Sabtu, 18 Desember 2021



About gain

The Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) is a Swiss-based foundation launched at the UN in 2002 to tackle the human suffering caused by malnutrition. Working with both governments and businesses, we aim to transform food systems so that they deliver more nutritious food for all people.

At GAIN, we believe that everyone in the world should have access to nutritious and safe food. We work to understand and deliver specific solutions to the daily challenge of food insecurity faced by poor people. By understanding that there is no “one-size-fits-all” model, we develop alliances and build tailored programmes, using a variety of flexible models and approaches.


We build alliances between governments, local and global businesses, and civil society to deliver sustainable improvements at scale. We are part of a global network of partners working together to create sustainable solutions to malnutrition. Through alliances, we provide technical, financial and policy support to key participants in the food system. We use specific learning, evidence of impact, and results of projects and programmes to shape and influence the actions of others.

Headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, GAIN has representative offices in Denmark, The Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and the United States. In addition, we have country offices in Bangladesh, Ethiopia, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Mozambique, Nigeria, Pakistan, and Tanzania. Programmes and projects are carried out in a variety of other countries, particularly in Africa and Asia.


The Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) is issuing this Request for Proposal (RFP) and will be the administrative lead organisation for this RFP.


Low-quality diet, particularly processed food consumption, are the leading risk factor for poor health. Access to low-quality diets is becoming prevalent nowadays. Indonesian adolescents’ snack multiple times a day (Blum et al, 2019) and regularly purchase pre-packaged snacks sold by street vendors, school canteens and kiosks.


While the consumption of the packaged snacks is very high among adolescents, reading packaged food label for informing consumption decision is not a common behaviour among them. Furthermore, meta-analysis study in Indonesia (2017) showed that most consumers do not read labels due to lack of information. The study also showed that there is a relationship between reading label habits and increasing nutritional knowledge. If the nutrition labelling is well designed, as a population-based approach, it can potentially have a positive influence on the diet of consumers.

More informative nutrition label that being placed in front of pack label (FOPL) can help consumer to choose healthier option. One regulation requires a warning message to be placed in the food packaging: “Consumption of sugars more than 50gram, sodium of more than 2000mliligram, or total fat of more than 67 gram per person per day increase the risk of hypertension, stroke, diabetes, and heart attack (Permenkes No. 63/2015)”, however its hardly to be implemented.

A very recent updated regulation in 2021 on Nutrition Fact Information allows 20 product categories to use Healthier Option Logo on the part of label that easy to read and see by consumer. While some of packaged food on ready to drink beverages and instant noodles categories has applied the logo, currently there is no other food categories that applied it.

GAIN received a grant “Food Investigator Game” (FIG) that was designed based on one of the winning ideas from Saya PEMBERANI challenge namely “Pelajar Peduli Gizi” (PPG) – student community. PPG invited adolescents to read package food label and choose healthier option. The project will also invite adolescents for ideas on advocating better food label.


The purpose of this RFP is to engage services of a Service Provider to design, monitor and implement a communication campaign for the FIG project. 



The Food Investigator project seeks to equip young people with the knowledge, awareness and tools to understand the foodscape around them and to make healthier food choices specifically when it comes to snacks, which play a big role in the Indonesian diet. The overall aim of this project is to shift adolescents snacking choices towards healthier food options.

Pillar 1: Youth engagement to drive demand for healthier snacks 

Pillar 2: Retail response 

Pillar 3: Policies and enabling environment 

External factors 

We recognize that multiple external drivers shape adolescents’ food choices, namely the fact that they have pre-existing attitudes towards food which are also continuously shaped by marketing and promotional activity of the snacking industry. Available options need to be affordable to be within the adolescents’ consideration set.  



Audience: 13-19 years old mobile internet users (boys and girls) in Jabodetabek, Jember and Surabaya

Campaign duration: February 2022 – December 2023

Main objectives:

-       To increase awareness and knowledge among adolescents about nutritional content of snacks and health implications.

-       To encourage target audience to use the FIG app to scrutinize food packages and demand better food labelling for healthier option.

