September 2023 - Lowongan Kerja LSM NGO

Sabtu, 30 September 2023

[newdevjobsindo] RTI International: Capacity Development Consultant

Capacity Development Consultant


Research Triangle Institute (RTI) International is an independent organization with over 4,000 staff worldwide dedicated to conducting and providing innovative, multidisciplinary research and services that improve the human condition. The International Development Group’s (IDG) Global Health Division works in Neglected Tropical Diseases, infectious disease, including TB, HIV/AIDS, and Malaria; global health security, Heath Systems Strengthening - including Health Governance, Health Finance, Human Resources for Health, Capacity Building, and Health Policy and Advocacy; Public-Private Partnerships; and Maternal-Neonatal-Child Heath and Reproductive Health and Family Planning. We address a range of public health problems to reduce disparities, lower disease burdens, and build locally owned sustainable health programs in lower- and middle-income countries. 


The Country Health Information Systems and Data Use (CHISU) program is a USAID-funded project that strengthens country capacity, leadership, and self-reliance to manage and use high-quality health information systems to improve evidence-based decision-making. CHISU strengthens health information systems, interoperable information architecture, and data use, and supports countries’ self-reliance by enhancing capacity for local leadership and engagement in every aspect of health data. Key stakeholders that CHISU works various government agencies at national level, including Pusdatin, the Digital Transformation Office, and the Ministry of Health; and at subnational levels, such as Program and Planning Unit, Civil Registration Offices, and others.


RTI IDG is seeking applicants for a Capacity Development Consultant to support the CHISU-Indonesia country program. The consultancy will be based in Jakarta, Indonesia and seated at the CHISU-Indonesia project office.



To sustain the efforts, achievements and results of the Digital Health Transformation and its impact on maternal and newborn health, TB, and Health Financing programs, it is critical that local organizations are engaged in the process to provide technical support to provincial and district governments. To support this effort, CHISU is rolling out activities in support of local partnership development that includes issuing grants to local organizations.


Position Description

The Capacity Development Consultant will be responsible for supporting organizational capacity building efforts among CHISU grantee(s). The consultant LOE deliverables will be approved by the Local Partnerships Technical Advisor in the CHISU Indonesia team.


Responsibilities include, but are not limited to:

  • Assist selected organizations in developing capacity development action plans with clear, achievable milestones that support their identified priorities and have the greatest organizational impact. The candidate will conduct regular check-ins with organizational leadership to understand progress, help identify roadblocks, and brainstorm adaptations to improve results. The selected candidate should understand organizational change and key drivers for changing organizational culture, management, systems, and policies.
  • Support and manage the overall capacity development assistance to organizations that may span the spectrum of organizational areas (e.g., financial and administrative management, human resources, institutional governance, marketing and communication, strategic planning, networking, leadership, etc.). Though the candidate will not have to design and deliver all assistance, she/he/they should have a foundational understanding of best practices in these areas and be able to manage a range of experts that do and be able to ensure strong quality control.
  • Ensure, with the CHISU Indonesia team, that the identified technical and management capacity needs are addressed.
  • Contribute to documentation and dissemination of lessons learned and promising practices from the capacity strengthening efforts.
  • Support measurement of organizational capacity and contribute to regular reporting to USAID and MOH and participate and present if needed in meetings related to organizational capacity development. Work with project staff and organizations to help identify successes, measure results, and make adaptations, as needed.



  • Develop and finalize mentoring and capacity strengthening oversight strategy, and capacity strengthening milestones with awardee
  • Convene stakeholders to identify key areas for localization within HIS for MNH, TB and Health Financing
  • Develop a database of potential local organizations with standardized criteria based on feedback from stakeholders and forecasted HIS needs
  • Develop a ‘menu’ of local partner opportunities, to include a range of activities and mechanisms


