[newdevjobsindo] CHAI Indonesia looking for : External Professional Services for COVID-19 Vaccine Acceptance Survey - Lowongan Kerja LSM NGO

Rabu, 19 Januari 2022

[newdevjobsindo] CHAI Indonesia looking for : External Professional Services for COVID-19 Vaccine Acceptance Survey

External Professional Services 


The Clinton Health Access Initiative, Inc. (CHAI) is a global health organization committed to saving lives and reducing the burden of disease in low-and middle-income countries, while strengthening the capabilities of governments and the private sector in those countries to create and sustain high-quality health systems that can succeed without our assistance. For more information, please visit: http://www.clintonhealtaccess.org

In Indonesia, CHAI has been working with Ministry of Health since 2008 to support health priority programs including HIV/AIDS, TB, Hepatitis, and Immunization. Since 2017 to present, CHAI is committed to supporting the introduction of Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine (PCV) in Indonesia in particular, and to strengthening the immunization program in general.  Immunization program is one of many health programs that have been majorly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. As development partners for Immunization program, CHAI is also supporting the Ministry of Health to rapidly and equitably scale-up COVID-19 vaccines in Indonesia by 2022.


COVID-19 vaccination has been deployed in Indonesia since January 2021 as the key intervention to slow down the COVID-19 transmission in the population. Indonesia is targeting to vaccinate 208 million people (~75% of total population) covers healthcare workers, formal sector employees, vulnerables group (elderly; people with comorbid; people with disabilities), general population, and adolescence aged 12–17-year-old. Up to December 2021, COVID-19 vaccination uptake in Indonesia is relatively high, about 160.9 million people have got their first shot (77.28%), and about 113.5 million (54.51%) have been fully vaccinated. Compared to worldwide data, Indonesia ranked as the 122th country based on the share of people fully vaccinated against COVID-19 in the country. Moreover, even though the vaccination rate shows an increased trend over the last couple months, there are significant different rate of COVID-19 vaccination rate for some provinces in Indonesia. There are 11 out of 34 provinces that the share of people who only partly vaccinated against COVID-19 is below 70%, and the lowest vaccination rate for the first dose is 28.55%. In addition, there are also differences in coverage across targeted group, two groups with the lowest uptake are elderly, and adolescent aged 12-17-year-old. The recent development on COVID-19 vaccination plan in Indonesia is the government will expand the vaccination to children aged 6–11-year-old and the third dose for population aged above 18-year-old. Even though we have seen a notable increase in coverage for the first dose on average, however,  second dose coverage is considerably low where about 10 provinces has below 40% coverage of fully vaccinated status. As there would be a potential drop out after the first dose, then understanding factors that lead individuals to not get second dose is also critical to achieve fully vaccinated status in respected low coverage provinces.

The major challenge to speed up the vaccination in Indonesia is twofold, limited vaccine supply and low rate of vaccine acceptance. As Indonesia is facing the second wave of COVID-19 outbreak with a new delta variant, the strategy to speed up the vaccination is becoming even more critical. There are at least 6 (six) different COVID-19 vaccines that have been secured to control the outbreak. They are Sinovac, AstraZeneca, Sinopharm, Moderna, Pfizer, and Novavax.  The other challenge to meet herd immunity target against COVID-19 in Indonesia is the variation of level of acceptance toward COVID-19 vaccine across Indonesia, mainly from the general population including elderly, adolescences, and people are in informal sectors who need their own internal push to seek vaccination services.

Vaccine acceptance towards COVID-19 vaccine in Indonesia is at 60% and most people who hesitated were critical about vaccine safety and effectiveness, vaccine lack of trust, and halal-haram issues. It has also been reported that the most preferred channel for information about COVID-19 vaccination is social media (WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter). However, massive use of social media has also contributed to the misinformation, disinformation, or an infodemic on COVID-19 vaccine resulting in the decreasing demand towards vaccination (Farooq, 2021; Islam et al., 2020).

