[newdevjobsindo] Call for Proposal: Consultant for Assessment of Online Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse in Indonesia - Lowongan Kerja LSM NGO

Kamis, 17 Maret 2022

[newdevjobsindo] Call for Proposal: Consultant for Assessment of Online Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse in Indonesia

Term of Reference for the consultant /Institutional consultant


1.  Purpose of the ToR:


This ToR will outline the responsibilities of the consultant to conduct a solid assessment of Online Sexual Exploitation and Abuse of Children (OSEAC) in Indonesia


2.  Title of the assignment:

A solid assessment of Online Sexual Exploitation and Abuse of children (OSEAC) in Indonesia


3.  Background


The rapid spread of the corona virus has led to lockdown situation and forced various activities to adapt to being carried out online, such as school, play and socialize. https://www.childfund.org/oseac/


Recent data shows that majority of Indonesian have access to internet in 2020 with over 74 per cent (197 million)[1]. In 2019, 70 percent of internet users in the country are young people aged 13-34 years old[2].  Moreover, about 50 percent of children (out of total 65 million) children are internet users in Indonesia[3]. The wide coverage of internet can increase opportunities for children to learn and explore their interest. During the pandemic when most of education moving to online platform, connectivity to internet is essential factor to ensure children have rights to education. However, availability of internet for children also can cause negative impact on children include addiction, wrong information, cyberbullying, pornography, and sexual exploitation.

In 2020, survey in 34 provinces showed 19 percent of teenagers in Indonesia experience internet addition that can have negative impact on children ability to focus, making decision, self-control, etc[4].  ECPAT Indonesia also found 67% increasing in internet use among children during pandemic. Most of the respondents spending more than six hours to access internet that increase the risk of children experience online violence, including pornography and sexual exploitation [5].  

Furthermore, the report "Our Lives Online" published by UNICEF and the Center for Justice and Crime Prevention, gathers the views and experiences of children aged 11 to 18 years in Indonesia, Cambodia, Malaysia, and Thailand. The key findings highlight some of the risks that children and young people face online. In focus groups, both boys and girls reported being sent and being asked for explicit pictures. Two out of five children in the focus groups reported having bad experiences that they would not want to tell anyone about, and more than half said they had met someone in real life they had first met online, most in the hope of forming a romantic relationship[6].

The brief background above, rapid access to internet among children change the dynamic of online ecology for children as well as risks factors of children in the digital world that should be understood to improve child protection in Indonesia.  The ChildFund International is one of NGOs working in Indonesia is aiming to prevent, protect and uphold participation of children and all stakeholder in the realizing of children rights and protection, through understanding the two contemporary issue in Indonesia and selected areas, the findings from the assessment will further inform our program intervention and advocacy strategy on OCSEA change relation in Indonesia.


4.  Purpose of the assessments:


The overall purpose of this assessment/research is:  To develop a solid assessment of OSEAC (Online sexual exploitation and abuse against children) case and prevalence in Indonesia as a basis to develop a systematic solution for reducing children vulnerability and risks to the digital violence


5.  Research Questions


The research will be guided by key explanatory questions as follows:


§  What are typologist of OSEAC in Indonesia?

§  What are motives/causes of OSEAC?

§  What are the impacts of OSEAC in terms of health (reproductive health, mental health, physical etc.), education, economic (income level, type of work etc.)

§  What are prevalence's of OSEAC case currently in the country?

§  What are the proposed solution to systematically address OSEAC problem?


6.  Research Objectives :


Objective 1: To Construct the OSEAC Case:  

§  To collect facts and evidence about OSEAC based on the reliable and verified sources.

§  The synthesize those facts and evidence from global to national levels.

§  To analyze OSEAC as an urgent and complex cases that require a new approach in tackling them as the conventional approach seems ineffective.

§  To present the testimonies or statement from Indonesia regarding to OSEAC to present the child perspectives of this case.


Objective 2: To define Cyber-bullying and cyber-victimization as a form of VAC

       Define cyber-bullying and cyber-victimization based on the existing references

       Definition should be based on the: (i) The Convention on The Rights of Children; (ii) Regulations at the regional level; and (iii) regulation at the national levels.

       Analyze those regulation by considering the adequacy in realizing the right of children from digital online by contrasting the regulation against the OSEAC magnitude and complexity.


  Objective 3: To estimate magnitude of Cyber-bullying and cyber-victimization

       Population: Boys and Girls from age xx-yy using mobile phone from xx provinces.

       Sampling techniques

       Respondent distribution based on Sampling Technique



Objective 4: To analyze complexity of cyber-bullying and cyber-   victimization

§  To identify factors contributing to the cyber-bullying and cyber-victimization

§  To identify barriers to prevention and response, including socio-cultural norms and values that act as barriers to reporting in the local context? Identify gaps in legislations and policy implementations that hinder setting up of effective response mechanisms?

