[newdevjobsindo] [Call for consultant(s)]: National Consultant for Midterm Evaluation of Power To You(Th) Programme - Lowongan Kerja LSM NGO

Selasa, 03 Januari 2023

[newdevjobsindo] [Call for consultant(s)]: National Consultant for Midterm Evaluation of Power To You(Th) Programme




Position title                                    : National Consultant MTE Power To You(Th) Programme

Countries of implementation       : Indonesia

Application Deadline                     : 15th January 2023

Timeline for data collection         : between February to April 2023 (Final Report 28th April 2023)

Evaluation period                            : 2021 – 2022 (2 years)

Intervention area                            : Garut (West Java), Jember (East Java), East Lombok (NTB)

Mode of work                                  : Hybrid – to work with Programme staff and Global consultant


Rutgers Indonesia is looking for an experienced consultant with skills evaluating National programmes to evaluate program approaches, document lessons learned, best practices, success and challenges for outcome sustainability, and future programming. The information below provides the learning questions and scope for the Midterm Evaluation.

Programme Background

The Power to You(th) program places an emphasis on young people's ability to participate meaningfully in dialogues and decisions that affect adolescent girls and young women. By increasing the participation of young people from a range of backgrounds and groups in political and civic space, the program aims to improve youth led and focused advocacy and accountability in relation to unintended pregnancy (UP), sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV), and harmful practices such as child marriage and female genital mutilation/cutting. The partnership strengthens civil society organizations (CSOs) to empower and increase the voice of adolescent girls and young women (AGYW).

Power to Youth works with supportive actors to create change:

  • Young people from underserved communities – particularly AGYW – who are most at risk of HPs, SGBV, and unintended pregnancies are our primary stakeholders and beneficiaries.
  • CSOs – our strategic partners that are operating at local, national, and global levels, they are embedded in local communities, these CSOs have legitimacy in working on SRHR with local groups and organizations.
  • Societal actors/reformists including, men/boys, women/girls, parents and caregivers, and religious, traditional, and opinion leaders. Influential progressive societal actors can advocate for, challenge, and counter  restrictive social norms and mobilize a critical mass of people that become influential enough for a community to change its practices
  • State actors/reformists including, local authorities, national governments, and regional and global governmental bodies, and service providers at public institutions




The objectives of the mid-term evaluation are to use the evaluation findings to:

  1. Inform the planning for 2024-2025 at country, regional and global level.
  2. Confirm or change the overall theory of change of the programme.
  3. Improve the partnership at consortium level and country level, including how the partnership implements its principle on Southern Leadership.
  4. Update the context analysis and risk analysis at country level.
  5. Meet the accountability requirements of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


The national consultant will collaborate closely with the program team to conduct a participatory evaluation, involving different stakeholders who include young people, CSOs, social and state actor in order to capture their voices, review programme strategy and provide insight on the way stakeholders / target groups value PTY programme. The direct involvement of PtY management and staff increases the chances that the evaluation's recommendations will actually be used through concrete follow up actions.

Specific objectives to be achieved by the National consultants will be assess the evaluation objectives at country level and in addition:

·        To assess and determine the extent to which the country management teams have made progress of the overall PtY goal in relation to the theory of change

·        Assess and reflect on programme advocacy approaches and its effectiveness by PtY partners in achieving results which will inform planning for 2024-2025 using mixed methodologies, including examples are storytelling and outcome harvesting

·        To identify lessons learnt and best practices from programme implementation, linking advocacy issues from local to national levels and addressing gender and inclusivity issues

·        Identify mechanisms to be put in place to ensure programme strategy sustainability

·        Assess how well programme strategies at all levels are being implemented and how appropriate they are including governance and adapt where needed

·        Reflect the implementation of the country ToC, including national-level activities and alignment at the regional and global levels, as well as with the Power to You(th) Lab.

·        Assess the achievements and challenges of governance and program structures, including budget for coordination and joint planning mechanisms at various levels and contexts (Governance).

·        Provide recommendations for the programme to increase impact in 2024-2025 and beyond.

·        Assess Context analysis and risk analysis (including SEAH, fraud and corruption)

·        Assess Cross-cutting themes such as gender eg GTA, youth, climate change, MIYP, etc

·        Identify Challenges, lessons learned and good practices

·        Assess Relevance of CSOs and networks/platforms in strengthening PtY CSO civic space and capacities and

·        Assess and provide linkages on Country specific evaluation of learning agenda across the PtY thematic areas and pathways



Approach of the consultancy

The evaluation will use a hybrid approach involving both external and internal personnel, with the Global PMERL manager serving as the Evaluation lead and collaborating closely with National consultants at the country level, PtY teams, Country management teams (CMT), and technical working groups for learning and ownership purposes. The successful consultants are expected to collaborate with Global consultants in the program countries; however, the National consultant will visit the field more frequently for context specificity and process ownership. The national consultants will be chosen in close collaboration and agreement with each country's power to the youth team. A global external consultant will lead the majority of the work.

