[newdevjobsindo] Campaign Strategist - for TKN PSL - Lowongan Kerja LSM NGO

Minggu, 05 November 2023

[newdevjobsindo] Campaign Strategist - for TKN PSL






1. Summary of the Project


Field Support Services Project (FSSP) Indonesia is a five-year project funded by Global Affairs Canada (GAC) and managed by Cowater International. FSSP provides administrative, financial, procurement, and logistical services, as well as support to the in-country development programming for the Government of Canada through the provision of technical specialists in gender equality, governance and human rights, and environment and climate action and assisting GAC in procuring and managing local development initiatives. These programs take place in Indonesia and the ASEAN regions.


2. Background

Project Description

Every year, 8 million tonnes of plastic end up in the oceans, equivalent to a garbage truck being emptied every minute. Plastic pollution has long been acknowledged to have harmful effects on biodiversity, society, and the economy. Plastic pollution in the marine environment presents an unparalleled threat worldwide, prompting a clear demand for global action to break this harmful pattern. To this end, recent efforts to commit to the Global Plastics Treaty, an internationally recognised legally binding agreement emphasised in UNEA 5.2 Resolutions, have been crucial.

The lack of financial resources, technology, and capacity building has hindered the ability to mobilise action and accelerate impacts in the community at large. Only 0.7% of the local government budget has been allocated, resulting in inadequate plastic waste management across the nation. Effective implementation requires cooperation among multiple stakeholders, including international donors. Therefore, fostering such teamwork is fundamental to effective implementation.


Based on Indonesia's Action Plan on Marine Plastic Debris 2017-2025 under Presidential Decree No. 83/2018, Indonesia aims to decrease marine plastic debris by 70% by 2025. Furthermore, as of 2022, Indonesia has fulfilled its plastic reduction objective of 35.36%. This endeavour showcases the government's strong dedication to tackle this issue and ensure the sustainable management of plastic waste. Alongside 175 other nations, Indonesia has been an active participant in the formation of the treaty via the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC) 1 and 2, held in Uruguay and Paris respectively. The treaty's language highlights that nations would face difficulty in fulfilling their responsibilities and contributions without adequate measures of implementation.

One of the greatest challenges faced is the creation of a paradigm shift across society, encouraging individuals to move towards sustainable use and management of plastic waste.  In Indonesia, an alarming 72% of the population (~275 million people) are unaware of the implications of plastic pollution on human health and the environment. Given the ubiquitous presence of plastic in human daily consumption, inducing behavioural changes is an enormous task. Public engagement remains crucial to uphold Indonesia's commitment across all levels of society. Additionally, Canada's Zero Plastic Waste Agenda, grounded in the Ocean Plastics Charter, offers real potential for both countries to work together and take concerted action. This initiative could offer a platform for diplomacy preceding the INCs, focusing on facilitating transformative societal change.


TKN PSL (Tim Koordinasi Nasional Penanganan Sampah Laut) will implement various measures to facilitate efficient dissemination, promotion, and community outreach efforts to foster greater inclusivity and sustainable collective impact. This approach will contribute to ensuring that the forthcoming International Legally Binding Agreement 'Global Plastics Treaty' serves as a cornerstone for catalytic change with a sense of shared ownership of the outcomes.


3. Objective


The main objective of the initiative is to support effective publication, socialization and public engagement strategies to ensure greater inclusivity and sustainable collective impact of the Global Plastic Treaty. The scope includes but not limited to the following tasks:

1.   Engage all sectors of society in understanding the accomplishments, obstacles, and future plans of collaborative initiatives aimed at tackling plastic pollution, particularly in the marine environment.

2.   Foster public involvement in the co-formation of the Global Plastics Treaty through an array of awareness-raising initiatives and collaborative dialogue, encompassing deliberation on pivotal treaty matters and innovation creation to address the challenges in the INC procedure.

3.   Devise all-encompassing communication strategies with important stakeholders to facilitate the approval of the upcoming Worldwide Plastics Treaty in order to steer the path towards agreement and effectiveness.

4.   Endorse transformative societal change to end plastic pollution, including in the marine environment, with action-oriented outcomes.