Level of Effort: 30 days


Period of Performance: October 1, 2023 – December 30, 2023



  • Master's degree in Public Health, Organizational Strengthening, Education or relevant field and 6 years of experience; or Bachelor’s Degree and 8 years of experience, or equivalent combination of education and experience.
  • Demonstrated experience in developing and implementing strategies for local partners organizational capacity strengthening.
  • Demonstrated experience in leading or supporting capacity building efforts, including conducting, leading and/or facilitating organizational capacity assessments, including the Non-U.S. Organization Pre-Award Survey, and developing and monitoring capacity building plans. This includes excellent facilitation skills and sufficient expertise in core organizational capacity areas to prompt and field questions to participants.
  • Understanding of the digital health landscape in Indonesia is a plus.
  • Proven ability to work under pressure, and with multiple concurrent demands.
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.
  • Demonstrated experience seeing deliverables through to completion, including written and other deliverables.
  • Knowledgeable and experienced with international development contracting policies and procedures, specifically USAID required.
  • Fluency in Bahasa is required; Proficiency in English is required.


To apply, please click the following link: Capacity Development Consultant in Jakarta | Careers at Indonesia, Jakarta (



Kamis, 28 September 2023

[newdevjobsindo] New vacancy notice: N° DC/DILI/NO/2023/16 – Project Officer, Communication and M & E (NOA), Agroforestry Skills for Employment and Resilience Project



A vacancy notice (Development Cooperation) has been issued on the recruitment platform, ILO Jobs, for Agroforestry Skills for Employment and Resilience Project as follows:


(ID 11223) DC/DILI/NO/2023/16 – Project Officer, Communication and M & E

Deadline: 8 October 2023

​To consult the vacancy notice(s) and apply, please see the following links:

Currently serving staff (WLT, FT, ST, SST) should access the ILO Jobs module of ILOPeople (FAQs)

External candidates (including consultants, interns, daily contract holders and staff at ITC-ILO) should access the ILO Jobs external site (FAQs)

Please note: Only on-line applications submitted via ILO Jobs before the stated application deadline will be taken into account. We will not be in a position to consider applications to vacancies making use of any e-recruit profile you may have created in the past. You are therefore strongly encouraged to apply at an early stage in the vacancy posting, to allow yourself sufficient time to create a new Candidate Profile in ILO Jobs.

If you have any problems applying on-line, which are not addressed in the FAQs mentioned above, feel free to contact the Resourcing Unit at Candidates should receive an automatic e-mail confirming their application. If they do not receive this e-mail, they should contact the Resourcing Unit at before the closing date of the competition.

Rabu, 27 September 2023

[newdevjobsindo] Lowongan Kerja - Technical Officer PPM (Full Time Staff)

Kesempatan Kerja Bersama STPI


Latar Belakang

Stop TB Partnership Indonesia adalah organisasi masyarakat sipil yang bertujuan untuk merealisasikan eliminasi TBC di Indonesia melalui penguatan kemitraan dan kolaborasi multi sektor termasuk pemerintah, sektor swasta dan masyarakat sipil. Area kerja STPI termasuk advokasi dan penguatan implementasi kebijakan berdasar pada kolaborasi dan inovasi serta implementasi program, mobilisasi sumber daya untuk percepatan eliminasi TBC di Indonesia. STPI telah membangun kontribusi yang bernilai secara politik dan kontribusi praktis dalam upaya eliminasi TBC di Indonesia.Sebagai tambahan, STPI, adalah bagian dari konsorsium Penabulu -STPI, yang menjadi Primary Recipient (PR) yang mengelola pendanaan sebesar empat puluh milyar dolar dalam periode 3 tahun, 2021 -2023.

Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara dengan beban TBC tertinggi di dunia. Berdasarkan WHO Global TB Report tahun 2022, diperkirakan terdapat 969.000 kasus TBC di Indonesia, sehingga menempatkannya pada posisi kedua di dunia. Indonesia mengalami peningkatan dalam mengatasi gap pengobatan TBC dan mampu merangsang notifikasi kasus pada tahun 2018 dan 2019 dengan cepat. Namun, pandemi Covid-19 memberikan dampak negatif terhadap progresnya yang menyebabkan penurunan angka notifikasi TBC sebesar 31% dibanding pada tahun 2019.

