[newdevjobsindo] Consultant - I AM SAFE Project Final Evaluation - Lowongan Kerja LSM NGO

Minggu, 09 Januari 2022

[newdevjobsindo] Consultant - I AM SAFE Project Final Evaluation

General information

1.1 . About Humanity & Inclusion

Humanity & Inclusion (HI) is an independent, impartial, and non-profit-making international organization working alongside persons with disabilities and populations in vulnerable situations such as those in poverty, exclusion, conflict, and disaster.

Founded in 1982, HI implements programs that respond to the essential needs of persons with disabilities and populations in vulnerable situations to improve their living conditions and promote respect for their dignity and fundamental rights.

HI operates in almost 60 countries, with the support of a network of 8 national associations in France, Germany, Belgium, Canada, United States, Luxembourg, United Kingdom, and Switzerland. Humanity & Inclusion is the operating name of Handicap International Federation. Learn more by visiting the website at www.hi.org.

1.2 About Humanity & Inclusion in the country/region

HI has been working in Indonesia since 2005 to support health and social initiatives related to disability and vulnerability. In collaboration with the Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, HI implements a wide range of complementary projects promoting the rights and well-being of persons with disabilities and populations in vulnerable situations in development, policies, and humanitarian actions.

Through its projects, HI assists in building the capacity of key local stakeholders on inclusion, increasing the active participation of persons with disabilities and populations in vulnerable situations in social, economic, and public life, and reducing the impact of disaster and crises including the COVID-19 pandemic.

In Indonesia, HI supported initiatives promoting the human rights of persons with disabilities and populations in vulnerable situations through the empowerment of community-based organizations of persons with disabilities (OPDs). Achievements included contributions of these OPDs to the ratification of the UNCRPD, development of recommendations to the government concerning legal reform through a national network of OPDs, and raising awareness among the general public.

For 18 months since 15 July 2020, with funding from the European Union (EU), HI put a particular focus on increasing the access of at least 28,500 persons with disabilities and populations in vulnerable situations in DI Yogyakarta, Nusa Tenggara Timur, and Jakarta to inclusive multi-sectoral assistance, services, and information by promoting community-based social protection and economic recovery initiatives, all towards contributing to government-led COVID-19 responses.

2. Context of the evaluation

2.1 Presentation of the project to be evaluated

The overall objective of the I AM SAFE (Inclusive Access to Multi-sectoral Services and Assistance for Everyone) project is to reduce mortality and morbidity, and mitigate long-term socio-economic impacts of COVID-19 on most vulnerable people at risk in the provinces of Jakarta, Yogyakarta, and Nusa Tenggara Timur by contributing to government-led response and promoting community-based initiatives.

I AM SAFE is an initially 18-month project which has been extended until 30 April 2022 to become a 21.5 months project funded by European Union and implemented by HI together with CIS Timor and SIGAB. The project began in July 15, 2020 and will end on April 30, 2022. It seeks to reach at least 28,500 persons (49% male, 51% female, 14% persons with disabilities) directly across the Yogyakarta City and Sleman and Gunungkidul districts in DI Yogyakarta, Kupang City and Kupang Districts in NTT, and in Jakarta for national-level risk communication and technical support for inclusive response.

Project title

I AM SAFE (Inclusive Access to Multi-sectoral Services and Assistance for Everyone)

Implementation dates

July 15, 2020 – April 30, 2022

Location/Areas of intervention

Country: Indonesia

· Yogyakarta Province: Sleman District, Gunungkidul District, Yogyakarta City

· Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT): Kupang District and Kupang City

· Jakarta for national level interventions

Operating Partners

CIS Timor in NTT and SIGAB in Yogyakarta Province

Target Groups

• Persons with pre-existing health conditions

• Persons 60 years old and above

• Persons with disabilities

• Persons living under the poverty line

• Persons at-risk of mental health and psychosocial distress (including health workers)

• Pregnant and lactating women

• Persons at-risk of protections issues

• Members of women-headed households

Project Budget

1,110,475.43 Euro – 100% funded by EU

Objectives of the project

Overall objective : To reduce mortality and morbidity, and mitigate long-term socio-economic impacts of COVID-19 on most vulnerable people at risk in provinces of Jakarta, Yogyakarta, and Nusa Tenggara Timur by contributing to government-led response and promoting community-based initiatives.

Specific objective: To protect lives, alleviate suffering, and build the resilience of the most vulnerable communities and persons at heightened risk of being affected by COVID-19 by improving access to inclusive multi-sectoral assistance, services, and information.

