledge and experience on research methods;

·    Experience working on baseline studies and previous consultancies;

·    Experience in doing online social media research

·    Previous evaluations relating to GBV, youth and gender studies is advantageous;  

·    Fluent in both oral and written English.


·          Post graduate degree/s in fields such as Development studies, Social Sciences, Gender related studies



8.      Submission and evaluation of proposals

We also welcome applicants that collaborate as a team for this assignment; research institutes and/or independent researchers/consultants can collaborate in order to conduct the baseline study.


Interested applicants are invited to send:

1.  An expression of interest (max 5 pages) clearly specifying your motivation, understanding the assignment, steps in the research including timeline, innovative suggestions as well as suitability and availability;

2.  Portfolio indicating previous research experiences in qualitative and quantitative research, preferably on the issues and the core principles of the Generation G programme as stated in this terms of reference, and a list of previously research conducted;

3.  Samples of previous research reports. (If these reports have been written in collaboration with others, it's important to indicate which sections you have been writing yourself, or which you contributed to significantly.)

Interested consultants or organizations can submit their application by e-mail to recruitment@rutgers.id, indicating the title of this assignment. The closing date for receipt of proposals is May 17, 2021.





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