[newdevjobsindo] FHI 360 MADANI Project RFP: Senior Consultant on Civil Society Resource Mobilization - Lowongan Kerja LSM NGO

Jumat, 04 Agustus 2023

[newdevjobsindo] FHI 360 MADANI Project RFP: Senior Consultant on Civil Society Resource Mobilization

RFP for Senior Consultant on Civil Society Resource Mobilization 


The MADANI Civil Society Support Initiative is a five-year, USAID-funded project implemented by FHI 360 to strengthen local government accountability and communal tolerance in Indonesia by improving and sustaining local civil society's capacity, legitimacy, and sustainability, that ends in February 2024. MADANI's vision is to leave Indonesia a better functioning, more tolerant, and more resilient democracy, demonstrated by strengthened local democratic practices, improved local government performance and responsiveness, better accountability of frontline service delivery, and more effective and inclusive mechanisms for community-level participation and transparency. In each target area, people in positions of power and leadership are encouraged to model and champion government accountability and communal tolerance; citizens are being more receptive to these ideas through MADANI partners' positive messaging and increased media engagement brought about by MADANI programming.

During MADANI's tenure from 2020-2023 supporting 32 CSO Lead Partners in six provinces, the project has improved civil society organizations' (CSOs) organizational capacity to influence local service delivery policies and practices and demonstrate positive results toward greater government accountability and transparency. The Government of Indonesia is also recognizing the important role of CSOs in local development by, for instance, allowing them to procure small-scale government contracts through Presidential Regulation No. 16/2018 (PerPres 16/2018), which MADANI partners have sought as a way of increasing the sustainability of their participation in local development.

Sustainable CSOs are those that can fulfill their missions over time and meet the needs of their key stakeholders. Crucial to this is the need to find sustainable funding. A lack of financial resources or overdependence on a single source of funding limits their ability to contribute to significant political, economic and social reform. Studies have highlighted how Indonesian CSOs are heavily dependent on foreign funding, which during the past decade has reduced their financial viability in the face of cutbacks in donor funding. With this background, MADANI has during 2022-23 provided technical assistance to its 32 Lead Partners in six provinces on resource mobilization and fundraising, using the following steps:

(1)  prepare strategic communication around your niche, (2) identify potential resources, (3) connect with funders and donors, and (4) write proposals and mobilize resources. There are at least four potential domestic sources through which MADANI's partner CSOs have diversified their funding beyond foreign donors:

1.      From the public, through membership, donations, sponsorship, crowdsourcing and philanthropy.

2.      From government agencies though grants and social contracts (including PerPres 16/2018).

3.      From the private sector through corporate social responsibility and CSO-private sector partnerships, including impact investment; and

4.      Income generation through social enterprises, consultancy, service delivery and event organizing.

As a result, MADANI CSO partners have been able to diversify their resources and improve their sustainability and self-reliance. FHI 360 is now searching for a senior consultant to document MADANI's resource mobilization processes for CSOs, with the product being a practical primer/resource guide for local CSOs on how to raise funds and diversify their resources. The report should not exceed 30 pages.

Detailed Description of Tasks to be Performed:

The consultant will draft a primer/resource guide will be based on MADANI's best practices and the approach used by local CSO partners to diversify their funding. The consultant will be given access to various MADANI products and assessments. The primer should describe the steps and relationships needed that would allow a local CSO to diversify its funding, including the four steps above and a description of the four sources of domestic funding. Under the direction, supervision and coordination of the Chief of Party and Technical Director, the assistance to be provided by the consultant will include:

1.      Desktop review of existing MADANI toolkits for resource mobilization.

2.      Desktop review of key MADANI and FHI 360 documents, identify the best practices, significant changes and lessons learned from MADANI's interventions that can be incorporated into the recourse guide.

3.      Conduct online interviews with selected Lead Partners, Field Coordinators and TA Service Providers and other relevant stakeholders to be determined in consultation with MADANI.