Expected results and indicators

Outcome 1: To help contain the spread of the COVID-19 virus through inclusive risk communication for social and behavioral change and hygiene and health promotion through the provision of hygiene and dignity kits and the provision of personal protective equipment (PPE).

· OVI 1.1: At least 25% of 2.966 million households (11.568 million persons) in target areas have received timely, factual, and accessible age- and gender-appropriate social and behavioral change communication on disease prevention and prevention of community-level transmission.

· OVI 1.2: At least 4,000 vulnerable households (including 400 women-headed HHs and 560 HHs with persons with disabilities) in target areas have received hygiene and dignity kits to prevent the spread of COVID19 and health promotion messages to protect themselves against the virus and other diseases.

· OVI 1.3:At least 20,000 persons at-risk, including healthcare workers and vulnerable persons, have received appropriate PPEs with instructions on proper storing, decontamination for reuse, and disposal.

Outcome 2: To mitigate the immediate COVID-19 impact on the well-being of vulnerable persons through psychosocial support, health referrals, and unconditional cash assistance to meet basic needs.

· OVI 2.1: At least 1,000 psychosocially distressed women, men, girls, and boys and/or those at risk of violence and abuse are supported through the provision of psychosocial support and referral to protection services.

· OVI 2.2:At least 6,000 vulnerable persons in target areas, including older persons, persons living with non-communicable diseases (NCDs), persons with disabilities, pregnant and lactating women, have access to essential healthcare and prevention services both for COVID19 and non-COVID19.

· OVI 2.3: At least 1,000 vulnerable households (including 100 women-headed HHs and 140 HHs with persons with disabilities) have been provided with multipurpose cash grants or vouchers.

Outcome 3: To stimulate socio-economic recovery and improve the resilience of COVID-19-affected individuals and households through inclusive livelihood and resilience building.

· OVI 3.1: At least 2,000 vulnerable households (including 200 women-headed HHs and 280 HHs with persons with disabilities) have access to economic recovery support to cope with shocks and have inclusive economic resilience plans (micro, small and medium entrepreneurs' economic resilience plans include business development plans, business continuity plans, and business recovery plans) and household preparedness plans.

· OVI 3.2: Two provinces (NTT and Yogyakarta) will have an inclusive disaster preparedness and response plans to prevent, mitigate, and prepare for any risk, including but not limited to health risks such as COVID-19 and other risks such as food security, livelihood, and socio-economic risks

Outcome 4: To promote inclusive emergency and early recovery response by humanitarian actors, civil society organizations, and national and local government units.

· OVI 65 Humanitarian organizations, I/NGOs, CSO, organizations of persons with disabilities (OPDs), and local government units have improved capacity for inclusive prevention, response, and early recovery interventions.

Main activities implemented

Activities under Outcome 1:

A.1.1 Inclusive risk communication and communication engagement

A.1.2 Conduct hygiene promotion activities

A.1.3 Production & provision of protection equipment

Activities under Outcome 2:

A.2.1 Conduct mental health and psychosocial support activities

A.2.2 Conduct health assistance and referrals

2.2.1 Establishment of telemedicine

2.2.2 Provision of nutrition care packages

2.2.3. Referral to specific services

A.2.3 Conduct multipurpose cash assistance

Activities under Outcome 3:

A.3.1 Economic Recovery Support

A.3.2 Inclusive preparedness and response

Activities under Outcome 4:

A.4.1 Support to humanitarian actors on inclusive humanitarian action

A.4.2 Support to National Protection Cluster

A.4.3 Inclusive data collection

A.4.4 Documentation of best practices

2.2 Justification of the evaluation

The project will end on April 30, 2022 so it is important to conduct a final evaluation, as per planning, to measure the project quality. In addition, the final project evaluation is carried out so as to account for our actions to different stakeholders including the donor, and to learn from our field interventions to contribute to the improvement of technical and operational strategies.

The results of the evaluation will be shared with the project participants, village leaders and committee members, local government authorities, CSOs, service providers, the donor, and within HI network.

3. Objectives of the evaluation

3.1 Overall objectives and expectations of the evaluation

General objective

I AM SAFE Project's final evaluation aims to assess the level of achievement of the project and the extent to which the project brought positive changes and added value to project participants, partners, and relevant stakeholder ion inclusive pandemic response in the target areas. It will also assess the quality of project approaches, strategies, and interventions as stated in HI Project Quality Framework.

