[newdevjobsindo] EXTENDED - Technical assistance for the implementation of the “Urban climate action - Lowongan Kerja LSM NGO

Rabu, 19 Januari 2022

[newdevjobsindo] EXTENDED - Technical assistance for the implementation of the “Urban climate action


Technical assistance for the implementation of the "Urban climate action: Pilot projects under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement in Indonesia & Thailand" with a particular focus on Indonesia

                    1. BACKGROUND


ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability, Indonesia (ICLEI Indonesia) in collaboration with Perspectives Climate Research GmbH (PCR) and Thailand Greenhouse Gas Management Organization (TGO) is implementing the "Urban climate action: Pilot projects under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement in Indonesia & Thailand (Urban Article 6)".  The project is funded by the International Climate Initiative (IKI) Medium Grants program of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU). This global call seeks to secure the services of an organisation with relevant experience (see Section 4 for details) to provide technical assistance to support the implementation of the project (see Section 3 for details).

ICLEI Indonesia serves member and network cities in Indonesia to promote sustainable urban development and accelerate climate action through low carbon and resilience development. It does so by accelerating implementation that is in line with the NDC and regional policies, mobilizing political commitments/targets, guiding the design of strategies and plans, facilitating voluntary reporting, and supporting implementation and access to finance.

Perspectives Climate Group GmbH is an internationally recognized consultancy for its innovative, high-quality outputs in many fields of international climate policy. Perspectives has more than two decades of world-wide experience on various topics, such as climate finance, market mechanism design and climate policy research. PCR is the lead organisation for this project.

Thailand Greenhouse Gas Management Organization was established in 2007 as an autonomous public organization in accordance with Thai law to manage and expedite development and implementation of greenhouse gas reduction projects and support public, private and international organization partnerships to promote implementation of climate action.

The International Climate Initiative (IKI) is the most important instrument utilized by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety to support international climate action and biodiversity. With the IKI, the BMU supports solution strategies in developing and emerging countries that seek to achieve sustainable change.



The Urban climate action: Pilot projects under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement in Indonesia & Thailand project aims to develop pragmatic approaches to the implementation of carbon market mechanisms under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement and to conceptualise these as Article 6 pilots for urban areas. This three year project was launched on 1 November 2021.

A recent study carried out by Perspectives in cooperation with the ICLEI World Secretariat for the German Federal Environment Agency (UBA) (project no. 117361; 6 / 2019-5 / 2020) identified and developed possible design concepts for Urban Article 6 activities. Although this research project developed some promising concepts for structuring urban Article 6 measures, these were generic in nature and it was not possible to test and evaluate these approaches on the basis of real cases. However, such a test is crucial in order to bring the theoretical concepts to a level that enables the practical implementation of urban Article 6 activities. Experience with international market mechanisms under the Kyoto Protocol has shown that the presence of 'lighthouse' activities is an important basis for the rapid dissemination of similar approaches.

This Urban Article 6 project aims to fill this gap by testing and developing the most promising approaches from the UBA project in selected cities in Indonesia and Thailand.

The main objective is to assist local governments (as city administrations) and central governments in these countries in the development of urban Article 6 pilots. This means that capacities at both local and national government levels are supported in the definition, conceptualisation and implementation of urban Article 6 activities. The overarching goal is to have at least one "ready-to-generate emission reductions" Article 6 pilot in each partner country. Knowledge generated will be disseminated nationally and internationally, to encourage replication.

                    3.  SCOPE OF WORK


To achieve the long-term goals presented above, the project will engage in a number of activities and deliver several outputs that enable local governments to use Article 6 for more ambitious climate policies and measures.


ICLEI Indonesia is seeking an expert consultant - either an individual or an organization - with proven extensive technical, financial and dissemination experience in working with local and national governments in scaling up local climate action, Article 6 related mechanisms especially at the local level, UNFCCC processes, and the Paris Agreement rule book, to undertake the Tasks listed below.


Task 1: Support the development of ready-to-generate Internationally Transferred Mitigation Outcomes (ITMOs) urban Article 6 pilot in Indonesia

       Support the conceptualization of urban Article 6 pilots for the selected city in Indonesia.

       Provide technical support and advice to ICLEI Indonesia on the preparation for dialogues with municipal, regional and central governments in Indonesia to ensure that the Article 6 pilot is supported.



       Provide technical inputs to finalise the reports summarising the urban Article 6 pilot concept in Indonesia by 28.02.2023 (D 1.1)


Task 2: Develop a financing concept and present it in at least 5 international donors

       Identify and assess financial barriers in the context of the developed Article 6 pilot, in consultation with local stakeholders (municipal, regional and central governments) in Indonesia.

