[newdevjobsindo] HSI : Creative Youth for Tolerance for an Institution or a Team of Consultants - Lowongan Kerja LSM NGO

Minggu, 28 November 2021

[newdevjobsindo] HSI : Creative Youth for Tolerance for an Institution or a Team of Consultants

Terms of Reference (ToR) and Request for Expression of Interest (EoI)

Midline Study CREATE (Qualitative Research) – Creative Youth for Tolerance

for an Institution or a Team of Consultants



1.   Background and Context

The Creative Youth for Tolerance (CREATE) program aims to improve pluralism and tolerance in targeted schools in Indonesia. Inspired by humanist values, CREATE facilitates multi-actor collaboration and partnerships to address interreligious and interethnic harmony. To work toward achieving its objective, CREATE will support the creation of an ecosystem of students, teachers, parents, school committees, school communities and art facilitators at each target school community. Art facilitators will enhance students' capacity to constructively manage differences and provide a counterweight to the intolerant messages using three ways of learning (intra-curricular, extra-curricular, and co-curricular). CREATE will enhance the role of parents and school committees, as well as encourage cross-collaboration between schools and help to support the creation of a "community of practice" of schools through arts and culture. Furthermore, CREATE will provide safe space for students to reflect positive stories about the management of diversity across Indonesia and express through socially engaging artistic and audio-visual works. It is expected, the program incorporates structured opportunities for outreach to disseminate program outcomes and learnings among key stakeholders at national as well as district and provincial level, including in the Ministry of Education and Culture (MoEC) and Ministry of Religious Affairs (MoRA), and explore opportunities for replication.


CREATE aims to target seven state high schools and three madrasah aliyah in each of the provinces of West Java (Bandung and Bogor), East Java (Surabaya and Malang), and South Sulawesi (Makassar and Gowa) where research has identified high levels of violations of religious freedom, as well as significant numbers of local regulations (perda) that are discriminatory toward women and minorities. The program is targeting a mix of urban and rural schools, but prioritizes schools in relatively close proximity to one another. For the implementation in madrasah aliyah, CREATE is targeting three pilot madrasah from a single city where the program has already implemented activities with SMAs. In light of the number of SMAs and madrasah involved, CREATE engages MoEC and MoRA at the national and provincial levels, and other relevant stakeholders, to share lessons learned and promote replication.


The objective of the CREATE program is to improve pluralism and tolerance in targeted schools. CREATE envisions that by the end of the program, young people become voices for promoting pluralism and tolerance in schools, and school communities are capable of managing differences as the program logic model demonstrates.


The theory of change (ToC) that defines the vision and objective is: IF school communities and art facilitators increase their understanding of tolerance issues, and IF art facilitators and teachers strengthen their skills to facilitate the artistic and character development of students; and IF parents and school committees improve their involvement in promotion of tolerance and monitoring capacity, THEN school communities and art facilitators WILL improve teaching quality and school codes of conduct, WHICH WILL strengthen respect to pluralism and reduce instances of intolerance.


In Intermediate Result 1, CREATE focuses on facilitating students with sensitivity and skills to explore issues of tolerance and pluralism through artistic and cultural activities, and build connections with students and communities from diverse backgrounds, in line with Law No. 5 of 2017 on the Advancement of Culture. To achieve this, the program strengthens the capacity of art facilitators and teachers to facilitate the promotion of values of tolerance, pluralism and respect for religious, ethnic and sexual diversity in schools.


In Intermediate Result 2, CREATE strengthens the awareness of parents and school committees of tolerance issues and platforms to channel their concerns about intolerant practices to officials with responsibility for oversight at the school, provincial and national levels. This component also strengthens codes of conduct in schools and enhances character building of students as mandated by National Education System Law No. 20 of 2003, Presidential Regulation No. 87 of 2017 on Strengthening Character Education, and Ministry of Education and Culture Regulations No. 39 of 2008 on Student Development and No. 23 of 2015 on Developing Ethics.


In implementing the program, CREATE will be guided by principles of inclusion and intersectionality, as well as a commitment to flexibility in program implementation. The program ensures the participation of gender and sexual minorities, as well as people with disabilities, and ethnic and religious minorities, in line with its commitment to inclusivity in all program activities.



2.   Objectives

The main objective of the assignment is to conduct a qualitative midline study. The qualitative midline study will focus on:

       collecting data/information to analyze project's progress according to project's objectives, as outlined in the project's results framework,

       reviewing and developing recommendations on the project's Theory of Change (ToC), including identifying alternative approaches and target beneficiaries for the project, and

       identifying at least 4 (four) new potential areas for the project and needs assessment on the areas.