Further, this evaluation takes into account the constraints and challenges, as well as adaptations during the project implementation, in the context of COVID-19, and also to analyze the impact of the project implementation and learn about which activities worked well and which need improvement to inform future programming. **

3.2 Specific objectives

· Analyze the extent to which the project contributed in bringing about short and long-term positive changes to the lives of beneficiaries in the target areas

· Assess the project achievements vis-à-vis the target outcomes and objectively verifiable indicators

· Examine the quality of project approaches, strategies, and interventions using the HI Project Quality Framework

· Assess the continuity of activities related to inclusive socio-economic pandemic recovery and capacity building beyond the project closure

· Analyze the synergy of the project with the government's Covid-19 response including the level of acceptance and involvement of main stakeholders, especially the groups representing persons with disabilities and populations in vulnerable situations

· Examine what worked well and what can be improved in implementing inclusive pandemic recovery and provide recommendations to inform future programming.

3.3 Evaluation criteria and evaluative questions

3.3.1. Evaluation Criteria

In order to measure the project achievement, an Evaluator should be able to analyse the criteria related to Changes, Sustainability, Effectiveness, Efficiency, and Synergy.

3.3.2. Evaluation Questions:

1. Changes

· How did the I AM SAFE project bring about positive short- and medium-term changes in the lives of the beneficiaries and their families in facing the COVID-19 pandemic? (Effects) **

· How did the I AM SAFE project avoid, minimize, or offset any negative changes brought about by the project implementation? (Mitigation) **

2. Sustainability

· How did the I AM SAFE project meet the identified needs of the target populations on economic empowerment and emergency preparedness and transfer the activities of the project to other stakeholders in a position to continue it beyond the project closure? (Continuity)

· How did the I AM SAFE project reduce the vulnerability of targeted populations and increase their response capacity to the COVID-19 pandemic? (Resilience)

3. Effectiveness

· How did the results of the I AM SAFE project contribute to achieving the project objectives? (Consistency)

4. Efficiency

· How did the I AM SAFE project practice flexibility and adapt its implementation strategy to the evolving needs and risks (constraints and opportunities) of the target populations during the COVID-19 pandemic? (Flexibility)

5. Synergy

· To what extent is the I AM SAFE project accepted by its main stakeholders and what is their level of involvement? (Cooperation)

· How is the project coherent with other COVID-19 interventions (especially those of the government's) in the target areas so as to ensure a comprehensive response to the multiple and changing needs of the target groups? (Complementarity)

4. Evaluation methodology and organization of the mission (1 Page maximum)

4.1 Collection methodology

The collection methodology in the evaluation process should be done in a participatory and inclusive approach through a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods. It is preferred that a team conducts the evaluation since the I AM SAFE project is implemented across Kupang District and Kupang City in Nusa Tenggara Timur Province ; Yogyakarta City and the districts of Sleman and Gunungkidul in Yogyakarta Province ; and in Jakarta for national-level risk communication and technical support for inclusive response.


5. Principles and values

5.1. Protection and Anti-Corruption Policy

Code of Conduct**

Protection of beneficiaries from sexual exploitation, abuse, and harassment**

Child Protection Policy**

Anti-fraud and anti-corruption policy**

5.2. Ethical measures*

As part of each evaluation, HI is committed to upholding certain ethical measures. It is imperative that these measures are taken into account in the technical offer:

Guarantee the safety of participants, partners, and teams: the technical offer must specify the risk mitigation measures.

Ensuring a person/community-centered approach: the technical offer must propose methods adapted to the needs of the target population (e.g. tools adapted for illiterate audiences/sign language / child-friendly materials, etc.).

Obtain the free and informed consent of the participants: the technical proposal must explain how the evaluator will obtain the free and informed consent and/or assent of the participants.

Ensure the security of personal and sensitive data throughout the activity: the technical offer must propose measures for the protection of personal data. **

*These measures may be adapted during the completion of the inception report.

5.3. Participation of stakeholders and beneficiaries

The I AM SAFE project worked closely with the Department of Social Affairs and the Department of Health in each project area at coordination level. The project also worked with the national cluster (Klasnas PP) for activities related to inclusive humanitarian action. Below is a summary of the stakeholders and beneficiaries:

• Local Authorities at the district and provincial level (Department of Social Affairs & Department of Health).

• Service providers (Public health services at sub-district level)

• Civil society organizations representing the vulnerable populations

• Direct beneficiaries (People with disability, Women-headed household)

• Members of the national cluster (INGO, Ministry of Social Affairs)

5.4. Others

In line with the surge of COVID-19 cases in Indonesia, it is paramount to ensure the safety of all participants involved in the evaluation activities, and to the extent possible, utilize remote data collection methods or engage with local enumerators or facilitators based in the districts as part of the evaluation. **

6. Expected deliverables and proposed schedule

6.1. Deliverables

• An inception report refining / specifying the proposed methodology, including tools and detailed workplan. This inception report will have to be validated by the Steering Committee.

