CONSULTANCY: Baseline Survey for LINE UP Project
I. Background
ChildFund International in Indonesia is Non-Governmental Organization started in 1973 that exists to help deprived, excluded, and vulnerable children have the capacity to improve their lives and the opportunity to become young adults, parents and leaders who bring lasting and positive change in their communities. In 2022, ChildFund International in Indonesia working in 31 district/cities in 8 provinces in Indonesia through 14 core partners ChildFund International in Indonesia supports these children in their different life stages towards becoming:
· Healthy and Secured Infants – Lifestage 1 (0-5 years old)
· Educated and Confident Children – Lifestage 2 (6-14 years old)
· Skilled and Involved Youth – Lifestage 3 (15-24 years old)
ChildFund Indonesia also works to promote societies whose individuals and institutions participate in valuing, protecting and advancing the worth and rights of children, and enrich supporters lives through their support of our cause
Literacy and Numeracy Upscaled (LINE UP) Project
Literacy and Numeracy Upscaled (LINE UP) Digital Learning for All is a project that focuses on improving digital-based student literacy and numeracy. This project was carried out to answer the problem of Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) results Indonesian students scored low in reading, mathematics, and science according to PISA's last report released in 2018. The PISA survey is conducted every three years and the most recent PISA survey has been conducted in 2022 whose results will usually come out the following year. The average score of Indonesian students based on last report in 2018 for reading is 371, for mathematics it is 379 and science is 396 which are all the lowest among PISA participating countries. Low scores require immediate action in terms of equitable access to education and human resources.
In Indonesian government has a policy regarding education report cards to view school profiles. There are several sources of data to identify school conditions, including the results of national assessments that show the results of literacy and numeracy skills, as well as the quality of learning. The target of the national assessment is grade 5 students at the elementary school level. From this data, we can also see the literacy and numeracy skills of students in the LINE UP target district in Kulon Progo - Province of Yogyakarta.
The implementation of LINE UP targeting 10 elementary schools in Kulon Progo District - Province of Yogyakarta. Here is a list of the 10 schools along with the results of government literacy and numeracy measurements in 2021:v
No | School Name | Result Literacy | Remarks* | Result Numeracy | Remarks* |
1 | SDN 1 Ngulakan | 1,79 | X | 1,82 | V |
2 | SDN 1 Karangsari | 1,8 | V | 1,61 | X |
3 | SDN 1 Pengasih | 1,9 | V | 1,61 | X |
4 | SDN 2 Karangsari | 1,86 | V | 1,6 | X |
5 | SDN 2 Ngulakan | 1,87 | V | 1,65 | X |
6 | SDN 3 Pengasih | 1,98 | V | 1,79 | X |
7 | SDN Jeruk | 2 | V | 1,67 | X |
8 | SDN Kepek | 1,9 | V | 1,76 | X |
9 | SDN Kutogiri | 1,95 | V | 1,74 | X |
10 | SDN Sidomulyo | 2,09 | V | 1,77 | X |
*Detail information of remarks
V = Reaching Minimum Requirements
X = Under Minimum Requirements
The profiles of the 10 LINE UP target schools related to literacy and numeracy outcomes are:
a. There is 1 school whose literacy ability is below the minimum competence, while the other 9 schools reach the minimum condition. What this means is that students can make interpretations of the implicit information present in the text, being able to make inferences from the results of the integration of some information in a text. The reinforcement needed is that it is necessary to encourage students to be able to integrate some information across texts, evaluate the content, quality, way of writing a text, and be reflective of the content of the text
b. There are 9 schools that have not reached the minimum threshold on numeracy and 1 school has reached the minimum limit. This means that students have basic mathematical skills, namely basic computation in the form of direct equations, basic concepts related to geometry, and solving routine simple mathematical problems. This condition needs to strengthen students to at least reach the minimum limit of ability to be able to apply their numeracy knowledge in more diverse contexts or daily life
The LINE UP intervention is carried out with the following objectives:
1. Adoption of a child-centered curriculum particularly in literacy and numeracy through ICT is strengthened in targeted schools
2. Collaborative initiatives with local government for improvement of children's literacy and numeracy are strengthened
3. Communities demonstrate practical support to children for better performance in their learning
The results to be achieved from the LINE UP Project are: The process of adopting IT learning that focuses on children, especially regarding Literacy and Numeracy occurs in the target schools, there is cooperation with the local government to improve children's literacy and numeracy skills, and support from the community/ parents/ school committee members to improve their children's academic abilities
Baseline Survey LINE UP Project
Literacy and Numeracy skills are an important part of a child's educational process. The results of the literacy and numeracy measurement process in Indonesia are included in the Education Report Card. The Education Report Card displays the results of a school's national assessment and survey. Literacy and Numeracy Skills are included in the series of national assessments. The targets for national assessment measurements are grades 5, 7, and 11.
