[newdevjobsindo] Job Vacancy: Climate Change and Environment Specialist - Lowongan Kerja LSM NGO

Rabu, 30 November 2022

[newdevjobsindo] Job Vacancy: Climate Change and Environment Specialist










Field Support Services Project (FSSP) is a five-year project (October 2019 – October 2024) funded by Global Affairs Canada (GAC) and managed by Cowater International. FSSP provides administrative, financial, procurement, and logistical services as well as support to the in-country development programming for the Government of Canada through the provision of technical specialists in gender equality, governance and human rights, and environment and climate action and assisting GAC in procuring and managing local development initiatives. These programs will take place in Indonesia and the ASEAN regions.




Canada and Indonesia share 70 years of collaboration. Canada is committed to strengthening its relations in the Indo-Pacific region by working with Indo-Pacific partners through Canada’s Indo-Pacific Strategy.

In the context of climate change, Indonesia’s Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions are of global significance. Currently, Indonesia’s biggest emissions comes from the Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use – AFOLU (including peat fire) and the energy sector; where both sectors comprising 88.5% of the country’s total GHG emission in 2016. At the same time, Indonesia is also highly vulnerable to climate change.


There is growing recognition that Nature-based Solutions (NbS) present opportunities to make progress in tackling climate change. NbS for climate change adaptation and mitigation are actions that protect, sustainably manage and/or restore natural or modified ecosystems in order to support climate action, while simultaneously providing human wellbeing and biodiversity co-benefits.


At the 2021 G7 Leaders’ Summit, Canada announced a doubling of its international climate finance commitment, to $5.3 billion over the next five years (2021-2026). At COP26 in Glasgow, Canada announced that at least 20 per cent of its international climate finance commitment is to be allocated to NbS in developing countries in a bid to limit biodiversity loss. This commitment will particularly help low and middle-income countries already affected by climate change, such as Indonesia, to transition to sustainable, low-carbon, climate-resilient, nature-positive and inclusive development.


During the 2022 G20 Leaders’ Summit in Bali, Canada announced numerous investments targeting Indonesia to strengthen Canada’s engagement in the Indo-Pacific region. $48 million of support was announced to ‘Protect the environment and fighting climate change’ (see Canadian investments in the Indo-Pacific and G20 priorities | Prime Minister of Canada (pm.gc.ca); Prime Minister advances Indo-Pacific engagement and shared priorities at G20 Summit | Prime Minister of Canada (pm.gc.ca) ).


As well, G7 Leaders and Indonesia issued a joint statement announcing a new Just Energy Transition Partnership to accelerate Indonesia’s clean energy transition in an inclusive way. Canada will contribute to this new partnership by allocating $550 million to Indonesia from existing climate commitments, e.g. $1 billion to the Climate Investment Funds’ Accelerating Coal Transition Program (CIF-ACT), of which Indonesia was one of the first funding recipients.


G7 countries, including Canada, have committed to tackling climate change and biodiversity loss in an integrated manner, thereby contributing to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals and a green, inclusive and resilient recovery from COVID-19. They have agreed “a global system-wide change is required” to ensure that the world becomes not only net-zero on carbon emissions (aligned with the Paris Agreement), but also nature positive. Therefore, Canada’s international assistance efforts do not harm the environment and environmental degradation does not erode development gains.


Specifically, Canada’s international assistance to Indonesia helps to reduce the country’s emissions particularly in mangroves landscapes, peat land, forestland, and agricultural land, reduce biodiversity loss, and as well increasing resilience of coastal communities and ocean ecosystems. Canada also provides support to its clean energy transition and renewable energy development. Canada supports the creation of inclusive waste management economies and transitioning towards a circular economy by supporting healthy oceans while promoting people’s livelihoods in Indonesia.


Recognized as a climate leader, mainly due to its robust domestic carbon pricing, Canada launched the Carbon Pricing Initiative at COP27 in Egypt this year. Canada called on all nations to expand the use of pollution pricing in fighting climate change.


