Januari 2024 - Lowongan Kerja LSM NGO

Rabu, 31 Januari 2024

[newdevjobsindo] YHIS Job Vacancy : (Team of) Consultant to Assess and Draft Carbon Policy for Humanis

Request for Expression of Interest



Yayasan Humanis dan Inovasi Sosial (hereinafter: Humanis), an affiliate organization of Hivos, is a Jakarta-based non-profit development organization that works across the Southeast Asia region. Humanis works with marginalized groups and frontrunners to exercise rights and freedoms, bring about changes, influence decisions and hold those in power to account. As the name itself suggests, Humanis envisions just and sustainable societies in Southeast Asia that fulfill and protect the rights of each individual, as well as respect differences and backgrounds. To achieve our vision, we focus on three impact areas: Gender Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (GEDI), Civic Rights in the Digital Age (CRIDA), and Climate Justice. Currently, we have ongoing programs in Indonesia, Timor-Leste, the Philippines, and Vietnam


Humanis seeks qualified candidates for the position of:
Title                      :  (Team of) Consultant to Assess and Draft Carbon Policy for Humanis

Duty Station       :  Jakarta, Indonesia

Report to             :  DMEL Coordinator

Duration              :  March to May 2024





Yayasan Humanis dan Inovasi Sosial (hereinafter: Humanis) is a Jakarta-based non-profit development organization that works with marginalized groups and frontrunners to exercise rights and freedoms, bring about changes, influence decisions and hold those in power to account. The organization was born out of an active collaboration between Netherlands-based Hivos and several like-minded Indonesian academics and civil society leaders who share the same values and mission of Hivos. The agenda for such collaboration was set in the context of Hivos' desire to phase out its direct presence in Southeast Asia (specifically in Indonesia, the Philippines, and Timor-Leste) by promoting sincere decentralization and local ownership. As the name itself suggests, Humanis envisions just and sustainable societies in Southeast Asia that fulfil and protect the rights of each individual, as well as respect differences and backgrounds.


Southeast Asian countries are set to be among the worst affected by climate change, with severe consequences for millions of people in the region. According to the sixth IPCC assessment report, the region will suffer from rapidly rising sea levels, extreme heat, and frequent heavy rain. Nineteen of the 25 cities most affected by a one-meter sea-level rise are in Asia, and seven are in the Philippines. Jakarta and Bangkok will also be very badly affected. Sea level rise and cyclone risks in coastal regions, together with unpredictable heavy rains in some areas and drought in others, will threaten the livelihoods of millions and require major investment in adaptation and mitigation. It is critical that solutions are not imposed in a top-down manner, but that those most affected have voice and agency in developing and implementing policies and programs to address the causes and impacts of climate change. To limit global temperature, increase to 1.5˚ Celsius from pre-industrial levels, the world must cut global GHG emissions by at least 50% by 2030. Achieving this demands significant and rapid changes in human behavior.


As a humanist organization and one working actively for climate justice, Humanis commits its ethical responsibility to make bold and urgent changes in its own practices in order to contribute to the deep emissions reductions needed. This aligns with the principles of promoting well-being and the greater good for all living beings, including future generations.


As a newly established organization transitioning from Hivos (Southeast Asia Hub),  Humanis' commitment to emissions reductions has been in alignment with Hivos' commitments since 2008 and 2018, where we continuously measured our carbon footprint, using own method (from 2008 to 2011) and the Envirometer tool from 2012-2018 (https://www.milieubarometer.nl/en-gb/home/ ). During the same period, Hivos had offset its emissions through the Cambodia bio digester program (2008 and 2011) and used the Gold Standard Verified Emission Reduction in 2012 – 2018. And in Yayasan Humanis' first Sustainability Report 2022, the organization presented its initiative in carbon measurement.


