[newdevjobsindo] Consultant / Trainer for Contingency Plan Training - Lowongan Kerja LSM NGO

Selasa, 02 November 2021

[newdevjobsindo] Consultant / Trainer for Contingency Plan Training

Terms of Reference (ToR) Contingency Plan Training

13rd to 16th December 2021 

Output 2: Institutional and Operational Emergency Preparedness, Response and Coordination capacities of LHP are strengthened

Activity A1. 

A.      Background

The ToGETHER project (Towards Effectiveness and Timeliness in Humanitarian Response) is a project that is led and supported by a consortium of 4 German NGOs (Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe; Caritas Germany; Welthungerhilfe; Malteser International). With financial support from German Federal Government's Foreign Office, the ToGETHER's project is designed to develop decentralized initiatives to capacity building and to improve the quality and speed of humanitarian response in regions at risk of natural disaster or conflict related emergencies with focusing on strengthening capacities of local actors in humanitarian response and preparedness. The ToGETHER's Project aims to contribute toward an improvement in effective delivery of humanitarian assistance to disaster-affected communities

In Indonesia this project is implemented by Caritas Germany together with its five Local Humanitarian Partners that are (PKPA in North Sumatera, SHEEP in Yogyakarta, LPSDM in NTB, YPAL in Poso and YPM in Ambon Maluku). Since most of regions in Indonesia are prone to disasters and the frequency and severity of disasters is likely to increase in the future. The collaboration with these five LHPs is deemed strategic since the location where five LHPs of ToGETHER's program is located in disaster prone region.

Being located in disaster prone area and in order to be able to effectively and timely respond to disaster that might occur any time, it is important for all LHPs to be able to formulate effective response plan in accordance with the hazard in the area. Being prepared to respond to an emergency is essential to reducing disaster related deaths and suffering. Experiences and evidences show that humanitarian agencies outside disaster area are inadequately prepared to respond within the first hours of a disaster striking.

Developing a contingency plan is a management process involving the analysis of risk (vulnerability and hazards and potential impacts of crises). Contingency plan plays important role for timely, appropriate and effective responses and it is one of instruments to achieve effectiveness and timeliness in humanitarian response that ToGETHER's program wishes to attain in Indonesia.

In view of the above, Caritas Germany Indonesia, through its ToGETHER's project together with its five LHPs wants to conduct a contingency plan training aiming to prepare local humanitarian partners including Regional Disaster Mitigation Agency (BPBD) to able to make response plan based on a sound assessment and analysis. This training is also intended to follow up one of the results from Learning Need and Resources Assessment (LNRA) showing that none of the 5 LHPs has had organizational contingency planning in place.  

B.      Objectives

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

1.   understand concept and steps of developing contingency plan 4.0 or 5.0

2.   formulate and apply contingency planning process within internal organization of LHPs and communities

3.   identify and prioritize specific threat or hazard in their respective region and communities and develop contingency plan accordingly

4.   design scenario of certain type of hazard for contingency plan

5.   understand scope of contingency plan and process of contingency plan

6.   understand principles of contingency plan and its position in disaster management cycle

7.   distinguish between contingency plan with operational plan

8.   organize workshop of formulation of contingency plan in their respective area

9.   develop organizational contingency planning to ensure staff security during natural disaster

C.       Outputs & Deliverables

The expected outputs that will be achieved upon completion of training as follows:

1.   Internal organizational contingency planning of each to protect its staff is developed

2.   Availability of tools and guidance for LHPs (Local Humanitarian Partners) how they develop contingency plan at community level in anticipation any natural disasters

3.   Increased coordination and collaboration with government stakeholders BPBD in particular to develop contingency plan at district level

D.      Participants

Participants of the training are representative from 5 local humanitarian partners and government officials from Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) from the area where LHP is located. Each LHP will send two staff (focal point person and DRR personnel in the organization). While BPBD will send one person of its staff. Detail information of participants as follows:



Number of Participant



Local Humanitarian Partner: PKPA, SHEEP Indonesia, LPSDM, YPAL and YPM


Each institution represented by 2 person ; 1) Focal point of ToGETHER project and director


Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD)


1 person of government employee in the agency from the area where LHP is based.