Terdapat berbagai macam usaha yang dilakukan Indonesia untuk mengatasi cakupan pengobatan dengan memperbaiki akses perawatan dan pencegahan TBC, termasuk melibatkan para penyedia sektor swasta, peningkatan penggunaan tes cepat  molekuler (TCM), mengimplementasi sistem transportasi spesimen, dan meningkatkan jaminan kesehatan universal. Lebih dari 70% pasien TBC di Indonesia pada awalnya mencari pengobatan di layanan kesehatan sektor swasta. Ada lebih dari 2.600 rumah sakit swasta, lebih dari 50.000 dokter umum swasta dan 25.000 apotek. Intervensi inovatif untuk melibatkan sektor swasta sudah beroperasi di Indonesia dengan dukungan dari USAID yang diimplementasikan oleh FHI 360 dan Global Fund yang diimplementasikan oleh Yayasan KNCV Indonesia dan PDPI selain inisiatif lokal melalui satuan pemerintahan daerah. Model PPM TBC ini sudah sangat menjanjikan. Bank Dunia (World Bank) memberikan dukungan dalam memperkuat inisiatif yang sedang dilaksanakan oleh Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia. Program Bank Dunia fokus pada perbaikan akses penyedia perawatan primer untuk obat-obatan dan diagnostik TBC yang disediakan gratis di fasilitas-fasilitas publik, serta mengembangkan dan membuat mekanisme insentif untuk menjawab keterbatasan dalam alur kerja PPM yang telah berjalan melalui  penguatan peran Fasilitas Kesehatan Tingkat Pertama (FKTP).

Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Nasional 2020-2024, Rencana Strategis Kementerian Kesehatan 2020-2024, dan Rencana Strategis TBC Nasional 2020-2024 menjadikan program TBC sebagai prioritas yang akan diukur. Salah satu strategi kuncinya adalah PPM (Public-Private Mix) dalam memberikan layanan TBC yang berkualitas dan berpusat pada masyarakat bagi orang yang terkena dampak TBC. Selain itu, di dalam konteks reformasi sistem kesehatan nasional, Kemitraan Publik-Swasta (Public-Private Partnerships – PPP) relevan untuk menciptakan pembiayaan kesehatan yang lebih beragam dan meningkat. Dengan PPP, Kementerian Kesehatan dapat memobilisasi sumber daya dari instansi pemerintah dan non-pemerintah, sektor publik dan swasta, perusahaan melalui CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility), dan organisasi filantropi untuk mencapai target pembangunan kesehatan.

Stop TB Partnership Indonesia, menyediakan bantuan teknis kepada Program TBC Nasional, melalui dukungan dan advokasi pada penyusun kebijakan yang berkaitan dengan PPM pada tingkat nasional. Bentuk-bentuk dukungan dan advokasi yang akan dilaksanakan melingkupi:

·         Penyusunan kebijakan, praktik, publikasi dan laporan PPM secara nasional, pengumpulan data primer tentang perspektif pemangku kepentingan PPM yang relevan untuk "Asesmen Kapasitas Advokasi PPM TBC",

·         Mengorganisir pertemuan multi-stakeholder PPM Nasional untuk mendiskusikan respon TBC nasional khususnya keterlibatan sektor swasta dan program PPM TBC, Membuat lanskap kelompok-kelompok swasta utama dan memetakan potensi sumber daya untuk PPM,

·         Mengidentifikasi mitra advokasi PPM potensial dan saluran komunikasi di tingkat nasional dan subnasional,

·         Mengadvokasi solusi inovatif yang membantu mengurangi biaya dan meningkatkan akses kepada layanan pencegahan dan perawatan TBC berkualitas yang berpusat pada pasien untuk semua pasien TBC termasuk dari sektor swasta,

·         Mengadvokasikan untuk mengumpulkan data penjualan.distribusi obat-obatan dengan bantuan agensi yang tepat jika diperlukan, serta menyusun rencana kerja dan membuat draf dengan pemutakhiran per tiga bulan jika perlu.

Sehubungan dengan perbantuan teknis yang akan dilaksanakan tersebut, STPI akan melakukan rekrutmen Staff Perbantuan Teknis (Technical Officer) untuk program PPM untuk periode Oktober 2023 sampai dengan Maret 2024.



