[newdevjobsindo] SNV is Looking for Expert to Support The WASH Financing & Investment for Domestic Wastewater in Tasikmalaya - Lowongan Kerja LSM NGO

Senin, 16 Agustus 2021

[newdevjobsindo] SNV is Looking for Expert to Support The WASH Financing & Investment for Domestic Wastewater in Tasikmalaya



Strengthening WASH Financing & Investment

Mobilizing  Sustainable Financing and Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) for

Domestic Wastewater Development in Tasikmalaya City



1.  SNV Netherlands Development Organisation


SNV is an international not-for-profit development organisation, working in 38 countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. SNV specializes in supporting the resourcefulness of development actors by developing local capacities, improving performance and services, strengthening governance systems, helping to create access for excluded groups and by making markets work for the poor. SNV has been working in Indonesia since 2013 in the WASH, energy and agriculture sectors. This assignment is carried out within the WASH SDGs program of SNV.


Through its DGIS funded WASH SDGs programme, SNV supports local governments of Bandar Lampung & Metro Cities in Lampung Province and Tasikmalaya City in West Java Province to achieve sustainable and inclusive city-wide sanitation service in their area. In partnership with national and government counterparts, the WASH SDGs programme aims to improve the way human waste is managed by addressing the entire sanitation chain and answering different needs among the population with appropriate and sustainable service delivery models.


2.  Background


Sanitation data released by the Tasikmalaya City Health Office shows that the number of households that still practice open defecation, either directly or indirectly, is still high, reaching 39.58% or 72,067 House Holds (Smart STBM February 2020). Meanwhile, the city government of Tasikmalaya is targeting 100% ODF by 2022. To achieve this target, various strategies are treated in terms of regulations, policies and budgets that are in favor of improving sanitation facilities in the city of Tasikmalaya.


To achieve 100% ODF by 2022, one of the important factors is the existing budget allocation in the city and to align with  required sanitation facilities in  the community. Based on information from Bappelitbangda , the total budget for domestic waste water management  in 2019 is Rp. 5,169,604,000,- . This amount is allocated from the City Budget (APBD) and the Special Allocation Fund (DAK). While total budget required to meet the needs of domestic wastewater facilities in the community estimated at Rp. 288,268,000,000,-. For 2020 and 2021, most of the budget for domestic wastewater management were re-focussing  to  COVID-19 response.


Under such conditions, to achieve 100% ODF target, it need innovation, creativity and collaboration to  find alternative funding resources other than the  city budget.

One of alternative funding resources  is to explore funding mechanism from Microfinance Institutions and Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs).


According to data from water.org Indonesia, there are approximately 13 Microfinance Institutions that already have WASH financing products for the community. This Microfinance Institution consists of financial institutions aimed for  individual lending and  group lending.


There have been 2,226,059 beneficiaries of this Micro Finance Institution financing product with a percentage of 29% for water financing products, 50% for sanitation financing products, 16% for water and sanitation financing products, 16% for water filter products.

























Number of existing  cooperatives until 2019 in Tasikmalaya City are 624 units consist of Village Unit Cooperatives (KUD), Multi-Business Cooperatives, Islamic Boarding School Cooperatives, Savings and Loans Cooperatives, Consumption Cooperatives, Production Cooperatives, Marketing Cooperatives, Professional Cooperatives, Secondary Cooperatives, Producer Cooperative and Consumer Cooperative. The number  from all existing cooperatives reached 99,662 people who have raised their own capital of Rp. 212.7 billion, and managed to get capital from outside as much as Rp. 148.9 billion. Meanwhile, the business volume of this cooperative is Rp. 255.9 billion with total assets of Rp. 362.7 billion.
























However, out of 624 cooperatives in Tasikmalaya city, there are 296 active  units or (47%) and the remaining 328 unit are inactives. The condition of cooperatives in Tasikmalaya City can be seen in the picture below:
















Meanwhile in the MSMEs (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) sector, Tasikmalaya City has 3,490 micro-enterprises, while small-scale enterprises only have 10 business units, as per the following details:





















From the condition, it can be seen that there are quite a lot of Microfinance Institutions, Cooperatives and MSMEs that can be tap as alternative funding for the city. However, it is still necessary to identify and map out their intervention in the domestic waste water management especially financing scheme.  In addition, it is also necessary to see the extent  of potential collaboration that has been rolled out by the relevant dept (Health Dept, Bappelitbangda, UPTD SPALD, Pokja Sanitasi) in financing programs for domestic wastewater management. It is also necessary to identify which Microfinance Institutions have distributed funding for sanitation in the city of Tasikmalaya and the mechanism.


