[newdevjobsindo] (Repost) Save the Children Indonesia Vacancy: Individual Consultant for Exploring the GBV Norms and Practices Towards Children in Sumba Society - Lowongan Kerja LSM NGO

Kamis, 20 Mei 2021

[newdevjobsindo] (Repost) Save the Children Indonesia Vacancy: Individual Consultant for Exploring the GBV Norms and Practices Towards Children in Sumba Society

Research Terms of Reference

Exploring the GBV Norms and Practices Towards Children

in Sumba Society

Research Background

 SGBV in Indonesia

Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV) refers to any harmful act of sexual, physical, and mental abuse that is perpetrated against a person's will and that is based on socially ascribed (i.e. gender) differences between males and females. In Indonesia, the cases of SGBV are increased significantly. According the annual report of National Commission on Violence against Women (Komnas Perempuan, 2020), in a period of 12 years, violence against women increased by 792% (almost 800%), meaning that violence against women in Indonesia for 12 years has increased almost 8 times. In 2019, Violence against Girls increased to 2,341 cases, from 1,417 cases in the previous year. The increase from the previous year was 65% and the most cases were incest.

Generally, when people discuss about SGBV, children are left behind. When the cases of SGBV against children such as rape become viral, people will categorize it as violence against children, not part of SGBV. It can be seen in the recent survey about the changes of dynamic in a household during Covid-19 from the National Commission on Violence against Women. In the survey, there was no child participant. Therefore, it is difficult for us to see the gender issues in children, especially related to SGBV, gender harmful practices and norms towards children.

There are many forms of SGBV against children, one of them is child marriage. UNICEF (2020) reported that in 2018, in Indonesia 1 in 9 girls age 20-24 got married before turning 18 and this number ranks Indonesia in the top 10 countries with the highest absolute numbers of child marriage. In Nusa Tenggara Timur Province – where the Sponsorship program located – the number of child marriage case is 205,000 or 8.78%. Child marriage is a serious problem, therefore earlier in 2020 the Government of Indonesia has launched national strategies to end child marriage.

Save the Children has just completed a Global Study titled Health and nutrition, education, protection, and children's rights during the COVID-19 pandemic in September 2020. The study revealed gender inclusiveness and inequality among different groups of people (e.g., gender, disability, and minority status). Female respondents are more burdened with household chores compare to male (52% vs 42%). Likewise, girls are more burdened with household chores than boys (52% vs 42%) also take care of their younger siblings (34% vs 27%). One in every 5 girls (20%) are disrupted and inhibited to learn due they have too much domestic or household tasks compare to only one in every 10 boys (10%). More female headed household family (all family members are female) lost their jobs and incomes compare to mix household (family members are women and men) (58% vs 36%). And thus, they are experiencing stress due to lack of food, their children need learning and counselling service materials, have difficulty paying for health services for persons with disabilities and care workers


Consultant Scope of Work, Deliverables, and Qualification

Scope of Work

Save the Children is seeking a consultancy team to lead the research process with technical and logistical support from Save the Children in Indonesia and Korea. This will include:

  • Developing implementation design of formative research using SNET and other data collection tools together with SC team.
  • Developing research tools, timeline and deliverables of the research including consent forms and ethical considerations.
  • Coordinating and training research staff for data collection process.
  • Data collection and data input
  • Ensuring data quality and validity.
  • Conducting data analysis process.
  • Providing Power Point Presentation in English and Bahasa Indonesia of the research finding.
  • Presenting research key findings to Save the Children and stakeholders.
  • Providing high quality report in English and Indonesian. Draft report should be submitted to Save the Children for feedback. Satisfactorily report should be received by Save the Children prior releasing final payment to consultant.
  • Providing verbatim for qualitative research piece


Timeline of Payment and Deliverables

  • The payment will be made in 3 (three) installments

Consultant Profile

Save the Children will hire an independent consultant to conduct this research. The selected consultant should meet following criteria:

