[newdevjobsindo] CRS/Indonesia is currently looking for Endline Data Collection Enumerator - Lowongan Kerja LSM NGO

Kamis, 25 April 2024

[newdevjobsindo] CRS/Indonesia is currently looking for Endline Data Collection Enumerator

About CRS:

Catholic Relief Services is the official international humanitarian agency of the Catholic community in the United States. CRS works to save, protect, and transform lives in need in more than 100 countries, without regard to race, religion or nationality. CRS' relief and development work is accomplished through programs of emergency response, HIV, health, agriculture, education, microfinance and peacebuilding.

CRS has worked in Indonesia since 1957, providing reliable long-term development assistance across decades of momentous growth and change and humanitarian assistance in the aftermath of recurrent, devastating disasters. With its main office in Jakarta and field teams frequently deployed across Indonesia's 13,000 islands, CRS has built its reputation over the last two decades through a two-pronged programmatic approach. First, CRS has established strong, mutually beneficial partnerships with Indonesian civil society organizations and government stakeholders through successive rounds of programs building organizational capacity for emergency response and DRR in both urban and rural settings. Then, in times of disaster, CRS has been able to mobilize these partnerships to implement rapid, responsive, and innovative humanitarian interventions, from the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami up through the 2018 Lombok and Palu earthquakes.

CRS/Indonesia is currently looking for Endline Data Collection Enumerator Increasing Resiliency through CCA and DRR in Nusa Tenggara (INCIDENT) Project , Job Code: INCIDENT_ENUM



The purpose of this Scope of Work (SoW) is to describe the enumerator's roles and responsibilities to support Catholic Relief Services (CRS) Indonesia for endline data collection for the INCIDENT project using CommCare.


East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) and West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) are amongst the very least developed parts of the Indonesian archipelago, with 60% of the combined 32 regencies in both provinces classified as highly prone to disasters. Communities rely on subsistence agriculture constrained by poor soil fertility, inadequate agriculture inputs and recurrent climate events and risks, especially drought and erratic rainfall. The region is the most food insecure in Indonesia, with recurrent food shortages during the lean season. Prevailing socio-economic and environmental conditions exasperate the impacts of climate change on the agriculture sector.


In response to the current and projected climate change impacts and intrinsic vulnerability of NTT and NTB, World Neighbors (WN) and Catholic Relief Services (CRS) are implementing the Increasing Resiliency through CCA and DRR in Nusa Tenggara (INCIDENT), a 24-month activity funded by BHA to improve the long-term resilience of vulnerable communities in NTT and NTB. The project builds on the successes and leverages lessons learned from previous WN and CRS programming in the region.


The goal of INCIDENT is that vulnerable communities in NTT and NTB achieve long-term resilience to climate and disaster shocks and stresses. The project activities will fall under three purposes: 1) By 2024, vulnerable communities in targeted regencies effectively prepare for and adapt to the impacts of climate change and disasters through improved agricultural practices; 2) By 2024, communities, local government authorities (LGAs), NGOs/CBOs and other key stakeholders in targeted regencies effectively prepare, mitigate and adapt to disaster and climate risks; and 3) By 2024, vulnerable households in targeted regencies are more financially resilient.  The project started on May 1, 2022, and will end on August 31, 2024.  


The purpose of the endline evaluation is to assess the performance of the INCIDENT project. This evaluation will determine the final outcome indicators values and evaluate the project based on criteria including 1: relevance, effectiveness, impact, sustainability, and gender. The goal is to produce evidence-based recommendations for future projects, allowing for more effective implementation of similar projects. This will enable project design to be with better adapted to specific needs and evidence-based approaches.


. The endline study will use mixed methodology of household surveys, key informant interviews and focus group discussions.



The enumerators will gather endline quantitative data from the target communities involved in the INCIDENT project. This data collection approach adheres to established and valid methodologies, encompassing tool development, sampling design, training and field testing parameters, etc.




Specific roles and responsibilities of the Consultants include:

·       Attend training of data collection using CommCare virtually / onsite (to be confirmed) and one day review.

·       Ensure daily target number of data collected based on the random sampling of respondents.

·       Participate in daily briefing or spot-checks throughout the data collection process to ensure quality of data.

·       Communicate problems in a timely manner to MEAL focal point (WN / CRS)

·       Take part in daily / weekly data collector team debriefings. Frequency of debriefing will be decided at the end of debriefing meeting.

