[newdevjobsindo] [Urgent] Call for consultant(s) to conduct a baseline study for Power to You(th) Indonesia - Lowongan Kerja LSM NGO

Senin, 28 Juni 2021

[newdevjobsindo] [Urgent] Call for consultant(s) to conduct a baseline study for Power to You(th) Indonesia

Terms of Reference (External)


Call for consultant(s) to conduct a baseline assessment

for PowertoYouth Indonesia



Location: Indonesia (implemented in West Java, East Java, and West Nusa Tenggara) 

Application deadline: 05 July 2021                                       

Category: Child Marriage, Teenage Pregnancy, Violence Against Women

Type of contract: Consultancy contract

Languages required: English / Bahasa Indonesia

Start date: June 2021 (start date can be discussed, but ideally as soon as possible)

Expected duration of assignment: June – 31 August 2021


1.     Introduction

The Power to You(th) partnership unites Amref Flying Doctors, Rutgers and Sonke Gender Justice (Sonke). This partnership forms a Consortium that believes change starts in communities. To trigger this change, we will strengthen civil society organisations (CSOs) to empower and increase the voice of adolescent girls and young women (AGYW). The Power to You(th) Consortium will empower AGYW to increase their agency, claim their rights, address gender inequalities, challenge gender norms and advocate for inclusive decision-making. The overall strategic programme objective of the Power to You(th) Consortium is to contribute to more adolescent girls and young women from underserved communities being meaningfully included in all decision-making regarding harmful practices, SGBV and unintended pregnancies. The Power to You(th) programme will be implemented in seven countries: Ethiopia, Ghana, Indonesia, Kenya, Malawi, Senegal and Uganda, with coordination support and advocacy activities conducted in the Netherlands and globally. In Indonesia, PowertoYou(th) will be implemented by Rutgers Indonesia, in partnership with Youth Force Indonesia, Tanoker, Yayasan Semak and Rutgers Lombok.

Child marriage has gathered significant global attention in the last decade in response to growing evidence on the program's scale and scope. It is now explicitly targeted in the SDGs. As estimated, 14.2 million girls worldwide marry before the age of 18 each year.  Over 700 million women alive today were once child brides, and one in three of these girls married before the age of 15.  Indonesia is one of the countries with the highest absolute numbers of child marriage, the child marriage burden, ranking seventh globally. Adolescent pregnancy has also become a growing concern, and hence it has become imperative to look into the various causes of teenage pregnancy to deal with this issue carefully. Adolescent pregnancies are widely discouraged because of the health risks for young mothers and babies. Teenage pregnancies have cascading negative consequences, including incomplete education, unemployment, poverty, discrimination, and numerous other emotional traumas. Further, early motherhood also affects the psychological development of the child adversely. During the last 12 years, the number of cases reported of violence against women (VAW) has multiplied eight times, from 54,425 cases in 2008 to 431,471 in 2019.  In 2019 alone, there have been 2,341 reported cases of violence against women and children, which is a huge spike or 65% from 1,417 cases in the previous year.  Further, based on the National Survey, 1 out of 3 women between the age of 15-64 in Indonesia experienced violence by their spouses or non-spouses in their lifetime (SPHPN, BPS 2016). Based on the recent Youth Consultative Meeting results, the main remaining issues of Power to You(th), namely FGM/C and Unmet Needs, will be less prioritized. The case of unmet needs will be blended in the aforementioned main issues; for instance, when the program focuses on preventing teenage pregnancy, we will automatically accommodate the needs of contraceptives for adolescents. For the FGM/C issues, the existing national-level policy (Ministry of Health Regulation No. 6/2014) had adapted the elimination of FGM/C practice.   


The overall strategic programme objective is to contribute to more adolescent girls and young women from underserved communities who are meaningfully included in decision-making regarding harmful practices, SGBV and unintended pregnancies. To contribute to our envisioned overall change above, we expect that by the end of the programme are:


·        LTO (Long Term Outcome) 1: Young people demand accountability and responsiveness to harmful practices, SGBV and unintended pregnancies from societal and state actors.

·        LTO 2 : CSOs amplify young people's voices to claim, protect and expand civic space.

·        LTO 3 : Societal actors support and promote youth rights and progressive social norms.

·        LTO 4: State actors improve policy making, budgeting and implementation on harmful practices, SGBV and unintended pregnancies.

During Q2 and Q3 of 2021 the Power to You(th) Consortium will undertake a baseline study in all 7

participating countries. For the largest part this baseline study will be conducted by the Dutch Royal Tropical Institute (KIT), as a technical partner in PtY. However, there are some context-specific indicators that we would like to gather baseline information on, which are not (fully) included in the overall baseline study done by KIT.


Responding to the above, Rutgers Indonesia seeks (a) consultant(s) to conduct the baseline assessment for PowertoYouth Indonesia.

At the start of the programme, the PowertoYou(th) coalition in Indonesia will undertake a baseline assessment with the selected consultant(s) that will conduct the study – amongst others – in the 3 intervention areas (West Java, East Java, and West Nusa Tenggara). The consultancy will be contracted for the period of June – August 2021 for a maximum of 60 billable days. Core deliverables are a) inception report, b) collecting data and analysis, c) coordination of a validation session, and d) final reporting.


2.     Scope of the work

The baseline assessment will provide a reference for measuring the contribution of the PowertoYou(th) programme in future and will inform programme design and strategy. The baseline will measure the situation against the agreed indicators, as well as the added context specific indicators (to be defined locally) and the key elements as proposed in the full proposal.