Target Audiences

Government Representatives, Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), private sectors, and general public

Means of Implementation

Two proactive components are formulated to guarantee a revolutionary impact that will enable the attainment of the Plastic Treaty's public campaign goals with the brand event title "RESONANSI: Reimagining Plastic Waste Solutions towards Sustainability and Resilience". This will be achieved through the following activities:

Component 1. A holistic approach will not be possible without direct action on the ground. TKN PSL is therefore developing a series of events to support the achievement of the public campaign, including:

1.   Communication Strategy Handbook

This handbook is tailored to provide guidance on how to communicate the Global Plastics Treaty effectively. It provides explanation and actionable advice on strategic communications specifically for the public relations team of ministries/agencies. This handbook is set to be launched on the day of the 2nd Convention and is expected to be implemented after INC-4. To support development of this handbook, a Stakeholder Participation Survey and a Public Perception Survey concerning the Global Plastics Treaty will be conducted.

A Stakeholders Participation Survey will be conducted by the Communications and Stakeholder Engagement (CSE) Specialist at the day of 1st Convention to obtain an objective understanding of the importance of ending plastic pollution through different initiatives by diverse stakeholders. For private sectors, questionnaires will be designed to capture their perception on market transformation, as well as their recent commitments and involvement in addressing the plastic issues through Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) systems, as specifically laid out in Zero Draft with the objective for a just transition. For the ministry agencies, a set of questions will be communicated to stimulate discussions, particularly on the potential for policy change, which may include the use of regulatory and economic instruments (e.g., incentivizing changes in supply chain and consumer behaviour). Academicians and community representatives, who will also be invited to join the discussions during the Convention, will also be provided with a set of questions to explore their possible feedback and recommendations for the creation of the Global Plastics Treaty.


The Public Perception Survey, which will be conducted by Campaign Strategist across digital platforms, is intended to investigate the public's attitudes toward plastic waste issues, particularly in relation to how they view plastics as essential for consumer needs in the first place. The survey will also serve as a platform to gather public concerns and feedback on the issues of plastic pollution and how to tackle it in everyday life. It highlights the need to raise awareness of plastics as a global problem and the need for collective action to keep it in the cycle of the economy, leading to the creation of the Global Plastics Treaty. Another important part of the questions will revolve around the idea of adopting a sustainable and eco-friendly lifestyle, which is currently addressed as an effective solution in the global consensus. It is expected that the Treaty's messages to society will be amplified, leading to a growing public discourse in the long term.


Results of both Stakeholder Participation Survey and Public Perception Survey will be further analysed and compiled by Campaign Strategist in the form of  Survey Report. The analysis derived from these surveys will subsequently be used as part of evidence-based studies designed to support the components of the Communication Strategy Handbook.


2.   Road to Plastics Treaty Convention

Constructive stakeholder and public dialogue is needed to set the tone, clarify objectives and lay the groundwork for the work ahead. To stimulate meaningful exchanges between diverse stakeholders, including the public, two conventions will form the basis for developing governmental and societal readiness to honour the forthcoming International Legally Binding Instrument: the Global Plastics Treaty.


The first convention is scheduled to take place ahead of INC-3 in Nairobi, Kenya. This convention will serve as an early summons for many significant stakeholders including governments, private sectors and other distinguished partners to come aboard and prepare to take decisive steps, as laid out in the Zero Draft of the Global Plastics Treaty. The first session of this Convention aims to assemble stakeholders and promote the exchange of strategic planning, best practices and collaborative efforts to tackle plastic pollution. The second session is designed to unite public relations teams from different Ministries and media companies, with the core objective of enhancing their proficiency in effectively communicating vital information about the Global Plastics Treaty. This will be achieved through interactive sessions designed to deepen their grasp of the subject matter and refine their skills. It is expected that this initiative will enhance public participation through the dissemination of press releases or other media channels, amplifying the Global Plastics Treaty and urging the government and the public to come together against plastic pollution. This session will be known as "Cross-Functional Collaboration Among the Public Relations Team of Ministries and Media."