-       To increase awareness among adolescents of the inadequacies of current package food labelling regulation practice.

Core message: “We need better food labelling so we can identify and choose healthier snack option.”

The secondary objective of the campaign is to increase motivation of retailers in Jabodetabek, Jember and Surabaya to offer healthier snack options for adolescents.

Core message: “We will supply healthy snack options for adolescents

The campaign should reach at least 850,000 adolescents in the key geographical area. Other KPIs will be defined in conjunction with the creative agency.

scope of work and deliverables

1.3. Scope of work

In close collaboration with the target audience, the Service Provider will co-design FIG´s creative campaign that helps adolescents discover “why” appropriate food labelling is important and provokes them to take action and demand for better packaged food label of the

The required services include:

v  Account Management Services

Ø  Overall project management including managing weekly status meetings and developing status reports,

v  Strategic Services

Ø  Campaign strategy

Ø  Campaign communications strategy

Ø  Consumer concept testing

Ø  Extract from the concept testing insights for use in refining and improving the overall creative idea and executions.

v  Creative Services

Ø  Campaign overarching creative idea

Ø  Campaign tactics across the approved communications strategy

Ø  Visual identity and brand guidelines

v  Production Services

Ø  Budget and timeline management

Ø  Recommendation of external production partners for all approved creative

Ø  Oversight of external production partners in production of TVC, Radio, Print, OOH, Website etc

v  Media Planning and Buying Services

Ø  Campaign media strategy

Ø  Media plan

Ø  Monitoring strategy


1.4. Deliverables

-       A unique and ownable strategy that;

o    Is rooted in the behaviors of our target audience and the context

o    Is fertile for powerful creative work and has longevity and flexibility

-       A powerful and engaging campaign idea that

o    Is built on, and helps deliver the strategy

o    is inclusive and has broad appeal across our target group

-       A communications strategy that

o    Leverages the campaign idea to maximise its impact in each media vehicle

o    Recognizes the full range of potential consumers touchpoints

-       A series of engagement concepts that deliver against the communications strategy and show how the idea can come to life in each media vehicle. This could include, but it not limited to the below. It should be driven by the communications strategy.

o    Retail Partnerships

o    Social Media

o    PR

o    Experiential

-       Production of all approved campaign engagement concepts, to be assessed against the communications strategy and overall budget.

-       A campaign Visual Identity which includes tone of voice and visual rules.

-       Monthly monitoring report

instructions for responding

This section addresses the process for responding to this solicitation. Applicants are encouraged to review this prior to completing their responses.


Please direct all inquiries and other communications to gainindonesia@gainhealth.org, subject line ‘Communication Campaign Food Investigator Game - query’. Responses will not be confidential except in cases where proprietary information is involved.


Applicants are required to provide GAIN with a detailed fee percentage proposal. The final budget amount will have to be approved by the organisation prior to starting the project.


Interested applicants should prepare a brief proposal (maximum 5 pages) that includes:

v  Staffing Plan & Fee Proposal for the duration of the assignment. Please include a description of each individual´s role on the project and during which phase they would be working.

v  A timeline of the development process from briefing to approval of final concepts, providing clarity as to how the agency would collaborate with the GAIN team at each stage.

v  A research strategy to concept test the campaign ideas


In addition, the applicant should prepare a brief proposal (Powerpoint deck or similar) describing:

v  A proposed campaign strategy clearly outlining the insights on which it is built

v  A proposed campaign idea. It must be;

§  Scalable across a media plan

§  Resonate with the target audience

v  A proposed communications strategy for how the campaign idea would be delivered to the target audience

v  A series of engagement concepts that reflect the communications strategy e.g. a a social media idea. These are at the agencie´s discretion.

A completed ‘Offer of Services’ form (see end of RFP for template).


Completed proposals should be submitted to GAIN Indonesia, by email at gainindonesia@gainhealth.org  by 24.00 pm WIB on 9 January 2021.

A complete RFP can be downloaded here.





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