To achieve the commitment of reducing our carbon footprint, we first need to measure our carbon and environmental footprint. The Carbon Footprint calculation will set the baseline for defining longer term targets, policies and identifying key high impact areas and actions. Once the baseline and target set, a policy needs to be established ensuring that reduction mechanisms including actions be part of the organizational for substantially reducing our carbon emissions by 2030.



  1. To assess the performance of  Humanis' carbon footprint;
  2. To identify high impact areas (such as travel behaviour, buildings efficiency, and commuting) and actions to reduce emissions;
  3. To recommend baseline and target for Humanis' carbon footprint;
  4. To define compensation mechanism and investment;
  5. To draft Humanis' tailored Carbon Footprint Reduction and Compensation Action Plan.



  1. An assessment report outlining the current carbon emissions of Humanis, including a breakdown by source (e.g energy consumption, travel, operations). The report should also highlight key areas contributing to the carbon footprint.
  2. Draft Carbon Policy of Yayasan Humanis dan Inovasi Sosial that consists of:
    1. monitoring and reporting system to track progress towards carbon reduction recommendated milestones target.
    2. KPI for calculation of baseline year and target for carbon measurement  also a framework for regular reporting
    1. Provide a training module/ guideline and a training to Humanis staff assigned for the carbon monitoring.



The assignment will start in March 2024 and will conclude in May 2024



Maximum budget for the entire assignment is IDR 80,000,000 The budget offered will be subject to negotiation after selection of the team of consultant.


The expression of interest should also contain Financial Quotation. A financial quotation should be submitted in IDR with VAT. The financial quotation should be based on all estimated costs of the assignment including:

  • Consulting fees to be charged;
  • Projected logistical and other expenses to be incurred.


Interested candidates are requested to submit an electronic copy of their expression of interest/ proposal to hr@humanis.foundation no later than 29 February 2024

Please put in the email subject: Carbon Policy Humanis_Name of organization/ company

Only shortlisted candidates will be notified.

For more information about Yayasan Humanis, visit https://hsi.foundation/


The consultant shall comply with the principles stipulated in the Hivos Safeguarding Policy to ensure the assessment processes are promoting and protecting people's health, well-being and human rights, and enabling them to live free of harm, exploitation and abuse. The Policy entails a wide range of policies, procedures and activities seeking to address the welfare of staff, partner organization(s) and those come in contact with such as children (under 18 years old) and (vulnerable) adults. Consent to participate in the assessment will be given freely, without coercion and influence from financial inducement, improper pressure, or any form of misrepresentation and applying research ethics that ensure and acknowledge respondents' rights in taking part or to object involvement in the assessment, maximize possible benefits and minimize possible harms.





[newdevjobsindo] Opening at Yayasan Konservasi Alam Nusantara (YKAN): Head of Membership

Yayasan Konservasi Alam Nusantara (YKAN) ) is a non-profit organization which was established in Indonesia in 2014. With the mission to protect lands and waters on which all life depends, YKAN provides innovative solutions for realizing harmony between nature and humans, through effective management, non-confrontational approaches, and building collaborative partnerships with all stakeholders for a sustainable Indonesia. Please visit ykan.or.id to learn more about our conservation programs.


We currently have an opening for:



Thank you 😊


Selasa, 30 Januari 2024

[newdevjobsindo] HR COORDINATOR

SurfAid is a non-profit organization which aims to improve the health, wellbeing and self-reliance of people living in isolated regions connected to us through surfing. SurfAid is currently working in a few locations in Indonesia: Mentawai Island District in West Sumatera, and Sumba Barat and Rote Ndao Districts in NTT. We work in the areas that are considered the most remote, with limited infrastructure and few community empowerment programs working there. 

We are looking for an experienced and resourceful person with a positive "CAN DO" attitude to join the team as our:


As a part of the Support team, HR Coordinator is responsible to provide human resources support to overall organization and program activities. Responsible for managing HR administration and processes, supporting all staff members, acting as liaison between organization and staff, providing HR inputs to the Senior Management Team and ensuring reporting and compliance with policies and regulations.