·       Establish confidence with the respondents.

·       Use empathic communication.

·       Hold safeguarding principle and ethic code as per CRS requirement.


Phases and Methodology

·       Orientation. The consultants will participate in CommCare data collection training to understand the overall objectives of the study, ICT4D, tools, and scope of works of the team to achieve the targets.

·       Feedback mechanism.  The consultants will coordinate with project field team (WN/CRS) and MEAL team CRS on a daily basis to address critical ad hoc issues that may affect the outcomes of overall study and provide guidance on the way forward.

·       The methods/tools for this study are:

o   Household surveys - Interviews are used to collect respondents' data. 

o   Technology: Android phones or tablets will be used to collect data.


The Consultants shall produce the following deliverables in a form and content satisfactory as per guidance given during the training to CRS country program:

·       Data will be collected from targeted respondents in each village, with a total 478 respondents across 9 regencies (55 villages). Data entry must be completed using CommCare.

·       Enumerators must participate in required training and debriefing meeting to discuss challenges, progress, and good practices.

The following milestones will be used to monitor progress and ensure the successful completion of the task and deliverables specified in this scope of work:

·       Training for consultants on CommCare data collection training virtually, week 4 May 2024.

·       Data collection at the field level May 27 – 8 June 2024.


55 target villages in 9 districts of NTT and NTB, Indonesia.



# of villages

# of enumerators needed


Flores Timur
















Sumba Timur








Lombok Timur




Lombok Barat




Lombok Tengah









May week 3 – June Week 1 2024


Internal (CRS and WN): MEAL SPOs, MEAL POs

Coordination: INCIDENT DPO, PO, field officers and community


CRS will pay IDR. 500.000, - net daily rate which includes meal expenses, internet data packet for data submission, and transportation expenses for the data collection day.

For the training day, CRS will pay local transportation expenses based on the INCIDENT Project local transportation rate IDR. 100.000, - per day.

Consultants fee and transportation expenses calculations are based on the actual working days, as proven by a timesheet that has been approved by CRS MEAL Team.


CRS retains sole ownership of all quantitative and/or qualitative data collected during the study/work described in this SoW along with the right to publish, present, or use any study results for instructional, research, or publication objectives.


Specific Qualifications for consultants are:

-          Ability to work with minimum supervision.

-          Willingness and ability to travel and/or live in the village.

-          Good interpersonal, organizational, and written/verbal communication skills, including in cross-cultural settings.

-          Prioritized from areas where the data collection areas conducted.

-          Fluency in Indonesian and local languages

-          Demonstrated personal accountability and driven to serve others.

-          Establish confidence with the participants or respondents.

-          Empathic communication with the team and respondents

-          Manage the emotion which in some cases might emerge specially during the narrative collection.

-          Own Android smartphone reliable to CommCare application

-          Own KTP & NPWP (tax card)

-          Own SIM C (motorbike driving license), having his / her own motorbike.

-          Own health insurance, such as BPJS.





-          Experience in conducting quantitative and qualitative assessments and surveys.

-          Experiences in data collection methods and tools, paper based or using information communication and technology (ICT) devices or tablets.



***Our Catholic identity is at the heart of our mission and operations. Catholic Relief Services carries out the commitment of the Bishops of the United States to assist the poor and vulnerable overseas. We welcome as a part of our staff people of all faiths and secular traditions who share our values and our commitment to serving those in need. CRS' processes and policies reflect our commitment to protecting children and vulnerable adults from abuse and exploitation.  


Disclaimer:  This job description is not an exhaustive list of the skill, effort, duties, and responsibilities associated with the position.  


Only applications that meet the above qualifications will be shortlisted. All applications and CVs should be sent by email to CRS Indonesia at Indonesia_HR@crs.org by May 3, 2024 with the Job Code -  Applicant Name  - Location (District)  in the subject line.



Disclaimer: This job description is not an exhaustive list of the skill, effort, duties, and responsibilities associated with the position.


CRS' talent acquisition procedures reflect our commitment to safeguarding the rights and dignity of all people - especially children and vulnerable adults - to live free from abuse and harm.


CRS prioritizes candidates who are citizens/ permanent residents of the countries where we have CRS offices.

CRS is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

"Only short-listed candidates will be invited via e-mail/phone for Interview"


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