[newdevjobsindo] [Vacancy] Consultants for PMV Household Survey - Lowongan Kerja LSM NGO

Senin, 02 Agustus 2021

[newdevjobsindo] [Vacancy] Consultants for PMV Household Survey

1)    Overview


This Terms of Reference has been prepared with the aim of engaging third party consultant firms for periodic monitoring of the field activities of the partners of Water.org in the area of water and sanitation microfinance.



As part of internal monitoring processes and requirements, and for transparent reporting to our stakeholders, Water.org engages third party consultant firms to review programs executed by the partner organizations.  The consultant firm will be selected based on previous experience working with microfinance institutions and NGOs, conducting remote (telephonic) survey, assessing development work in the area of water and sanitation. The selected consultant firm will be engaged to conduct a remote assessment of the quality of the work executed by our partner organisations including the user satisfaction.


About Water.org

Water.org has been at the forefront of developing and delivering solutions to the water crisis for three decades. Founded by Gary White and Matt Damon, Water.org challenges the traditional approach by pioneering innovative, community-driven, and market-based solutions to ensure all people have access to safe water and sanitation; giving women hope, children health, and communities a future. Water.org has positively transformed the lives of more than 30 million individuals in Asia, Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean by providing access to safe water and improved sanitation. Water.org's headquarters is in Kansas City, Missouri, USA.



Water.org empowers people to take action and deliver solutions that accelerate progress and impact. The approach ranges from pioneering market‐based approaches such as WaterCredit to strengthening utilities to improve service provision. Our work is comprehensive and demand‐driven – communities know what solutions will work best for them in the long‐term – and rooted in local technologies and innovations. Water.org works in partnership with financial institutions (FIs) to achieve its objectives. WaterCredit empowers those living in poverty to gain access to affordable credit to meet their own water and sanitation needs.



Water.org has been working in Indonesia since 2014 to pilot and expand its flagship WaterCredit program.  To date, this initiative has supported over 20 local financial institutions enabling microfinance schemes for water and sanitation improvements. This work has connected more than 300,000 households with water and/or sanitation improvements, with an average of $208 loan sizes and 99% repayment rate.  Water.org is a seeking a third party consultant to administer  telephone surveys to representative samples of these partner institutions to assess impact as a result of their participation in the WSS loan.



2)      Scope of Work

The third party firm will perform the Program Monitoring Visit (PMV) using quantitative and qualitative approaches.  For quantitative, the consultant will conduct telephonic household interviews with 1,300 clients who availed water and sanitation microcredit product from local financial institutions.  The consultant will develop a sampling method to ensure each partner has representative sample of the clients.  The standard questionnaire (in-person and remote version) covering various household characteristics, WSS improvements, immediate outcomes, and user satisfaction will be translated into Bahasa Indonesia and integrated into the mobile platform. 


For the qualitative approach, the consultant will be interviewing the FI partners management remotely to gather information pertaining the motivation, loan feature and processes, and strategic planning of the WSS loan product.  Subject to COVID-19 conditions and under the application of strict health protocols, the consultant will also physically visit at least 10 household interviews located in West Java to collect in-depth interviews with FI-selected households and capture the impact stories complemented with good-quality photos.


These collected data will be analyzed and summarized into short 2 to 3-paged learning briefs per partner and the household in-depth interviews into one-paged briefs for Water.org to disseminate to partners and stakeholders. 



Although the monitoring visits will be done via telephone, the targeted clients to be interviewed are sourced from 11 financial institution partners of Water.org whose operations are spread across these 7 provinces:




No. of surveys


North Sumatera

Medan, Serdang







West Java

Sukabumi, Bogor, Tasikmalaya, Subang, Karawang, Cianjur, Bandung, Bandung Barat



Central Java

Wonogiri, Bantul, Rembang, Jepara, Blora, Grobogan, Kendal, Brebes, Batang



East Java

Blitar, Tuban, Sumenep, Bojonegoro, Tuban, Madura, Situbondo, Bondowoso, Jember, Banyuwangi



West Kalimantan

Mempawah, Pontianak, Banjarmasin



South Sulawesi

Makassar, Gowa





Types of data to be collected

Water.org has developed a survey instrument that can be administered in-person or remotely via telephone interviews. The telephone survey is shorter version of the in-person survey, with only key questions asked to limit the interview to less than 15 minutes.

a)       Telephone interviews:

i)        Questions regarding whether the client used the loan for its intended purpose;

ii)       Questions about the water and/or sanitation improvement type and functionality;

iii)     Questions about how the water and/or sanitation improvement has impacted the client's life;

iv)     Verify the accuracy of the partner reporting against the client data collected via telephone.

b)      In addition to the questions above, the in-person portion of the survey includes:

i)        Questions regarding the client's satisfaction with the loan process;

ii)       Questions regarding how the water and/or sanitation improvement impacted the household's health and hygiene, sense of safety, time usage, income, and sense of self-dignity;

iii)     On-site observation of the water and/or sanitation improvement by the enumerators

iv)     Collecting photo documentation of the household water and/or sanitation improvement;

v)       Verify the accuracy of the partner reporting (WaterCredit Loan Report) against the client data collected in the field.

Water.org will provide the survey instrument to the selected third-party firm. While only telephone interviews will be conducted, the full survey, including all questions designed to be administered in person, will need to be translated by the consultant into Bahasa Indonesia. The survey will also need to be tested to validate the instrument and collect high quality data. A wide variety of information will be collected on water and sanitation improvements through a mobile application.