You are a constructive team player, mature, and hands-on, to support the organization. You are an open minded person since you will be ready to be sent to remote areas to support our field teams.


  • Degree in Human Resource Management / Psychology / Sociology or equivalent

  • Minimum 5 years of working experience in Human Resources / Personnel Administration, preferably in NGO or development sector

  • Good knowledge and experience in HR processes such as Recruitment, Staff Development, Performance Management, and Industrial Relation

  • Sound knowledge of employment law and its practical application

  • Attention to detail and well organized

  • Proficient in Microsoft Office especially MS Word and Excel (google doc and google sheet)

  • Able to work both independently and in a team setting

  • Able to balance both as representative of organization and of the staff members

  • Multi tasking, creative and resourceful CAN DO ATTITUDE!

  • Approachable, empathetic, and cooperative

  • Familiarity with safeguarding topics such as child protection, PSEAH, inclusion, fraud

  • Willing to be based in Bali

Get the detailed Position Description and Application Form from this link : Recruitment PACK

If you are a qualified Indonesian citizen and interested to apply, kindly open the Recruitment Pack from the link given and send your downloaded APPLICATION FORM and CV with subject email : "HR Coordinator" to jobs@surfaid.org latest February 14, 2024.

SurfAid actively promotes gender and inclusivity. Women and individuals with special needs are encouraged to apply. 

We are committed to preventing all unwanted behaviour at work. This includes sexual harassment, exploitation and abuse, and child abuse. We expect everyone who works for us to share this commitment by understanding and working within the SurfAid Safeguarding Policies.

Best Regards,

Recruitment Team

Human Resources | SurfAid

Tel: 0361 6200 206 | www.surfaid.org

[newdevjobsindo] Re-announcement : Consultant to conduct a mapping and gap analysis of existing labour dispute systems and mechanisms applicable to the fishing sector in Indonesia

Dear All,

 Please find attached a re-announcement for a Consultant to conduct a mapping and gap analysis of existing labour dispute systems and mechanisms applicable to the fishing sector in Indonesia

Please submit latest by 15 February 2024.

Appreciate if you could circulate to interested candidates.


Thanks and regards,


[newdevjobsindo] Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) OFFICER - KATURONANTA MENTAWAI

SurfAid adalah organisasi nirlaba yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kesehatan, kesejahteraan, dan ketangguhan masyarakat yang tinggal di daerah terpencil yang terhubung dengan kami melalui surfing (selancar). SurfAid telah bekerja di beberapa lokasi di Indonesia: Kabupaten Kepulauan Mentawai di Sumatera Barat, Kabupaten Nias di Sumatera Utara, Kabupaten Sumba Barat dan Kabupaten Rote Ndao di NTT. Kami bekerja di daerah yang dianggap paling terpencil, dengan keterbatasan infrastruktur dan sedikit program pemberdayaan masyarakat yang bekerja di sana.

Saat ini kami sedang memulai program baru di Mentawai. Program Air, Sanitasi dan Kebersihan dan Gizi Terpadu berbasis komunitas untuk mengurangi stunting, yang dinamai Program Katuronanta. Program ini terletak di Kecamatan Siberut Utara, Pulau Siberut. Untuk tahap pertama program, program akan difokuskan di Desa Mongan Poula.

Untuk itu kami mencari seseorang yang berpengalaman dan memiliki semangat "mentalitas bisa (CAN DO Attitude)" yang positif untuk bergabung dengan tim sebagai:

Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) OFFICER


Sebagai bagian dari Program Katuronanta, WASH Officer bertanggung jawab untuk membantu Program Manager yang juga berfungsi sebagai Insinyur WASH dalam dukungan teknis sehari-hari proyek WASH di Siberut Utara.


  • Minimum pendidikan STM / Diploma Teknik Sipil / Teknik Mesin / Teknik Lingkungan.

  • Minimum 3 tahun berpengalaman dalam proyek-proyek Air, Sanitasi, dan Promosi Kesehatan (WASH).