Deliverables and Timelines

The National consultant will work closely with the global consultant and country programme team who are leading intended use by intended users is the main focus of this Midterm Evaluation; this evaluation will be designed and carried out with the needs of these intended users in mind from start to finish. To ensure that the evaluation specifically addresses the users' values and needs, the National consultant should maintain frequent interaction and involvement with the Country Management team as well as the users. The intended users and their intended use of the evaluation findings for this MTE are:

A)     CSOS in the partnership - staff implementing the programme at local and National level, as they are in the position to:

·        Make decisions about their context-specific activity plans for 2024-2025,

·        Inform decisions about adapting the overall theory of change.


B)     The Country Management Team (CMT), as they are in the position to:

·        Make decisions about changes in the overall theory of change,

·        Make decisions about improving the context of partnership.

·        Examines learning/knowledge requirements and meets them through capacity building

·        Coordinating bodies that connect countries at the regional and global levels (central role)

·        Provide information to Coordination lab and Global management team for decision-making purposes,

·        Identifies synergies and opportunities for learning, and plays a key role in linking and learning across contexts.

The evaluation report will be shared with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands (the primary donor of the programme) and the Dutch development sector in particular. The final process will be designed and revised by all participants over the course of the assignment.

MTE process outline:

·        Inception report detailing approach of the assignment, proposed methodology, timelines and budget

·        Training and Training materials for data collection

·        Data collection tools/templates that Outline/agenda for the Outcome Harvesting sequencing workshops, and validation of outcomes, Story-based inquiry, partnership survey tool and other mixed methodologies tools for measuring all the 4 pathways

·        Partnership survey analysis document

·        Initial findings report: draft consolidated MTE report containing findings (not yet conclusions and recommendations) – for review by country teams in March 2023

·        Final consolidated MTE report containing conclusions and recommendations by 28th April 2023, including:

o   Description of evaluation process and how participants (including internal personnel) were included at

o   each context (at local/regional, and National levels)

o   Detailed methodology used in the context, partnerships and annual reflection/validation facilitation reports

o   Develop, in collaboration with the country management team, a comprehensive midterm evaluation

o   Plan for carrying out the MTE, including a training plan for data collectors.

o   Overall analysis of harvested outcomes

o   A graphic and narrative describing the adjusted overall Theory of Change (objective 1)

o   Overall findings

o   Overall actionable recommendations from validation and recommendation workshops


Consultant Profile

The PtY partnership in Indonesia wants to contract one (lead) organization, research institutes, independent researchers, or consultants to conduct the Midterm evaluation process, who are willing to travel and collect the necessary data in the context within the timeline. PtY requires that the consultant collaborate closely with programme staff who due to their knowledge of the context and agreement or understanding with respective country management teams

The consultant is expected to meet the following requirements:

·        Master's degree or Bachelor's degree with over 5 years research experience in Sexual Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR), SGBV, and advocacy in related topics

·        At least 2 years of experience in conducting evaluations in the context

·        Excellent facilitation and coordination skills

·        Knowledge in outcome harvesting, learning and evaluating advocacy programmes

·        Thematic expertise (SRHR, women and youth participation, meaningful youth engagement, gender)

·        Experience in qualitative and quantitative research methodologies

·        Experience training data collectors in conducting surveys

·        Strong analytical skills and proficiency in writing in English and local language

·        Knowledge and experience in outcome harvesting, storytelling methodologies, meaningful youth participation approach is considered an asset

·        Knowledge and experience of the programme intervention countries is considered an asset


Application requirements

Interested consultants must include in their application a detailed technical and financial proposal with the following components in not more than 10 pages:

Interested and eligible candidates should also submit:

·        A CV (maximum 3 pages) outlining profile of the consultant

·        A cover letter highlighting their relevant experience for this assignment and indicating how the candidate meets the requirements

·        Up to two examples of their work on a previous similar assignment (evaluation or research reports)

·        Two references

·        A work plan (time and activity schedule) and budget for the assignment, including the estimated number of days and daily rate.

·        Detailed cost proposal in Indonesian Rupiahs including the number of days you would spend on the assignment and daily fees (budget should cover all costs in-country as well, including local research teams and logistical costs)

The following criteria will be used to evaluate the applications:

  • The experience and competence of the consultant in relation to the Terms of Reference
  • The availability to carry out the assignment in the proposed time frame
  • The budget for the assignment

Submit complete applications by email with the title "Application Power to Youth Evaluation" to recruitment@rutgers.id by January 15th, 2023.  


Evaluation and Award of consultancy/additional notes

Power to Youth will evaluate the proposals and award the assignment based on technical and financial feasibility. Power to youth reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal received without giving reasons and is not bound to accept the lowest or the highest bidder


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