Senin, 17 April 2023


Term of Reference
Final Evaluation of DREAM 2 Project
April-May 2023

A. Background

Central Sulawesi's Palu Valley, the project location, is in an equatorial rainfall climate zone. The impact of climate change in Central Sulawesi included drought, high intensity of rainfall and flood (Rahayu & Suwitra, 2020). High intensity and long duration of rainfall also can lead erosion in the landslide area and created damage in downstream area due to high concentration sediment brought by the erosion (Tunas et.al., 2020). These effects also damaged agriculture sector which is the biggest economic sector in Central Sulawesi which heavily depended on weather (Rahayu & Suwitra, 2020). The change triggers water availability and also pest and plant diseases which causes harvest failure (Rahayu & Suwitra, 2020).

In other words, climate change in the Central Sulawesi triggers hydrometeorological disasters and has caused loss and damage to human settlements, agricultural land, and infrastructure. The frequent flood in Sigi area, has impacted community loss of income due to the destruction of the agricultural area as their main livelihood. This disaster increases people's vulnerability both economically and socially, so it is necessary to increase peoples' resilience/capacity through Mitigation and Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction. Efforts to slow down climate change require joint commitment from all governments and communities. This commitment needs to be supported by real steps at community and field level.

In responding to climate change impacts, CWS Indonesia has implemented the Disaster Resilience Enhanced Adaptive Measures-2 (DREAM-2) program. Supported by ACT for Peace, CWS have implemented (DREAM) 2 since 2020 in four villages, Sigi Regency, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. DREAM 2 focuses on building adaptive capacities, reducing the risks presented by ongoing climate change, and building resilience. DREAM was designed to complement existing efforts by the local government and communities by adding an adaptation component through a community-based climate change adaptation approach. DREAM project supports civil society organizations such as farmers' groups and women's groups to assess and analyze their climate change vulnerabilities and capacities and develop new/alternative livelihood strategies such as climate adaptive agriculture and women's savings groups.

The objectives of DREAM 2 include (i) to increase capacity building and motivation for community members to carry out climate change vulnerability evaluations and develop community-based adaptation action plans, (ii) to support civil society organizations and relevant governments to modify development planning systems in support of climate change adaptation planning and strategies, and (iii) to achieve the successful community-based adaptation, good strategies/plans or specific successful actions and share them to other communities.

In 2023, DREAM2 Project entered its final phase of implementation. CWS acknowledges a lot of key results that have been achieved through learning from and working with local communities, beneficiaries, and multi-stakeholders in the project. The almost 36 months of experience in carrying out program interventions have introduced various perceptions and important experiences, including approach/strategy, program inclusiveness, collaboration strategies, localization, etc. which can be sourced to learn for everyone, especially CWS, and partners as project implementors.

Therefore, DREAM to see overall project effectiveness, project efficiency, project relevancy project impact, and sustainability. These five key components will be measured in a final evaluation and proposed to the management team a strategic recommendation that will be useful for exit strategy possibility and support the improvement of similar programs in the future, and the possibility of program replication.

B. Objectives

The objective of the evaluation study is to measure the project goal achievement by collecting qualitative and quantitative data which to be measured and analyzed against the evaluation- value, overall objective indicators, and expected result indicators of the project.

Specific objectives:
• To measure the current level of target communities' KAP on community-based adaptation related to climate vulnerability. This will cover issues of adaptation/coping mechanisms, land use, and agricultural production, the vulnerability of farmers to climate change, technologies and interventions promoted, and adaptation policies.
• To measure the current KAP level of the target community and government on disaster risk reduction (DRR). This will cover issues on community participation, their interest, knowledge, skills, and attitudes in disaster risk reduction, emergency response preparedness, early actions to disaster, and community-based early warning systems – especially the target groups in the target communities.
• To measure the degree of implementation on effectiveness, efficiency, impact, accountability, sustainability, inclusivity, and quality delivered on outputs and outcomes, against what was originally foreseen in the project document, M&E frameworks, including the area of partnership between CWS and INANTA
• To provide recommendations for the future program by analyzing the problems and issues which remain unresolved in program areas (Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation)
• To identify and document substantive lessons learnt and good practices on the thematic areas as defined in outputs and other crosscutting issues

C. Methodology

The evaluation will collect both quantitative and qualitative data through face-to-face interaction in the field. The quantitative research will be gathered through survey while the qualitative data will be gathered through desk review, FGD and in-depth interview. The FGD session will be held through a lesson learnt workshop or program workshop. This is offline workshop participated by representative of program participants (relevant stakeholders such as local government officials, CWS and INANTA staff, and household/individual) with the main agenda is focus group discussion on specific issues. Consultant team will provide and facilitate the FGD. Meanwhile, in depth interview will be conducted to relevant stakeholders prior the program workshop.

The consultant is tasked to undertake:
• Desk-based review on existing relevant documents
• Briefing session with CWS and INANTA staff
• Administer questionnaires for respondents
• Facilitate in depth interview
• Develop Focus Group Discussions technical guideline and facilitate FGD in the program/lesson learnt workshop

The consultant is requested to propose an adequate study methodology as specified by this TOR. It will inform the methodology details such as key questions, sampling technique, sampling frame, data technique collection and analysis potentially applied in this study. The method used should be child friendly, participatory, and inclusive wherever possible and do no harm policy should be strictly followed throughout the study considering the Covid-19 situation

D. Area of Evaluation study

The survey will be conducted in 4 villages of Sigi District which Pakuli Utara, Rogo, Bulu Bete and Simoro Village.