  • Mengerti teknik konstruksi, hidrolika dan pompa air.

  • Mampu menggunakan komputer, Microsoft office (minimum word dan excel) dan aplikasi-aplikasi yang berhubungan dengan Google.

  • Mampu menggambar gambar teknik dengan AutoCAD, atau dengan aplikasi yang lain.

  • Berpengalaman dalam mobilisasi masyarakat dengan metode-metode seperti PHAST, CLTS, CBFA, dll.

  • Mampu mewakili organisasi di tingkat desa.

  • Memiliki keterampilan negosiasi yang sangat baik.

  • Mampu mengendarai sepeda motor.

  • Bersedia bekerja di tengah masyarakat dengan jadwal kerja yang fleksibel, keterampilan manajemen yang kuat.

Dapatkan Uraian Posisi dan Formulir Aplikasi dari tautan berikut: Recruitment PACK

Jika Anda adalah warga negara Indonesia yang memenuhi syarat dan tertarik untuk melamar, silakan buka Recruitment Pack dari tautan yang diberikan dan kirimkan FORMULIR APLIKASI dan CV Anda yang telah diunduh dengan subjek email: "WASH Officer - Katuronanta Mentawai" ke jobs@surfaid.org selambatnya 14 Februari 2024.

SurfAid secara aktif mempromosikan gender dan inklusivitas. Wanita dan individu dengan kebutuhan khusus didorong untuk mendaftar.

Kami berkomitmen untuk mencegah semua perilaku yang tidak diinginkan di tempat kerja. Ini termasuk kekerasan seksual, eksploitasi dan pelecehan, dan pelecehan anak. Kami berharap semua orang yang bekerja untuk kami berbagi komitmen ini dengan memahami dan bekerja dalam Kebijakan Perlindungan SurfAid.

Best Regards,

Recruitment Team

Human Resources | SurfAid

Tel: 0361 6200 206 | www.surfaid.org

[newdevjobsindo] Health Information System (HIS) Resource Center Consultant, JSI R&T, Inc., CHISU Program Funded by USAID

POSITION:   CHW Information Systems Consultant

LOCATION:  Jakarta, Indonesia



Background and Justification


JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc. (JSI) is a public health management consulting and research organization dedicated to improving the health of individuals and communities throughout the world over the last forty years. The Country Health Information Systems and Data Use program (CHISU) is a five-year USAID funded cooperative agreement (2020-2025) led by JSI and focused on strengthening health information systems (HIS), enabling sharing of data between systems and its use, and supporting countries' self-reliance by enhancing capacity for local leadership and engagement in every aspect of health data.


CHISU Indonesia will support the Ministry of Health (MOH) of Indonesia, in their efforts to realize the digital health transformation strategy through strengthening governance, systems and interoperability, and data analysis and use to improve MNH, TB, Health Financing outcomes in Indonesia. Furthermore, CHISU in 2024 began to expand its technical assistance to the Community Health Worker (CHW) registry as part of support to Integrated Primary Health Care that is currently being implemented by MOH. In regard to the current digital health transformation by the implementation of SATUSEHAT, a national data exchange platform, it is important to ensure that all information systems within the MOH are aligned with each other.


CHISU seeks a CHW Information Systems Consultant to support the architecture design and systems development of CHW registry. The CHW Information Systems Consultant will be responsible for supporting system users in the design, development, and implementation of the CHW registry and its alignment and/or interoperability with the current systems utilized for the community health workforce. The CHW Information Systems Consultant will also be responsible for the development of the functional requirements for those systems. The CHW Information Systems Consultant will work closely with the CHISU technical team and other consultants. The CHW Information Systems Consultant will liaise with the Center of Data and Information Technology (Pusdatin) and Health Promotion Directorate (Promkes) of the MOH.


