[newdevjobsindo] CRS/Indonesia is seeking Survey Data Collection Enumerator candidates and Notetaker candidates - Lowongan Kerja LSM NGO

Senin, 23 Oktober 2023

[newdevjobsindo] CRS/Indonesia is seeking Survey Data Collection Enumerator candidates and Notetaker candidates

CRS/Indonesia is seeking Survey Data Collection Enumerator candidates (Job Code: Enum) and Notetaker candidates (Job Code: Note).


The purpose of this Scope of Work (SoW) is to describe the roles and responsibilities of local consultant (hereafter referred to as "Consultant") be hired as enumerators to support Catholic Relief Services (CRS) Indonesia for Household Survey data collection enumerator and notetaker for the PAR III FLODESA project Final Evaluation.


CRS Indonesia is collaborating with Yayasan Pembangunan Sosial Ekonomi Larantuka (YASPENSEL) and key stakeholders from East Flores District Government such as Social Office and BPBD to implement FloDESA (Flores DRR Enhancement for Sustainable Livelihood) project in 10 disaster-prone villages in East Flores District. In the second year, to strengthen the advocacy in District level government CRS is collaborating with Yayasan Pengkajian dan Pengembangan Sosial (YPPS)on January 2022.

The PAR Phase III FLoDESA project focuses on strengthening DRR structures, increasing capacity building for key stakeholders, diversifying livelihoods and providing recovery support through SILC and alternate livelihood solutions. PAR Phase III is implementing a comprehensive portfolio of interventions to deliver critical capacity strengthening, increased knowledge and awareness, and resources, utilizing the 'community-led disaster risk management' (CLDRM) approach.


The project is proposing the following 'high-level' outcomes, that is, the measurable and significant changes or differences for the program participants that are achievable over the long term (5-10 years), if the program is successful.

1.                   At-risk communities in the targeted areas are disaster ready.

2.                   Households in the targeted areas have reduced disaster risk.

3.                   Local governments are sufficiently equipped for disasters in targeted areas.


To achieve this end the project has identified eight objectives with myriad associated tasks.

1.                   Targeted at-risk communities are disaster ready with inclusive CLDRM plans and systems

2.                   Community livelihoods strengthened to protect against disasters

3.                   Community members have improved access to savings and loans

4.                   At-risk households practice effective DRM preparedness for increased disaster-readiness

5.                   At-risk communities' access external resources to improve disaster- readiness

6.                   Local disaster management organizations and committees in the targeted areas are strengthened

7.                   Government-owned Early Warning Systems are strengthened

8.                   Local governments in the targeted communities have improved DRM capacities


The Prepared and Resilient III Final Evaluation aims to provide a comprehensive assessment of the results from PAR III implementation through a performance evaluation. CRS will determine the final values of outcome indicators and respond to relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability, coherence and impact evaluation questions, CRS intends to find evidence-based recommendations for future improvements. Given the project's implementation across three countries, the evaluation will enable CRS to conduct a comparative analysis of contextual factors and overall approach, contributing to a more nuanced understanding of the project's outcomes. Furthermore, the findings from the evaluation will be utilized to inform and enhance the implementation of the next iteration of the project PAR IV, ensuring its better adaptation.


The PAR III Final Evaluation has three main objectives:

1)      Measure the extent to which the project's intended goals and objectives have been met. 

2)      Answer evaluation questions related to project relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability, coherence and impact (see below). 

3)      Provide evidence-based insights and recommendations for future project improvements.


To provide a comprehensive assessment of implementation, PAR will implement a performance evaluation. Within each selected community, a combination of qualitative methods, including key informant interviews (KII) and focus group discussions (FGD), will be employed to gather in-depth insights and perspectives. These qualitative data will be triangulated with quantitative data collected throughout the project's implementation through HH survey to measure the extent to which the project's intended goals have been achieved. By engaging relevant stakeholders, such as local authorities, project administrators, local partners, local non-government actor and diverse community members, the evaluation will provide evidence-based insights and recommendations to improve future disaster preparedness initiatives. Data disaggregation at the community level will offer a comprehensive understanding of the project's impact in communities in Bangladesh, Timor Leste and Indonesia and enable the identification of areas to enhance project sustainability and coherence.


The MEAL Program Manager will provide overall management and technical direction for the survey and organize and manage the data collection process. The Household survey along with final evaluation report will be shared with project stakeholders, including relevant government authorities, partners, internal CRS management and the donor, MACP.



The consultants will collect HH survey quantitative data from the communities targeted and produce verbatim interview notes in the PAR III FLODESA project, which approach is subject to generally accepted and valid data collection methodology in regards to the tools development, sampling design, training and field testing parameters, etc. as prescribed in the Terms of Reference for Annual Survey attached to this SoW as reference.