• A presentation document presenting the first results, conclusions, and recommendations, to be presented to the Steering Committee.

• A final report of approximately 20-30 pages using the report template provided by HI:

• An executive summary of 4 pages maximum.

• An infographic of project achievements, impact, and inclusion services in 2 pages maximum.

• All documents produced must be written in English.

6.2. End-of-Evaluation Questionnaire

An end-of-evaluation questionnaire will be given to the evaluator and must be completed by the evaluator, a member of the Steering Committee, and the person in charge of the evaluation.

6.3. Evaluation dates and schedule

Total mission duration is maximum of 8 weeks, from January 2022 – March 2022 (indicative / approximation).

2. Means

a. Expertise sought from the consultant(s)

Consultant(s) profile:

  1. University degree in Economics, Administration, Management, Social science, or other relevant fields
  2. At least 5 years of experience carrying out evaluations in one or more of the following topics: economic development, livelihoods, microenterprise development, emergency response, inclusive humanitarian action
  3. Experience working in development settings/with vulnerable people and persons with disabilities.
  4. Knowledge of the target province and/or districts preferred.
  5. Experience, knowledge and/or exposure to disability issues as well as gender and age are preferred.
  6. Languages: English and Bahasa Indonesia
  7. Excellent writing, analysis, and synthesis skills and outstanding communication skills are required

b. Description of the Task

To provide to HI and donors a complete and independent evaluation related to the I AM SAFE project implementation and its results to beneficiaries and stakeholders in the project areas. Furthermore, to explore best practices and provide practical recommendations on inclusive pandemic response and socio-economic recovery as part of the process to promote sustainability of the project benefits.

c. Main Roles and responsibilities of the consultant:

· Propose methodology for the evaluation adapted to the local context of NTT and DIY based on the HI guidelines. As much as possible the methodology chosen must use a participatory approach for stakeholders and beneficiaries. This approach must be consistent with local context, behaviors and beliefs.

· Develop tools (questionnaires; focus group content; for data collection) in English and local language.

· Recruit and train the evaluator team and/or local enumerator on the overall evaluation methodology.

· Oversee and carry out the data collection done by providing evaluation tools and methodology and training local enumerators on data collection process.

· Compile and analyze qualitative and quantitative data (disaggregated by disability, age, and gender) obtained from the field

· Write the evaluation report based on data collection analysis and provide recommendations for HI as reference in inclusive humanitarian action and economic empowerment.

· Present main findings of the report, including recommendations.

· Responsible for his/her accommodation while on duty (NTT, DIY).

7.2.Budget allocated to the evaluation

The total maximum budget allocated for final evaluation is 14.000 Euros. Any cost related to the evaluation is the responsibility of the evaluator and included in the budget proposal. The evaluator may not charge HI extra for it. **

The consultant must provide the detailed cost of the evaluation; including the breakdown of the time spent per stage of work, the fee and the ancillary costs (services and additional documents), transport costs (transport tickets (plane/train, etc.), taxi and local transport in the district ), accommodation, logistics costs including FGD costs, translation costs (Bahasa-English and vice versa), COVID-19 tests, etc. The proposal for payment modalities and terms must also be included. Maximum down payment is 30% from total cost, to be paid after signature of contract. The ancillary costs will be based on reimbursement of real costs. The evaluator must provide proper documents according to the standard accountancy.

The costs should have included the taxes according to Indonesian regulation: The fee component will be deducted by income taxes and paid by HI to the tax office; ancillary costs will be excluded from tax deduction.

7.3. Available resources made available to the evaluation team

All documents of the project, including the proposal and reports from different levels, will be made available.

How to apply

Interested candidates should submit the following conditions by 17:00 WIB on January 30th, 2022 to HI Indonesia Procurement: procurement@indonesia.hi.org

· Letter of interest

· Technical proposal, including methodology, timeline, strategy of evaluation considering the Covid-19 context and geographical location of project sites

· Curriculum vitae of lead evaluator and assistant(s) or organizational profile with CV of lead consultant and assistant(s), and list of previous similar experiences

· Sample(s) of previous evaluation report or publication

· Budget proposition, detailed and inclusive of tax as explained in section 7.2

Any inquiries should be made through the aforementioned email address.


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