For this reason, SNV is going to hire consultant to support the Health Dept  to accelerate  100% ODF target in 2022 involving Microfinance Institutions, SMEs and cooperatives as alternative funding for sustainable and inclusive domestic wastewater management in Tasikmalaya City.



       3.  Objective


The objectives of this consultancy are:

1.    To increase awareness and commitment of SMEs and Microfinance Institutions to integrate domestic wastewater development in their financing programs.

2.    To develop financial strategy and a road map for SMEs and Microfinance Institutions including targets and achievements for the development of domestic wastewater.

3.    To increase access to inclusive financing for the people of Tasikmalaya City through individual and group lending for sustainable domestic wastewater development.



4.  Activities


a. Identify Microfinance Institutions, SMEs and Cooperatives that already have and provide financing program to improve domestic wastewater management in Tasikmalaya city.

b. Analyze financing schemes that have been implemented by Microfinance Institutions, SMEs and Cooperatives to fund domestic wastewater management facilities.

c. Measure the impact, success and challenges of financing program for domestic wastewater management for individuals and community groups in the city.

d. Explore potential collaboration and linked between MFIs, SMEs and cooperatives with Health Dept and communities for the sustainability of financing products to improve domestic wastewater management.

e. Assist Health Dept and related MFIs, SMEs and cooperatives unit to develop work plans to finance domestic wastewater facilities.

f. Assist Health Dept in developing an evaluation tools to measure the success of the financing products by MFIs, MSMEs and cooperatives to improve domestic wastewater management in the city.


5.  Deliverables:


1.    Assessment reports on financing products from Microfinance Institutions, SMEs and Cooperatives that have been implemented and running to improve domestic wastewater management .

2.    Financing scheme options from each Microfinance Institution, SME and cooperatives in Tasikmalaya City for domestic wastewater development.

3.    Report on data on impact of the achievements, challenges from financing products for individuals or community group lending that have been implemented by Microfinance Institutions, MSMEs and cooperatives in Tasikmalaya City.

4.    Potential collaboration and partnership between microfinance institutions, SMEs, Cooperatives and communities and relevant Dept are identified to fund and improve domestic wastewater management.

5.    Road map and work plan on the financing scheme, program and target to improve domestic wastewater management in Tasikmalaya city are developed and ready for implementation.

6.    Evaluation tools for Health Dept and related stakeholders to monitor implementation, target and impact from the microfinance institutions, SMEs, cooperatives financing products in the community in domestic wastewater development.



6.  Timeframe


Consulting work will start from August 2021 and is expected to be completed in October 2021



7.  Budget


SNV will cover the cost of consulting services, travel and accommodation costs in the assignment area and activity costs in accordance with SNV's internal policies.



8.   Qualifications


·       Qualification in a relevant discipline (e.g. having experience in assisting, advocating and developing sanitation financing by Microfinance Institutions, MSMEs and Cooperatives, WASH development, Collaborating with City Governments, especially the Health Office)

·       At least 5 years experiences in WASH & Microfinance Institution

·       The consultant shall have experience working in WASH Sector

·       The consultant should have proven expertise in developing Sanitation financing Scheme, Sanitation financing roadmap and Development of evaluation tools in Sanitation financing

·       The consultant must be fluent in Bahasa Indonesia and able to write report in English



9.   Application Process


Please send the following application documents:

Ø  Letter of interest to the position mentioned above

Ø  An updated CV in English (no longer than 3 pages), along with relevant contact (at least 3) references and example of relevant work mentioned

Ø  Financial proposal mentioning expected consultancy fee

Ø  Sample of roadmap products and WASH financing evaluation tools that have been developed

via email to cherisatsiwi@snv.org with cc to ahidayat@snv.org by by latest August 23rd, 2021 with subject “WASH Financing”.



For more information on SNV please refer to our website: www.snv.org



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