[newdevjobsindo] ChildFund International : Consultant for Assessment of Online Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse in Indonesia - Lowongan Kerja LSM NGO

Senin, 21 Februari 2022

[newdevjobsindo] ChildFund International : Consultant for Assessment of Online Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse in Indonesia

Term of Reference for Online Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse Assessment

in Indonesia


1.  Title of the assignment:

Assessment of Online Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse in Indonesia and specific assessment on the risks of Climate Change and Violence Against Children in Sikka, East Nusa Tenggara

2.  Background


Children are one of groups that is vulnerable to various forms of violence and exploitation, ranging from psychological violence, physical violence, sexual exploitation, economic exploitation and not even a few children and women are victims of human trafficking. In every circumstance or phenomenon within a country or globally, it is almost obvious that children are affected, directly or indirectly.  The rapid spread of the corona virus has led to lockdown situation and forced various activities to adapt to being carried out online, such as school, play and socialize. Several natural disasters due to climate change like drought and crop failure, followed by the spread of the corona virus at the end of 2019 brought many changes in the daily life of most children in this world.

Recent data shows that majority of Indonesian have access to internet in 2020 with over 74 per cent (197 million)[1]. In 2019, 70 percent of internet users in the country are young people age 13-34 years old[2].  Moreover, about 50 percent of children (out of total 65 million) children are internet users in Indonesia[3]. The wide coverage of internet can increase opportunities for children to learn and explore their interest. During the pandemic when most of education moving to online platform, connectivity to internet is essential factor to ensure children have rights to education. However, availability of internet for children also can cause negative impact on children include addiction, wrong information, cyberbullying, pornography, and sexual exploitation.

In 2020, survey in 34 provinces showed 19 percent of teenagers in Indonesia experience internet addition that can have negative impact on children ability to focus, making decision, self-control, etc[4].  End Child Prostitution and Trafficking (ECPAT) Indonesia also found 67% increasing in internet use among children

during pandemic. Most of the respondents spending more than six hours to access internet that increase the risk of children experience online violence, including pornography and sexual exploitation [1].

In terms of natural disaster and climate change, data from BNPB shows 41.912 infant and children were displaced due to natural disaster in the country from Feb 2021-2022[2]. About 665.000 children were victim of earthquake and tsunami in Central Sulawesi and Lombok in 2018[3].  Even 1 from 3 caregiver reported children experienced emotional and behavior issues after the disasters. On recent years, some places in Indonesia also experience drought[4] that have negative impact on children health status. Moreover, the difficulties to access water may have direct and indirect effect to child protection issues affecting children as shown by a study.    

The brief background above, rapid access to internet among children and climate change relation with child protection issues are two contemporary issues that should be understood to improve child protection in Indonesia.  The ChildFund International is one of NGOs working in Indonesia is aiming to prevent, protect and uphold participation of children and all stakeholder in the realizing of children rights and protection, through understanding the two contemporary issue in Indonesia and selected areas, the findings from the assessment will further inform our program intervention and advocacy strategy on OCSEA and climate change relation in Indonesia.

1.  Purpose of the assignment


The overall purpose of this assignment is to assess OCSEA (Online child sexual exploitation and abuse) and the impact of climate on children's well-being (particularly on risks factors to violence) in Indonesia as well as a specific link with climate change issues in Sikka, East Nusa Tenggara), and to understand the context of OCSEA policy to inform advocacy and campaign strategy.


2.  Ethical Consideration and Safeguarding.

ChildFund International ethical consideration and safeguarding policy is intended to protect and manage children's sensitive information in a manner that is respectful, professional, confidential, and compliant with applicable laws and

standards and includes storage, retention, handling (including transmission) and disposal of children's sensitive information. The confidentiality of children information includes information on children, as well as information relating to any alleged cases of child abuse, neglect, or exploitation, including information on alleged or actual perpetrators.


Parents or caregivers are required to give informed written consent prior to ChildFund's gathering, storing, or sharing children's sensitive information. Standards that govern the safe storage, retention, handling (including transmission) and disposal of children's sensitive information (including all sponsorship communications, images and consent forms, information relating to child safeguarding incidents, investigations, and reports) must be in place. Children and their caregivers may have access and review information held about them.


The consultants/institutional will required to sign and comply with Child Safeguarding Policy and the scope of non-disclosure agreement for consultants/Institutional for data protection and sharing.


1.   Scope of work:

Inception phase

1.   The main goal of the Inception Phase is to develop the research agenda by refining the research questions, developing research method, data sources and collection, sampling and key indicators, timeline, and draft of data collection instruments, including key targeted stakeholder/key informants, detailed techniques for the collection of information proposed.


2.   The quantitative study should involve children age 13-18, and youth 19 to 24 yo in ChildFund targeted areas using self-reported online questioner and/or telephone interview for children who need assistance (for example children who do not have personal device to access internet or need assistance to understand the questioner).  Target participants in this survey are children and youth in ChildFund program areas to promote child participation and ensure the benefit of this study to the participants through future ChildFund program.


3.   A qualitative case study will be carried out in all provinces. The selected communities will be identified during the inception phase of the consultancy.

4.   The consultants shall gather, synthesize, and analyses the data, which will include a description of the methodology, limitations, challenges, findings, and lessons learned and recommendations.



·       Draft Final Report.

·       Final Report in Bahasa Indonesia.

·       Presentation of final findings.


Quality assurance

The application of mixed methods can provide sufficient information and enable triangulation that ensures high quality of data and analysis in this assesment. In the data collection phase, children survey will be self-reported with assistance from trained children's facilitators (ChildFund's partner staff / Jaringan Alliance and or Youth Group's) under consultant team. Children facilitators will assist children to fill the survey through face-to face or phone to ensure children properly understand the question and know how to fill the questioner, then send their response to server. 

Time and Duration of Contract:

4th week of February to 1st week of May 2022


The Consultants/Technical expertise:

The consultant should at a minimum demonstrate the capacity to deliver the assignment deliverables as mentioned in the ToR.

Minimum of 10 years of professional experience to conducted national assessment focusing on child rights and child protection, including experience in needs assessment, developing frameworks/guideline based on assessments, analysing related data collection system, and developing technical papers and report. Have deeper understanding on Child Rights and Child Protection issue and knowledge, social issues and strong on analytical data.

Submit your interest at the latest 25th of February 2022 COB, to apane@childfund.org


ChildFund has been implementing child-centered programs in Indonesia since 1973. ChildFund works closely with Indonesian Government Institutions and contributes to the realization of Indonesia's social development plans. Through community-based, culturally grounded, bottom-up and participatory program approaches, ChildFund Indonesia partners with 16 local organizations in 31 districts across 8 provinces in Indonesia. We strengthen our partnerships with the communities where we work, empowering children, parents, community leaders, governments, and local partner organizations to promote long-lasting and sustainable social change.




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