4.      Produce a first draft of the primer.

5.      Discuss feedback from the MADANI team on the first draft.

6.      Produce a final draft that responds to the inputs and comments.

Deliverables & Level of Effort:



Activities Description

Deliverable Description

Estimated LOE and Target Due



Discussion with MADANI on key documents and approaches, and drafting outline of primer with MADANI

Inception report that includes work plan indicating the approach, methodology, list of key resources, timeline of activities and proposed outline of report, co-designed with MADANI


Summary findings from desk review of existing tools

3 days


Through the review of key MADANI documents on resource mobilization, identify best practices, changes and lessons learned

from MADANI's interventions that can be incorporated into the primer

Report on findings of best practices, lessons learned and significant changes among selected MADANI Lead Partner on the topic of resource mobilization

5 days


Conduct consultations with other civil society actors and project stakeholders on useful and effective approaches

Brief report that includes summary of findings, documentation of interviews, including list of

interviewees, and interview materials/questions

5 days


Produce a first draft of the


Draft toolkit/primer using a template

co-designed with MADANI

15 days


Discuss first draft with MADANI for feedback

No associated deliverable

3 days


Final draft that incorporates inputs and comments

Final primer that addresses all the

team's feedback. No more than 3


7 days


Presentation of the primer

PowerPoint during MADANI closing event

2 days

Deliverables and Level of Effort: The consultant will work up to 40 days during September 2023-January 2024.
Location of Work: Jakarta

Travel: Travel to MADANI sites will not be necessary. The Consultant will need to work at the MADANI office in Central Jakarta on request.

Timetable and Address for Submission

Applications are due no later than 17:00 WIB on August 24, 2023. Required documentation listed below must be e-mailed to Procurement-Madani@fhi360.org.

Applications should be marked "Senior Consultant on Civil Society Resource Mobilization" and be submitted via e-mail to Procurement-Madani@fhi360.org.

Only those selected for interview will be contacted. Short-listed candidates may be invited via mail/phone for interview.


FHI360/MADANI is looking for a consultant with proven a academic or professional track record in civil society and resource mobilization. Prospective consultants should demonstrate the following:

·       At least 15 years of relevant experiences in civil society engagement, empowerment and capacity building including capacity and resource mobilization.

·       Experience in development training materials for civil society resource mobilization.

·       Experience working with local CSOs.

·       Deep understanding of CSO capacity development.

·       Familiarity with existing resource mobilization tools.

 Evaluation Criteria: Proposals will be evaluated by relevant education, related work experiences, analytical skills and writing capacity.

 Required Documentation: Proposals must include the following components: Cover letter, CV and proposed daily rate.


FHI 360 Disclaimers
·       COVID-19: The selected Consultant must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 (2 weeks after 2nd dose of a 2-dose series or 2 weeks after a single dose vaccine) in order to enter FHI 360 US offices or travel to, from, or within the US on FHI 360's behalf. Selected consultant shall be required to comply with all Covid-19 safety protocols implemented by FHI 360. Covid-19 provisions may change at any time and without advance notice.

·       FHI 360 may perform a background check on any selected Consultant candidates.

·       FHI 360 may cancel the solicitation and not award

·       FHI 360 may reject any or all responses received
·       Issuance of the solicitation does not constitute an award commitment by FHI 360
·       FHI 360 reserves the right to disqualify any offer based on failure of the offeror to follow solicitation instructions
·       FHI 360 will not compensate any offeror for responding to solicitation
·       FHI 360 reserves the right to issue award based on initial evaluation of offers without further discussion

·       FHI 360 may choose to award only part of the activities in the solicitation, or issue multiple awards based on the solicitation activities

·       FHI 360 reserves the right to waive minor proposal deficiencies that can be corrected prior to award determination to promote competition

·       FHI 360's supplier terms and conditions can be found here while our consultant terms and conditions can be found here


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