[newdevjobsindo] CRS Indonesia is Looking for the Linking Cash and Voucher Assistance - Lowongan Kerja LSM NGO

Jumat, 04 November 2022

[newdevjobsindo] CRS Indonesia is Looking for the Linking Cash and Voucher Assistance

CRS Indonesia is Looking for the Linking Cash and Voucher Assistance

with Social Protection Systems in Indonesia' Scoping Study

Readiness To Respond Project




Catholic Relief Services (CRS) is the official international humanitarian agency of the Catholic community in the United States. CRS works to save, protect, and transform lives in need in more than 100 countries, without regard to race, religion or nationality. CRS' relief and development work are accomplished through programs of emergency response, HIV, health, agriculture, education, microfinance and peacebuilding.


CRS has been supporting program activities in Indonesia since 1957 under the Memorandum of Understanding with the Ministry of Social Affairs and has long-standing relationships with the Government of Indonesia, the Church and non-Church partners and communities throughout the country. The Indonesia country program focuses primarily in the areas of community development, humanitarian assistance/emergency response, disaster management, climate change adaptation and agricultural livelihoods, as well as capacity building for local partners in emergency response programming.


In July 2021 CRS received a second phase of funding for their global cash readiness work through the 'Readiness to Respond' project, from Margaret A. Cargill Philanthropies (MACP).  This grant aims to equip CRS partners and Country Programs to deliver the highest possible standard of CVA programming in a crisis through improving Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) preparedness.  Building on the work of the first phase of the grant and following the CRS CVA Readiness to Respond (R2R) Theory of Change, this 24-month second phase contains 4 key areas of work:

1.       Focus on local partners – CRS supports local partners to build their cash capacity according to their priorities.

2.       Build CRS Field Capacity (Country Programs and Regions) – CRS supports Country Programs to build their cash capacity according to their priorities.

3.       Improve Global Systems and Processes – CRS systems and processes will be eective, appropriate and t-for-cash.

4.       Shift Organizational Culture – CRS believes in cash as strongly as we believe in localization.


In addition to strengthening the capacity of project partners in Indonesia (Human Initiative, MDMC, Yayasan Pusaka Indonesia and LPBI NU), the project seeks to strengthen internal systems and the relevance of CRS' and partners' CVA programming. In alignment with the project's objectives and internally identified needs, CRS will conduct a scoping study on social protection in Indonesia.


CRS Indonesia is seeking a consultant to conduct a study on the linkages between humanitarian CVA with Indonesia's Social Protection systems and programming. The study is expected to provide CRS and partners with insights and recommendations to identify ways to improve the implementation of CVA programming.



Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) refers to all programs where cash transfers or vouchers for goods or services are directly provided to individuals, household or community recipients[1]. The volume of humanitarian assistance delivered through CVA has grown steadily, reaching USD 5.6 billion in 2019[2]. In 2021, CRS and partners distributed USD 75 million in CVA assistance globally. Cash offers a flexible option to deliver assistance that not only enables people to make their own decisions about their recovery, but also supports the recovery of local markets following a crisis.


Humanitarian and disaster management actors in Indonesia are increasingly adopting cash programming to reduce vulnerability. In Indonesia, CVA modalities have gained traction since first being introduced following the 2004 Aceh tsunami. In the last two years, CRS Indonesia and local partners alone provided USD 5.2 million in cash voucher assistance.


SP mechanisms in Indonesia were established two decades ago, and since then progress has been made towards establishing safety nets for a wide range of risks and enabling economic and social development[3]. Currently government SP programming includes the provision of scholarships, health insurance, subsidized food, labour skill development, and disaster assistance for affected and vulnerable individuals. Post-disaster emergency cash transfer programs are largely regulated by the Ministry of Social Affairs (MoSA), who are also considered the leading agency for humanitarian cash programming and help coordinate the national Cash Working Group (under the sub-cluster cash and social protection). Despite progress in developing SP systems, Indonesia's social protection systems are fragmented with many different schemes and institutions and do not yet adequately cover existential threats and losses resulting from disasters.


While SP and CVA are concepts that have been put into action since the early 2000s, there have been limited efforts to understand the integration of SP and CVA in Indonesia. Complementarity between humanitarian CVA programs and government-led SP can support the strengthening of the humanitarian-development nexus and overall resilience.  



The overall objective of the scoping study is to understand the role of SP and CVA in Indonesia and identify opportunities to integrate better integrate CVA with existing SP systems and mechanisms. This study will provide recommendations to CRS and partners on how to leverage existing SP policies, programs, and delivery mechanisms so that where possible and appropriate, humanitarian CVA uses, links or aligns with SP mechanisms and systems. 


Specific objectives are:

·       To identify/map key SP initiatives that exist with potential for integration with humanitarian CVA programming.

·       To identify potential overlaps in CVA provided by the humanitarian community and government social protection initiatives, including comparing levels of assistance.

·       To identify recommendations for potential engagement with the existing social protection system to ensure more effective CVA programming.




The 'Linking Cash and Voucher Assistance with Social Protection Systems in Indonesia' Scoping Study will draw on the conceptual framework developed by Social Protection Approaches to COVID-19 Expert Advice (SPACE) to explore linkages at three levels: (i) policy and governance, (ii) design, and (iii) delivery systems (implementation and distribution).


Inline image



The study will focus on the following questions based on the conceptual framework above for social protection mechanisms linked to basic needs, shelter/housing, WASH, nutrition, and specific programs targeting extremely poor and vulnerable. The study is expected to focus primarily on questions around policy and program, with a potential lighter touch on secondary questions around implementation and cross cutting issues.