  • Advanced university degree in Gender Studies, Education, Anthrropology, Sociology, and/or other relevant field of study
  • Proven experience in development studies or work and other relevant field
  • Minimum 6-7 years of experience in managing similar studies.
  • Prior experience of Save the Children program work is highly regarded
  • Proven experience in quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis
  • Good understanding of gender knowledge, child protection, education and community related issues in Eastern Indonesian context (Especially Sumba context). All these competencies and experiences should be reflected in consultant or consultant team's CV(s).
  • Experience with electronic data collection
  • Experience in qualitative data collection methods.
  • Strong qualitative analysis skills and logical thinking.
  • Commitment to follow Save the Children's Safeguarding Policy.
  • Able to follow schedule and commit to finish the evaluation in timely manner.
  • Proven high quality report writing both in English and Bahasa Indonesia.

Technical Competencies

  • Demonstrated expertise in conducting formative research.
  • Comfortable interacting with all segments of the target population.
  • Ability to interact clearly and effectively with government and non-governmental partners and other organizations.
  • Ability to write a comprehensible report that could be used as a lesson learned to move forward and performs better for the communities.

Proposal Requirements

  • All documents related to this Request for Proposal shall be in English and all costs shall be expressed in local currency (IDR).
  • Proposals may be submitted electronically in two formats, for presentation in Microsoft PPT and for description in Microsoft Word. All pieces to the proposal must be labelled clearly. Acceptable formats include Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, and PDF.
  • Page Setup. The document should be on A4, single-spaced with one-inch margins, and 11-point font with Gill Sans MT.
  • The proposal should not exceed 20 pages. The technical section may not exceed 10 pages. The suggested breakdown is as follows: cover page (1pg.); consultant profile, (3pgs.); Technical Approach/Methodology (10pgs.); and, Cost Narrative (5pgs.). There is no limit on the length of spreadsheets associated with the cost estimates or on any annexes.
  • Annex Material. Appropriate annex material may include: Curriculum Vitae of key personnel, individual/organizational profile (or other supplemental material to the information in the body of the proposal), copies of reports, and letters of support.

Cost estimates

Applicants must provide a detailed financial proposal that covers the following items and includes a narrative on the assumptions behind their estimates:

  • Includes personnel for technical assistance, data collection, data entry, data transcribe, translation and analysis (e.g. staff, interviewers, data entry personnel, supervisors and drivers).
  • Daily costs for lodging, meals, and incidental expenses during training and during fieldwork; mode of transportation; vehicle rental; gasoline (breakdown items)
  • Includes survey questionnaires, interview guides, and final reports.
  • Includes paper, pens, and other logistics/supplies for fieldwork.
  • Training costs.
  • Transportation cost. Airfare, vehicle, fuels.

Selection Criteria

The Team from Save the Children Indonesia and Save the Children Korea will review and evaluate proposals received on their technical merit and cost estimates. Save the Children will evaluate proposals based on the following general criteria: individual capacity/individual credentials; technical proposal; comprehensiveness – demonstrating a complete understanding of the Scope of Work (SOW) and all aspects of the technical design; and cost estimates; assessing cost estimates against the implementation plan.

To apply for this position, please click the link below:


Closing date for application is up to 4 June 2021

(Only short-listed candidates will be notified)

Please visit our website for more info https://www.stc.or.id/join-us/karir


Save the Children encourages qualified candidates to apply regardless of religion, race, gender, sexual orientation or disability

All recruitment practices and procedures reflect Save the Children’s commitment to protecting children from abuse




Best Regards,



Human Resources | Yayasan Sayangi Tunas Cilik - partner of Save the Children | Jalan Bangka IX No. 40 A,B. RT 1/RW 10, Pela Mampang, Mampang Perapatan. Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12720 | +62 (21) – 782 4415 | recruitment.indonesia@savethechildren.org | www.stc.or.id


Yayasan Sayangi Tunas Cilik – partner of Save the Children believes every last child deserves a future. In Indonesia and around the world, we give children a healthy start in life, the opportunity to learn and protection from harm. We do whatever it takes for children – every day and in time of crisis – transforming their lives and the future we share.






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