[newdevjobsindo] [Yayasan WWF Indonesia - Request For Proposal] Conducting Brand Audit of Plastic Waste in Ciliwung River Across Jakarta, Depok, and Bogor - Lowongan Kerja LSM NGO

Minggu, 17 Juli 2022

[newdevjobsindo] [Yayasan WWF Indonesia - Request For Proposal] Conducting Brand Audit of Plastic Waste in Ciliwung River Across Jakarta, Depok, and Bogor

The Goal

The purpose of this consultancy is to provide WWF-Indonesia with a comprehensive analysis of plastic leakage to the environment through a plastic waste brand audit in the Ciliwung River across Jakarta, Depok, and Bogor and how the findings are linked to producers that should be held accountable for. The report should be useful as an advocacy tool to encourage the producers/companies – that are identified as the most polluting in the area where the audit is being conducted – to take a stepwise approach on how they can reduce the use of plastic in their products as well as managing their plastic waste both during the production process (pre-consumption) and right after being consumed (post consumption) in order to prevent the leakage of plastic waste to the environment.

Scope of Work

The hired Consultant is expected to conduct the following:
a. Preparatory work
Activities that fall under the preparatory work should include, but are not limited to:
  1. Developing plastic waste brand audit methodology that is widely recognized, most effective, and applicable in the river/waterway context, especially in the Ciliwung River across Jakarta, Depok, and Bogor cities. The methodology should answer the following:
    • How and how many sampling points are selected.
    • What types of plastic waste are audited.
    • How and how much plastic waste is collected, sorted, classified, and recorded.
    • How the brands and brands owners of the plastic are identified – the use of barcode scanning is preferred to increase the validation of brand identification
    • What necessary tools and equipment are used. 
       2. Developing brand audit schedule and work plan, as well as identifying the working team and key stakeholders to be engaged. 

b. Fieldwork

Activities that fall under the fieldwork should include, but are not limited to:
  1. Collecting, sorting, classifying, and recording the plastic waste generation in selected sampling points in accordance with the brand audit methodology agreed by WWF-Indonesia and the Consultant. 
  2. Identifying the brands and brand owners/companies of the plastic waste audited. 
  3. Identifying sources and causes of plastic waste generation in selected sampling points. 
c. Report writing

Activities that fall under the report writing should include, but are not limited to:
1. Developing a strong analysis of the collected brand audit data and presenting it in a high-quality and timely-manner report. The analysis should include:
  • Composition of the plastic waste, by its type, brand, and brand owners/original producers. 
  • Sources and causes of the plastic waste generated in selected sampling points – the analysis of this section should be supported with by the map of selected sampling points, including the GPS coordinates.
  • Analysis of companies' compliance with EPR policy according to PermenLHK 75/2019.
  • Analysis of national and local governance performance (including in the project cities area) on plastic waste management systems.
2. Developing a set of recommendations/key takeaways based on the brand audit analysis on how companies and other relevant key stakeholders could strengthen the plastic waste management system and EPR implementation in Jakarta, Depok and Bogor cities. 


The hired Consultant will deliver the following outputs:
  • A plastic waste brand audit report (in English and Bahasa Indonesia version) that provides detailed data and comprehensive analysis that can answer the 5W+1H of plastic pollution in the Ciliwung River across Jakarta, Depok, and Bogor cities, which can lead to a set of recommendations/key takeaways on how companies and other relevant key stakeholders, including local & national government, could strengthen the plastic waste management system and EPR implementation in Jakarta, Depok and Bogor cities. 
  • Excel files of raw and processed data of the plastic waste assessment & brand audit.
  • Documentation, including presentation, video, and photo, that conveys the process of the brand audit conducted in the Ciliwung River across Jakarta, Depok, and Bogor cities.

The Consultant shall possess the following experience and expertise:
  • Demonstrate expertise and ability to conduct the waste assessment and brand audit, especially in rivers/waterways.
  • Advanced understanding of waste management, plastic waste management, extended producers' responsibility, and circular economy.
  • Experience in working with local governments and local communities in Jakarta, Bogor & Depok cities, and familiar with communities' participatory process.
  • Experience in working with consumer goods manufacturers (CGMs), especially on plastic issues.
  • Excellent field research, report writing, and data management skills.
  • Excellent presentation as well as oral and written communication skills in Bahasa Indonesia and in English.
  • High level of initiative, flexibility, and resourcefulness with a drive for efficiency and results.

Reporting Responsibility

The Consultant will report to the Business Transformation Officer who will provide approval and acceptance of each deliverable under supervision from the Plastic Smart Cities Project Coordinator.

Duration and Funding

The duration of the contract will be from August to November 2022. the total value for this assignment will be payable in 3 installments with the following details:
  1. 30% at contract signing completion.
  2. 30% after the consultant submits the first draft of the brand audit report.
  3. 40% after the consultant receives final approval on each deliverable from WWF.

How to Apply

The application should be a maximum of the 5-page proposal, which includes:
  • Covering letter
  • Company description
  • Relevant project references (with copies or online links, to at least two relevant projects)
  • The proposed methodology, work plan, and milestone 
  • Project team
  • The proposed budget and timeline per activity
Additionally, interested candidates must submit:
  • CVs of key experts
  • Legality documents (akta pendirian, akta perubahan, SK Kemenkumham terkait akta, NPWP, SKT, SPPKP, nomor rekening perusahaan)
Please visit following link for complete information about this assignment ToR_Consultant to Conduct Brand Audit_FINAL.pdf


Please send the application as an e-mail, with attachments (files no more than 3MB), to procurement@wwf.id, cc: rfadila@wwf.id. Applications will be accepted until July 27, 2022, at 23:59 (GMT+7) and will be reviewed on a rolling basis. WWF reserves the right not to accept any tenders submitted.


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