§  To identify existing practices and programmer approaches internal and external to ChildFund that are effective in addressing OSEAC?


Objective 5: To develop recommendation for addressing cyberbullying and cybervictimization

To provide problem solving on how to prevent and addressing OSEAC at home, schools and community understand the factors that affecting the implementation of OSEAC.

At the macro level, it is expected to provide some inputs for government for addressing OSEAC.


7.  Scope of work:


-     The main goal of the Inception report is to develop the research agenda by refining the research questions, developing research method, data sources and collection, sampling and key indicators, timeline, and draft of data collection instruments, including key targeted stakeholder/key informants, detailed techniques for the collection of information proposed.


-     The quantitative study should involve children age 10 to 17, and youth age 18 to 24, in ChildFund targeted areas using self-reported online questioner and/or telephone interview for children who need assistance (for example children who do not have personal device to access internet or need assistance to understand the questioner).  Target participants in this research are children and youth in ChildFund program areas to promote child participation and ensure the benefit of this research to the participants and to through future ChildFund program.  


-     A qualitative case study will be carried out in 8 provinces (Urban,Rural Context). The selected communities will be identified during the inception report of the consultancy.  


8.  Expected Deliverables


The main results of the assessments are expected to consist of set data as indicated in the specific objectives and the appendix of indicators. The consultant will be responsible for specific deliverables:

·          Results of desk analysis including summary of data collected, identification of gaps in available data or poor quality of data, detailed reference list.

·          Inception report consist of detailed timeline for identification and training of enumerators, pre-testing and revision of instruments, data collection by specific location, data analysis, and report writing.

·          Provide materials for enumerator and train them.

·          First draft report with preliminary results.

·          Final report (refer to final report outline)


9.  Final Report outline: 

       Executive summary

       Chapter 1: Introduction: Importance, what being known, what are gaps in knowledge

       Chapter 2: Methodology

       Chapter 3: Results and Analysis

       Chapter 4: Conclusion

       Chapter 5: Recommendation

       References: should be clearly presented, if online reference available, link to those reference must be provided




10.     Ethical Consideration and Safeguarding.


ChildFund International ethical consideration and safeguarding policy is intended to protect and manage children's sensitive information in a manner that is respectful, professional, confidential, and compliant with applicable laws and standards, includes storage, retention, handling (including transmission) and disposal of children's sensitive information. The confidentiality of children information includes information on children, as well as information relating to any alleged cases of child abuse, neglect, or exploitation, including information on alleged or actual perpetrators.


For children participation if the respondents do not want to share their experience regarding OSEAC, then we must respect it as the respondent at first will be asked of his/her willingness to answer. Parents or caregivers/adults are required to give informed written consent prior to ChildFund's gathering, storing, or sharing children's sensitive information.


The consultants/institutional will required to sign and comply with Child Safeguarding Policy and the scope of non-disclosure agreement for consultants/Institutional for data protection and sharing.



·       Draft Final Report.

·       Final Report in Bahasa Indonesia.

·       Presentation of final findings.


11.     Research Team Qualification

The successful research team will be expected to have:

·       Strong substantial background in social sciences. Each research team members must have strong approach on child rights, child protection and experience in participatory research methodologies involving children, as well as gender analysis and an excellent research and publication record relevant to any of the above area.

·       Should have a proven capacity to work in a multi-disciplinary team, in policy environment, with overseas partners & practical experience in the field are also essential.

·       Experience of working with government departments, agencies, NGOs, and INGO's is also preferable.

·       Excellent spoken and written communication skills in English and Bahasa Indonesia is also essential.

·       A high degree of inter-sectoral development experience and capacity to manage an interdisciplinary team of consultants, synthesize data and findings of the study, and write a report in compliance with ChildFund's requirements and specifications. The team is expected consisting of Child Protection Specialist, Gender Specialist, and policy analyst

·       Strong computer literate and statistic social software.



12.  Deliverable and payment schedule






Payment schedule

Communication and scoping including instruments of assessment.

Inception report

1st week of April


Desk Review and field assessment Field preparation and conduct field assessments  

Draft Report of survey and desk review

4th week of May


Final Report and Presentation.

Submission of final report/ review and revise report




Final report & hand offer

2nd week of June 2022



The organization/Consultants/Technical expertise:

Interested consultants should send their full research proposal consist of:

§    Title

§    Brief Introduction

§    Background and statement of the problem

§    Research question or hypothesis, aim and objectives

§    Research design (type of study)

§    Research population and sampling

§    Data collection methods and instruments

Data analysis methods

§    Mechanisms to assure the quality of the research (Data Management)

§    Research timeline period - timetable for completion of the research

§    Ethical considerations

§    Resources required for the study, including detailed budget

§    References

§    Annexes (tools: copy of questionnaire, consent forms, etc.)

§    CV of key personnel and list of relevant past work experiences


Submit your interest at the latest 31 March, 2022 COB, to apane@childfund.org














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