[newdevjobsindo] SNV is Looking for Expert to Support The Scaling up Scheduled Desludging (LLTT ) Program in Tasikmalaya - Lowongan Kerja LSM NGO

Kamis, 22 Juli 2021

[newdevjobsindo] SNV is Looking for Expert to Support The Scaling up Scheduled Desludging (LLTT ) Program in Tasikmalaya

Scaling up Scheduled Desludging (LLTT ) Program in

Tasikmalaya City



  1. SNV Netherlands Development Organisation


SNV is an international not-for-profit development organisation, working in 38 countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. SNV specializes in supporting the resourcefulness of development actors by developing local capacities, improving performance and services, strengthening governance systems, helping to create access for excluded groups and by making markets work for the poor. Our global team of advisors use their specialist sector and change expertise in Agriculture, Renewable Energy and WASH to facilitate sustainable change in the livelihoods of millions of people living in poverty.


The Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Sustainable Development Goals (WASH SDGs) Programme


SNV understands safe urban sanitation and hygiene services as a pre-condition for health and economic development in cities. With urban growth in Indonesia averaging 4.4% a year (World Bank, 2016), a failure to invest in urban sanitation will become a barrier for almost any development. Access to sanitation is a human right and governments are the duty bearers of progressive realisation of this right. With the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Indonesia’s governments has committed to work towards universal access of safely managed sanitation services and improved hygiene.

Through its DGIS funded WASH SDGs programme, SNV supports local governments of Bandar Lampung & Metro Cities in Lampung Province and Tasikmalaya City in West Java Province to achieve sustainable and inclusive city-wide sanitation service in their area. In partnership with national and government counterparts, the WASH SDGs programme aims to improve the way human waste is managed by addressing the entire sanitation chain and answering different needs among the population with appropriate and sustainable service delivery models.



  1. Background


In this globalization era, domestic wastewater management operator / UPTD SPALD is required to improve their performance and competitiveness as service providers.

Based on research on sanitation mapping and sanitation services conducted by SNV in 2018 in Tasikmalaya city, challenges face by domestic wastewater operators for professionalization that they didn’t have sustainable and strategic sanitation plan.


One of sustainable sanitation plan and services is the Scheduled Desludging Service (LLTT- Layanan Lumpur Tinja Terjadwal). LLTT is a service mechanism for a routine and scheduled desludging for on site-septage management system and continued with a proper treatment process in an assigned facility with agreed payment methods. LLTT plays an important role in protecting the environment because one of the causes of environmental pollution is leakage on septic tank that cause sludge and domestic wastewater to seep into the soiland water resources. To prevent sludge from exceeding the capacity of septic tank and polluting the environment, septic tanks must meet the Indonesian National Standard (SNI) and must be desludged at least once in three years. LLTT as part of safely managed sanitation and domestic wastewater services is a service that can prevent the source of domestic waste pollution from entering the body/source of water. This service includes:

-        Sealed septic tank that complies with SNI;

-        Emptying and transportation system for sludge;

-        Septage/Domestic Wastewater Treatment Plant (IPLT)


There are 7 aspects[1] on the LLTT program that need to be prepared for sustainable implementation based on the city capacity :

1.    Operational model

2.    Customer management

3.    Infrastructure

4.    Institutional organization

5.    Standard Operating Procedure

6.    Financial

7.    Regulation


In Tasikmalaya, UPTD SPALD as the service operator has an initiative  to pilot and testing  LLTT program in 2020 for 100 houses. Some criterias have put in placed  for this puposes to be able to test this activity, such as:

(1) Digitalized customer data base.

(2) Septic tank survey have been conducted for 1000 houses to identify potential locations

(3) Initiated dialogue with private desludging for possible partnership

(4) Developing management information system and UPTD SPALD website for promotion and socialization of desludging

(5) Retrofitted treatment plant capacity and

(6) Implementing SOP.


In addition to this, DPRD/house of representative has initiated development of domestic wastewater regulation and have been legalized at the city level.


