[newdevjobsindo] Short term consultancy : External end of project evaluation Disaster Risk Resilience - Lowongan Kerja LSM NGO

Selasa, 12 Juli 2022

[newdevjobsindo] Short term consultancy : External end of project evaluation Disaster Risk Resilience



Short term consultancy



Programme/Project Title                Disaster Risk Resilience in Central Sulawesi (DiRiReCS)

Project Duration                    October 2020 – September 2022

Donors of the project                     Swiss Solidarity

Consultancy Title                           External end of project evaluation

Duration of assignment                  20 days




On 28 September 2018, a series of strong earthquakes struck the Central Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. The strongest of these earthquakes was measured at 7.4 magnitude, with an epicenter in the Donggala district. The earthquake triggered a tsunami whose waves reached up to seven meters in some areas. The earthquakes also led to liquefaction on farm and urban land and several landslides. According to the latest overall figures from the Government, the death toll has reached 4.340, including 667 people who have been declared missing as well as 1.061 bodies that were unidentifiable.

The Government as well as the communities were not prepared well enough to cope with the imminent disaster. Even now, the resources available are not sufficient to install mechanisms and build capacities to be well prepared for and mitigate a potential future hazard.

The Swiss NGO's Solidar Suisse (hereafter called Solidar) and Caritas Switzerland (hereafter called CACH) responded to the Central Sulawesi emergency since October 2018. Together with their local partner organisations Muhammadiyah Disaster Management Center (MDMC) and Yayasan Pusaka Indonesia (YPI), they've been implementing a project to strengthen the Disaster Risk Resilience on community, district and provincial level. In Central Sulawesi's Donggala and Sigi districts. Over a period of 24 months, the project has implemented and delivered the following outputs:

-        Disaster Management Plans (Rencana Penanggulangan Bencana Kabupaten Donggala and kabupaten Sigi) are developed for Sigi and Donggala districts

-        Emergency Operation Centers (Pusdalops) and Information Centre (Pusdatina) are set up and functional on provincial level and in Donggala and Sigi districts

-        DRR forums to coordinate relevant actors are established in Donggala and Sigi districts

-        All 7 Destana indicators are implemented in at least 80% of the 45 targeted villages in Sigi and Donggala districts

-        Mitigation measures are implemented in 45 villages to reduce the impact of future disasters

-        Information Systems are set up and operational in 80% of the 45 targeted villages in Donggala and Sigi districts

-        Joint Meetings between village level authorities and district level agencies take place



The purpose of this review is to assess the overall performance of the project and the achievement of the set objectives. Furthermore, it will assess the consortium structure and finally provide recommendations on how to potentially build on this project to further strengthen resilience in the project area (e.g. by the local government or DRR volunteer groups), but also on how other vulnerable areas can take lessons learned from this project as a model.


Guiding evaluation questions are:

1.     Relevance: Was the project intervention with its focus on Disaster Risk Reduction relevant and needs-oriented in the emergency response situation in Central Sulawesi?

o   Was the assistance provided relevant and according to identified priorities in coordination with other actors?

o   Was the assistance provided relevant and according to actual given context (local capacity, wisdoms, beliefs, etc)?

o   Was the assistance provided in line with government planning on the topic of DRR (on national and district level)?


2.     Effectiveness: To which extent did the projects achieve its objectives and delivered on the planned results?

o   Were the outcome goals achieved and to what extent?

o   Has the two-level approach (District level with government authorities + village level with communities) proven to be effective to generate a holistic DRR approach?

o   How is the participation, relevance and quality of the assistance perceived by the beneficiaries and local stakeholders (mainly local authorities and other organizations)?

o   Were the feedbacks from beneficiaries taken into account in the project implementation?


3.     Impact: To which extend has the project been or is likely to be able to mitigate the disaster and/or reduce the risk of disasters?

  • Have risk mitigation measures been implemented and managed to control or prevent hazards that previously occurred on a regular basis?
  • Did mitigation measures work and were they managed to reduce risks when recent hazards occurred (if any)?
  • Are all community members (including those most at risk) familiar with the mitigation measures and able to operate the measures properly?
  • Have mitigation activities had an impact on policy making and funding by authorities at all levels?


4.     Sustainability: To which extend can the sustainability of infrastructure (ex. mitigation measures, Pusdalops, village information systems, etc.) and capacity building intervention be assessed?

o   Are the mitigation infrastructure measures maintained and the use conform to the usual standards?

o   Are the newly established or revived DRR groups functioning and do they have the resources for maintaining the infrastructure and continue their activities?

o   Is the knowledge transferred to the communities understood and internalized in a sustainable manner?

o   Have the activities with government officials created lasting results? (e.g. Pusdalops trainigs, DRR legislation)

o   What challenges and good practice can be identified for sustainability and what kind of activities in future would improve this sustainability?


5.     Consortium: Did the consortium lead to more efficient and better results?

o   Did the organisations take advantage of opportunities to learn from each other, adapt good practice and make use of synergies?

o   Was the consortium set up well planned, implemented and an advantage compared to individual implementation?


