Sabtu, 17 Juni 2023




June 2023 until July 2023



A.      Background

Cyclone Seroja made landfall in East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia on April 5, 2021, causing floods, landslides, and flash floods due to heavy rainfall, killing 179 people, 11,406 displaced, and affecting 472,765 people (Reliefweb, 2021). The heavy rains, which lasted for about 9 hours, overflowed dams in 4 districts, flooding homes and rice paddies. The affected area is located downstream of the Benain River basin, where a vast fan-shaped area is formed and rainfall in the basin is concentrated in the downstream area in a short period of time due to its topographical characteristics, causing flooding. Flooding occurs almost every year in Malaka Province, the target area of this proposed assessment area.

Malaka District is located on the Benain River's lower reaches, a very large water catchment area. Therefore, during heavy rains, a lot of water is collected and overflows from the river. According to CWS Post Disaster Survey that was conducted in 2020, the impacts of floods in Malaka affect livelihood and agriculture for the population who are mostly farmers. In particular, fields of corn, rice, beans, and bananas have been damaged by repeated flooding, leading to serious impacts such as food crisis, malnutrition, stunting, reduced public health, significant loss of household productive assets, destruction of crops and other food sources, and the severe limitation of work opportunities and by the end loss of family income. The lack of food security and decrease in income demonstrate multiple layers of vulnerability in every aspect of the community's life, particularly those of farmers and women. Considering the increasing frequency of disasters in the Malaka context, protecting and rebuilding the livelihoods of those vulnerable to disasters becomes an urgent priority. Assessing the impact of disasters on the livelihoods of the Malaka community, the capacity, and opportunities for recovery, and increased resilience to future events is an important part of the response to disasters. In order to better understand the condition of the livelihood elements of the flood victims, CWS intends to conduct a livelihood assessment. The assessment's findings can be used to create sustainable livelihood program interventions. Additionally, CWS anticipates that the assessment will provide insight into possible links between economic empowerment programs and livelihood preparedness for disruptions imposed due to natural disasters.


B.       Objective

This specific activity to describe the impacts of the flood on various groups and various sectors within the target area and the extent of recovery, the assess livelihood situation, constraints, and opportunities for flood-affected households and provide strategic recommendations for CWS on future program planning.

Results from this assessment will be used to plan intervention measures with local stakeholders with a focus on sustainable livelihoods and community resilience for Malaka communities to maximize local resources and improve the adaptive capacity of targeted communities, particularly in building household resilience to secure reliable food sources and income.

C.        Outputs

1.    Livelihood assessment report

2.    Recommendation and design of the livelihood intervention program


D.        Methodology

The consultant or team that is hired to do the assessment will be responsible for proposing adequate research approaches that will inform the methodology details such as research design, method, and analysis potentially applied in this study. The team should have a thorough understanding of the subject matter and be able to apply their expertise to develop a comprehensive research plan.

The research method should be single or mixed, using both qualitative and quantitative data to analyze the issues that informed the livelihood assessment. It should be child friendly, participatory, and inclusive, and the do no harm policy should be strictly followed, taking into account the COVID-19 situation and protocol.

 E.         Key Questions

Livelihood assessment key questions will be built around the following aspects but not limited to:

·     What are the specific livelihood types and income levels of the Malaka communities?

·     How does a disaster affect the Malaka community's primary means of livelihood? Both quantifiable and qualifiable analysis is expected.

·     What are the sectoral impacts and conditions of various sectors including the agriculture sector, livestock sector, etc.? Both quantifiable and qualifiable analysis is expected.

·     What is the level of community resilience capability in the livelihood sector (including vulnerable groups such as women, People with Disabilities, etc.)? What are the barriers (challenges, and gaps) to community resilience?

·     Are there any alternative livelihoods already engaged in that are less affected by disasters? If so, how much income do such alternative livelihoods bring?

·     What are the alternative livelihoods people want to engage in order to build further resilience to disasters?

·     Who are the parties that are currently supporting or could potentially support the economic recovery of the community when impacted by a disaster? What are the infrastructure and non-infrastructure components that affect income from livelihoods of the target population?