       Develop potential funding concepts for the Article 6 pilot in Indonesia.

       Support the presentation of these developed concepts to local stakeholders (municipal, regional and central governments) and finalize the proposed funding concept for the Article 6 pilot in Indonesia and internationally.


       Submit the final report on financial barriers for the specific urban Article 6 pilot in Indonesia by 31.01.2023 (D2.1)

       Submit final potential funding concepts for the Article 6 pilot by 31.10.2023 (D2.2)


Task 3: Support domestic awareness raising campaigns in Indonesia

       Support the conceptualization of urban Article 6 workshops, considering the stakeholder needs and the existing knowledge base, by developing concept notes for the 2 workshops in Indonesia.

       Support ICLEI Indonesia in the conceptualization of the website considering stakeholder needs and the existing knowledge base, by advising the website structure, content development and linkages with other existing websites.

       Contribute to developing training material on "how to successfully implement urban Article 6". 


       All contributions to training material on implementing urban Article 6 by 31.01.2023 (D3.1)


Task 4: Support international awareness raising campaigns

       Support the mapping of relevant international events and prepare the local pilot for pitching.

       Follow-up with participants that show an interest in the Indonesian Article 6 pilot, with a view to securing them as ITMO-buyers / donors.



       Provide a status update on the follow up with participants that show an interest in the Indonesian Article 6 pilot by 30.06.2024 (D4.1) 



Specific skills and essential experience needed for this assignment include:

Essential criteria:


       Technical skills:

-        Over 15 years of experience of working with urban local bodies in the Global South on climate action planning and implementation

-        Proven experience in climate finance and the carbon markets at local and national levels

-        Knowledge of the UNFCCC Article 6 processes

-        Extensive experience in managing a climate reporting platform for local and regional governments

-        Proven track record in providing services including technical advice, training, campaigns and forums for the exchange of experiences.

-        Demonstrated expertise in supporting the development of local climate priority projects

-        Track record in executing IKI-projects is of advantage

-        Strong track-record in preparing organizational structures for urban Article 6 activities

-        Experience in developing thematic (finance, project preparation) training materials tailor-made to subnational governments

-        Experience in website structure development and communication with all levels of government

-        Have a global network of local and regional governments to which the knowledge generated can be disseminated to encourage replication.


       General expertise:

-        Experience in effectively working as part of a multi-cultural, multidisciplinary project team

-        Excellent communications skills in English, including concise writing.

-        Experience in desk research, report writing and developing guidance for both technical and non-technical audiences.


Advantageous Criteria:

       Technical Skills:

-        Proven track record in working with national and subnational governments on local climate action in Indonesia and offering support for its Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC)

-        Familiarity with Indonesian, EU and German positions on Article 6 modalities

-        Experience in tailor-made messaging for international events

-        Should have over 10 years of experience in the preparation and reporting of municipal GHG inventories

       General Skills:

-        Ability to proficiently communicate in German

-        Ability to proficiently communicate in Indonesian 

                    5. CONDITIONS


       The assignment will be completed in alignment with the work plan of this project, with a planned start date 15 January 2022 in order to be familiar with the anchor project and start to engage with the consortia partners. The planned project end date is 30 July 2024. The selected individual/organisation will need to be available to support the project throughout this entire duration.

       Regular consultation will be held with ICLEI Indonesia Office and other consortia members.

       All documents, reports and other materials developed under this contract are the property of the project consortium.

       The consultant shall not pass on to any third party data, documents, reports or other materials shared, prepared or obtained during the assignment.

                    6. APPLICATION


Interested applicants should apply by 18:00 WIB (Western Indonesia Time) on the 3rd of February 2022 by sending the following documents to Mr. Ari Mochamad (ari.mochamad@iclei.org)

Technical and financial proposals with information on the demonstrated experience, proposed approach, expert(s) team with relevant qualifications responding to the ToR requirements, and confirmation of availability for the work duration. All submissions should be in English. The technical proposal should not exceed 15 pages (A4. Font Calibri. Size 12). 

                    7. EVALUATION METHODOLOGY


All applications received will be reviewed using the following methodology:

­   30% Company profile relevance (see criteria for relevant expertise)

­   25% for Project references

­   25% Methodology

                 20% Financial Offer

Yayasan ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability Indonesia

Jl. Karbela Selatan no. 46
Kuningan, Kel. Karet, Kec. Setiabudi
Jakarta Selatan - 12920

Telp. +6221 2598 1322

ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability is the leading global network of 1,750+ cities, towns and regions committed to building a sustainable future. Through our collective efforts, we impact more than 25 percent of the global urban population. 


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