[newdevjobsindo] FHI 360 Individual Consultant: Re-Adv_Private Sector Engagement for TB Consultant - Lowongan Kerja LSM NGO

Senin, 09 Agustus 2021

[newdevjobsindo] FHI 360 Individual Consultant: Re-Adv_Private Sector Engagement for TB Consultant

Private Sector Engagement for TB Consultant

The USAID Tuberculosis Private Sector (TBPS) project supports National TB Program (NTP), Indonesia to improve private sector health providers engagement so as to increase case detection, enhance access to state-of-the-art diagnostics and medicines, increase Tuberculosis (TB) case notification from the private sector and promote public-sector stewardship for sustained response and commitment to achieve a TB-free Indonesia. The overarching goal of TBPS is to increase the number of care-seeking clients in the private sector who are correctly diagnosed and notified and successfully complete TB treatment. In late 2020, TBPS conducted a stewardship capacity assessment designed to understand overall stewardship capacity for the TB program with respect to coordination/implementation, multi-sectoral engagement, and sustainable funding in two TBPS implementing districts: Medan City with an existing District Action Plan (DAP) (2017–2021) and Gresik Regency without an existing DAP.
Given the recognition by many stakeholders of the need for more systematic engagement with the for-profit private sector, the goal of this consultancy will be to support district stakeholders (District Health Office/DHO, local parliament, BPKAD/ Badan Pengelola Keuangan dan Aset Daerah (District Financial and Asset Management Agency)) in developing a concrete action plan for private sector engagement on TB prevention and control. There are many different entities in each district that can be actively engaged in TB elimination, including commercial and development banks (e.g., Bank of Sumut), religious/charitable organizations (e.g., BAZNAS), private universities, private healthcare facilities, and industry. These activities will be conducted in close collaboration with district officials and other district-level stakeholders and in collaboration with TBPS District Technical Officers (DTOs) and technical team with technical guidance and support from Meridian's Senior Manager.

Scope of Work
During the stewardship capacity assessment, government and non-governmental stakeholders overwhelmingly recognized the need to increase the private sector's role in TB programs and were open to more systematic engagement. Representatives from the DHO and BPKAD noted that there is an opportunity for increased private sector engagement through Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), workplace programs, and other partnerships. In both districts, multiple private sector opportunities were identified including commercial and development banks (e.g., Bank of Sumut), religious/charitable organizations (e.g., BAZNAS), private universities, private hospitals, and companies (e.g., PT Petrokimia and PT Smelting). Both districts recognize the potential contribution of the for-profit private sector, but neither district has a clearly defined strategy for increasing private sector engagement. Therefore, the consultant is expected to:

1.  Review of stewardship capacity report and initial outreach with district stakeholders. The consultant will review the stewardship capacity report to understand stakeholder comments and opportunities with respect to increased private sector engagement and to analyze partnership opportunities for for-profit entities that were identified/interviewed for the assessment. The consultant will have initial discussions with DHO team (Head of Infectious Diseases Prevention and Control Section) to analyze their views on priority private sector engagement and identify other potential partnership opportunities and for-profit partners. Besides in TB program/infectious disease control section, consultant will also explore about existing investment of private sector in the other areas (education, nutrition, maternal/child health, etc). Based on this review and initial engagement, the consultant will develop a detailed workplan/timeline for the private sector companies to be contacted in each district.

Deliverables: 1) Detailed workplan outlining specific companies to be contacted during mapping phase. 2) List of government stakeholders that currently liaise with CSR programs of for-profit companies  that could be leveraged for future partnerships.

2.  Mapping and prioritization of partnership and resource mobilization opportunities. The consultant will conduct a rapid mapping of potential partnerships to identify for-profit entities that are most likely to support TB prevention and care opportunities in each district. In coordination with District Health Office, BAPPEDA/Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah (District Planning Development Agency), District Secretary & USAID TBPS District Technical Officer, the consultant will contact these for-profit entities to identify and analyze their priorities, interests, and their mutual interest in TB elimination. During the engagement process, the consultant is also expected to identify any mistrust or skepticism related to private partnerships and opportunities to strengthen relationships.

This will include large-scale employers in each district that are concerned about TB prevention and care for their workforce and surrounding community, private sector companies that are already supporting health and/or TB efforts, for-profit hospital/health centers that are interested in improving their coordination efforts on TB. The consultant will work with district officials to prioritize partnership opportunities based on resource requirements, sustainability, and health impact.

Deliverables: 1) Notes for each meeting/outreach with potential private sector partners, identifying key topics discussed, their priorities, and initial reactions in terms of partnership opportunities. 2) Summary report on priorities, interests, and mutual commitment to TB elimination and need and opportunities for relationship building.

3. Development of a private sector engagement strategy for each district. Finally, the consultant will support the district in developing a brief private sector engagement strategy and in advancing partnerships with 2-3 private sector entities, including developing sample memorandums of understanding, roles and responsibilities, etc. The identified partnership opportunities will be highlighted in a brief as an example for NTP and other districts on how to increase private sector investment in TB prevention and care. The identified activities may be incorporated into each districts' future TB District Action Plans (DAPs).

Deliverable: 1) Private sector engagement strategy for each district that outlines priority partnership opportunities, roles and responsibilities, sample MOU for 1-2 partnerships, and next steps.

Consultancy Location and Travel
The consultancy will require travel to Medan City and Gresik Regency to meet with government officials and TBPS District Technical Officer and Field Operation Manager. Given the current COVID-19 epidemic, it is likely that some encounters will be converted to virtual format to allow physical distancing. The expenses of travel/ accommodation will be adjusted according to FHI 360 standards.

Deliverables/Milestones & Due Dates


Expected Due Date

Number of working days*

1) Report of detailed workplan outlining specific companies to be contacted during mapping phase, including list of government stakeholders that may facilitate liaison with for-profit companies.

Sep 30th, 2021


2) Report of notes for each meeting/outreach with potential private sector partners, identifying key topics discussed, their priorities, and initial reactions in terms of partnership opportunities.

Oct 30th, 2021


3) Summary report on priorities, interests, and mutual commitment to TB elimination and need and opportunities for relationship building for Medan & Gresik

Dec 15th, 2021


4) Report of Private sector engagement strategy for each district that outlines priority partnership opportunities, roles and responsibilities, sample MOU for 1-2 partnerships, and next steps.

Jan 30th, 2022




*working days in a month = 15 days

Consultant Requirements:
  • Bachelor's degree in business, finance, marketing/communications, development studies or other related fields
  • At least 10 years' experience working in engaging public and private sectors for development activities
  • Experience in designing, implementing, or negotiating private partnerships
  • Strong analytical thinking in network connection between public and private sectors
  • Familiarity with company's corporate social responsibility work in health
  • Familiarity with MOH's National TB strategy and TB care and prevention is a plus
  • Experience working with Ministry of Health at provincial or district-level would be advantageous
  • Existing contacts/network with private sector industries/companies located in the two districts is a plus. Fluency in English and Indonesian and strong writing, communication, and reporting skills
  • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills
  • Ability to work within tight deadlines
  • Flexibility, adaptability, and resourcefulness

How to Apply

Interested candidate please submit your application letter and CV to procurementIndoTBPS@fhi360.org by the latest August 17th, 2021. Please put the e-mail title as 'PSE for TB Consultant' - your name


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