CHAI recognizes that there is still a knowledge gap that needs to be explored to understand the key drivers and barriers on COVID-19 vaccination uptake across provinces and target groups (for the first and second dose of vaccination). This critical information would help vaccine managers at subnational level to identify the appropriate approach to increase the COVID-19 vaccination in their respective region.

CHAI is supporting the Ministry of Health to rapidly and equitably scale-up COVID-19 vaccines in Indonesia by 2022. CHAI is requiring the service of Contractor to identify key drivers and barriers of vaccine acceptance and uptake in selected population groups i.e., elderly and adolescent (12-17-year-old) and younger age (6-11-year-old) by conducting vaccine acceptance survey.

Project Goals

      The end goal of this project is to provide recommendation on specific strategies to increase COVID-19 vaccination uptake (both partly and fully vaccinated status) based on the identified key drivers on vaccine acceptance among targeted population. Also, to qualitatively explore the potential intervention strategies to mobilise the vaccination delivery.

Contractor Activities

Under this agreement, while CHAI will lead in conceptualizing the scope of work for the surveys, then, the consultant will complete the following activities:

  1. Systematically collecting, analysing, understanding, and acting on the drivers and barriers of vaccine acceptance and uptake at population level, including elderly; general (informal) workers; and adolescent (12-17) and younger group across Indonesia (6-11).
  2. Developing systematic approaches for gathering qualitative insights in addition to formal survey data (if necessary).
  3. Develop systematic approaches to help identify and mitigate risks and rumors related to COVID-19 vaccines.
  4. Conducting coordination meeting with CHAI and key stakeholders (e.g., Ministry of Health, Provincial, District Health Office, and other related stakeholders) to update progress and preliminary findings.
  5. Formulate proposed recommendation (implementation plan) on specific intervention to increase COVID-19 vaccination uptake.

CHAI is pleased to announce a call for proposal for the COVID-19 Vaccine Acceptance Survey to identify key drivers and barriers of vaccine uptake in selected population groups i.e., elderly and adolescent (12-17-year-old) and younger age. The total expected duration for this project is 5 (five) months from February to June 2022.


This project is open to researchers and health research centers in university. Proposals are  expected to design an innovative survey based project, and then translate survey findings into specific strategy to increase vaccine uptake for specific population group. We recommend the applicants to design vaccine acceptance survey using combined methods of health belief model to assess the vaccine acceptance (Al‐Metwali, B. Z., et al., 2021) and SAGE WG Vaccine Hesitancy model to better understand the factors affecting vaccine hesitancy of COVID-19 vaccine (Dube et al., 2014)).

The audiences of the final recommendation are Ministry of Health, Provincial and District Health Offices, COVID-19 Task Force, and other related stakeholders at national and subnational level.

Applicants must submit three (3) written pages of proposal, including budget and project timeline. The survey proposal should include the following information:

  1. List of key personnels, including Principal Investigator (PI), technical advisors, financial advisor, and team members.
  2. Narrative background and objectives
  3. Methodology and analysis plan (submitting survey protocol and questionnaire is optional)
  4. Proposed implementation/ solutions plan
  5. A project timeline
  6. Annotated budget proposal maximum up to $95,000 including broken-down PI and team member's honorarium, activities and other anticipated costs
  7. Bibliography

Proposal and findings should be written in English. The consultant is encouraged to adjust the target populations and associated survey samples based on the latest COVID-19 vaccination rates across Indonesia. The survey objective is to understand key drivers and barriers of vaccine acceptance within sub-populations with the lowest COVID-19 vaccination rates (both partly and fully vaccinated status).

Review and Selection Process

Applicants are encouraged to submit their proposal no later than 28 January 2022, email to lsari@clintonhealthaccess.org with "External Professional Services for COVID-19 Vaccine Acceptance Survey" on subject line. Please do label the proposal with the name of the institution/organization along with the company profile and PI's CV. Application will be evaluated based on the most innovative approach to identify key drivers and barriers of COVID-19 vaccine acceptance and also projected implementation plan within 5 (five) months of project duration. 


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