In terms of Canada’s bilateral development assistance program in Indonesia, there are six operational projects in environment and climate action. The program covers the following objectives and sectors:

  1. mangroves restoration and protection through nature-based silvofishery (see Project profile - Nature-based Solutions for Livelihoods in Mangrove Landscapes - Canada.ca (international.gc.ca) ;
  2. sustainable landscape management, including peatland management, watershed management and climate-smart agriculture (see Project profile - Land4Life (Sustainable Landscape for Climate-Resilient Livelihoods) - Canada.ca (international.gc.ca);
  3. coral reef ecosystems management, biodiversity and community resilience (see Project profile - Oceans for Prosperity – Indonesia - Canada.ca (international.gc.ca);
  4. integration of blue carbon sector in green house gas accounting (see Project profile - Enabling Blue Carbon in Indonesia - Canada.ca (international.gc.ca) ;
  5. develop innovative new financial risk models associated with climate change exacerbated flooding; develop living laboratories for scientists to test new methods to protect and rehabilitate critical peatland and mangrove ecosystems; and, support the development of policies on carbon taxes, and carbon cap and trade programs (see Project profile - Flood Impacts, Carbon Pricing and Ecosystem Sustainability - Canada.ca (international.gc.ca); and,
  6. foster innovative financing for gender-responsive climate businesses (see Project profile - Tropical Landscape Public-Private Partnerships for Sustainable Development Goals - Canada.ca (international.gc.ca)


In addition, Canada takes active participation in meetings/events/dialogues in Indonesia for the following sectors: clean energy transition, and waste and plastic management.


Since 2000, Canada has provided $4.4 billion in development assistance to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and to its Member States. Canada’s international development assistance to the region helps strengthen the regional policy agenda and reinforces ASEAN institutions to address shared regional development goals. Canada’s ASEAN regional development program focuses on  development priorities which are aligned with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and Canada’s Feminist International Assistance Policy, including:

  • developing ASEAN human capital by investing in people, including promoting life-long learning, sustainable economic growth and the protection and rights of vulnerable populations; and
  • strengthening ASEAN regional stability by advancing peace and security, gender equality (with a particular emphasis on women’s empowerment) and disaster management.

The ASEAN regional development program works closely with ASEAN stakeholders, including the ASEAN Secretariat, ASEAN Member States, partners, donors and Canada’s bilateral missions in all 10 ASEAN Member States.




Located in Jakarta, the Embassy of Canada to Indonesia and the Mission of Canada to ASEAN require the services of a Climate Change and Environment Specialist (the Consultant).

Responding efficiently and effectively to specific requests that:

  1. Provide up-to-date sectoral knowledge and analysis in the field of climate change and environment in Indonesia and the ASEAN region. This input will help inform Canada’s strategic interests in Indonesia and ASEAN, HQ decision-making, and dialogue with Canada and the Government of Indonesia (GoI) and ASEAN counterparts.
  2. Support on the implementation of Global Affairs Canada’s (GAC) climate change and environment programming in Indonesia and ASEAN. Ensure that all programming (regardless of sector) reflect Canada’s environment requirements in our international assistance programming. 
  3. Develop strong climate-change and environmental analysis to GAC’s program/project planning and development. This input will help to implement Canada’s Feminist International Assistance Policy and Indo-Pacific Strategy.




The required services of the Consultant include, but are not limited to:


a.     Evidence-based analysis and advice that contributes towards sectoral knowledge:

    • identifying new plans and priorities of the Government of Indonesia and ASEAN.
    • providing regular updates and analysis on development or policy changes in the sector.
    • assessing Canada’s planned support to Indonesia and ASEAN against Canada’s strategic interests (and collecting relevant information to feed into this assessment)
    • developing and maintaining networks with key actors and respectively providing GAC with observations gained from participation in meetings and other events with GoI and other actors in Indonesia.
    • donor mapping, projects mapping and/or stakeholders mapping.
    • keeping track of GAC’s climate finance implementation in Indonesia and ASEAN, particularly multilateral programming.
    • providing advice prior to meetings/consultative meetings/policy dialogues in a timely manner.
    • knowledge dissemination of briefs and analysis.
    • liaising with relevant GAC headquarter Specialists (i.e. Environment Specialist, Forestry Specialist, etc.) as appropriate.
    • participating in meetings as required.