3)      Methodology

Methodological Framework

The consultant is responsible for conducting a randomised selection of a minimum of 1,300 telephone surveys of WaterCredit clients to: 1) verify that they have taken out a water and/or sanitation loan, 2) verify that the loan has enabled the client to construct a functional water and/or sanitation improvement, 3) assess the construction quality and functionality of the improvement, and 4) to understand their use of and satisfaction with the improvement. In addition to these telephonic surveys, the Consultant will also conduct remote in-depth interviews (via online platforms) with the MFI management to understand the motivation, product features, business processes, and future strategic planning to the loan product.  As for the households, the Consultant will also be selecting with the partners at least 10 clients that have benefitted as a result of the WSS loan product for face-to-face in-depth interview (subject to COVID-19 conditions and applying strict health protocols) and good-quality photos to complement the impact story.


Mobile Survey Platform

Water.org is utilizing mWater mobile survey tools for data collection purposes. Utilizing mWater survey tools will help ensure quality control and will require training among the consultant team and enumerators. Water.org will provide remote training on the mobile survey tool to lead consultant, if needed. The Consultant must use this platform to conduct its independent verifications of client data and is responsible for training enumerators on the survey tool.


The third party will be responsible for acquiring mobile devices compatible with the mWater application. The most recent list of compatible devices can be found on the mWater website here. Please note that this list is not exhaustive.


4)      Deliverables and Key Dates

Water.org anticipates that this assignment will be completed by 22 November 2021. Water.org understands that activities and timelines per activity may change accordingly with the Consultant's proposal; however, an approximate expected time requirement and key activities are as follows:



Key Dates

1.       Gather relevant program information from Water.org and the partners to plan the client survey activities and schedule. Sumbit inception report detailing sampling strategy and schedule to Water.org. Submit non-disclosure agreements signed by enumerators to Water.org.

August 30, 2021

2.       Select the clients to be visited and work with the partner to coordinate and facilitate the field work with local communities.

September 6, 2021

3.       Learn mWater platform, including conducting a survey, and reviewing the survey data that comes in.  As needed, translate the survey via an Excel or CSV spreadsheet that Water.org will upload into the mWater platform so enumerators will have the survey in the local language.

September 20, 2021

4.       Hire, train and deploy the enumerators for a pre-test. In areas where the enumerators are not able to speak the local language, hire a local translator.

September 27, 2021

5.       Administer the client surveys using a method approved by Water.org.  Each telephone survey takes approximately 15-20 minutes to conduct.

October 25, 2021

6.       Conduct in-depth interviews with the MFI management and at least 10 selected households for impact stories to complement the PMV results, representing borrowers for water and sanitation improvements

October 25, 2021

7.       Ensure quality control in the data collection, and review and ultimately approve or reject the surveys submitted by the enumerators in the mWater platform.

November 1, 2021

8.       Data analysis to examine the results and high-level findings that explains the household borrowers' profile and impact as a result of the WSS access

November 8, 2021

9.       Produce 2 or 3-paged learning briefs in English and Bahasa Indonesia for each partners' key findings and one-paged impact stories to be disseminated to the partners and stakeholders and subject to revisions prior to the final version. Additionally, all documents, reports, surveys, and findings pertaining to monitoring visits will be kept confidential by the Consultant and submitted to Water.org after the assigned assessment is completed.

November 22, 2021


5)      Qualifications

Applicants may be firms or groups of individuals with a designated team lead and have at least the following qualifications:

  1. Proposed staffing plan includes at least one native or fluent English speaker.
  2. Proposed staffing plan includes a sufficient number of qualified enumerators to collect the household surveys in the partner geographies.
  3. Demonstrated experience and familiarity with the WASH and/or microfinance sector.
  4. Demonstrated experience with conducting household surveys and in-depth interviews.
  5. Demonstrated experience with conducting telephone (remote) surveys and interviews.
  6. Consultants will maintain independence and the highest professional ethical standards in collecting and reviewing information and presenting the assessment results. Consultants will not share collected information and visit findings with the Water.org partners without the permission of Water.org. Consultants shall have successfully completed Human Subject Protection Training by the time a contract is signed.


6)      Request for Proposals

Water.org wishes to hire a Consultant to work with Water.org to conduct partner visits as described in the scope of work above. The proposal should include a technical proposal and financial proposal as well as a project timeline, with work to be completed by November 2021.  The technical proposal (no more than 10 pages excluding annexes) should include the following elements:

a.       Sampling methodology: Describe your proposed sampling methodology.

b.       Relevant Experience: Provide details of projects of similar scope, complexity and nature you have worked on previously.  

c.       Specific Expertise: Describe your level of knowledge and expertise specific to conducting large scale surveys using digital data collection and ensuring data quality. Please describe the specific protocol to prevent the spread of Covid-19 amongst enumerators and households surveyed.

d.       Key Personnel and Staffing: Describe the key personnel and a staffing plan for the project. Include CVs (no more than 1 page each and attached as annex) of key personnel who would be part of the proposed plan. 

e.       Timeline: Include a detailed timeline of key activities. 



7)      Budget

A proposed budget shall be included with the Consultant's submission, and the final budget approval shall be fixed and not subject to negotiation.  Respondents must submit their budget utilizing Water.org's Project Budget Template (see attached).  All taxes should be included in the budget.  The Consultant shall be responsible for payment of all taxes. All amounts shall be presented in IDR.  Budget notes are encouraged. 


8)      Submission of Proposals

Submissions must be typed and submitted only by email. Unless agreed upon with Water.orgno changes or corrections to a response will be allowed after the deadline. Complete proposals should be emailed to Magdalene Goble (mgoble@water.org) and Kiki Tazkiyah (ktazkiyah@water.org). Deadline for submitting proposals is August 10th, 2021.


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