Posisi Pekerjaan : Technical Officer PPM

Melaporkan langsung kepada :  Program Manager

Status: Temporary Staff (LOE 100%)

Durasi Kerja: Oktober 2023 – Maret 2024

Lokasi Kerja: Jakarta

Waktu Kerja: 40 jam/minggu





Latar Belakang Pekerjaan – Minimal pendidikan S1 bidang Ilmu Ekonomi, Sosial, Kesehatan Masyarakat, kedokteran atau yang relevan

Pengalaman Kerja – Minimal 2 tahun dalam public private mix dalam lingkup program tuberkulosis



·         Memiliki pengalaman dan ketertarikan dengan isu penanggulangan TBC

·         Memiliki keterampilan melakukan pengumpulan, Analisa data dan mengembangkan dokumen desk review

·         Memiliki kemampuan berkoordinasi dengan pemerintah, organisasi non pemerintah, kelompok atau elemen masyarakat, dan akademisi.

·         Menunjukkan kemampuan bahasa Inggris yang baik (lisan, membaca, menulis)

·         Menunjukkan sikap konstruktif, berpikir positif dan pemecahan masalah yang efektif



Menyediakan perbantuan teknis untuk program atau kegiatan PPM yang dilaksanakan Stop TB Partnership Indonesia.



  1. Menyusun desk review kebijakan, praktik, publikasi dan laporan PPM secara nasional
  2. Mengumpulkan data primer tentang perspektif pemangku kepentingan PPM yang relevan untuk "Asesmen Kapasitas Advokasi PPM TBC"
  3. Mengorganisir pertemuan multi-stakeholder PPM Nasional untuk mendiskusikan respon TBC nasional khususnya keterlibatan sektor swasta dan program PPM TBC
  4. Membuat lanskap pemangku kepentingan dan memetakan potensi sumber daya untuk PPM
  5. Mengidentifikasi mitra potensial dalam advokasi PPM dan saluran komunikasi di tingkat nasional, provinsi dan kabupaten/kota
  6. Mengembangkan solusi inovatif dalam advokasi dengan tujuan mengurangi biaya dan meningkatkan akses kepada layanan pencegahan dan perawatan TBC berkualitas yang berpusat pada pasien untuk semua pasien TBC termasuk dari sektor swasta
  7. Mengadvokasikan untuk mengumpulkan data penjualan, distribusi obat-obatan dengan bantuan agensi yang tepat jika diperlukan
  8. Menyusun rencana kerja dan membuat draf dengan pemutakhiran per tiga bulan jika diperlukan.
  9. Tugas-tugas lainnya yang diamanatkan oleh pimpinan organisasi.



  1. Adanya desk review kebijakan, praktik, publikasi dan laporan PPM secara nasional
  2. Tersedianya data primer tentang perspektif pemangku kepentingan PPM yang relevan untuk "Asesmen Kapasitas Advokasi PPM TBC"
  3. Terlaksananya pertemuan multi-stakeholder PPM Nasional untuk mendiskusikan respon TBC nasional khususnya keterlibatan sektor swasta dan program PPM TBC
  4. Adanya lanskap pemangku kepentingan dan pemetaan potensi sumber daya untuk PPM
  5. Adanya laporan identifikasi mitra potensial dalam advokasi PPM dan saluran komunikasi antar pemangku kepentingan PPM di tingkat nasional, provinsi dan kabupaten/kota
  6. Adanya dokumen solusi inovatif dalam advokasi dengan tujuan mengurangi biaya dan meningkatkan akses kepada layanan pencegahan dan perawatan TBC berkualitas yang berpusat pada pasien untuk semua pasien TBC termasuk dari sektor swasta
  7. Tersedianya laporan advokasi dan data pendukung yang dibutuhkan untuk advokasi, termasuk data penjualan, distribusi obat-obatan dengan bantuan agensi yang tepat jika diperlukan
  8. Tersedianya rencana kerja dan draf dengan pemutakhiran per tiga bulan jika diperlukan.
  9. Adanya laporan dari tugas-tugas yang diamanatkan oleh pimpinan organisasi.