b.     Program/project planning and development:

    • reviewing project proposals.
    • carrying out research and providing assessment on organizations’ capacities.
    • identifying opportunities and barriers.
    • identifying lessons learned/best practices from previous GAC projects and from other projects in the field.
    • identifying synergies with other development projects.
    • supporting the planning of new initiatives through scoping exercises.
    • as necessary, providing support towards identifying and assessing potential new and operational projects for environment/ climate risks and opportunities; propose risk mitigation and opportunity enhancement measures by working closely with the HQ assigned environment specialist and Project Team Lead to complete the mandatory Environmental Integrity Process (EIP) form.


c.     Program/project monitoring:

    • monitoring climate change and environmental projects and providing advice to maximize achievement of results.
    • making recommendations about any needed corrective or additional measures.
    • as necessary, monitoring and evaluating operational projects for its compliance with mandatory EIP.


d.     Developing and maintaining networks:

    • initiating contacts and meetings.
    • participating in seminars/meetings/workshops.
    • organizing or contributing in climate change donor meeting(s) and other related meetings.


e.     Providing general support for the operation of GAC’s field office activities in Indonesia:

·      database support and data collection.

·      documents review and editorial support.

·      organizing meetings, documenting meetings/visits with photos, writing event updates for social media or further publications, and writing meeting reports.


f.      Providing oral and written briefings on any of the above services through ad-hoc and regular meetings/conference calls with GAC’s Indonesian Program and ASEAN Program Sector Leads, GAC HQ specialists, and team.


g.     Any other relevant tasks as assigned by the GAC.




The Consultant is expected to work in close cooperation with the Embassy of Canada to Indonesia and the Mission of Canada to ASEAN to produce the following deliverables:


Ref. no.

Description of output

Detailed description of the components to be delivered by the Consultant



Quarterly Work Plan

Detailed work plan outlining expected activities in the coming quarter, including anticipated budget spending as appropriate.



Quarterly progress report

Detailed activities report highlighting key progress, opportunities, risks, deliverables, and activities for the past month.



Ad-hoc report / analysis

Deliverables as requested by GAC’s Indonesia Program and ASEAN Program Sector Team Lead. This can include, but is not limited to:

  • Report / briefing note / one-pager / written comments, with either brief assessment or detailed assessment and/or recommendations as appropriate, on specific climate change and environment policy/issue/approach(es) or specific stakeholder(s).
  • Regular update report of new or ongoing policy direction of the Government of Indonesia and/or ASEAN in the climate change mitigation, adaptation, mangroves, forestry, agriculture, peatland, oceans, energy, biodiversity and blended finance.

As Required


Meeting minutes and documentation

Write up of all key meetings and upload of supporting documentation onto shared folder provided by the FSSP.

As Required


Unless otherwise stated, the Consultant will, to the extent possible:

  • Use both sides of the page when producing documents, reports, etc.;
  • Use recycled paper to print and produce reports and other documents.




GAC requires the services of a national expert with specific climate change expertise as well as broader environment knowledge. This includes:

a.     Climate mitigation. Solid knowledge of and a professional network with Indonesian and ASEAN institutions/ think tanks/ influential actors in the agriculture, forestry and mangroves forest management.

b.     Climate adaptation. Solid knowledge of and a professional network with Indonesian and ASEAN institutions/ think tanks/ influential actors in the climate adaptation, particularly in flooding and agriculture.

c.     Biodiversity. Solid knowledge of and a professional network with Indonesian and ASEAN institutions/ think tanks/ influential actors in the climate adaptation, particularly in marine ecosystems.