The second convention is scheduled to take place before INC-4 in Ottawa, Canada. It will serve as an all-encompassing environment, where an increased number of individuals involved in representing different sectors of society are encouraged to attend. Activities on offer will consist of sharing knowledge, exchanging ideas, debating trends, showcasing products or services, and participating in networking opportunities. The platform enables the receipt of feedback from a wider audience to reinforce the option papers of INCs through brainstormed concepts and Q&A sessions. The event plan includes a range of activities such as keynote speeches, panel debates, Focus Group Discussions (FGD), exhibitions, and interactive sessions. The expected outcomes of both the first and second conventions will be manifested in the Collective Insight Report, written by the Sustainability Policy Expert, which will present the collective knowledge, opinions, perspectives and insights of stakeholders and the general public on plastic pollution, plastic waste management and other prospective core components of the Global Plastics Treaty.


3.   Competition

Amidst a rapidly evolving world inundated with information, disinformation, and misinformation, the significance of genuine, dependable journalism within environmental matters has escalated. The inception of this journalism competition was grounded in the conviction that journalism acts as a guidepost of honesty and an impetus for favourable transformation.


In this parallel event, a collection of journalism contests that urge the general public active participation will be convened. This aims to generate insightful and influential pieces concerning plastic pollution and its management. The primary goal of these contests is to heighten awareness about plastic waste obstacles, stimulate discussions, and instigate favourable change through persuasive reporting and storytelling. Three categories are available for participation: bulletin, short film, and TikTok or Instagram Reels contests for content creators. The expected output derived from this activity will be a Public Outreach Report, written by Campaign Strategist.



Component 2. In order to bolster the TKN PSL movement's public campaign to reinforce the Plastic Treaty, "the Development of Communication Strategies" was established, with a focus on online platforms.


Despite the alarming issue of plastic pollution, there remains a significant gap in effective communication from the government. Comprehending the urgency and immediate hazard brought about by plastic pollution proves challenging in winning over the public. Therefore, it is imperative to strengthen and encourage the harmonisation between stakeholders and the government to mobilise the public, in order to achieve maximum and effective treatment targets.


A multi-channel approach will be employed to reach diverse segments of the target audience. This will entail utilising social media platforms (e.g. Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, TikTok), official websites, press releases, email campaigns, and newsletters. The captured content will include narratives about the convention, INCs, and public campaign aimed at eradicating plastic pollution. There will also be an extensive publicity campaign through prominent press and media outreach, such as articles and coverage on radio and television.


Finally, a variety of communication strategies will be further developed to promote initiative resolutions. This will involve streaming the events live and partnering with influencers/prominent figures and collaborators to expand potential audiences.



4. Scope of work, Activities, and Deliverables


Scope of Work


Working on a day-to-day basis under the direction of the Programme Coordinator of TKN PSL, the overall objective of this consultancy service is to complete public engagement related tasks with a team approach, which include:


  1. Conduct Survey Report to analyse the public interests towards the issue of plastic pollution, waste management, and Global Plastics Treaty using the digital survey method that developed along with Sustainability Policy Expert, which later to be overseen by Communication and Stakeholder Engagement Expert.
  2. Design campaign brands and create the strategic timeline to develop work plan and implement the campaign activity, including copy, visuals, videos, and other multimedia elements.
  3. Perform as the co-author of Communication Strategy Handbook to provide their expertise in communication strategy within digital media communication and relation within media companies and public, by working together with Communication & Stakeholder Engagement Specialist and Sustainability Policy Expert.
  4. Prepare articles in the media to effectively communicate key takeaways from INC-3 and Global Plastics Treaty toward INC-4 to the general public by working with Communication & Stakeholder Engagement Specialist, Sustainability Policy Expert, and Ministry of Environment and Forestry (MoEF).
  5. Manage communication with influencers, prominent public figures, or activists, speakers, and experts in the field of plastic pollution and sustainability issues.
  6. Identify and monitor trends, patterns, and insights from campaign data to make data-driven recommendations for optimization through key performance indicators (KPIs).
  7. Provide regular updates on campaign progress to stakeholders and leadership, highlighting successes and potential areas for improvement.
  8. Translate public engagement activities’ outcomes from the insight report of the project social media activity and insights from all the events in the form of Public Outreach Report.


Expected Outputs and Deliverables



Date of Submission

Estimated number of working days

Review and Approvals Required

1.   Work Plan which includes:

a.   Grand content plan, content timeline from November 2023 to May 2024, survey plan and event branding;

b.   Communication design and target for public outreach;

c.   Market research for digital campaigns.

d.   Content brief for Public engagement, Competition and Convention.

