Kamis, 23 Juni 2022



CWS Timor-Leste Project

June 2022

NO. CWS-JKT1/TOR/2022 – 0009

RFP NO. JKT1-RFP-2022-009



CWS Timor-Leste is implementing a Timor Zero Hunger (TØH) Project   to increase food security among food-insecure Timor-Leste families and work to improve the nutritional status of young (< 5) children in these families. The project employs a multi-sectoral approach to address the causes of food insecurity in the communities in Liquica District by improving the availability and consumption of nutritious food through integrated program interventions in agriculture livelihood, animal husbandry/livestock, health, water, and sanitation.

Starting in FY 2022, CWS Timor-Leste will implement the new project in 11 villages in Liquica District and the project will reach 1100 poor farmers families. The project activities will include the distribution of chicks, the capacity building on chicken raising, set up the demonstration plot, the information session on maternal and children health and care, capacity building on farming technique, and improvement of water source for farming and daily use.

To ensure the project indicators can be reached effectively, CWS Timor-Leste plans to do a baseline survey.


The general objective of the baseline survey is to provide a comprehensive picture of the project areas by looking at their institutions and communities in terms of their Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices (KAP) and other information in increasing food security and improving nutritional status in their communities that will be used as the foundation to develop the intervention strategies, thus at the end permitting to effectively measure the project impact over the course of the project lifespan.

Specific objectives:

To obtain information on determinant factors related to nutritional and health status of under-five children, such as diseases, social-economic (agricultural and animal husbandry), personal hygiene and sanitation (water), access for clean water, and livelihood.

To obtain information about knowledge, attitude and practice of families of food and nutrition, feeding practices, childcare, sanitation, health and relevant factors

To identify the association between nutritional status of under-five children and related factors.

To obtain information on key messages and potential communication channel/tools for conducting information and education activities.

Activity description:

CWS will invite a/team consultant that would be able to lead the surveys. The consultant will be responsible to develop the baseline tools, and ensure the baseline survey is conducted in a scientific research methodology and meet statistical analysis requirements for both qualitative and quantitative approach. The local enumerators will be hired by CWS TL. Enumerator training will be held prior to data collection and will be facilitated by consultant/team and supported by CWS Team. The trained enumerators will collect data in the villages and will be supervised by consultant and CWS team. Consultant will oversee ensuring data collection by enumerators in order to correct and complete it for data entry process. The data will be analyzed by consultant who then will develop final baseline report and submitted to CWS


Target Location of Baseline Survey

The survey will focus on assessing the above-mentioned objectives in the communities in 11 villages in Liquica ( Caimegahou, Nartutu, Metagou , Borrobei, Samanaru, Fatubesilolo, Ulmera, Fatukesi, Fahilebo, Maumeta, Vatovou)


Target Audience of Baseline Survey

The baseline result is intended for CWS improve the project management, intervention and accountability. The target audiences are: The beneficiaries impacted of the project and generally, the community, government and stakeholders of Liquica district.


Methodology for Baseline Survey

The consultant will be responsible for ensuring the baseline survey is conducted in a scientific manner.

To accommodate all outcome indicators required, the baseline survey methods should include detailed data on target beneficiaries, qualitative data and quantitative data.


All data, qualitative and quantitative, collected through the assessment must be disaggregated by locations, age and sex.  The external will develop specific questionnaire for each stakeholder and/or methodology


The following are proposed methodology and research tools  that will be employed (but not limited) during the research study.

Analysis of secondary sources: To conduct a thoroughly referenced literature review, relevant documents, agreements and policies with regard to food security and nutrition in Timor Leste.

Qualitative data collection: to collect ideas,  perceptions and experiences of communities (men, women, adolescent girls, and boys) and key stakeholders. The consultant will use qualitative research methods, such as focus group discussions and key informant interviews. The following are the key informants in each stakeholder.

Community Group Discussion in the two selected villages in Liquica district. The key informants should know the condition of the village, the community particularly the vulnerability (of farmers) to food security, malnutrition, etc).

The key informants should know the condition of the communities in the respective locations and its related stakeholder's capacity in reducing food security and improving nutrition. Inter-governmental agencies and its related stakeholders (i.e., Department of Health, the Department of Agriculture)


Quantitative data collection: to collect statistical indicators of the project so it will be necessary to conduct a survey which explores knowledge, attitude and practice related food security, nutrition and related information of the communities in the project areas. The quantitative data will be collected trough Kobo Collect.


Scope of Work


The consultant is expected to develop a detailed baseline survey plans and instruments prior to the field work.  The task will include:

Proposed work plan that clearly outlines the process of the surveys

Finalize and share the survey methodology including data collection methods; proposed structured questionnaires; and analytical framework

Desk Review: review all relevant project documents (including but not limited to project proposals, DIP and, log frame). Publicly available government or other agencies documents that relevant to this program components (such as water, sanitation and hygiene; home gardening; health and nutrition; gender; etc) will be also reviewed whenever necessary.

Data collection: Enumerators will collect data and will be supervised by consultant. The management of data collection will be arranged by consultant/ consultants' team

Finalize data collection tools (questionnaire, checklist) and guidelines for the baseline survey. The consultant will be responsible for finalization of tools and techniques for the survey and analysis.