·       What are the key policy frameworks and objectives that direct SP programming in Indonesia?

·       How do policy measures identify the key target groups and the types of SP interventions these groups should receive?

·       How can humanitarian CVA programming be aligned with existing policies and SP interventions to be more effective?

Program design

·       How can targeting and eligibility criteria for SP programming be better aligned with humanitarian CVA programming?

·       What are common sources of data used to design SP programming and what opportunities exist to align data points with humanitarian CVA responses?

·       What are the transfer values, frequency and duration of key social protection mechanisms which overlap with humanitarian programming?

Program implementation

·       What are common payment mechanisms and financial service providers used in delivering SP programs in Indonesia?

·       What possible synergies could there be between how cash is delivered via SP mechanisms and how humanitarian CVA is currently delivered? What opportunities exist (or are being missed) to deliver aid more effectively and efficiently?


·       How are SP mechanisms coordinated at present?

·       What opportunities can be leveraged to improve coordination between government and humanitarian actors?  




The study will use the SPACE conceptual model to identify linkages between SP and humanitarian CVA programming in Indonesia to support CRS and partners in delivering appropriate and effective CVA. This scoping study is a relatively light exercise addressing primarily the needs of CRS and implementing partners.


It is anticipated that the study will include both a desk review of existing documentation and key informant interviews with staff from key agencies. The desk review will map existing SP policies and interventions in Indonesia focusing on those provided by the Ministry of Social Affairs, BNPB, Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Cultural Affairs, Ministry of Agriculture and PUPR. Key informant interviews (which can be done in-person or remotely) with relevant stakeholders, including UN Agencies and Cash Working Group members, will identify existing practices and entry points in terms of policy and programming.



Under supervision of CRS Indonesia R2R staff and supported by the Head of Programs and CRS' Cash and Market's Technical Advisor, the scope of work of the consultant will include:

·       Conduct an in-depth desk review (i) to map and assess the most relevant SP policies and interventions in Indonesia, and (ii) to identify relevant practices of CRS Indonesia and other CVA practitioners that demonstrate linkages between humanitarian CVA and SP programming. 

·       Identify and analyze challenges and opportunities in linking CVA and SP programming relevant in terms of policy, programming, and cross-cutting issues in Indonesia.

·       Organize and conduct key informant interviews with relevant stakeholders.

·       Prepare a report (not exceeding 20 pages) to contribute to CVA programming improvements.



The expected deliverables are detailed in the table below. An estimate of 15 working days are expected with the consultancy conducted between November 2022 to January 2023. In addition to these deliverables, the consultant is expected to hold regular check in meetings with the core Readiness to Respond Project Team and organize necessary meetings with specific technical experts from CRS and other relevant stakeholder as required. All deliverables, including annexes, notes and reports should be submitted in writing in English. Upon receipt of the deliverables and prior to payments, relevant deliverables, and related reports.


Expected Deliverables


Tasks and Deliverables

Working days

Target dates

Percentage of payment


Attend virtual inception meeting with CRS to discuss proposed  methodology and workplan. Prepare methodology, questionnaire for the scoping study, and workplan for the review.


Deliverables: Brief Inception report with workplan.

2 days

December 1, 2022



Desk review and key informant interviews with relevant stakeholders. Virtual meeting to share preliminary findings.


Deliverables:  Brief report and presentation on the desk review and interview preliminary findings.

9 days

December 20, 2022



Incorporate suggestions and inputs from CRS.


Deliverables:  Final report and Powerpoint slides on findings and recommendations.

3 days

January 10, 2023


Total days

15 days







CRS expects the consultancy to be done remotely with potential travel to Jakarta, if required.  



For this Social Protection Scoping Study, a consultant with the following qualifications is required:

·       Minimum has a bachelor's degree in social sciences, development studies or related field.

·       Proven experience in conducting studies, research, assessment, and summarizing recommendations in English and Bahasa Indonesia

·       Minimum 5 years of experience or a proven track record working on social protection issues. Humanitarian or CVA programming is a plus.

·       Demonstrable experience in desk research methodologies.

·       Able to work with minimal supervision and deadline oriented.

·       Good interpersonal, organizational, and written/verbal communication skills, including cross-cultural understanding



Indonesian individuals or institutions are eligible to apply. Interested consultants are expected to submit the following documents:

1.     An updated CV or resume that outlines relevant experience and qualifications

2.     Proposed budget to complete the activities

3.     An example of previous research or publications, preferably related to social protection

4.     Legal documents such as but not limited to KTP and NPWP, as well as notarial deeds and letters of establishment of institutions (for agencies)



***Our Catholic identity is at the heart of our mission and operations. Catholic Relief Services carries out the commitment of the Bishops of the United States to assist the poor and vulnerable overseas. We welcome as a part of our staff people of all faiths and secular traditions who share our values and our commitment to serving those in need. CRS' processes and policies reflect our commitment to protecting children and vulnerable adults from abuse and exploitation.


CRS' talent acquisition procedures reflect our commitment to protecting children and vulnerable adults from abuse and exploitation.

CRS is an Equal Opportunity Employer

Applicants who fulfil the above requirements are requested to submit all required documents to Indonesia_HR@crs.org  by November 15, 2022. Please, indicate "Applicant Name" – Social Protection Scoping Consultant in the subject. 

"Only short-listed candidates will be invited via e-mail/phone for Interview"


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