E. Outputs and Deliverables

The consultant is expected to produce and submit the following deliverables:
1) Study protocols specifying a detailed study work plan and proposed study tools that will be discussed and agreed upon prior to field activity.
2) Conduct data collection including facilitate workshop lesson learned
3) Presentation of initial findings to CWS after field activities have been concluded.
4) Draft reports in Bahasa Indonesia and English
5) Submission of the the draft for discussion and feedback.
6) Submission of a comprehensive final report in Bahasa and English including Executive summary (max. three to maximum five pages) in English describing the study results.
7) Soft copy of study tools including interview transcripts and attendance lists, photos with informative subtitles and other valuable study materials

F. Scope of Work

Tasks and responsibilities of the consultant are as follows:
• Proposal that detailing the methodology and budget required to conduct the final evaluation
• Recruit, train and manage final evaluation research teams including enumerators
• Propose tools to be used in the final evaluation research, including sampling frame and quality control scheme and discuss the suggestion with CWS team
• Develop a data entry system and management
• Supervise field research implementation
• Facilitate FGD in the program workshop
• Responsible for field operations, including logistics, permission to conduct the research, informed consent from individuals and families taking part in the final evaluation
• Coordinate with CWS and INANTA during field research implementation
• Collect, compile, and analyse all data (gender and age disaggregated) gathered and develop a final report on the final evaluation results (including all findings and statistics).
• To keep all information provided by CWS and partner as well as the findings of the Final Evaluation confidential.

G. The Responsibility of CWS

• Provide a working contract
• Provide data and related documents as per the consultant's request
• Arrange meetings, discussions, and field visits for the study team
• Provide timely feedback and response on the consultant's study report
• Organising FGD sessions in the program/lesson learn workshop
• Settle payment for the consultant service

H. Ethical and child protection consideration

The consultant team must follow Ethical Principles for involving human subjects in research and obtain written/ verbal consent from the human subjects. Permission from elders must be sought if the children under 18 years are involved as subjects. Signed informed consent of each child and his/ her parents need to take after explaining the purpose of the study and its usage.

In addition, CWS has a Child Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy, Code of Conduct, and Anti-Human Trafficking Policy to minimize the risk of harm to children and adults who come into contact with those employed by, or who are associated with, CWS. Therefore, the appointed consultant to this assignment must comply with these policies.

I. Timeframe:

The evaluation expected to be started on 27 April 2023 and expected to be completed on 31 May 2023

Proposed time frame :
Activity Date
1. Inception meeting = 27 April 2023
2. Submission the evaluation tools etc = 28 April 2023
3. Data collection including the LL workshop = 1-9 May 2023
4. Data analysis and reporting = 10-18 May 2023
5. Consultant submit the draft = 19 May 2023
6. CWS and INANTA review and submit the review of draft report = 22 May 2023
7. Consultant revise based on CWS and INANTA review = 23-24 May 2023
8. Consultant sends the reviewed draft as draft of final report = 24 May 2023
9. CWS and INANTA review and submit the review of draft final report = 25-26 May 2023
10. Consultant revise based on review of draft final report = 27-28 May 2023
11. Consultant send the reviewed draft final report as final report = 29 May 2023
12. CWS will declare as final report if all review has been accommodated/explained = 31 May 2023 if nothing needs to be revised

J. Budget

CWS will provide lumpsum budget will cover all costs such as transportation, accommodation, professional fee, tax, enumerator fee, etc.

K. Skills and qualifications of the consultant

1. Possess equal composition of qualified academic background, knowledge, experience, and capacity to manage evaluation study
2. Demonstrate expertise in climate change adaptation, disaster risk management/disaster risk reduction issues, and disaster response
3. Track record in developing and conducting various types of evaluation including qualitative and quantitative data collection
4. Experience in managing and coordinating evaluation/research exercises, delivering agreed outputs on time and on budget
5. Experience in data collection and analysis using participatory methodologies
6. Previous experience working with government and communities using participatory approaches
7. Ability to work with communities in relevant local languages will be an advantage
8. Ability to respond to comments and questions in a timely, appropriate manner
9. Ability to write high-quality, clear, concise reports in Bahasa Indonesia and English

L. Procedure for Expression of Interest

First Phase: Interested consultants should submit an Expression of Interest to: rfp.cwsindonesia@gmail.com> by the latest 22 April 2023 by enclosing the following required documents:
1. Organizational Profile (for institutional consultant) or a CV (for individual consultant).
2. A proposal containing two parts:
• Technical Proposal comprises the description of proposed activities, methodology (sampling design, data collection technique), and implementation plan which includes the study schedule and the timeline for data analysis. The technical proposal should demonstrate an understanding of study ethics, the qualification of study team members and their CVs, as well as their roles in the study. The consultant should also describe her/his experience in conducting a similar survey, and financial and technical capacity.
• Budget Proposal comprises details of the budget plan such as consultant and team's fees, transportation, stationeries, and other survey necessities.

Second Phase: Based on the received proposals, CWS will shortlist candidates and invite them to present their proposals. CWS will afterward proceed with selecting and appointing a consultant and produce a working contract with the selected consultant.

Only shortlisted consultant will be contacted for recruitment.

Operations Unit CWS Indonesia.


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