2. Outline of Survey Report which covers: designing digital survey method and materials with Sustainability Policy Expert.

2nd week of November 2023

20 days


1.   Survey Report which covers results and analysis of public digital surveys.

2.   1st Draft of Public Outreach Report which covers discussions highlights, participants feedback, and lessons learned from the 1st Convention  (e.g., engagement from audiences, Social Media Analytics, collaboration with Media Partners, etc.).

3.   Article, containing progress of Global Plastics Treaty (e.g., key takeaways from INC-3, important measures laid out in Zero Draft, etc.) with Communication & Stakeholder Engagement Specialist,  Sustainability Policy Expert, and MoEF.

2nd week of January 2024

15 days


1st Draft Communication Strategy Handbook (co-author) with  Sustainability Policy Expert and led by Communication & Stakeholder Engagement Expert.


2nd week of February 2024

10 days


1.   Public Outreach report  which covers discussions highlights, participants feedback, and lessons learned from the 2nd Convention  (e.g., Social Media Analytics, collaboration with Media Partners, Campaign Effectiveness etc.).

2.   Article, containing progress of Global Plastics Treaty (e.g., key discussions for INC-4,, important measures laid out in Zero Draft, etc.) with Communication & Stakeholder Engagement Specialist, Sustainability Policy Expert, and MoEF.

3.   Communication Strategy Handbook


2nd week of April 2024

15 days


Total working days

60 days





5. Requirements for Experience and Qualifications


A multi-disciplinary team comprising a Communications & Stakeholder Engagement (CSE) Specialist, a Sustainability Policy Expert and a Campaign Strategist will be appointed to deliver the objectives of these public engagement activities (i.e. the Public Engagement Core Team).


Their combined expertise and devotion guarantee that every published message and campaign executed substantially aids this project objectives and broader societal enhancements. The team will work closely with the National Coordinating Team for Marine Debris Management (TKN PSL) to seek guidance, manage the project, and align with organizational priorities. We will provide regular updates and progress reports as per established reporting structures, along with periodic reviews and evaluations to evaluate performance, adjust strategies and refine objectives if required.


To highlight our objective of capturing public sentiment towards the Global Plastic Treaty, it is necessary to engage campaign strategists to formalise public awareness through media outreach. Especially in this era where the latest information is easily available through various media such as social media, advertisements and support tools. In some cases, it may be necessary to identify a prominent public figure to act as a focal point for information in order to influence and raise awareness among a wider audience.


In certain instances, a prominent public figure may need to be singled out to act as a central point for information to influence and raise awareness in a wider audience. Utilizing public relations strategies to generate exposure and increase buzz around an event can achieve this. To effectively convey this event, it is crucial to establish concise communication objectives and key messages. These professionals possess the expertise to create a powerful campaign that aligns with our aim to reach a broad audience and develop strategic plans for emphasising the significance of the Global Plastic Treaty.


We take this to mean that TKN PSL wants to present an expert who has experience and credibility in implementing public engagement well. The consultant's work requirements and specifics are outlined below:


Educational Background and years of experience: 

Master’s Degree in marketing, communications, business, public relations, or any other related fields with at least 5 years of experience in the field of public relations or media.



  1. Proven experience (at least five years) in public campaign management, social media management, marketing communications, digital marketing, or related roles within the environment and plastic pollution issue (preferable with those who delve into the topic of Global Plastic Treaty and INC).
  2. Experienced with various marketing channels, including social media (e.g tiktok, instagram, X Twitter, YouTube), email marketing, paid advertising, etc.
  3. Demonstrated strong affinity in developing communication strategies and campaigns on environmental issues such as plastic pollution, marine debris etc.
  4. Familiarity with Government Agencies, United Nations (especially UNEP), NGO, stakeholders, media companies, environmental key figures and others.
  5. Strong affinity with environment and sustainability–themes projects, preferably proven with projects portfolio.



a)       Proficiency in conducting thorough research and analysing data to inform strategy development and decision-making (e.g survey, literature review).

b)       In-depth knowledge of plastic pollution and waste management issues, including an understanding of relevant international agreements and treaties.

c)       Proficiency in marketing analytics tools (e.g., Social Media Analytics, Google Analytics, Adobe Analytics, etc.).