This baseline is needed to collect detailed basic information for LINE UP implementation related to Literacy and Numeracy skills (as information on LINE UP Project target students from grades 1-3), the implementation program of the Merdeka Curriculum in schools, the condition of parents or matters related to the implementation of LINE UP.
II. Scope of the Consultancy
The objectives of the consultancy are to:
1. To lead data collection for baseline survey undertaken in an inclusive and participatory way with ChildFund International in Indonesia partners and produce a high-quality baseline report for the program
2. To develop tools for the baseline survey which will include both qualitative and quantitative data collection
3. To provide a detailed methodology for the baseline survey which will include both qualitative and quantitative data collection
4. To develop mobile data collection for baseline survey and to train enumerators in the use of measuring instruments and data collection
5. To conduct a result workshop with staff and partners to disseminate and validate findings and support reflection and ideas for improved future actions
III. Key Baseline Questions
Area for baseline survey will cover the initial conditions for targeted beneficiaries with respect to the following project interventions:
1. Identify digital and non-digital-based literacy and numeracy programs in schools
2. Identify teachers' grade 1-3 knowledge, attitudes, and practices about digital and non-digital-based literacy and numeracy programs
3. Identify the challenges facing schools and support needed by teachers grade 1-3 and schools in the implementation of digital and non-digital-based literacy and numeracy programs
4. Measuring the literacy and numeracy skills of grade 1-3 students by sampling
5. Identify the knowledge and practices of parents, school committees, and village representatives on digital and non-digital-based literacy and numeracy programs
6. Identify support that can be provided by parents, school committees, and village representatives for the implementation of digital and non-digital-based literacy and numeracy programs
7. Identify digital and non-digital-based literacy and numeracy programs carried out by the government, as well as support that can be collaborated with the community / NGO to support the program
IV. Duration and Timeline
For baseline survey, the consultant is expected to commence on 10/04/2023 to 30/05/2023. Approval accomplishment of baseline determined by ChildFund International in Indonesia. Below are the suggested activities and timeframe.
Activities | Date | PIC | Notes |
Recruitment and selection of consultant team leader | 24 March-5 April | Specialist, Admin & HR |
Orientation and explanation for job description | 10 April | Specialist, Admin & HR |
Meeting finalization of baseline survey | 11 April | Project Coordinator – M&E Specialist |
Baseline tools and methodology finalization and uploaded in online data collection application | 12-28 April | Consultant | Eid Mubarak holiday 21-26 April |
Enumerator training (baseline survey) | 3 May | Consultant |
Baseline survey collection | 4-11 May | Consultant | 7 days (For school conducted on Monday-Friday) |
Baseline survey report development | 12-24 May | Consultant |
Baseline survey report presentation (draft report) | 25 May | Consultant |
Baseline survey report submission (final report) | 30 May | Consultant |
V. Summary of Deliverables
1. Detailed methodology for conducting the baseline survey including all components from the suggested methodology
2. Raw and cleaned datasets
3. 15–20-page (plus annexes) draft report in Bahasa and English, to include
a. Executive summary
b. Introduction, stating objectives of the baseline survey and questions
c. The intervention and context
d. Methodology and limitations
e. Findings and analysis
f. Conclusions
g. Learning and recommendations
h. Appendices (including TOR, survey methodology and work plan, list of interviewees and place visited, list documents used, tools/instruments, summary of data collected)
i. A final report in Bahasa and English
VI. Consultant Qualifications
· At least 5-years demonstrated experience in both facilitating and conducting baseline and end line surveys and program evaluations.
· Demonstrated knowledge and experience in rural development and child-focused programs and a focus on child protection, gender, and inclusion.
· Experience in quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis and participatory research skills.
· Excellent oral communication skills and the ability to deliver high quality and effective written communications in English.
· Bachelor's degree in a relevant field, postgraduate qualifications in a relevant field will be advantageous.
VII. Source of Funding
The budget for this baseline implementation is IDR 100.000.000, - (include tax). The cost of this activity will be charged to LINE UP Project.
Cost Centre : 13280
Account : 67300
Activity : F01.01
Job : 12-0501D
All the budget is in full package, include tax. No other allowance will be provide such as meals, transportation accommodation, material, etc.
VIII. Key Terms and Conditions
Payment will be made by bank transfer based on the completion of agreed deliverable(s) and get approval from Project Coordinator and Partnership Portfolio Manager. Tax will be charged by ChildFund International in Indonesia.
IX. Submission Procedure
Consultants or firms interested in applying for the position will need to submit the following:
1. Cover letter briefly outlining relevant experience of all consultants who will work on the project.
2. A proposal outlining the proposed approach and methodology for the consultancy, inclusive of daily rate and all costs in relation to travel, meals, accommodation and other expenses related to the consultancy, and availability to undertake the consultancy (as much as possible given COVID-19 context).
3. Curriculum vitae of all consultants that will work on the evaluation with three references.
4. An example of a relevant piece of written work.
Expressions of Interests are due to 5 April 2023.
Any questions and expressions of interest must be emailed to indonesiaoffice@childfund.org
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