Senin, 04 April 2022





  1. Project Background and Description

The Institute for Development Impact is a woman-owned, global monitoring and evaluation firm, dedicated to advancing evidence-based decision-making for improved social impact programming. To that end, I4DI specializes in advanced data analytics, independent research and evaluation, systems design and development, and monitoring to assess, inform, and strengthen policies and programs. I4DI is trusted by a diverse range of clients, including multilateral agencies like the World Bank Group and the United Nations, U.S. Government agencies including the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), as well as national governments, private foundations, and private sector clients around the world. Our team is well-known for its organization-wide evaluation experience, expertise in qualitative research methods, and systems approach to institutionalizing and sustaining data-driven decision-making. 

  1. Project Scope

I4DI is seeking a Gender Specialist for ACTIVE (Advancing Cocoa Agroforestry towards Income, Value and Environmental Sustainability), a collaboration of USAID and MARS, to develop Gender Equality and Social Inclusion strategy (GESI Strategy) for ACTIVE.  The project is targeting 9,000 cocoa farmers in 3 districts: Luwu Utara, Luwu Timur and Kolaka Utara.  The scope of work is to identify opportunities for addressing gender equality and social inclusion issues that ACTIVE may explore in its interventions. This includes recommendations for design of the overall ACTIVE approach, strategy and activities, including the monitoring, evaluation and learning framework, by providing an overview of the context for women and vulnerable groups as it relates to engagement, advocacy, and dialogue. 

The GESI Analysis addressed the following key questions:  what is the current context of roles and participation of women and vulnerable groups in cocoa farming in the location? What are the barriers to women and vulnerable groups' participation in cocoa farming? What are the opportunities for increasing the voice and participation of women and vulnerable groups and their organizations at the community and local level that help improve the household well being?  

  1. Requirements

Successful candidates should have: 

  • Advanced university Master degree or equivalent in business, agriculture, international development, gender development or other related fields.

  • At least 5 years of relevant experience analyzing and integrating gender dimensions into program activity.

  • Profound knowledge on gender issues and mainstreaming gender activity into program.

  • Innovative and driven to continuously improve projects and procedures.

  • Fluent in oral and written English (local language is a plus).

  1. Deliverables

The report on GESI Strategy for ACTIVE that includes gender issues, gender participation gaps, FGD Results and activity recommendation & strategy to be integrated into ACTIVE program that will beneficially affect men and women farmers in cocoa farming. This strategy should complement and can be used for Gender and Inclusive Development Action Plan (GIDAP) by USAID. The report should comprise of the following:

  • Key gender-related stakeholders

  • Gender and inclusion issues that affect the participation of men, women, and marginalized groups (indigenous people, youth, people with disability, the poorest and the most vulnerable groups.   

  • Fresh insights and information that ACTIVE could use to adjust and refine the approach and ensure that all activities are sensitive and responsive to the needs of women and men and traditionally excluded groups. 

  • Prioritized recommendations & action items

  • Monitoring & evaluation framework 

  • Staff training & capacity development plan

  1. Responsibilities

  • Assess & identify gender issues that affect men and women farmers in Cocoa Farming.

  • Recognize participation gaps between women and men to ensure inclusivity and empowerment of women.

  • Make activity recommendations and strategy on how to integrate gender equality and social inclusion in ACTIVE so the results are beneficial to both women, men, and marginalized groups.

  • Work with MARS team, field team, and MEL team to develop and conduct FGD & Key Informant Interview to men and women farmers and key stakeholder in cocoa farming.

  • Develop a gender strategy in cocoa farming based on Gender and Inclusive Development Action Plan (GIDAP) by USAID.

  • Conduct sharing results to all stakeholders within the ACTIVE project.

  1. Proposal Requirements

Proposal should include at least:

  • Proposed Methodology: please describe your research objective, research question, research framework, and analysis method that is going to be used in this study. (1 page)

  • Proposed Sampling: please explain your sampling method, number of samplings, number of FGD an Key Informant Interviews (1 page)

  • Proposed Timeline: please mention time that are needed from preparation, data collection, analysis and report writing (1 page)

  • Proposed Fee: please include a projected budget for the study with proposed method, sampling, and timeline above. Please note that the service is an individual consultancy. (1 page)

  • Past Experience: please provide 2 examples of your experience in conducting the same/related study with the same scope and same level of difficulty.

  1. Selection Criteria

  1. Proposed Method, Sampling, and technicality (50%): Include technical approach & methodology.

  2. Qualification (15%): Appropriate qualifications and experience of proposed personnel & team composition and skills.

  3. Past Experience (15%): Track record and experience of implementing activities of a similar size and technical.

  4. Budget and timeline (20%): Schedule, Workplan, and total budget needed.

  1. Application Instructions and Deadline

Proposal should be received no later than April 15, 2022. Send proposal to vmundiahi@i4di.org with the position title included in the subject line. No phone calls please. Applications will be acknowledged, but only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. I4DI is an equal opportunity employer. The selected consultant is expected to present the proposal further to the program.


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