The Consultant is responsible for the quality of all reports that s/he produces and submits.




  • Strong knowledge of the Indonesian climate change policies and programmes, methodologies, technologies and practices, and socio-economic and cultural context. For example, Indonesia’s Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC), Indonesia’s National Communications and biennial update report, and National Action Plan on Adaptation to Climate Change (RAN-API).
  • Knowledge and understanding of ASEAN institutions and bodies, and ASEAN’s climate change policies or ongoing programmes.
  • Strong knowledge of international developments on climate change, including global agreement, methodologies, and technologies and practices. Reference documents include the Paris Agreement; the 2019 IPCC Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C (link); IPCC Climate Change 2022: Mitigation of Climate Change Report (link); the Sustainable Development Goals (link).
  • Capacity to identify and analyze socio-economic, political and cultural context, understand different vulnerability among target groups, develop scenarios, and develop program impact assessment.
  • Ability to lead strategic planning and contribute to the implementation and monitoring of programmes.
  • Ability to self-learn new subject areas in the field of climate change and environment.
  • Ability to deliver quality reports or assessments in a short time.


  • Good facilitation skills and ability to generate ideas from, and build consensus among, a wide variety of stakeholders; and demonstrated ability to work with people from diverse backgrounds and perspectives.

The Consultant will be expected to learn and understand Canada’s international assistance policies and strategies, which include:

·       Canada’s Feminist International Assistance Policy (FIAP) - link

·       Strategic Environmental Assessment of FIAP’s Actions Areas – link

·      Action Area Policies: Environment and Climate Action; Growth that Work for Everyone - link

·      Environmental Integration Process – Development Programming - link

·       GAC’s Results-based management approach - link


Required Knowledge, Skills and Experience


The Consultant is expected to possess skills and experience in the following areas:


  • Postgraduate degree directly related to climate change, forestry and/or agriculture.
  • Minimum 10 years of professional work experience as a technical expert or an advisor in climate change programming, including in climate mitigation (agriculture, forestry and mangroves forest), climate adaptation (flooding, agriculture), and biodiversity (marine ecosystems).
  • Strong networks with Indonesian Government and non-Government stakeholders in climate change, sustainable landscape management, mangroves forest management and/or marine ecosystems management, as well as ASEAN counterparts.
  • Strong knowledge of the Indonesian climate change mitigation, adaptation and biodiversity policies, state of progress in meeting climate change and biodiversity commitments, Indonesian landscape (mangroves, peatlands), social forestry programs as well as Indonesian socio-economic and cultural context.
  • Strong knowledge of the international developments on climate change issues and biodiversity.
  • Demonstrated track record in report writing (in English).
  • Strong analytical skills and strategic thinking.


The following knowledge, skills and experience will be considered as assets:

  • Knowledge of GHG emissions accounting in blue carbon, peatland management, and carbon pricing/markets.
  • Ability to calculate GHG emission reductions using standard IPCC/ GHG Protocol methodologies.
  • Good understanding of blended finance for climate and environment objectives, and micro-insurance.
  • Good understanding of gender equality challenges in the climate change and environment sectors.
  • Good understanding of project development and results-based management.
  • Experience working with the Government of Indonesia, development banks, and donors.


Language Requirements


The Consultant must be fluent in Bahasa and possess the following levels in English:


Oral = 4 – Advanced Professional Proficiency

Reading = 4 – Advanced Professional Proficiency

Writing = 4 – Advanced Professional Proficiency


Most of the reporting will be written in English.




The Consultant will work from his/her home base with virtual and in-person meetings/interviews with GAC colleagues and external experts. The Consultant is expected to rely on his/her expertise, conduct an extensive literature review, and as necessary perform triangulation through discussion with stakeholders.

The Consultant will report to: 1) Climate change Sector Lead of the Indonesia Program at the Embassy of Canada to Indonesia, and 2) Head of Development Cooperation of the Mission of Canada to ASEAN. In the event that travel to other regions or cities is necessary, all necessary costs will be borne by GAC, through the Indonesia/ASEAN Field Support Services Project (FSSP), following the approval of a travel plan and associated budget.