This year, UPTD SPALD Tasikmalaya planned to scale up LLTT program for wider coverage in the city however, Scalling up LLTT program is not a simple thing. Various stakeholders  need to be involved, not only service operator, but other government and non-government institutions to ensure community use standard containment and accessible, enabling environments, existing capacity of the IPLT and management before it can be fully implemented There are several steps that need to be done before scalling up program to ensure a professional and sustainable services in the future.


For the above purposes , SNV is going to hire a consultant to support UPTD SPALD in preparation for  scale up the LLTT Program in Tasikmalaya city.  The Consultant will provide technical and non technical expertise and capacity building  not only for the waste water operator but also for the IPLT facility  and related stakeholders.





The objective of this consultancy are:


a.    To conduct a quantitative and qualitative analysis through survey, FGDs, field visit and participative workshops to assess city potential to identify barriers and modality for scalling up LLTT Program.

b.    To identify basic principles, service principles and objectives, target, work plan, development stages, the year to scale up and finances.

c.    To develop operational plan: service zones, classification and number of customers, sludge capacity, desludging period and frequency, desludging and scheduling design, classification of buldings and septick tank condition,number of desludging units, required IPLT capacity, SOP, management system, tariffs for LLTT, appropriate permit,  infrastructure and financial needs.

d.    To identify and increase operator capacity; from the organizational structure, role and responsibilities,  number of competence personnel as well as identifying relevant institution that need to be involved.

e.    To identify Partnership as well as scope of work , type of cooperation between LLTT operator and its partner.

f.     To develop financial planning including financial profit and loss projections, type of billing,  tariff amounts as per customer classification, promoting services.

g.    To develop promotion strategy, marketing tools including required resources.



4.   Methodology


§  Literature review from SNV related research document and formative research

§  FGD, field visit and participative workshop to asses potential situation in the city for LLTT scale up program.

§  Workshop/coaching/Training.



  1. Deliverables

The expected deliverables from this consultancy are :

§ Assessment report in English, finding and recommendation of city potential to identify barriers and modality for scalling up LLTT Program.

§ Agreement on the basic and fundamental issues between UPTD SPALD and relevant stakeholders that serves as general direction to the preparation of scheduled desludging scheme such as the targets (area, types of buildings, and level of coverage), timelines, stages of development (early,mid,full scale up), and financial principles

§  Operational scheme of LLTT is available consist of: service zones, classification and number of customers, sludge capacity, desludging period and frequency, desludging and scheduling design, classification of buldings and septick tank condition,number of desludging units, required IPLT capacity, SOP, management system, tariffs for LLTT, appropriate permit,  infrastructure and financial needs.

§  Capacity building Planing and personnel competencies mapped out including relevant stakeholders that need to be involved with clear role and responsibilities.

§ Potential partners and related stakeholders to support LLTT Program are identified including type of cooperation and scope of work.

§ Estimated capital expenditure and operational  based on the LLTT operational scheme  include financial profit and loss projections, type of billing,  tariff amounts as per customer classification, promoting services.

§ Promotion strategy include marketing tools and required resources are developed and ready for implementation.



6.   Qualification


Consultant should at least have:

Ø  Qualification in a relevant discipline (e.g. WASH Specialist, Scheduled Desludging program )

Ø  Have at least 5 years experience in WASH Sector

Ø  Proven experience working in urban WASH Program.

Ø  Proven expertise in developing Scheduled desludging program.



7.    Time frame


The consultancy work will be starting from August 2021 and is expected to be completed October 2021.



8.   Budget


SNV will cover consultants’ service fee, travel and accommodation costs in assessment area, and activity costs according to SNV’s internal policy. 


9.   Application Process

Please send the following application documents:

Ø  Letter of interest to the position mentioned

Ø  An updated CV in English (no longer than 3 pages), along with relevant contact (at least 3) references and example of relevant work mentioned

Ø  Financial proposal mentioning expected consultancy fee

via email to cherisatsiwi@snv.org with cc to rpraesty@snv.org by August 8th, 2021 with subject “Scaling Up Scheduled Desludging (LLTT)”.



For more information on SNV please refer to our website: www.snv.org


[1] USAID - IUWASH LLTT guidance book, 2016: Saatnya Sekarang Layanan Lumpur Tinja Terjadwal.


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