  1. Membantu proses identifikasi, memetakan permasalahan pasien dalam mengakses layanan TBC, termasuk hambatan-hambatan kebijakan dalam PPM TBC di Indonesia.
  2. Mendukung pengembangan strategi, kegiatan yang inovatif dalam meningkatkan akses pasien pada layanan TBC di fasilitas kesehatan swasta maupun pemerintah.
  3. Melakukan analisis kebijakan, penyusunan materi terkait advokasi dan desk review terhadap program PPM TBC di Indonesia
  4. Berkolaborasi dengan Program Manajer untuk merencanakan, melakukan dan mengevaluasi upaya advokasi pada aktor yang ditargetkan
  5. Mengidentifikasi peluang untuk memperluas jaringan dan mengoordinasikan kolaborasi PPM dengan pemangku kepentingan yang relevan
  6. Membangun dan memelihara hubungan yang efektif dengan pemangku kepentingan yang terlibat, khususnya pemerintah, Penyedia layanan TBC baik swasta atau pemerintah, CSO, akademisi, perusahaan, organisasi profesi dan komunitas
  7. Menginisiasi dan memfasilitasi pertemuan, koordinasi kerja, workshop, dengan pemangku kepentingan untuk mendorong kebijakan terkait program PPM khususnya dan TBC secara umum.
  8. Berkolaborasi dengan Program Manajer untuk mengembangkan dan menerapkan strategi advokasi untuk kegiatan PPM TBC yang efektif sesuai visi dan misi organisasi
  9. Memberikan dukungan teknis dan pengetahuan kepada tim STPI untuk menyusun rencana dan strategi yang mendukung implementasi kegiatan project
  10. Berkontribusi dalam penulisan laporan tahunan, khususnya tentang kegiatan PPM TBC




Surat lamaran dan CV sekaligus reference list; diterima STPI paling lambat , 6 Oktober 2023 via email di cc: dengan subjek email : Surname – Technical Officer PPM.


Timeline ini mungkin akan berubah tanpa pemberitahuan



Application period

September 27th – October 6th

Application screening

October 6th

Send invitation and task brief for interview

October 6th

Interviewing 3 candidates

October 9th-12th

Candidate selection

October 12th

Contacting referees

October 12th – 13th

Announcement to the selected candidate

Oktober 13th

Contract signing

October 16th

Starting on the job

Oktober 16th


3 kandidat terpilih akan melalui proses rekrutmen yang terdiri dari tahapan; seleksi administrasi dan penilaian CV, Interview dan tes tertulis, pengecekan referensi dan pengiriman surat penawaran.

Stop TB Partnership Indonesia merupakan lembaga yang membuka kesempatan yang setara bagi siapapun. Pelamar tidak boleh didiskriminasi karena ras, agama, jenis kelamin, asal negara, etnis, usia, disabilitas, afiliasi politik, orientasi seksual, identitas gender, warna kulit dan/atau status perkawinan.

Pelamar dengan Disabilitas: Stop TB Partner mengakomodasi pelamar dengan disabilitas, dimana pelamar dengan disabilitas yang memenuhi syarat dapat berpartisipasi dalam proses aplikasi. Harap beri tahu kami secara tertulis tentang kebutuhan khusus pada saat melamar.



Stop TB Partnership Indonesia
Gedung Medco 1, Lt. 2
Jl. Ampera Raya No. 18-20
Jakarta Selatan, 12560
Telp: (021) 782 1932 

[newdevjobsindo] Devtech System, Inc - MCC: Monitoring, Evaluation, Research, and Learning (MERL) Manager

About Us

DevTech Systems, Inc. (DevTech) is an international consulting firm dedicated to development, with 39 years of experience providing advisory services and technical assistance to government, private sector, and civil society stakeholders in more than 100 countries. DevTech core practice areas include: Monitoring Evaluation, Research and Learning; Data Solutions; Public Financial Management and Fiscal Sustainability; and Education, Gender, and Youth.


At DevTech, we care deeply about doing work that leads to positive change in the world. We value diverse perspectives and are committed to an inclusive work environment. We encourage each person to learn, develop, and meet their professional potential. We rethink and evolve how we do things to grow and improve our company.