More specifically, the objectives of the baseline are:

·        Setting baseline values where needed i.e. as indicated in the country result frameworks

·        Situation analysis in order to inform future programming

·        Informing target setting

3.       Tasks to be performed

·    Develop study design, methodology, sampling methods, planning and quality control procedures;

·    Inform the target setting of output and outcome indicators. Target setting needs to be done both quantitatively and qualitatively (descriptive);

·    Set the baseline values for indicators (if relevant);

·    Coordinate the development of the data collection tools needed;

·    Analyze the data;

·    Write up the results in a draft report;

·    Coordinate and lead the validation workshop with Rutgers, including presentation of the findings.

·    Write the final country baseline report;

·    Ensure incorporation of all COVID19 measures and restrictions.

In the table below it is described for which of the indicators complementing data needs to be gathered by the consultant.



Complementing baseline data that is needed

Deadline for reporting

Pathway 2: CSOs amplify  young people's voices to  claim, protect and expand  civic space

Description of effective use of accountability mechanisms by citizens/communities and CSOs towards SRHR of all people

Data about CSOs (youth and women groups) and other active members in society who are claiming their rights by using the accountability mechanisms (community meetings, hearings, etc) to improve SRHR for all (esp. young people)

August 15, 2021

Pathway 2: CSOs amplify  young people's voices to  claim, protect and expand  civic space

# of CSOs and advocacy networks with increased lobbying, advocating, thematic (MYP  and GTA) and/or research & PME capabilities 

Baseline understanding of starting point of CSOs and priority areas for strengthening

August 15, 2021

Pathway 2: CSOs amplify  young people's voices to  claim, protect and expand  civic space

# of CSOs using a Gender and Social Inclusion lens during all phases of the programming cycle with specific attention to youth

Baseline understanding of starting point of CSOs and priority areas for strengthening

August 15, 2021

Pathway 4: State actors  improve policy making and  implementation on key  issues

#and type of (inter)national laws and policies implemented to decrease barriers to SRHR and prevent HPs and SGBV AND

 # and type of (inter)national laws and policies blocked, adopted, maintained, improved including the number of detrimental policies which are prevented or blocked from adoption or development to decrease barriers to SRHR and prevent HPs and SGBV

Policy/budget analysis on types of budgets, laws and policies on PTY topics


July 31, 2021


4.      Deliverables

1.  Inception Report (To be finalized one week after the commencement of the consultancy) - Analysis of existing situation and plan of work for the assignment. The inception report will include timeline, research questions, methodologies (study design, and suggested instruments and tools) to be applied, and a detailed outline of the report (although an overarching report outline will be provided);

2.  Development of the data collection tools.

3.  Sub-Report– Description of findings based on the research questions given, and including problems encountered and recommendations for further programme development. The report needs to be written in both English and Indonesian:

Sub-report for Pathway 4 (To be ready and approved by July 31st, 2021)

Sub-report for Pathway 2 (To be ready and send in on August 15, 2021)

4.  Coordination of a validation session. (Between August 16 – 20, 2021). This session also includes a presentation of the findings;

5.  Final Report – (To be ready and send in on August 25, 2021) – the report will be approved by Rutgers



5. Methodology

The consultant is expected to propose specific methodologies they will use in the inception report to be submitted for approval. They should demonstrate the use of mixed methods approach in arriving at findings and ensure data quality. Details on sampling strategy and quality assurance measures should be included in the inception report. In addition, it should elaborate on data collection methods, tools and timetables for the baseline study.

Data Management

Data management will be a crucial part of this baseline study. The selected consultant will be asked to submit their plan that includes a plan for data analysis, quality assurance, analysis, preparation of field sites and personnel (supervisors and interviewers), and report writing.



6. Qualifications and skills

General competencies  

·    Strong interpersonal and oral communication skills; 

·    Ability to work well in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams; 

·    Strong interpersonal skills, in particular, demonstrated team leadership qualities;        

·    Displays cultural, gender, religion, and age sensitivity and adaptability; 

·    High level planning, organizational and time management skills;

·    Ability to quickly adapt to change, and to remain calm under pressure; 

·    Excellent analytical, communication and report writing skills.


Compliance with core principles

·    Southern leadership - in representation, responsibility and decision making;

·   Meaningful Youth Participation and Engagement - in representation, responsibility and decision-making;

·    Partnership - Transparency, accountability, and a clear division of roles;

·   Scale - learning cycle, strong documentation and evidence base, adaptation, with a special emphasis on innovation and technology.


·    In depth knowledge and experience on research methods;

·    Experience working on baseline studies and previous consultancies;

·    Previous evaluations relating to budget analysis and organizational assessment;

·   Previous evaluations on themes regarding harmful practices (Child Marriage, Teenage Pregnancy, FGM), SGBV, SRHR, youth and gender studies is advantageous;  

·    Fluent in both oral and written English.


·          Post graduate degree/s in fields such as Development studies, Public Health, Social Sciences, Gender related studies



7. Submission and evaluation of proposals

We also welcome applicants that collaborate as a team for this assignment; research institutes and/or independent researchers/consultants can collaborate in order to conduct the baseline study.


Interested applicants are invited to send:

1.  An expression of interest (max 5 pages) clearly specifying your motivation, understanding the assignment, steps in the research including timeline, budget, innovative suggestions as well as suitability and availability;

2.  Portfolio indicating previous research experiences in desk/literature review and qualitative research, preferably on the issues and the core principles of the Power to Youth programme as stated in this term of reference, and a list of previously research conducted;

3.  Samples of previous research reports. (If these reports have been written in collaboration with others, it's important to indicate which sections you have been writing yourself, or which you contributed to significantly.)

Interested consultants or organizations can submit their application by e-mail to recruitment@rutgers.id, indicating the title of this assignment. The closing date for receipt of proposals is July 05, 2021.



RutgersWPF Indonesia gives equal opportunity employment regardless of gender, sexual orientation, different ability, and religion.




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