7.   Duration of the Contract


The Consultant is expected to start on 2 January 2023/as soon as possible. The total expected duration of the assignment is up to 180 days until 31 December 2023. All reports must be finalized and           submitted within this period.


Payments will be processed monthly upon the presentation of a timesheet and invoice detailing the level of efforts for each deliverable.


How to apply:


Interested individual consultants must include the following documents when submitting the applications with email Subject: FSSP- Climate Change and Environment Specialist  to admin@fssproject.com latest by 15 December 2022:


  1. CV indicating all past experience from similar projects, as well as the contact details (email and telephone number) of the Candidate and at least three (3) professional references.

2.    Brief statement as to why the individual considers him/herself as the most suitable for the assignment.

3.    Financial Proposal shall be submitted in the following format:

-     The financial proposal should specify an all-inclusive daily rate for up to 180 working days;

-     The financial proposal must be all-inclusive and take into account various expenses that will be incurred during the contract, including: the daily professional fee and when applicable any other relevant expenses related to the performance of services under the contract, not including travel expenses.


Qualified women are encouraged to apply.


Cowater International is an equal opportunity employer, basing employment on merit and qualifications as they relate to professional experience and position expectations. Cowater does not discriminate against any employee or applicant on the basis of race, religion, sex, gender identity, disability, age, or any other basis protected by law.


We thank all applicants, however only those shortlisted will be contacted




The award of the contract shall be made to the individual consultant whose offer has been evaluated and determined as: a) responsive/compliant/acceptable; and b) having received the highest score out of the weighted criteria (70% technical score (comprising of 15% technical qualifications desk review, 25% written test, and 30% interview) and 30% financial score.


The proposals that achieve a minimum of 70% for the technical qualifications desk review shall be further considered for an interview and written test. The financial score shall be computed as a ratio of the proposal being evaluated and the lowest priced proposal received for the assignment.


Technical Score (70%)


Financial Score (30%)

  1. Technical qualifications desk review (based on the criteria and points listed below) (15%)
  1. Written test (25%)
  1. Interview  (30%)


Technical Qualifications Desk Review


The evaluation of the Technical criteria will be as follows:


St No




Academic qualifications of the Consultant.

10 points


Minimum 10 years of professional work experience as technical expert or advisor in climate change, and sustainable landscape management in international development programs or projects.

30 points


Strong knowledge of the Indonesian climate change climate change mitigation, adaptation and biodiversity, climate-related technologies and know-how, Indonesian landscape (mangroves, peatlands), forestry programs as well as Indonesian socio-economic and cultural context.

20 points


Strong professional network with a wide range of stakeholders working on climate change or sustainable landscape management, mangroves forest management and/or marine ecosystems management, as well as ASEAN counterparts.

20 points


Strong knowledge of the international developments (UNFCCC/ Paris Agreement) on climate change issues, including sustainable landscape management, AFOLU and climate adaptation sectors.

10 points


Strong knowledge of renewable energy and/or other climate change and environment sectors, including plastic waste management and its impacts on marine pollution, and low carbon development.

10 points


Total points

100 points






With more than 34 years’ experience, Cowater International is Canada’s global leader in management consulting services specializing in international development and has managed the implementation of over 800 projects in more than 80 countries around the globe. We work with governments, partner organizations, communities and civil society to design and implement sustainable solutions that generate lasting social, financial and environmental impacts. Our adaptive approach to management has led to our award-winning work and recognition as one of Canada’s Best Managed Companies in 2017 and 2018. Headquartered in Ottawa, Canada, Cowater International also has corporate offices in Montreal, Quebec, Paris, France, Pretoria, South Africa, and London, United Kingdom, Nairobi, Kenya in addition to project offices in a wide variety of other locations across Sub-Saharan Africa and Asia.


We thank you for your interest in building a better tomorrow with Cowater International.




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