DevTech is seeking a Monitoring, Evaluation, Research and Learning (MERL) Manager for a Digital and Financial Literacy Training and Capacity Enhancement for Women-Owned/Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises project that will be funded by The Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) and the Government of Indonesia. MCC is an innovative and independent U.S. foreign aid agency that is helping lead the fight against global poverty. MCC's mission is to reduce poverty through economic growth.

This project aims to unlock financing flows in a way that will catalyze economic growth and leverage Indonesia's own resources. The Indonesia Compact aims to address key root causes of costly and underdeveloped financial intermediation by improving the financing of infrastructure, particularly transport and logistics infrastructure, and increasing access to finance for micro-, small and medium enterprises. 

Currently, we have an opening position as an Monitoring, Evaluation, Research and Learning (MERL) Manager with the link below:


Deadline for application: Thursday, October 5, 2023
Please kindly apply to the link above for the position. 

Thank you and regards. 

[newdevjobsindo] Invitation to Tender - 83449303 Senior Climate Change Policy Expert

Request for Proposal (RFP No. 83449303)

Tender purpose: Consultancy Service - Senior Climate Change Policy Expert 
Project Name: Climate and Biodiversity Hub Indonesia-KLHK Component (Clarity)
Project No: 20.9042.3-001.00
Country of Assignment: Indonesia

The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH is an international cooperation enterprise for sustainable development with worldwide operations. Its corporate objective is to improve people's living conditions on a sustainable basis. GIZ has been working in Indonesia since 1975 on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV). 
For further information, please visit

One of the GIZ projects implemented in Indonesia is Climate and Biodiversity Hub Indonesia (CLARITY) that aims to support the Indonesian government in strengthening the mainstreaming and implementation of its climate and biodiversity policy. Currently, the CLARITY project is seeking one individual consultant Senior Climate Change Policy Expert. The details services (documents tender) are set forth in the link below:

Should you be interested in providing this service, please send your proposal to on 15 October 2023 at 23.59PM Jakarta local time at the latest. 

For other bidding opportunities in GIZ Indonesia please check in this link: Bidding Opportunities: GIZ Indonesia

Contract and Procurement Unit
GIZ Indonesia

[newdevjobsindo] Invitation to Tender - 83448826 Development of a manual for species inventory, monitoring and data analysis

Request for Proposal (RFP No. 83448826)

Tender purpose: Seeking a consulting firm (Biodiversity Expert Team) for developing a manual for species inventory, monitoring and data analysis and Resource person to provide advice in development of the biodiversity monitoring scenario and other national biodiversity and ecosystem indexes.
Project Name: Climate and Biodiversity Hub Indonesia-KLHK Component (Clarity)
Project No: 20.9042.3-001.00
Country of Assignment: Indonesia

The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH is an international cooperation enterprise for sustainable development with worldwide operations. Its corporate objective is to improve people's living conditions on a sustainable basis. GIZ has been working in Indonesia since 1975 on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV). 
For further information, please visit

One of the GIZ projects implemented in Indonesia is Climate and Biodiversity Hub Indonesia (CLARITY) that aims to support the Indonesian government in strengthening the mainstreaming and implementation of its climate and biodiversity policy. Currently, the CLARITY project is seeking a company/consulting firm for developing a manual for species inventory, monitoring and data analysis and Resource person to provide advice in development of the biodiversity monitoring scenario and other national biodiversity and ecosystem indexes. The details services (documents tender) are set forth in the link below:

Should you be interested in providing this service, please send your proposal to on 15 October 2023 at 23.59PM Jakarta local time at the latest. 

For other bidding opportunities in GIZ Indonesia please check in this linkBidding Opportunities: GIZ Indonesia

Contract and Procurement Unit
GIZ Indonesia

[newdevjobsindo] VACANCY: HR Consultant for Yayasan Indonesia Cerah

Yayasan Indonesia Cerah ("CERAH") is a non-profit organization established on 11 October
2018. The organization focuses on the issues of clean energy and the environment. CERAH
promotes the narrative of shifting Indonesia's policy in energy transition as a leader in
providing strategic communication to amplify key messages in the narrative of clean energy
and its transition in Indonesia, cultivating and enhancing stakeholder engagement, and
providing recommendations to policymakers.

