[newdevjobsindo] EXTENDED: Consultant: Sustainable Investment Action Plan (SIAP) Document of Aceh - Lowongan Kerja LSM NGO

Kamis, 04 Agustus 2022

[newdevjobsindo] EXTENDED: Consultant: Sustainable Investment Action Plan (SIAP) Document of Aceh

We envision a healthy and prosperous Indonesia where biodiversity is valued and preserved. With offices and project sites across Indonesia, we promote a sustainable landscape-seascape approach and establish partnerships with multiple stakeholders across sectors and jurisdictions to deliver lasting impacts for people and nature in Indonesia.

As we are constantly expanding, we are currently looking Consultant to fill the following Terms below:

CONSULTANT (Institution/ Team)

Sustainable Investment Action Plan (SIAP) Document of Aceh




1.             General Background  

CSL is a platform based on a place that aims to align initiatives, financing opportunities, and local, government and market interests to jointly promote livelihood benefits for farming communities, economic development, and better management of natural resources. The areas that CSL focuses on are the provinces of Aceh and North Sumatra. CSL in collaboration with partners facilitates learning of good and sustainable practices developed for replication and amplification for more optimal results or achievements. 


2.             Purpose

Develop a Sustainable Investment Action Plan (SIAP) which will be harmonized and integrated into the Regional Long-Term Development Plan (RPJPD) and the Aceh Provincial Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMD) and priority programs of the Aceh Provincial government, such as Green Aceh. This SIAP document will outline strategic activities, priority locations and investment needs to achieve Green Aceh targets in the short and medium term, and in line with the Aceh Province development program. To support the government in achieving the Green Aceh target, this document will also become a reference for CSL in planning future programs with stakeholders.


3.             Estimated Timeline 

           August 2022 – January 2023 (approx. 6 months)


4.             Deliverables/Estimated Outputs

                   I.        SIAP final report which formulates resources and investment flows to support the implementation and achievement of short and medium term targets for Green Aceh in Aceh province which are in line with the Regional Long Term Development Plan (RPJPD) and the Regional Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMD) of Aceh Province. This report will include an analysis of investment opportunities and needs, assessing the readiness of existing empowerment programs (by government and non-government, in particular CSL partners) and strategic investment activities for sustainable landscapes.

                  II.        Recommendations to the Government and CSL regarding investment focus areas for aligning the achievement of targets for Green Aceh and social forestry.







·       Consultant plan & framework

·       Data collection and analysis methods

·       Assessment of capacity building needs in SIAP implementation


·       Consultant work plan during the READY working period

·       SIAP document drafting framework

2 (two) weeks after signing the contract

20 %


·       Analyzing environmental conditions that allow ( enabling environment ) investment-worthy areas. For example land ownership status, aggregation of producers, buyers, etc.

·       Assess program readiness, site conditions, locations and current initiatives against sustainable investment criteria based on the criteria defined above.

·       Gather sustainable investment profiles for financing mechanisms, available funding, funding structure for smallholders, funding requirements, etc.

·       Assess opportunities or readiness of programs in Aceh to access funding the.

·       Assess what capacity building programs need to prepare in order to access the funding.


·       Report on financial needs, investment and opportunity analysis for the implementation of the Green Aceh program that is in line with the Regional Long-Term Development Plan (RPJPD) and the Aceh Provincial Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMD).

2nd & 4th  month

35 %


·       Priority analysis of program opportunity channels that are ready or nearly ready for investment that best suit the requirements and objectives of the financiers set.

·       Looking across the spectrum from grants to commercial investments.


·       CSL investment opportunity channel reports aligned and matched with investors.

·       Action Plan reports that will assist in utilizing CSL and landscape programs along the preparedness spectrum.

2nd & 4th   month



·       Analyzing opportunities for aligning the Green Aceh program with social forestry or other similar priority and strategic programs as well as aligning it with the Regional Long-Term Development Plan (RPJPD) and the Aceh Province Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMD).

·       Identify opportunities to align social forestry with other government programs or other funding opportunities.

5th & 6th month



5.   Required Skills and Experience 

·       Consultants can be institutions, institutions, or teams of 3-5 individual consultants with one main consultant and members. The consultant will be responsible for the work completed and all results produced. Consultants will be selected following a competitive recruitment process.

·       The team leader should have extensive experience at senior level and have good experience in supporting national/sub-national governments in planning and implementing initiatives related to climate change/sustainable landscapes/sustainable production/circular economy agribusiness/areas related to integrated agriculture, in particular organizing collaboration and coordination meetings with different audiences, with the following required qualifications:

o    Educational background in environmental economics, public policy in the context of sustainable development, forestry, plantations (agroforestry) and other appropriate fields.

o    Language skills: fluency in writing and speaking in English and Indonesian is mandatory.

o    Have a good track record of experience in facilitating the preparation of public policy documents/government policy documents with clear and strong methodologies. Proven experience in engaging, working and facilitating diverse stakeholders from multi-sectoral groups at national and/or local levels.

o    Excellent analytical and communication skills.

o    Can demonstrate the ability to deliver quality results within tight deadlines and experience working in a multi-cultural environment is an asset.