Specific roles and responsibilities of the Enumerator include:

·       Attend one day training of data collection using Commcare and one day review in Larantuka

·       Ensure daily target number of data collected based on the random sampling of respondents

·       Participate in daily briefing or spot-checks throughout the data collection process to ensure quality of data.

·       Communicate problems in a timely manner to MEAL PM / SPO

·       Take part in daily / weekly data collector team debriefings. Frequency of debriefing will be decided at the end of debriefing meeting.

·       Establish confidence with the respondents

·       Use empathic communication.


Phases and Methodology

·       Orientation. The consultants will participate on CommCare data collection training to understand the overall objectives of the study, ICT4D, tools, and scope of works of the team to achieve the targets.

·       Feedback mechanism.  The consultants will coordinate with project field team and MEAL SPO on a daily basis to address critical ad hoc issues that may affect the outcomes of overall study and provide guidance on the way forward.

·       The methods/tools for this study are:

o   Key Informant Interviews are facilitated at the household level.  Interviews are used to collect respondents' data. 

o   Technology.  Android tablets will be used to collect data.


Specific roles and responsibilities of the Notetaker include

·       Attend a day training of qualitative data collection note taking.

·       Ensure data collection notes (verbatim in Bahasa Indonesia) through KII and FGD are completed

·       Participate in daily briefing or spot-checks throughout the data collection process to ensure quality of data.

·       Communicate problems in a timely manner to MEAL PM / SPO



The Enumerator and Notetaker shall produce the following deliverables in a form and content satisfactory as per guidance given during the training to CRS country program:

·       Data collected from 20-30 HHs per villagges, total data will be collected 200-300. Data must be entered through CommCare.

·       Interviewed notes (verbatim), 4KII's and 6 FGD's per village. Verbatim presented in Bahasa Indonesia.

·       Attended required training and debriefing meeting to share challenges, progress and good practices

The following milestones will be used to track the process and progress toward successful completion of the work and deliverables outlined in this scope of work:

·       Training for consultants on CommCare data collection training in Larantuka, 1 November 2023, venue will be determined.

·       Data collection at the field level for both Qualitative and Quantitative 30 October – 12 November 2023.

o   Qualitative: 30 October – 4 November 2023

o   Quantitative: 1 – 12 November 2023


Quantitative HH survey will take place in 10 PAR III FLODESA project target villages in the District of East Flores, NTT, Indonesia. While, Qualitative will occur in 4 selected villages; Lewobele, Oyang Barang, Kolaka and Pledo.


30 October – 12 November 2023


Enumerator for HH Survey: 5 Enumerators

Notetaker for Qualitative: 6 Notetakers


CRS will pay daily rate which includes meal expenses, and reimburse other allowable expenses based on receipts of actual transaction for travel, such as gasoline expenses and/or public transportation expenses

Consultant will stay in the village or travel from Larantuka everyday (to be confirmed)


CRS retains sole ownership of all quantitative and/or qualitative data collected during the study/work described in this SoW along with the right to publish, present, or use any study results for instructional, research, or publication objectives.


Specific Qualifications for consultants are:

-          Experience in conducting quantitative and qualitative assessments and surveys;

-          Experience in data collection methods and tools, paper based or using information communication and technology (ICT) devices or tablets;

-          Experience in taking notes on data collection research verbatim (for notateker)

-          Ability to work with minimum supervision

-          Willingness and ability to travel and/or live in the village

-          Good interpersonal, organizational and written/verbal communication skills, including in cross-cultural settings;

-          Fluency in Indonesian and East Flores local language

-          Demonstrated personal accountability and driven to serve others

-          Establish confidence with the participants or respondents

-          Empathic communication with the team and respondents

-          Manage the emotion which in some cases might emerge specially during the narrative collection

-          Own Android smartphone reliable to CommCare application

-          NPWP (tax card) and SIM C (motorbike driving license), having his/her own motorbike is preferable

-          Have own health insurance, such as BPJS


***Our Catholic identity is at the heart of our mission and operations. Catholic Relief Services carries out the commitment of the Bishops of the United States to assist the poor and vulnerable overseas. We welcome as a part of our staff people of all faiths and secular traditions who share our values and our commitment to serving those in need. CRS' processes and policies reflect our commitment to protecting children and vulnerable adults from abuse and exploitation.  


Disclaimer:  This job description is not an exhaustive list of the skill, effort, duties, and responsibilities associated with the position.  


All documents should be submitted electronically to Indonesia_HR@crs.org before or by October 27th, 2023, with "Your Name_Enum" or "Your Name_NoTa"  in the subject line.


CRS' talent acquisition procedures reflect our commitment to safeguarding the rights and dignity of all people - especially children and vulnerable adults - to live free from abuse and harm.


CRS prioritizes candidates who are citizens/ permanent residents of the countries where we have CRS offices.

CRS is an Equal Opportunity Employer

"Only short-listed candidates will be invited via e-mail/phone for Interview"


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