Organize the 2 days training session for the enumerators and followed by the field practice.

Collect data from the respondents as per sampling list, using prescribed tools and techniques.

Prepare and finalize data analysis and tabulation plan and generate output tables accordingly; and lay out the findings and the data analysis.

Provide soft copy of cleaned data and initial finding summary.

Submit draft report, prior to submission of the final report. CWS will provide review of the draft report and provide necessary feedback. The consultant will then submit a final report addressing the feedback received from CWS.

Addressing feedback from CWS.


Expected Outputs

The consultant is expected to provide the following within the below timeline

Desk review, finalizing methodology and data collection tools

2nd week of  July

Enumerators' training and field test

2nd  week of July

Conducting data collection in District Liquica Timor – Leste

3rd-4th  week of July

Data Entry cleaning and compilation

4th  week of July

Data analysis and draft report writing

2nd week of August

Finalizing baseline survey report

End of August


Data collection tools based on indicators may include additional indicators as deemed necessary for the purpose of the surveys and be finalized together with CWS Project contact persons.


Institutional Arrangement

The consultant team will work under the supervision of CWS Program Director, CWS TL Program Manager and Senior Program Advisor/PDQ team

The consultant will be required to share drafts of the proposed work plan, deliverables, and coordinate the progress of the survey with either the CWS Program Director, Program Manager and Senior Program Advisor.


Duration of the Work and Duty Station

Duration of the assignment will be maximum two months of July– August 2022, beginning in 2st of week of July  2022.


Consultant Deliverables

The consultant team will submit the inception report including the agreed action plan to CWS within three working days of signing the agreement of this assignment.

The required number of qualified enumerators will be hired by the consultant team and trained on study subject, methodology, data collection and tools and techniques, quality control and data management

A dataset of the surveys will be developed and both furnished and non-furnished data set will be submitted to CWS.

Draft Report with preliminary survey results for quantitative and qualitative produced by no later than  second week of   August 2022.

The final report of the surveys will be submitted to CWS both in hard and soft copy (1 copies) by the consultant by  31 of August  2022


The final report should include detailed information of the following:

Cover Page

Table of content



Executive Summary


Baseline  survey background


Literature review




Data Analysis Plan

Limitations of research

Research findings

The findings shall be divided per village per district to have a clear idea of the current situation of targeted areas


Analysis (including non-response, variance estimation technique used and low complex sample design accounted for) table, chart, and narrative analysis

Conclusion and Recommendations

Summary of findings




Following lists must be given at the beginning: 

1.           Table of contents (automatically generated)

2.           List of Figures

3.           List of Tables



CWS will provide fees for consultant, while accommodation,  Jakarta -Dili return airfare , visa on arrival and transportation during data collection for 1 person consultant will be managed/budgeted by CWS  


Skills and Qualifications of Consultant

1.           Demonstrated expertise on food security, and nutrition.

2.           Track record in developing and conducting various types of evaluation including qualitative and quantitative data collection.

3.           Experience in managing and coordinating evaluation/research exercises, delivering agreed outputs on time and on budget.

4.           Experience in data collection and analysis using various methodologies (online and software)

6.           Ability to work with communities in relevant local languages (in this case East Timor would be an advantage).

7.           Strong quantitative data entry and analytical skills and previous experience using statistical analysis software.

8.           Ability to respond to comments and questions in a timely, appropriate manner.

9.           Ability to write high quality, clear, concise reports in English and Bahasa Indonesia.


Ethical and Child Protection Consideration

The consultant team must follow Ethical Principles for involving human subjects in research and obtain written/ verbal consent from the human subjects. Permission from elder must be sought if the children under 18 years are involved as subjects. Signed informed consent of each child and his/ her parents need to take after explaining purpose of the study and its usage.

In addition, CWS has a Child Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy, Code of Conduct, and Anti Human Trafficking Policy to minimize the risk of harm to children who come into contact with those employed by, or who are associated with, CWS. Therefore, the appointed consultant to this assignment must comply to these policies.

 Procedure for Expression of Interest

First Phase: Interested consultant should submit an Expression of Interest to: rfp.cwsindonesia@gmail.com , the latest on 30 June 2022 before 3 pm Jakarta time with a subject line of "CWS-TL BASELINE SURVEY" by enclosing the following required documents:

1.     Organizational Profile (for institutional consultant) or a CV (for individual consultant).

2.     A proposal containing two parts:

·       Technical Proposal comprising the description of proposed activities, methodology (sampling design, data collection technique), and implementation plan which includes study schedule and timeline for data analysis. The technical proposal should demonstrate understanding of study ethic, qualification of study team members and their CVs, as well as their roles in the study. The consultant should also describe her/his experience in conducting similar survey, and financial and technical capacity.

·       Budget/ Proposal. Note: CWS will arrange and paid directly for accommodation, air fare and airport tax and transportation during the field survey for 1 consultant.

 Second Phase: Based on received proposals, CWS will shortlist candidates and invite them to present their proposals. CWS will afterwards proceed with selecting and appointing a consultant, and produce a working contract with the selected consultant.


Only shortlisted consultant will be contacted for recruitment.

Operation Unit Church World Service.


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