d)       Strategic ability to see opportunities, design innovative approaches backed by strong analysis and planning.

e)       Have a strong sense for messaging, themes and techniques that resonate with the media in general.

f)        Strong project management and organizational skills, with the ability to manage multiple campaigns simultaneously.

g)       Excellent written and verbal communication skills, both in English and Bahasa Indonesia.

h)       Keeping abreast with the latest trend in sustainability, plastic pollution issue, Global Plastic Treaty, INC events and online discourse among societies.

i)         Able to work with the distillation of large amounts of information for diverse audiences, and the synthesis and translation of scientific information, concepts and language into clear, compelling content on multiple platforms for non-technical audiences.


6. Duration of the Contract

The total expected duration of the assignment is up to 60 days. All reports must be finalized and submitted within this period. The Consultant is expected to start on second week of November 2023 until May 2024.

Payments will be processed monthly upon the presentation of a timesheet and invoice detailing the level of efforts for each deliverable.


How to apply:

Interested individual consultants must include the following documents when submitting the applications with email Subject: Campaign Strategist to admin@fssproject.com latest by 17 November 2023:


1.     CV indicating all past experience from similar projects, as well as the contact details (email and telephone number) of the Candidate and at least three (3) professional references.

2.    Brief statement as to why the individual considers him/herself as the most suitable for the assignment.

3.    Financial Proposal shall be submitted in the following format:

  • The financial proposal should specify an all-inclusive daily rate for up to 60 working days;
  • The financial proposal must be all-inclusive and take into account various expenses that will be incurred during the contract, including: the daily professional fee and when applicable any other relevant expenses related to the performance of services under the contract, not including travel expenses.


Qualified women are encouraged to apply.


Cowater International is an equal opportunity employer, basing employment on merit and qualifications as they relate to professional experience and position expectations. Cowater does not discriminate against any employee or applicant on the basis of race, religion, sex, gender identity, disability, age, or any other basis protected by law.


We thank all applicants, however only those shortlisted will be contacted



The award of the contract shall be made to the individual consultant whose offer has been evaluated and determined as: a) responsive/compliant/acceptable; and b) having received the highest score out of the weighted criteria (70% technical score (comprising of 15% technical qualifications desk review, 25% written test, and 30% interview) and 30% financial score.

The proposals that achieve a minimum of 70% for the technical qualifications desk review shall be further considered for an interview and written test. The financial score shall be computed as a ratio of the proposal being evaluated and the lowest priced proposal received for the assignment.


Technical Qualifications Desk Review

The evaluation of the Technical criteria will be as follows:

St No




Academic qualifications of the Consultant;

10 points


Minimum 5 years’ proven experience in public campaign management, social media management, marketing communications, digital marketing, or related roles within the environment and plastic pollution issue (preferable with those who delve into the topic of Global Plastic Treaty and INC).

30 points


Strong proficiency in conducting thorough research and analysing data to inform strategy development and decision-making (e.g survey, literature review).

20 points


In-depth knowledge of plastic pollution and waste management issues, including an understanding of relevant international agreements and treaties.

20 points


Strong knowledge and affinity in developing communication strategies and campaigns on environmental issues such as plastic pollution, marine debris etc.

10 points


Knowledge on project management and organizational skills, with the ability to manage multiple campaigns simultaneously and proficiency in marketing analytics tools (e.g., Social Media Analytics, Google Analytics, Adobe Analytics, etc.).

10 points


Total points

100 points



With more than 34 years’ experience, Cowater International is Canada’s global leader in management consulting services specializing in international development and has managed the implementation of over 800 projects in more than 80 countries around the globe. We work with governments, partner organizations, communities and civil society to design and implement sustainable solutions that generate lasting social, financial and environmental impacts. Our adaptive approach to management has led to our award-winning work and recognition as one of Canada’s Best Managed Companies in 2017 and 2018. Headquartered in Ottawa, Canada, Cowater International also has corporate offices in Montreal, Quebec, Paris, France, Pretoria, South Africa, and London, United Kingdom, Nairobi, Kenya in addition to project offices in a wide variety of other locations across Sub-Saharan Africa and Asia.


We thank you for your interest in building a better tomorrow with Cowater International.




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