[newdevjobsindo] RFP 2003-06: Hiring Logistics Agency to Conduct Expert Meeting to Review Implementation of USI Program - Lowongan Kerja LSM NGO

Rabu, 11 Januari 2023

[newdevjobsindo] RFP 2003-06: Hiring Logistics Agency to Conduct Expert Meeting to Review Implementation of USI Program

Dear Potential Bidders,

Nutrition International  (NI), since 2008 has been working with the Government of Indonesia to achieve universal salt iodization (USI) in the country. NI has worked with national, provincial and district governments to improve the quantity and quality of iodized salt and increase the availability of adequately iodized salt at the households. Even with continued efforts by NI, other development partners and the government, RISKESDAS (basic health research survey) 2013 pointed out that only 57% households consume adequately iodized salt, nationally.

NI, with support from UNICEF, conducted a review on progress towards the sustained elimination of iodine deficiency disorders (IDD) in Indonesia in 2017 which was undertaken to support the government to re-prioritize efforts to achieve optimal iodine status and strengthen the salt iodization program in the country. The review recommended that the Government has to support reactivation of local USI-IDD Team (Team GAKI), the former MoHA Decree (No. 63-2010) on local government USI-IDD management that has been pulled out by central government need to be propose new legal umbrella as substitute. There are also needed to strengthen multi-sectors coordination, monitoring and enforcement. (Sakanti-GAIN, 2021, Review on salt iodization and rice fortification in Indonesia-Bahasa version).

The present scenario emphasizes the need for the Government to reprioritize political commitment for IDD elimination and USI. Misinterpretation of RISKESDAS data on urinary iodine status of population has raised concerns within the Ministry of Health about excess iodine intake, although there is no evidence of this. The coordination structure for salt iodization is no longer active and little national government coordination, oversight or implementation guidance has been provided in recent years.

Considering all above, NI proposes to conduct an expert meeting to review the implementation of USI program in Indonesia and develop the same understanding on current USI-IDD situation among various stakeholders. During this meeting, stakeholders will deliberate upon the current USI strategy of the Government of Indonesia, identify gaps/ constraints in achieving USI, and provide recommendations for support from NI to help address these obstacles. In order to support Nutrition International to organize the stakeholder's consultation, it is looking to hire services of a logistics agency.


Kindly find detailed RFP along with TOR and Budget Template in the link as follows:

The submission deadline for proposals is Thursday, January 19, 2023 by 24:00 HRS. West Indonesia Standard Time.

The Technical and Financial Proposal in two separate files put into a covering email specifically indicating the subject line "RFP 2003-06: Hiring Logistics Agency to Conduct Expert Meeting to Review Implementation of Universal Salt Iodization (USI) Program" and should be sent by email to:




Nutrition International


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