[newdevjobsindo] RFP 2003-05: Hiring an Agency to Facilitate USI Internal Quality Control Refresher Training in Central Java & East Java Provinces - Lowongan Kerja LSM NGO

Selasa, 29 November 2022

[newdevjobsindo] RFP 2003-05: Hiring an Agency to Facilitate USI Internal Quality Control Refresher Training in Central Java & East Java Provinces

Dear Potential Bidders,

Nutrition International (NI) is supporting Government of Indonesia (GOI) to implement an Accelerated Universal Salt Iodization (USI) Program. NI started its intervention in three main salt producing provinces viz. Central Java, East Java and Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB) provincial governments under overall coordination of the Provincial Planning Agency (BAPPEDA). NI's intervention includes technical assistance to develop capacity of salt processors (SPs) to fortify salt, assist the Provincial and District Industries and Trade Offices in monitoring and supervision of USI programs as well as strengthen USI IDD monitoring. NI has provided support to improve quality control (QC) and quality assurance (QA) to 107 small and medium SPs in Central Java and 25 SPs in East Java province.  Considerable progress has been made, particularly on the institutionalization of USI monitoring within local governments. In Central Java adequately iodized salt coverage increased from 60% in 2017 to 85% in 2020, and East Java from 62% to 89% during the same time. However, these achievements need to be strengthened and in order to maintain good quality of adequately iodized salt produced particularly by small and medium SPs, a refresher training on internal QA/QC is needed to ensure that these small and medium SPs are able to apply proper and systematic QA/QC of iodization activities including iodization levels adjustment, iodine dose formulation and dosing pump setting, support for their laboratory test, sampling protocol, sample analysis, record keeping etc. Therefore, NI is seeking services from an agency that has experience and capacity to conduct QA/QC refresher training for small and medium SPs in Central Java and East Java provinces.
Kindly find detailed RFP along with TOR and Budget Template in the link as follows:

The submission deadline for proposals is Tuesday, December 6, 2022 by 17:00 HRS. West Indonesia Standard Time.

The Technical and Financial Proposal in two separate files put into a covering email specifically indicating the subject line "RFP 2003-05: Hiring an Agency to Facilitate USI Internal Quality Control Refresher Training in Central Java and East Java Provinces" and should be sent by email to:



Best regards,

Nutrition International


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