6.   Submission Requirements

·       Proposals must be submitted in English or Indonesian

·       Proposals must be received no later than 12th August 2022 at 17.00 WIB. Late submissions will not be accepted. Proposals must be submitted via email to (insert email address). All proposals are to be submitted following the guidelines listed in this RFP.

·       Validity of bid. 120 days from the submission deadline

·       Clarifications. Questions may be submitted to (grantcontractID@konservasi-id.org) by the specified date and time in the timeline below. KI will respond in writing to submitted clarifications by the date specified in the timeline below. Responses to questions that may be of common interest to all bidders will be posted to the KI website and/or communicated via email.

·       Amendments. At any time prior to the deadline for submission of proposals, KI may, for any reason, modify the advertisement documents by amendment which will be posted to the KI website and/or communicated via email.

     7. Proposal Documents to Include

a.    Signed cover page on letterhead with the contact information.

b.    Signed Representation of Transparency, Integrity, Environmental and Social Responsibility (Attachment 1)

c.    Company profile and status.

d.    Technical Proposal.

                           i.       Corporate Capabilities, Experience, Past Performance, and 3 client references. Please include descriptions of similar projects or assignments and at least three client references.

                          ii.        Qualifications of Key Personnel. Please attach CVs that demonstrate how the team proposed meets the minimum requirements listed in section 5 (Minimum Requirements).

e.    Technical Approach, Methodology and Detailed Work Plan. The Technical Proposal should describe in detail how to carry out the requirements described in the Section 4, the means of collection/analysis, and the schedule of activities to be carried out.

f.     Financial Proposal. Offerors shall use the cost proposal template (Attachment 2).

8.    Evaluation Criteria

In evaluating proposals, KI will seek the best value for money considering the merits of the technical and costs proposals. Proposals will be evaluated using the following criteria:

Proposals will be evaluated ONLY against the Evaluation Criteria in the advertisement (no other evaluation criteria may be considered for selection).

Evaluation Criteria        Score (out of 100)

·       Technical proposals (50%) which include proposed methodologies/approaches, assessment tools, work plans, and timelines.

·       Portfolio and qualifications of members of the consulting team (25%), and

·       the amount of the proposed budget (25%).

9.    Proposal Timeline

Advertisement Issued

19 July 2022

Clarifications submitted to KI

26 July 2022

Clarifications provided to known candidates

29 July 2022

Complete proposals due to CI

8 August 2022

Final selection

16 August 2022

10.   Resulting Award

KI anticipates entering into an agreement with the selected bidder by (insert Date). Any resulting agreement will be subject to the terms and conditions of KI's Services Agreement. A model form of agreement can be provided upon request.

This advertisement does not obligate KI to execute a contract, nor does it commit KI to pay any costs incurred in the preparation or submission of the proposals. Furthermore, KI reserves the right to reject any and all offers, if such action is considered to be in the best interest of KI. KI will, in its sole discretion, select the winning proposal and is not obligated to share individual evaluation results.

11. Confidentiality

All proprietary information provided by the bidder shall be treated as confidential and will not be shared with potential or actual applicants during the solicitation process. This includes but is not limited to price quotations, cost proposals and technical proposals. KI may, but is not obliged to, post procurement awards on its public website after the solicitation process has concluded, and the contract has been awarded. KI's evaluation results are confidential and applicant scoring will not be shared among bidders.

12.   Code of Ethics

All Offerors are expected to exercise the highest standards of conduct in preparing, submitting and if selected, eventually carrying out the specified work in accordance with KI's Code of Ethics. Konservasi Indonesia's reputation derives from our commitment to our values: Integrity, Respect, Courage, Optimism, Passion and Teamwork. KI's Code of Ethics (the "Code") provides guidance to KI employees, service providers, experts, interns, and volunteers in living KI's core values, and outlines minimum standards for ethical conduct which all parties must adhere to. Any violation of the Code of Ethics, as well as concerns regarding the integrity of the procurement process and documents should be reported to KI via its Ethics Hotline at www.ci.ethicspoint.com.


13.  Attachments:

Attachment 1: Representation of Transparency, Integrity, Environmental and Social Responsibility

Attachment 2: Cost Proposal Template


Please send the required document (point 6 above) in PDF to:



Please fill the "subject" column of the e-mail with this format:

< SIAP_ACEH > - <Institution / Team Name>





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