[newdevjobsindo] Indonesia Individual Consultant: National Facilitator for Multi-stakeholder Capacity Gap Assessment - Lowongan Kerja LSM NGO

Minggu, 16 April 2023

[newdevjobsindo] Indonesia Individual Consultant: National Facilitator for Multi-stakeholder Capacity Gap Assessment

The GGGI requires the services of a qualified expert to be a "Facilitator for Multi-stakeholder Gap Assessment" (hereafter referred to as "the Consultant") for the National Designated Authority (NDA) of Green Climate Fund (GCF) in Indonesia.

The National Facilitator (hereafter "the Consultant") will be responsible for the following tasks and duties:

  1. Attend the kick-off meeting with the NDA for GCF in Indonesia and GGGI to establish a common understanding of the scope of work, approach and timeline for the task. Together with the consultant for multi-stakeholder gap assessment, prepare the presentation for the initial proposed timeline and approach;
  2. Provide inputs to the consultant for multi-stakeholder gap assessment, on mapping key potential stakeholders.
  3. Identify stakeholder discussions which will need to be conducted based on the mapping;
  4. Facilitate active discussions on the process of gap assessment, guided by NDA and GGGI;
  5. Document the results of each workshop and meeting in a summary report;
  6. Develop and maintain active coordination, on regular basis with GGGI and the NDA;
  7. Provide other support regarding the facilitation of multi-stakeholder gap assessment.



Based in Seoul, Republic of Korea, the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) is an intergovernmental organization founded to support and promote a model of economic growth known as "green growth", which targets key aspects of economic performance such a poverty reduction, job creation, social inclusion, and environmental sustainability. GGGI works with countries around the world, building their capacity and working collaboratively on green growth policies and green investment projects that can impact the lives of millions. The organization partners with countries, multilateral institutions, government bodies, and private sector to help build economies that grow strongly and are more efficient and sustainable in the use of natural resources, less carbon intensive, and more resilient to climate change.

Currently, GGGI supports the Government of Indonesia (GoI) under the joint GoI-GGGI Green Growth Program (GGP, "the Program"). The Program aims to demonstrate that green investments can become the norm both for investors and planners, ultimately improving the quality of economic development for more environmental sustainability and social inclusion. Through the Program, GGGI collaborates with the Ministry of Development Planning (BAPPENAS), the Coordinating Ministry of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Ministry of Environment and Forestry, PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur ("PT SMI") and others.

GGGI and the Fiscal Policy Agency (FPA) implement the Green Climate Fund (GCF) readiness and preparatory support project ("the Readiness Project") in Indonesia. The FPA is the National Designated Authority (NDA) of the GCF in Indonesia, i.e., the agency through which Indonesia and the GCF interact and communicate. In September 2022, the FPA started the 3-year Readiness Project "Enhancing Indonesia's Access to International Climate Finance and Private Sector Investments for Climate Actions" ("Readiness III") to support the NDA in enhancing national actors' institutional capacities to build a pipeline of climate change projects and to increase country ownership. The NDA has selected GGGI as the Delivery Partner to implement this project.

Overall, the Readiness Project aims to mobilize international climate finance and private sector investment to close the financing gap across the priority sectors identified by the Government of Indonesia. It consists of a range of activities with the objective of achieving readiness outcomes, including 1) established capacity of direct access applicants and direct access entities (DAEs) to meet and maintain the GCF accreditation standards,  2) the capacity to develop a pipeline of projects,  and 3) effectively implement GCF-funded activities.




The gap in financing Indonesia's climate actions needs to be met through alternative funding sources, including from international climate funding sources. However, these sources, including GCF, require applicants to meet specific standards and procedures, which are often unfamiliar or challenging for many actors in Indonesia. GCF expects that funding proposals meet GCF standards and requirements. This includes that the proposed projects are inclusive, i.e., application of Gender and Social Inclusion (GESI) principles to the project design is required.

Enhanced capacity is especially needed for some of the national and sub-national government stakeholders that play critical roles in implementing climate actions. However, these stakeholders have different levels of capacity and awareness of climate change risks and opportunities in general. They also tend to have less capacity to utilize climate data for planning and budgeting. Different levels of capacity and understanding are one of the reasons that certain sectors are underfunded compared to other sectors. Through the Readiness III project, the NDA plans to build the capacity of relevant stakeholders, including sub-national governments, Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), private sector, and financial institutions, to program and implement robust and inclusive climate change projects. In order to design strategic and effective knowledge products, a capacity gap assessment needs to be conducted with relevant stakeholders, including sub-national governments, CSOs, private sector, and financial institutions. The result from this gap assessment will also be validated through consultation with the relevant stakeholders. The result of the gap assessment should be well defined explaining the present capacity to program and implement robust and inclusive climate change projects. The results will be used to develop tailored, demand-driven capacity building activities targeting the different stakeholder groups.

To implement the activities mentioned above, GGGI requires the services of a qualified national expert (the National Facilitator) to facilitate development of the assessment. Working side-by-side with GGGI and the NDA as well with the consultant carrying out the capacity gap assessment, the National Facilitator will prepare, support, and record discussions in Bahasa Indonesia (and English, if needed), particularly during Focus Group Discussions (FGDs), workshops and meetings. Target groups for the meetings or workshops will be the relevant ministries and institutions, sub-national governments, CSOs, private sector, and financial institutions. At least three main meetings or discussions are expected, as well as a number of consultations with smaller groups of stakeholders. The FGDs and meetings are expected to be conducted hybrid/online. The NDA for GCF in Indonesia, supported by GGGI, will lead this process. The National Facilitator will ensure that the dialogues/discussions run smoothly and enable all stakeholders to engage as appropriate in the process of capacity gap assessment. The National Facilitator must be properly prepared for the tasks required. This includes being familiar with the required background information and methods prior to each meeting or FGDs.




The facilitator is responsible for delivering the following deliverables:




Indicative dates subject to contract

Payment Schedule


Deliverable 1

Report on mapping on stakeholder including recommendation on lists of proposed stakeholder discussions required.

3rd July 2023


(USD 2,000)


Deliverable 2

Report on FGDs/discussions  that were facilitated by the Consultant. At least three FGDs/discussions are facilitated.

11th September 2023


(USD 3,500)


Deliverable 3

Final report, including results from the consultation process, challenges, lessons learned, and best practices.

2nd October 2023


(USD 4,500)



  • The Consultant is to provide his/her own equipment to produce all deliverables.
  • The Consultant shall submit the report in electronic versions readable by a Microsoft Office application.
  • All outputs must be in English.

Final deliverable must be approved by GGGI. The Consultant shall consider the comments and necessary revisions proposed to provide a final version of the deliverable in a timely manner.




He or she must have the following qualifications:

  • At least bachelor's degree in public management, development studies, communications, organizational management, or other relevant subjects;
  • A minimum of 5 years of experience in conducting stakeholders' consultation for climate/environment issues, existing network in relevant stakeholders is highly desirable;
  • Demonstrated previous experience in assignments related to facilitating multi-stakeholders forum in Indonesia;
  • Familiarity with required steps and process to conduct institutional or governance analysis is a plus;
  • Proven ability to communicate clearly and effectively in written reports and other publications both in English and Bahasa Indonesia, previous writing examples might be requested;
  • Demonstrated strong interpersonal and motivational skills and sensitivity to the local environment as well as the ability to work with minimal supervision;
  • Excellent in the usage of computers and office software packages.
Interested candidates will be required to apply through GGGI Career Portal (https://careers.gggi.org/vacancy/indonesia-national-facilitator-for-multistakeholder-capacity-gap-assessment-522811.html). 


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