Finally, The CHW Information Systems Consultant will develop key technical guidance and user training materials, contributing to the long-term sustainability of digitalization of the CHW registry in supporting Integrated Primary Health Care. The CHW Information Systems Consultant will report to the CHISU Indonesia Senior Interoperability Specialist; day to day coordination with Senior ICT Specialist and work closely with the ICT Officer, Interoperability Officer, and liaising regularly with the MOH technical team.


Place of Performance: Jakarta, Indonesia.


Period of Performance: 6 months (26 February 2024 - 25 Agustus 2024)

Estimated Level of Effort (to be finalized prior to signing of consulting agreement): 120 days.

Activity Manager and Reporting Structure: The CHW Information Systems Consultant reports to the Senior Interoperability Specialist for CHISU Indonesia.


Purpose and objectives of the consultancy:

       Gather and document requirements and specifications for an interoperable Community Health Worker Registry based on user needs and existing Community Health Worker data.

       Facilitate engagement with relevant stakeholders to gather input, ensure buy-in, and foster collaboration throughout the development and implementation phases.

       Consolidate the management and hosting of the existing CHW Database as a preliminary step to the development of the CHW Registry

       Working together with Pusdatin and Health Promotion Directorate of the MOH technical team to define the architecture of the Community Health Worker registry system.

       Support design and develop CHW registry to manage CHW information, ensuring data integrity and confidentiality.

       Support the process to enable interoperability of CHW registry to other related systems.

       Support to establish standardized data entry protocols to ensure consistency and accuracy in the information collected.

       Explore the effort for integrating the CHW registry with existing or other healthcare information systems.

       Collaborate to provide training and materials to users responsible for data entry, management, and retrieval. Establish a support system for ongoing assistance.

       Implement robust security measures to safeguard sensitive CHW data and ensure compliance with privacy regulations.



Expected Deliverables:



29 February 2024

       Brief document of the CHW registry development action plan.

31 March 2024

       Architecture design of community health worker registry.

       Timeline for the development of community health worker registry.

       Monthly report.

30 April 2024

       Systems requirements and specifications of community health worker registry.

       Monthly report.

31 May 2024

       Design improvement of the front-end of the community health worker registry.

       Monthly report.

30 June 2024

       Community health worker registry.

       Result of unit, functional, systems, and integration testing of community health worker registry.

       Monthly report.

31 July 2024

       User guide and materials of the community health worker registry systems.

       Monthly report.

25 August 2024

       Training report of the community health worker registry systems.

       Monthly report.





       Bachelor's degree or higher in one of the following disciplines: computer science, information technology, or a related technical discipline or the equivalent combination of education, technical training, and/or work experience is required.

       3 years of relevant experience with systems development and implementation.

       Experience with implementation of HIS at national and subnational level.

       Strong understanding of health information systems, platforms and applications in Indonesia.

       Native/Fluent Bahasa and practical knowledge of English required.


Required Skills/Experience:

       Experience with the development of ICT, health information systems and systems implementation are required.

       Expertise in microservice paradigm in developing information systems.

       Strong knowledge of scalable infrastructure platform development using Google Cloud Platform, Amazon Web Services, or Microsoft Azure.

       Working knowledge and experience with agile software development is required.

       Proficient with Online Tools such as Google Workspace (Docs, Sheets, Slides, Meet, Drive), Slack, and Microsoft Office.


Preferred Skills/Experience:

       Ability to communicate complex technical ideas to technical and non-technical audiences.

       Previous work with the Indonesia Ministry of Health and relevant directorates at national, provincial and district levels would be a distinct advantage.

       Excellent interpersonal skills, including the ability to work closely and in an integrated manner with a multidisciplinary team are required.


Application Deadline: February 6, 2024


Potential Start Date: February 26, 2024


How to apply

Interested candidates who meet the qualifications should submit an application to chisu-indonesia@id.jsi.com and reference the job title: CHW Information Systems Consultant. Due to the anticipated volume of applications, only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. We appreciate your understanding and the time taken to apply.


Salary commensurate with experience.

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