The primary target audience of the evaluation is the Management of Solidar, CACH, MDMC and YPI Country Teams in Indonesia and Solidar and CACH Headquarters. The evaluation report will be shared with the donors, in particular with Swiss Solidarity.



The evaluation will focus on the entire project implementation in both geographical areas, i.e. Sigi and Donggala districts, but also taking the provincial level into account. A particular focus will be put on learnings from the project and providing recommendations to the relevant actors in Central Sulawesi (e.g. DRR groups, local authorities, local organisations) on how to further strengthen DRR in the area even beyond the project duration.



The consultant in cooperation with the Country Offices in Indonesia will develop the final methodology for the evaluation which will be included in the inception report. The methodology will have to combine both quantitative and qualitative tools and be used where possible in a participatory way. Suggested tools are:

  • Literature review
  • Review and analysis of project monitoring data
  • Review of project documentation and procedures
  • Observations
  • Key informant interviews
  • Focus Group Discussions with beneficiaries and other stakeholders
  • Discussions and interviews with the project teams and relevant actors (e.g. local authorities, community members, DRR group members, project staff, etc.)


The work will be concluded in a period of 20 days, indicatively broken down as follow:


Preparation (preparation methodology, work plan, inception report)


Briefings / Debriefings


Field work


Report writing & data analysis




The start of the evaluation is latest at the end of August 2022, and the final report must be submitted by 25 September 2022. The debriefing is expected to be on 12 September 2022 in Palu, Central Sulawesi. The proposed schedule is as follows:

25 August

1 day


26-27 August

2 days

Preparation (incl. inception report)

2-11 September

10 days

Field Work

12 September

1 day

Debriefing Workshop in Palu

14 – 18 September

5 days

Report writing & data analysis

19 September


Submission of draft evaluation report and booklet

22 September


Reception of feedback by consortium

23 September

1 day

Incorporation of feedback

25 September


Submission of final evaluation report and booklet



The consultant will be supported by the project's senior MEAL officer and the consortium team. The reports will be sent to Solidar and CACH representatives in Indonesia and their counterparts at the headquarters in Switzerland.



  1. The inception report will contain the following elements (max 5 pages):
  • Evaluation matrix lining out the subsidiary evaluation questions
  • Methodology
  • Sampling plan
  • Draft data collection tools (survey forms, topic guides for focus groups etc.)
  • Draft work plan for field work
  1. The consultant will organize a debriefing workshop in person in Palu to validate and discuss the provisional findings with the consortium team in Indonesia.
  2. The evaluation report will be submitted in English. It shall contain no more than 20 pages (excluding annexes). The report shall contain a general summary and sections covering methodology, analysis, and findings. Recommendations must be concrete and applicable and have clear responsibilities attached. The report must answer the final evaluation questions that are stated in, but not limited to, this TOR / the Inception report.
    1. Table of content of the evaluation report:

                                               i.     Cover page

                                              ii.     Acknowledgement page

                                             iii.     Content, map of area and list of acronyms

                                             iv.     Executive summary with the main findings

                                              v.     Methodology

                                             vi.     General report, including analysis and findings

                                            vii.     Recommendations

                                           viii.     List of resources/bibliography

                                             ix.     Timetable of consultant with references to stakeholders spoken to.


  1. Additionally, a booklet comprising key lessons learned and advise for similar interventions that can be adapted by other actors shall be elaborated. This documentation can include parts of the evaluation report but is targeted at the local actors, i.e. communities, DRR committees, local authorities, etc. The booklet must provide clear and applicable recommendations on how to further strengthen DRR in the area even beyond the project duration. The booklet should be concise and both, in English as well as in Bahasa language. In the annexes, relevant project documents shall be put that are useful for the audience, such as training plans, guidelines, background documents, etc.



·       Demonstrated experience in evaluating DRR projects

·       Proven knowledge of the DRR legislation in Indonesia, ideally experience in Central Sulawesi

·       Knowledge of the Humanitarian System and respective coordination structures, incl. DRR structures

·       Excellent thematic knowledge in Disaster Risk Reduction

·       Up-to-date knowledge of current (participatory) evaluation tools and methods and proven experience in the use of these tools

·       Fluency in Bahasa and in English language

·       Strong analytical skills

·       Ability to work effectively and under stress

·       Excellent writing skills in English and the ability to write concise, yet comprehensive reports

·       Ability to meet deadlines

·       Based in Indonesia


Bids must include the following:

·       Technical proposal including outline of evaluation framework and methods, comments on the TOR, proposed time frame and expected work plan

·       Financial proposal including daily consultancy fee, a breakdown of costs of travel (incl. travel in Central Sulawesi), accommodation, per Diems, any other costs for workshops, FGDs

·       CV(s) with qualifications, experience, contact details and evidence of past evaluations for the evaluator

·       2 References of previous clients for evaluations, including the contact details and relationship to the consultant


The review can be conducted by either an individual consultant or by a consultant team.


Submit complete bids by email to: recruitment@solidar.ch


Application deadline: Sunday 31.07.2021

Note that due to the urgency of the exercise applications will be evaluated on a rolling basis.

Only short listed candidates will be contacted.



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