CERAH has been collaborating with multiple stakeholders and prominent figures, the media,
and civil society organizations to educate and raise awareness highlighting issues such as
good governance and corruption, air pollution, and the health impact of energy choices and
renewable energy future and how that affects lifestyle and jobs.

Task and Responsibilities
To improve our Human Resources system, CERAH is looking for an HR Consultant with task
and Responsibilities as follow:
1. Develop HR manual policy of Cerah such as pension time, staff contract, etc., and
ensure it will comply with the rules and regulations of the Government of Indonesia;
2. Develop the KPI of Leads and team members to ensure the effectiveness and efficiency
of the organization;
3. Develop a yearly staff performance appraisal to measure an employee's contributions to
the organization;
4. Review the current Cerah Organizational Structure and provide input on it;
5. Conducts research, provides advice, and formulates strategic plans to address human
resource matters in organizations.

1. Candidates with at least 10 years of experience in Human Resources.
2. Excellent command of the English language, both written and oral.
3. Have good organizational skills with the ability to work remotely under minimum

Duration and Fee:
The position is urgently required. The duration of work is 2 (two) months from October to
November 2023. The remuneration is a lump sum based on qualification, competency, and
salary history.

Please send your CV, a minimum of 2 (two) pages, detailing your experiences and expertise
to at the latest on September 29, 2023, before 5 pm WIB.



CWS Indonesia – Jakarta Office

Protecting Urban Refugees through Empowerment (PURE) Program


OPERATIONS ASSISTANT: 1 position based in Jakarta

CWS/Indonesia ( is an international relief, development, and refugee assistance agency that has been operating in Indonesia for many years under an agreement with the Ministry of Social Affairs. CWS Indonesia is the field office of CWS, Inc., headquartered in New York. CWS assists the most vulnerable, regardless of their religion, race, ethnicity, or gender. CWS works with partners to eradicate hunger and poverty and to promote peace and justice around the world.

CWS is implementing a Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (BPRM)-funded program in Jakarta Greater Area that assists refugees and asylum seekers to access basic services and provides skills training and education activities.

The Operations Assistant is required to support administration tasks within the operation unit. S/He will report to Senior Operation Officer and assist Program Manager to manage procurement tracker, logistics database, warehouse, home improvement, distribution of program items. S/He will also need to communicate with other staff in the organization and external parties. The Assistant should exercise good judgment in performance of duties and responsibilities



Application should include a cover letter, reflecting suitability with qualification, and a curriculum vitae, which includes contact number, expected net salary and contacts of 3 professional referees (one must be from HR Department). The document should be merged and submitted in PDF, not more than 2 MB, to by 6th October 2023 at the latest

Please see the attachment document for detailed information



CWS Indonesia – Jakarta Office

Protecting Urban Refugees through Empowerment (PURE) Program


OPERATIONS OFFICER (Procurement) - 1 position based in Jakarta     

CWS Indonesia ( is an international relief, development, and refugee assistance agency that has been operating in Indonesia for many years under an agreement with the Ministry of Social Affairs. CWS Indonesia is the field office of CWS, Inc., headquartered in New York. CWS assists the most vulnerable, regardless of their religion, race, ethnicity, or gender.

CWS is implementing a Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (BPRM)-funded program in Jakarta that assists refugees and asylum seekers to access basic services such as health care and provides skills training and education programs.

The position will work under the supervision of Senior Operations Officer for all types of reporting and communication concerning the project.  She/He is required to ensure compliance against CWS Operation system and procedure within the project; while at the same time, maintain confidentiality and positive communication with other program staff. Operations Officer/Procurement position is required to assist in the procurement of program needs (goods and services) and procurement of office needs (equipment / assets, services and rent).  



Application should include a cover letter, reflecting suitability with qualification, and a curriculum vitae, which includes contact number, expected net salary and contacts of 3 professional referees (one must be from HR Department). The document should be merged and submitted in PDF, not more than 2 MB, to by 6th October 2023 at the latest.

Please see the attachment document for detailed information

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