Caritas Germany Indonesia







Since the covid-19 virus is not over yet and government of Indonesia still imposes Emergency Public Restrictions (PPKM Darurat) to curb the COVID-19 transmission. The implementation of this training, therefore, will strictly adhere health protocol by practicing basic hygiene (i.e. mask-wearing and hand-washing habit), physical distancing during the session which include open area of the hotel and all participants will stay at the hotel during the training period. Before travelling, all participants are required to provide:

1.   Informed Consent from family

2.   Filling in health self-assessment form provided by GCI

3.   Document of contingency plan

4.   Negative Result of PCR test

5.   Certificate of Vaccine at least one vaccine shot

6.   Covered by health insurance from their own organization (BPJS of private insurance)

In addition to the above, the information from health authorities informing regions with high infection will also be paid attention for the purpose of mitigation measures.

E.       Date & Venue

The training will take place at (will be determined later) from 13rd until 16th December 2021.

F.       Training Methodology

This training is expected to utilize participatory by emphasizing on active learning and applying adult learning principles that includes:

1.   Presentations;

2.   Group Work

3.   Focused Group Discussion;

4.   Exercise, case study, scenario development

5.   Post-test and Pre-Test Evaluation

G.      Training's Topic

This training is participatory and uses adult learning principles that includes:

1.  Concept of Disaster Management Plan

2.  Concept of Contingency Plan and guiding principles 4.0 or 5.0

3.  Risk and Hazard Mapping and Analysis

4.  Scenario Development of certain hazard

5.  Matrix for contingency plan

6.  Data collection Techniques and Contingency Plan Development

7.  Systematic of Contingency Plan Development

8.  Operational Plan (RenOps)

H.      Workplan & Timetable



Description of Tasks



26th  - 27th Nov

Training preparation (facilitation guide & etc) & Discussing contents and outputs of the training with ToGETHER's team & CSC's member

2 days


13rd – 16th Dec

Training Implementation (3 days theory and 1 day practice developing draft of contingency)

4 days


20th – 21st Dec

Submission of 1st draft training report & Feedback from CSC and CGI

2 days


27th  Dec

Submission of Final training report & final payment by incorporating all feedback from CGI & CSC (Final report is in English and Indonesia)

1 day

Trainers are expected to complete all works within 9 days

9 days

I.       Profile of the consultant

The consultant should meet the following criteria:

1.   Minimum 5 years' experience in the development of contingency plan in Indonesia

2.   Minimum 5 years of experiences working on adult training

3.   Experience of delivering capacity building training in emergency preparedness and contingency plan 4.0 and 5.0 is preferably

4.   Experience working with national and local NGOs for emergency preparedness or humanitarian response

5.   Proven experiences as trained and facilitator for Local NGOs and government officials (BPBD)

J.       Expression of interest & Application Procedures

Individual and organization that meet the criteria above are encouraged to send application/proposal and should be addressed to Diana.Febriana@caritas.de, and CC to henny.sutedja@caritas.de, Margaretha.Anike@caritas.de  yushar.ismail@caritas.de not later than 20th November 2021

Expressions of interest should include:

1.   A short cover letter addressing the profile criteria above (maximum 1 page)

2.   CV outlining his/her experience (maximum 3 pages)

3.   An outline plan for delivering key deliverables and a financial proposal (providing cost estimates for services rendered including daily consultancy fees).

K.       Responsibilities and Duties

Caritas Germany will organise and prepare logistics such as flight tickets, accommodation, travel documents in accordance with health protocol of covid-19 and training materials as needed. The consultant will be supported with the necessary information and logistic required during the assignment.

L.       Disclaimer

Caritas Germany Indonesia reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposal/applications with assigning any reasons what so ever.


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