F.         Consultant Arrangement

1.       Area Assessment

The assessment will be conducted in 13 villages of Malaka District, Province of Nusa Tenggara Timur which is Kleseleon, Naas, Oan Mane, Lamudur, Fahiluka, Lawalu, Hatiimuk, Motaulun, Fafoe, Wederok, Naimana, Railor Tahak, Motain.


2.       Consultant Deliverables

The consultant is expected to produce and submit the following deliverables:

2.1. Study protocol specifying a detailed study work plan and proposed study tools that will be discussed and agreed upon prior to field activity.

2.2. Conduct data collection.

2.3. Presentation of initial findings to CWS after concluding field activities.

2.4. Submit draft reports in English for discussion and feedback.

2.5. Submission of a comprehensive final report in Bahasa and English including an executive summary (max. three to maximum five pages) in English.

2.6. Soft copy of study tools including interview transcripts and attendance lists, photos with informative subtitles, and other valuable study materials.

3.       Scope of Work

The consultant is expected to develop documents and instruments prior to the fieldwork. The document will include:

3.1. Submit a proposal detailing the methodology and budget required to conduct the assessment.

3.2. Recruit, train, and manage assessment including recruitment of local contributor/liaison if needed.

3.3. Propose tools to be used in the assessment.

3.4. Conduct and supervise the data collection including to arrange meetings, discussions, and field visits.

3.5. Responsible for field operations, including logistics, permission to conduct the research, and informed consent from individuals and families taking part in the assessment.

3.6. Coordinate with CWS during field assessment implementation.

3.7. Collect, compile, and analyze all data (gender and age disaggregated) gathered and develop an assessment report.

3.8. Keep all information provided by CWS and partner as well as the findings of the assessment confidential.


4.       Ethical and Child Protection Consideration

The vendor must follow Ethical Principles for involving human subjects in research and obtain written/ verbal consent from the human subjects. Permission from elders must be sought if the children under 18-years are involved as subjects. Signed informed consent of each child and his/ her parents need to take after explaining purpose of the study and its usage. In addition, CWS has a Child Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy, Code of Conduct, and Anti Human Trafficking Policy to minimize the risk of harm to children who encounter those employed by, or who are associated with, CWS. Therefore, the appointed consultant to this assignment must comply with these policies.


5.       Skill and Qualifications of Consultant

5.1. Demonstrate expertise on needs assessment and analysis.

5.2. Experience in managing and coordinating survey / assessment to deliver agreed outputs on time and on budget.

5.3. Track record in developing and conducting various type of quantitative and qualitative data collection.

5.4. Experience in data collection and analysis using participatory methodologies.

5.5. Previous experience working with government and communities using participatory approaches.

5.6. Ability to respond to comments and questions in a timely, appropriate manner.

5.7. Ability to write high quality, clear, concise reports in English and Bahasa Indonesia.


G.       Budget Plan

A lumpsum budget will be managed by the consultant, which will include all cost, e.g.:  professional fee, training materials, transportation cost, etc.


H.        Suggested time frame

The timeframe for this activity will approximately 2 months 


I.        Procedure for Expression of Interest

First Phase: Expression of Interest should be submitted to: rfp.cwsindonesia@gmail.com  on 20th June 2023 by 15:00 WIB at the latest and enclose the following required documents:

1.                      Company/organization (profile, legal document e.g. deed of incorporation by notary and ministry of law and human rights RI, KTP of person in charge, NIB/SIUP, NPWP, bank account information, letter of statement, curriculum vitae of team member, etc) or

2.                      Individual (application letter, curriculum vitae, legal document e.g.: KTP, NPWP, bank account information, etc)

3.                      Sample of reports

4.                      A proposal containing 2 parts:

·       Technical Proposal comprising the description of proposed activities, methodology and implementation plan which includes schedule of each activities/step, and team members (if any) and their role in the consultancy work (Please attach individual resume of stated team members)

The technical proposal should demonstrate an understanding of consultant ethics and experience in conducting similar programs, including financial and technical capacity.

·       Budget Proposal comprising detail of budget plan such as fee, transportation, stationery, and other assessment necessities.

Second Phase: CWS will shortlist candidates and invite them to present the proposal between 22 to 23 June 2023. CWS will afterwards proceed with selection and appointing a consultant. A contract shall be produced for the selected consultant.

Church World Service.


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