After completion of the study, the assigned institution or a team of consultants will facilitate a workshop engaging the CREATE Consortium to disseminate the findings of the midline study.



3.   Methodology

Qualitative research method will focus on following Theory of Change (ToC) and intermediate results (IR), guided through these questions:

       Theory of Change (ToC)

a.      What are the critical issues of tolerance and pluralism in Indonesia's education system?

b.      What are the sustainable, innovative and effective strategies that could be utilized to promote values of tolerance and pluralism in the education system/the school environment?

c.      How can arts and culture be used to promote tolerance and pluralism values at schools?

       IR1: Strengthened tolerance practices among students

a.      What are innovative and effective strategies for students to promote values of tolerance and pluralism in the broader school environment?

b.      In what ways might such forms of schooling and youth activities enhance the development of tolerance among the young and within the community?

       IR2: Enhanced role of parents and school committees in supporting tolerance practices

a.      What are the steps that could be taken to reduce intolerance and build tolerance in schools and communities?

b.      How can parents, school committees, and the larger community help teachers in developing their capacities related to tolerant practices and moral education?


The situational analysis in the qualitative research methods should consider:[1]

       Law and/or system on national, provincial, district, city, and/or school level towards gender equality and tolerance practice

       Access to resources and information related to tolerance practice and women leadership

       Knowledge, beliefs, and perception towards gender equality and tolerance

       Participation towards gender equality and tolerance in school, house, and/or environment

       Availability and allocation of time to daily activity in school, house, and/or environment

       Individual ability of decision making towards personal choice and activities


As the qualitative midline study is a continuation of the project's quantitative midline study in mid-2021, the consultant must refer to the quantitative midline study report and integrate findings from the quantitative midline study into the qualitative midline study report. The study should also make reference to the USAID Indonesia's Country Development Cooperation Strategy (CDCS) 2020-2025, Wahid Foundation's report on Kemerdekaan Beragama dan Berkeyakinan in Indonesia in 2018, and Setara Institute's annual reports on Kondisi Kebebasan Beragama/Berkeyakinan di Indonesia in 2020 and Indeks Kota Toleran in 2020.


The qualitative study will utilize a variety of qualitative research methods in gathering and analyzing the data, such as key informant interviews (KII), focus group discussions (FGD), desk review, and literature review. These methods are selected to ensure different perspectives and participation of different groups of stakeholders in the research.


The targeted beneficiary groups that will be included in the study are described in the table below.


Target group



in West Java, East Java, and South Sulawesi

KII with principals of a total of 7 schools (2 high schools in each province and 1 madrasah)


in West Java, East Java, and South Sulawesi

FGD with students in each of 7 schools


in West Java, East Java, and South Sulawesi

FGD with teachers in each of 7 schools (including BK)


in West Java, East Java, and South Sulawesi

KII with a representative (non-teacher) of parent monitoring groups in each of 7 schools

Field Officers

in West Java, East Java, and South Sulawesi

KII with Field Officer of each province

National Ministries

(National level)

       KII with a representative of Kementerian Agama

       KII with a representative of Kementerian Koordinator Pembangunan Manusia dan Kebudayaan

Local government at provincial level

in West Java, East Java, and South Sulawesi, and at least four (4) potential areas

       KII with a representative of Dinas Pendidikan of each province

       KII with a representative of Kantor Wilayah Kementerian Agama of each province

       KII with a representative of Musyawarah Kerja Kepala Sekolah (MKKS) of each province (tentative)

       KII with a representative of Badan Kesatuan Bangsa dan Politik of each province (tentative)

CSOs and academics/experts

in West Java, East Java, and South Sulawesi, and at least four (4) potential areas

KII with (a) representative(s) of CSOs of each province


The final detailed midline study methodology should be developed in consultation with the CREATE Program team. The assigned institution or a team of consultants must propose a methodology and research design for this midline study which will be approved by the Program Manager and AMEL Officer of CREATE Program. Data triangulation is required to ensure the credibility and accuracy of data/ information gathered through various tools.


It is also important in gathering data that there are opportunities for women and girls (or any vulnerable groups) to provide feedback in a safe space.


Note: Given the COVID-19 situation, all tasks are expected to be done and delivered online with limitation of conducting workshops/FGDs in compliance with government regulation. At the same time, the timeline should allow for flexibility (and patience), keeping in-check the availability, situation, and sensitivities of the participants.



4.   Key Tasks and Deliverables

Midline study will consist of four key phases namely a) Inception, b) Developing Research Instruments, c) Data Collection, d) Finalization of Report, and d) Dissemination of Midline Study Findings.


Phases of Midline Study

Key Tasks


Inception Phase

       The assigned institution or a team of consultants will have a kick off meeting together with the CREATE Program team to understand the project and to collect required documents such as ToC, project proposal, budget plan, results framework, work plan Year 2, etc.

       The assigned institution or a team will manage a budget and receive training on Hivos' financial procedures. The CREATE team and consultants will agree on the terms of payment. Payment will be delivered in several instalments after the expense report reflecting actual expenditures, proof of expenses, and supporting administrative documents have been submitted, reviewed, and approved.

       The assigned institution or a team of consultants shall submit an electronic copy of the draft inception report to CREATE Program as stated in the agreement. Before preparing the inception report, the consultant team should engage with the relevant project team to come to a consensus on the midline study methodology, research design, and so on. The consultant team must review progress markers, indicators and do the required changes with the consent of the CREATE team.

       The draft inception report should include a detailed methodology including analytical framework along with quality assurance mechanism of data/information collection, roles and responsibility of team members, key milestones and detailed work plan.

       The assigned institution or a team of consultants may be asked to make an oral presentation of the draft inception report.

       The inception report should be approved by the CREATE Program Manager and AMEL Officer before starting data collection.

       Electronic copy of research timeline and budget plan (English)

       Electronic copy of the inception report (draft) including research design, methodology, and analytical framework (English)

       Electronic copy of the inception report (final) including research design, methodology, and analytical framework (bilingual)

Developing Research Instruments

       The assigned institution or a team of consultants shall submit an electronic copy of the draft of the research instruments used, e.g., KII and FGD questions, to the CREATE Program as stated in the agreement. In developing the instruments, the consultant team should consult with the CREATE team.

       The research instruments used, e.g., KII and FGD questions should be approved by the CREATE Program manager and AMEL Officer before starting data collection.

       Before data collection starts, the assigned institution or a team of consultants is required to train interviewers or facilitators in conducting KII or FGD (or other data collection methods used in the study).

       Electronic copy of the research tools (draft), i.e., list of questions for KII and list of questions for FGD (Indonesian)

       Electronic copy of the research tools (final), i.e., list of questions for KII and list of questions for FGD (bilingual)

Data Collection

The assigned institution or a team of consultants will be provided with all the CREATE Program contact details. Field project team may introduce the team of consultants to the school principals and teachers before data collection starts. The CREATE Program team will issue a reference letter for the assigned institution or a team of consultants to contact stakeholders directly by themselves.

       Expense report and proof of expenses and supporting administrative documents, e.g., receipts

Finalization of Report

       Presentation on preliminary results: the preliminary results of the midline study to be shared for validation with the CREATE project team after completion of data/information analysis by the consultant team. The activity will be done online.

       Draft midline report: This report will be shared after incorporating feedback received during the presentation.

       After receiving the draft midline report, the CREATE Program team will provide feedback on the draft version of the report.

       Final midline report: The final report may be prepared after a few iterations of the report if the quality standards are not met within the first round. The Final report format to be agreed during the inception phase and included into the inception report. The final report should include the completed analytical framework of midline study. Review and revision process from the draft report stage to the final report should not exceed 4 (four) weeks. The electronic copy of the data (e.g., transcripts, recordings) should be handed over to the CREATE Program team with the final report.

       Electronic copy of the midline study report (draft, English). Reporting format will be agreed during the inception phase.

       Presentation of preliminary findings for validation (bilingual)

       Electronic copy of the qualitative data of midline study, e.g., transcripts, recordings, etc. (Indonesian, however summary of literature review may be done in English)

       Electronic copy of the final midline study report (bilingual)

       Expense report and proof of expenses and supporting administrative documents, e.g., receipts

Dissemination of Midline Study Findings

       Workshop/presentation: the final midline report must be presented to the CREATE project team. This workshop will be followed by a final briefing. The activity will be done online.

       Presentation of final midline study (bilingual)

       Expense report and proof of expenses and supporting administrative documents, e.g., receipts


5.   Indicative Timeline

The midline study final report should be submitted by 14 February 2022, in accordance with the following due dates:

a.      Inception Report                             : 17 December 2021

b.      Desk and literature reviews         : 20 December 2021 – 2 January 2022

c.      FGD and KII instruments                : 27 December 2021

d.      Data collection (KII and FGD)       : 3 January 2022 – 16 January 2022

e.      Draft Report                                     : 24 January 2022

f.       Final Report                                      : 7 February 2022

g.      Final Briefing                                    : 14 February 2022



6.   Qualifications

The consultants can be a firm and or a team of specialists. The following are the collective selection criteria for the institution or a team of consultants:

       Solid experience and proven track record of carrying out project evaluations, including use of participatory tools as a means of data collection.

       Good understanding of Indonesia's pluralism and tolerance issues, with proven background artistic and cultural approaches, promotion of dialogue, and/or effective parenting against violent radicalism preferred.

       Excellent reporting and communication skills, including English language skills.



7.   Contract Award Criteria

The overall proposal will be selected based on scoring criteria below:


Technical Criteria

Technical Sub-Criteria

Maximum Points

Technical Approach (max. 8 pages)

-     Adherence to TOR's specifications and related requirements; a clear understanding of required deliverables


Personnel (max. 2 pages)

-     Qualifications and unique skill sets of the consultant/team (including a maximum three-page CV for each member as an annex)


Financial proposal (max. 2 pages)

-     Detailed budget required to complete the assignment, divided into professional fee and reimbursable cost (communication, meals, travel, accommodation, etc.)

-     Competitive fee rates and expenses and demonstration of value for money


Institutional Capacity and Past Performance (max. 3 pages)

-     Consultant experience and previous examples related to the task

-     Consultant's network to the relevant stakeholders in target provinces and potential areas, e.g., Dinas Pendidikan, Kantor Wilayah Kementerian Agama, CSOs, etc.


Total (max. 15 pages)

Maximum points

(Minimum score for technical compliance: 70)




8.   Guiding Principles

Hivos expects consultants for this activity to adhere to the American Evaluation Association Guiding Principles for Evaluators:

       Systematic Inquiry: Evaluators conduct systematic, data-based inquiries

       Competence: Evaluators provide competent performance to stakeholders

       Integrity/Honesty: Evaluators display honesty and integrity in their own behavior, and attempt to ensure the honesty and integrity of the entire evaluation process

       Respect for People: Evaluators respect the security, dignity and self-worth of respondents, program participants, clients, and other evaluation stakeholders

       Responsibilities for General and Public Welfare: Evaluators articulate and take into account the diversity of general and public interests and values that may be related to the evaluation


Please consult the website of the American Evaluation Association (http://www.eval.org/p/cm/ld/fid=51) to find the Guiding Principles for Evaluators in their entirety. Note that any intellectual property or materials produced or any files or information obtained by the consultant while carrying out this contract are the sole property of Hivos and will not be disclosed to others. This includes the preliminary and final evaluation report. The consultant must work in close consultation with Hivos and in accordance with the Terms of Reference.


9.     Submission Date

Interested candidates are requested to submit the following documents to hr@hsi.foundation  and cc to createhivos@gmail.com by 5 December 2021 at 17:00 WIB with "CREATE_Midline_Name of Consultant" as the subject of the email.

1.      Letter of Interest explaining their interests in the vacancy and their qualifications

2.      Research proposal that:

       Explores the primary research questions and explains the research methodologies used in the study, and

       Includes a list of at least 4 (four) additional provinces that the candidate intends to explore in the study and the rationale.

       Note: Research proposal could be presented in a Powerpoint file, Word Document, or PDF.

3.      A brief work plan including timeline of the project

4.      Budget Proposal (maximum budget available for this consultancy: USD 8,870)

5.      CV (of each personnel if the applicant is a team)

6.      Company profile (for a company or agency)

7.      Portfolio of similar projects


Indonesian nationals only. Women, Transgender, LGBTQI+ and marginalized or minority groups are encouraged to apply. Applications without any proposal will be excluded from the selection process.


Applicants will be reviewed and selected based on the scoring criteria in section 7 ("Contract Award Criteria"). Only shortlisted candidates will be notified.



10.  About Yayasan Humanis dan Inovasi Sosial

Yayasan Humanis dan Inovasi Sosial is an Indonesian organization, born out of an active collaboration between Netherlands based Hivos and several like-minded Indonesian academics and civil society leaders who subscribe to the values and mission of Hivos. The agenda for such a collaboration was set in the context of Hivos' desire to phase out its direct presence in Southeast Asia by promoting sincere decentralization and local ownership. As the name itself suggests, the purpose underpinning establishment of the entity is to promote humanistic values in the social, economic, health, and cultural fields which is defined in terms of the ability for each individual to assess and decide independently and responsibly, the right to freedom, dignity and a passion to create just and tolerant society.


[1] Six domains of gender analysis is mandatory based on ADS 205, Integrating Gender Equality and Female Empowerment in USAID's Program Cycle of which specified to Tips for Conducting a Gender Analysis at the Activity or Project Level that can be accessed at: https://pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/Pnadt865.pdf


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